Guide to translation errors (Disc 1)

[Last updated 2025.03.26]

This is a guide to spot errors and changes that can be found in the script for the U.S. official translation of Xenogears (Disc 1). Because of some awkward translation and localization choices, fans of Xenogears have in the past built entire theories and speculations based on some of these errors until they were pointed out by people who played the original Japanese version. This guide remains incomplete. [See also the guide for Disc 2 of the game.]

Names and Terms:

(Note that I will not include badly romanized names like "Kalen" instead of "Karen", "Karn" instead of "Kahn", or "Barthlomei" instead of "Bartholomei/Bartholomew." While in Xenogears: Perfect Works many names are spelled in English (or 'Engrish') like that, Japanese designers are not always the best at English and no western fan should have to read them like that.)

'Alice' - the Japanese name is 'Aruru', the name of a Sumerian fertility goddess.

'Alkanshel' - Stone's Gear. This seems to be a misspelling of 'Arc-en-ciel', the french word for rainbow.

'Anima Relic' - The Japanese words says 'Vessel of Anima', same as Xenosaga.

'Anonelbe' - This is a misspelling of 'Ahnenerbe', a German word meaning "Ancestral Heritage".

'Antitype' - The japanese word says 'Counter-existence'.

'Aquvy' - In Perfect Works it is 'Acvi'.

'Arbot Plaza' - This is a misspelling of 'Arabot Plaza', Arabot is the name of the seventh Heaven where God and his most highly ranked angels live.

'Aveh' - This is a misspelling of 'Av', the name of the fifth month of the Hebrew Calendar.

'Bledavik' - This is a misspelling of 'Breidablik', one of the halls of Asgard, home of Baldr.

'Broyer' - Could be a misspelling of 'Breuer' (after Josef Breuer)

'Citan' - A misspelling of 'Shitan', named after Japanese wood "shitan" (rosewood), which is often used in Japan for Bonsai display stands.

'Days of Destruction' - The Japanese words say 'Days of Collapse'.

'Deurmod' - The Name of the red Gears piloted by members of Bart's sand pirates. This might be a mistranslation of 'Diarmuid', a hero and demigod in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.

'Doc' - Fei's nickname of Citan. The Japanese words say 'Sensei' which is more akin to "teacher" or "master."

'Elhaym' - Spelled 'Elehayym' in the Japanese version. 'Elly' is spelled 'Ellie' in Perfect Works.

'Emeralda' - Spelled 'Emerada' in the Japanese version, although I think Emeralda is fine since she was named for having emerald colored hair.

'Elru' - This is a misspelling of 'Elul', the name of the sixth month of the Hebrew Calendar.

'Ethos, The' - The japanese word says 'The Church'.

'Etrenank' - This is a misspelling of 'Etemenanki', the name of a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk in the city of Babylon of the 6th century BCE. The name means "temple of the foundation of heaven and earth" and is thought to have influenced the biblical story of the Tower of Babel.

Franz - Franz (the dolphin demi-human) was called 'Vans' in the japanese version (romanized as 'Banth' in PW's sketches). The NA localization team switched his name with the character 'Vance', who was originally called Franz.

'Gaetia Key' - The Japanese words say 'Lesser Goetia Key', a references to The Lesser Key of Solomon, an anonymous 17th-century grimoire, which is also known as The Goetia.

'Gebler' - This is a misspelling of 'Geburah', the fifth of the Sephirot of the tree of life in Hebrew, meaning "strength" or "power".

'Grahf' - This is a misspelling of 'Graf' which may be a reference to Graf Dürckheim, a German diplomat, psychotherapist and Zen Master who worked with Nazis (in the story Graf works with Solaris) and who learned and taught Zen in Japan. 'Graf' is also German for "Lord".

'Helmholz' - This is a misspelling of 'Helmholtz', a reference to the German physician and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz who also inspired the name for the character Helmholtz Watson in Brave New World - a novel by Aldous Huxley, written as a revolt against the idea of futuristic "Utopia," something similar to Solaris in Xenogears.

'Ignas' - This is a misspelling of 'Ignis', Latin for "fire".

'Kahran' - This is a misspelling of 'Carlin'. 'Kahr' should be 'Carl' and is possibly a name reference to Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

'Kelvena' - This name (sometimes spelled 'Kelvina' in the game) is a misspelling of 'Cherubina'. The Elements are named after the highest order of Angels in Christian hierarchy; Seraphim, Cherubim, Throne, and Dominions. Cherubina is named after 'Cherubim', which is second only to Seraphim in the hierarchy. They have four faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one of a lion, and one of an eagle.

'Krelian' - This name is a misspelling of 'Karellen', named after Tetsuya Takahashi's favorite character from the book Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke.

'Maitreya' - The name of one of Bart's commanding officers. The japanese name is 'Miloch'.

'Miang' - Her name was pronounced/spelled 'Mian' in japanese but is romanized as 'Myyah' in Perfect Works, intended to partly mirror "Elehayym".

'Nikolai' - It is possible that this name is a misspelling of "Nikola", a reference to Nikola Testla - an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer, regarded as both a genius and mad scientist.

'Nortune' - This is a misspelling of 'Noatun', from Norse mythology.

'Omnigear' - The Japanese word says 'Gear-Bara'. "Bara" is a Hebrew word meaning "to create/manufacture something out of nothing". Normal gears are designated "-Asah" in Perfect Works, meaning "to create/manufacture something out of existing materials". It is a reference to Omnigears being the gears of 'genesis'. One translator even suggested "Genesis Gears" as the most appropriate retranslation if it is felt that "Gear-Bara" sounds too odd in English.

'Renk' - This is possibly a misspelling of 'Rank' (to keep in with the theme of the Gebler being named after scientists and psychologists): Otto Rank was an Austrian psychoanalyst, writer, teacher, and therapist, and one of Sigmund Freud's closest colleagues for 20 years. Another possibility is that his name was meant to be "Rink" or "Rynk" meaning "strong man" in Scottish.

'Ricdeau' - This is a misspelling of 'Rikudou', an actual Japanese surname, congruent with the Japanese given name "Hyuga".

'Stratski' - This is a misspelling of 'Strachey', which may be a reference to James Strachey who translated Freud's work into English.

'Thames' - This is a misspelling of 'Tamuz', the name of the fourth month of the Hebrew Calendar.

'Tolone' - This is a misspelling of 'Throne', a name from the highest order of Angels in Christian hierarchy; 'Thrones/Ophanim' is ranked bellow Seraphim and Cherubim but still part of the First Sphere in the hierarchy. They are living symbols of God's justice and authority, and have as one of their symbols the throne.

'Urobolus' - This is a misspelling of 'Ouroboros' or 'Uroborus', a Greek word meaning "tail-devouring snake".

'Vance' - Vance was named "Franz" in the original japanese version. Why the name was given to the dolphin on the Yggdrasil in the NA translation is unknown. The name could be a reference to Frantz Omar Fanon, a West Indian psycholanalyst/philosopher.

'Vanderkaum' - This is a misspelling of 'Vanderkam'.

Game script:

Note: The chapter titles here are taken from three sources: the script book Xenogears Memorial Album: THOUSANDS OF DAGGERS, where they are written in English; the original Japanese game translated by a Reddit user; and finally the U.S. version of the game.

Disc 1:


Chapter 01:
It started in the village called Lahan. (Thousands of Daggers)
The mountainside village of Lahan, where it all begins (Japanese game)
Lahan Village (North American game)

Chapter 02:
Over the gorges (Thousands of Daggers)
Through the valley, alone on the mountain path (Japanese game)
Mountain Path (North American game)

Chapter 03:
the momentary peace (Thousands of Daggers)
A brief respite at the dwelling on the summit (Japanese game)
House on a Hill (North American game)

Chapter 04:
The things fallin' in the dark night (Thousands of Daggers)
Spotted on a night's stroll! (Japanese game)
Fallen Shadows (North American game)

Chapter 05:
The evil attached Lahan (Thousands of Daggers)
Things that go bump in the night (Japanese game)
Attack on Lahan (North American game)

Chapter 06:
Setting out to the ocean of trees (Thousands of Daggers)
Off we go into a sea of trees (Japanese game)
Into The Woods (North American game)

Chapter 07:
a girl in the green woods (Thousands of Daggers)
A chance meeting: the girl in the green, green forest (Japanese game)
Girl In Forest (North American game)

Chapter 08:
the silence in the woods (Thousands of Daggers)
What breaks the silence in that sea of green (Japanese game)
Broken Silence (North American game)

Chapter 09:
to the territory of Ave (Thousands of Daggers)
Out the forest and into the dominion of Aveh (Japanese game)
Path to Aveh (North American game)

Chapter 10:
At a loss (Thousands of Daggers)
Lost in the haze: the desert town of Dazil (Japanese game)
Dazil (North American game)

Chapter 11:
in hottest sands (Thousands of Daggers)
Raid! The killer whale of the hot sands (Japanese game)
Desert Attack! (North American game)

Chapter 12:
a recluse of underground (Thousands of Daggers)
Escape from the great limestone cavern! The hermit at the depths of the earth (Japanese game)
Stalactite Cave (North American game)

Chapter 13:
Pirates' hideout (Thousands of Daggers)
Pirate hideout—causes to fight for, causes to die for (Japanese game)
Pirate's Lair (North American game)

Chapter 14:
The false king (Thousands of Daggers)
Infiltrate the Royal Capital of Aveh! The false king (Japanese game)
Operation Aveh (North American game)

Chapter 15:
chaotic battle tournament (Thousands of Daggers)
Royal Capital of Aveh — a Daikbukai to cause a stir (Japanese game)
The Tournament (North American game)

Chapter 16:
Reunion with Maroeur (Thousands of Daggers)
Reunion with Margie — Escape Castle Fatima (Japanese game)
Margie's Rescue (North American game)

Chapter 17:
Straight for Nisan (Thousands of Daggers)
Margie rescued! Straight on to Nisan (Japanese game)
Road To Nisan (North American game)

Chapter 18:
the Madonna of Nisan (Thousands of Daggers)
City of tranquility — Our Lady of Nisan (Japanese game)
City Of Peace (North American game)

Chapter 19:
the desperate counterattack (Thousands of Daggers)
Recapture Aveh! Do-or-die counteroffensive (Japanese game)
Recapture Aveh (North American game)

Chapter 20:
Evil in scarlet (Thousands of Daggers)
Superhuman power of crimson red — sorrow in the sand seas (Japanese game)
Desert Despair (North American game)

Chapter 21:
Jailbirds in the Empire Kislev (Thousands of Daggers)
Caged bird — Imperial Capital Kislev (Japanese game)
Kislev Capital (North American game)

Chapter 22:
to be a hero of the battling (Thousands of Daggers)
On to become the hero of "Battling" (Japanese game)
Brave Battlers (North American game)

Chapter 23:
Creeper in the darkness (Thousands of Daggers)
Nightmare of the underground waterways — Lurking in the dark (Japanese game)
Sewer Horror (North American game)

Chapter 24:
the invincible battler king (Thousands of Daggers)
Defeat the invincible "Battling King" (Japanese game)
Battling Champ (North American game)

Chapter 25:
break into gear-dock (Thousands of Daggers)
Gear dock infiltration — The hero who fell back down to Earth (Japanese game)
Gear Dock Raid (North American game)

Chapter 26:
Purge! (Thousands of Daggers)
Purge! The shadow of death dancing in the dark night (Japanese game)
Night Purge (North American game)

Chapter 27:
Get the secret weapon! (Thousands of Daggers)
Kislev escape — Plunder the secret weapon! (Japanese game)
Secret Weapon (North American game)

Chapter 28:
Head for a new land (Thousands of Daggers)
Goodbye Ignas, hello new frontiers (Japanese game)
Escape Ignas (North American game)

Chapter 29:
Drifting for nowhere (Thousands of Daggers)
Adrift — Floating among the sea of stars (Japanese game)
Adrift At Sea (North American game)

Chapter 30:
the spirit of the sailor (Thousands of Daggers)
Thames of the ocean deep, the spirit of the men of the sea (Japanese game)
Men Of The Sea (North American game)

Chapter 31:
Reunion (Thousands of Daggers)
Reunion — Yesterday's friends, today's... (Japanese game)
Friends Again (North American game)

Chapter 32:
The cost of betraying (Thousands of Daggers)
Into the hands of the enemy — The price of treachery (Japanese game)
Betrayal (North American game)

Chapter 33:
Ramsus' blitz (Thousands of Daggers)
Marked ship — Ramsus’ assault! (Japanese game)
Ramsus' Attack (North American game)

Chapter 34:
the young priest (Thousands of Daggers)
Young boy priest — Please hear our prayer (Japanese game)
A Young Priest (North American game)

Chapter 35:
with the orphans in the stream (Thousands of Daggers)
Tranquility — Among the orphans of the ocean currents (Japanese game)
The Orphanage (North American game)

Chapter 36:
the cruiser full of zombies (Thousands of Daggers)
Listen to the waves, the ship of the cackling dead (Japanese game)
Reaper's Ship (North American game)

Chapter 37:
faith (Thousands of Daggers)
Faith — Let my soul burn in the lake of fire (Japanese game)
Burning Souls (North American game)

Chapter 38:
the ruins under the ocean (Thousands of Daggers)
Invitation from a voice of long ago — To the ruins of the sea floor (Japanese game)
Ocean Floor (North American game)

Chapter 39:
the girl in a coma (Thousands of Daggers)
The little girl asleep at the depths of the ocean — Wherein lies the soul (Japanese game)
Deep Sea Girl (North American game)

Chapter 40:
the road to the sky (Thousands of Daggers)
Babel Tower — Pathway to the heavens (Japanese game)
Babel Tower (North American game)

Chapter 41:
listen to the songs of the winds (Thousands of Daggers)
Shevat of the skies — Listen to the song of the wind (Japanese game)
Sky City Shevat (North American game)

Chapter 42:
the intruder (Thousands of Daggers)
Intruder! Who awaits in the hangar? (Japanese game)
Intruder Alert! (North American game)

Chapter 43:
the legacy of the father (Thousands of Daggers)
Attack on Shevat! A father's legacy (Japanese game)
Raid Of Shevat! (North American game)

Chapter 44:
smile of Nisan (Thousands of Daggers)
Desert King — Protect Nisan's smile (Japanese game)
Protect Nisan! (North American game)

Chapter 45:
prayer of Maroeur (Thousands of Daggers)
The first Gate — Margie's prayer (Japanese game)
Gate 1 -Margie (North American game)

Chapter 46:
the shine of the Babel (Thousands of Daggers)
The second Gate — Babel's brilliance bespoken (Japanese game)
Gate 2 -Babel (North American game)

Chapter 47:
the depth (Thousands of Daggers)
Depths of the darkened deep — The third Gate (Japanese game)
Gate 3 -The Deep (North American game)

Chapter 48:
paradise upon the sky (Thousands of Daggers)
Heavenly paradise — Infiltrate Solaris! (Japanese game)
Into Solaris (North American game)

Chapter 49:
home, sweet, home (Thousands of Daggers)
Runaway — Home sweet home (Japanese game)
Escape Solaris (North American game)

Chapter 50:
lone wolf (Thousands of Daggers)
Lone wolf — Behind the scenes (Japanese game)
Lone Wolf (North American game)

Chapter 51:
suspicion (Thousands of Daggers)
Suspicion — Krelian's laboratory of death (Japanese game)
Krelian's Lab (North American game)

Chapter 52:
the escape (Thousands of Daggers)
Escape! For whom you cry (Japanese game)
Tears For Fears (North American game)

Chapter 53:
the flame of hate (Thousands of Daggers)
[Unknown] (Japanese game) [憎しみの炎 (The Flames of Hatred) in Thousands of Daggers]
Fall of Solaris (North American game)

Chapter 54:
disgusting (Thousands of Daggers)
[Unknown] (Japanese game) [忌むべき者よ (O Abominable One) in Thousands of Daggers]
Shevat's Move (North American game)

Chapter 55:
lost bonds (Thousands of Daggers)
[Unknown] (Japanese game) [明日なき逃走 (A Escape with no Tomorrow) in Thousands of Daggers]
Broken Ties (North American game)

The actual chapter titles in the Japanese game are longer than both the ones in the North American version of the game and the THOUSANDS OF DAGGERS book for some reason. Richard Honeywood likely shortened them in the game to make them fit the text space, but why the chapter titles were also shortened in the script book when written in English is strange. For example, Chapter 37 was originaly called "Babel Tower - Pathway to the heavens" The script book THOUSANDS OF DAGGERS shortened the chapter title down to merely "the road to the sky" (perhaps out of laziness) while Honeywood emphasized the first part of the original title, translating the chapter as "Babel Tower." The original Japanese titles sound like anime episode titles. Strangely, the script book THOUSANDS OF DAGGERS do have the chapters written in Japanese as well, but they are also shortened from the game. The Japanese online script likely did not rip the chapter titles directly from the game data, so a few chapter titles are missing. With these chapters (53, 54, 55, 63, 67) I have temporarily added a translation from the Japanese titles in THOUSANDS OF DAGGERS, but they might not be the full original chapter titles from the game.


"Alpha 1 to Razael Central, access confirmed. Initializing fake net... Disconnected! Activating emergency shelter... Denied!
(ERROR: "Emergency shelter" is perhaps better translated as "emergency barrier.")

Japanese: "Confirmed access from Alpha-1 to Central Cyberbrain Raziel! Fake network deployment... avoided! Emergency barrier, executing shielding... it's been rejected!" [Translation by trexalfa]

"Omega One, they are attacking! We can't stop them!"
(ERROR: Usage of multiplicity is questionable.)

Japanese: "Omega1! Still invading! It isn't stopping!" (invading implies hacking). [Translation by Jinx]

"The auto pilot system, Faust, has been accessed and its phase-space logic is being rewritten!"
(Due to the dubbing some have interpreted the operator as saying "auto pilot system, Deus" instead of "auto pilot system, Faust". 'Faust' is correct.)

Japanese: "Interference towards Independent navigation system "Faust" with high speed language! Phase space logic is being rewritten!" [Translation by trexalfa]

"Ergo-area is increasing, an internal plane is forming! Switching to space displacement mode!"
(ERROR: The original Japanese seems to specify a nuclear reactor core that is missing in the English localization)

Japanese: "Magnification of Ergo Region! Formation of horizontal plane within the nuclear reactor's core! Shifting to Space Transfer Mode!" [Translation by trexalfa]

"I have no clue about what a horizontal plane is. Looked up 地平面 but I mostly get results in Chinese, referring to literal horizontal planes, ground planes or even the horizon. I'm sure it's just technobabble."
- trexalfa

"Damn, so they're planning on attacking."
(ERROR: Usage of multiplicity is questionable.)

Japanese: "It/They{?}{vulgar}... intend to invade like this?..." ("It/They" is referring to Deus)

"Someone better at Japanese will have to say whether or not {?} is some kind of plural form that I'm not familiar with..."
- Jinx

"I suspect that it's probably just something along the lines of 'that damned thing' because the multiplicity doesn't make any sense. Even in the English version, when they translated it as 'they,' I just parsed it as 'Deus' after I understood the story and the Kanji sorta backs that up, because usage dicts list 'thing; object' as the most common usage and many of the other definitions for it are kinda nonsensical."
- CT

"Captain: Damn that thing... is it planning on invading as things are?
[...] that "Damn that thing" is a pretty liberal translation due to me knowing who he speaks of. 奴め is a derogative way of referring to a 3rd person, which is what his line says."

- trexalfa

"Michael had started the translation [but] hadn't been given proper familiarization, so if you look at the opening movie it says ["they're planning on attacking"], it's not "them" it's God breaking out of the [Eldridge spacecraft] and attacking them but translated as "them" because he didn't know what was going on, and he had to do the movie first without translating the game, and so he had to translate that part blind, then we couldn't go back and re-record that because of budget and scheduling issues"
- Richard Honeywood, senior member of the Square Enix localization team (8-4 Play's podcast, 1-Up, 2011)

"Engine room! Activate the emergency sealing system! Engine room? Engine..."
(ERROR: He does not say "emergency sealing system," he says "emergency brake plug.")

Japanese: "Engine room! Inject the emergency brake plug! Engine room! Engine..."

"非常制動プラグ= emergency brake plug. 制動 refers to the brake of a vehicle."
- trexalfa

[The following is a complete transcript of the U.S. version Opening movie. I noticed a lot of errors in many transcripts, but this one should be accurate. ]

System Announcement:
"This is an emergency, Level 1 alert."

Operator 1:
"Omega 1 restarted."

Operator 2:
"Alpha 1 genome restructuring."

Operator 3:
"Confirming exon replacement."

Operator 1:
"Base code 85 million... A 100 million! Its speed is overwhelming!"

Operator 2:
"Alpha 1 to Razael Central, access confirmed. Initializing fake net... Disconnected! Activating emergency shelter... Denied!"

Operator 1:
"Contamination is spreading widely... Captain!?"

"Cut off the cables manually."

Operator 1:
"Roger. Activating self-destruct bolts. Confirming... No good! Nothing happened!

Operator 2:
"Omega 1! They are attacking! We can't stop them!"

Operator 3:
"98 percent of our weapons have been taken over!"

Operator 2:
"The Auto pilot system Faust has been accessed! And its phase-space logic is being rewritten!"

Operator 1:
"Ergo-area is increasing, an internal plane is forming! Switching to space displacement mode!"

Operator 3:
"Alpha 1, confirming transfer coordinate codes... Coordinates input; coordinate NX128, EZ061... The main planet!"

"Damn, so they're planning on attacking. Engine room! Activate the emergency sealing system! Engine room? Engine..."

You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods...

"See that all civilians and passengers are safely transported to the escape shuttles. I will send a dispatch after evacuation is complete. I am evacuating the ship... All of you...evacuate now."

System Announcement:
"Evacuate. Evacuate. All passengers, please board the shuttles in a calm and orderly fashion."

Chapter 01: It started in the village called Lahan. (U.S. ver: Lahan Village)

Chapter 02: Over the gorges (U.S. ver: Mountain Path)

Chapter 03: the momentary peace (U.S. ver: House on a Hill)

Fei: "Hello, Yui. Where's doc...?"

This is "Where's Sensei?". A Japanese script of Back to the Future tells me the Doc is called "Doku".
The term "sensei" is a bit tricky... it is true that it is the address "teacher" or "master", as you use this both in school and in Martial Arts for example. But I don't feel Fei uses it in this sense here.. it is just an expression for the admiration to Shitan and the respect for his knowledge/persona. In fact, you don't need to be the formal teacher or master of somebody to have them call you "sensei".... I once held a small presentation in Tokyo in front of elderly people I had never met before.. to my embarrassment they were referring even to me as "sensei".. so it depends on the situation as well as on the "overall position" of the person in the group (village in XG).. Because Shitan is the most (at least one) knowledgable person in the town all village people refer to him as "sensei".. or this would at least be natural in Japanese culture.. also Shitan does medical treatment for the village people, didn't he? This would be one more reason...

- Infsen

Citan: "Ohhh! This is no good! Why do they use such inferior parts? This is why their intervention strat..."

Citan sounds a bit crankier in Japanese when you overhear him cursing the landcrab. The English kind of makes him seem like a bumbling nerd. His mannerisms are a bit smoother overall.
- EnormousHatred, (

Chapter 04: The things fallin' in the dark night (U.S. ver: Fallen Shadows)

Chapter 05: The evil attached Lahan (U.S. ver: Attack on Lahan)

Chapter 06: Setting out to the ocean of trees (U.S. ver: Into The Woods)

Chapter 07: a girl in the green woods (U.S. ver: Girl In Forest)

Chapter 08: the silence in the woods (U.S. ver: Broken Silence)

Citan: "Judging from your uniform, I would also say you are with the military... Am I correct?""
(ERROR: Rather than stating the obvious that she is military, it seems in Japanese he is commenting on her military rank.)

軍属 is tricky. J→E dictionaries seem to like "civilian in military employ," while pure J dictionaries will tell you the definition depends on the country you're talking about. Japanese has a distinct word for noncom actually (下士官), and there are other stations that fall under the same heading, technically. But I think for English "noncom" most pointedly conveys what he's trying to say in Japanese—at least, in US parlance, it's virtually synonymous according to my limited understanding of military rank.
- EnormousHatred, (

Elly: "'The Shepherds, -Abel-, took control over the surface dwelling -Lambs- ... possessing the right to give life and death unto them as they see fit...'"
(The webmistress of the fan site Guardian Angels was told that -Abel- was -Ahuras- in the Japanese version, but that's incorrect.)

"I don't know where Guardian Angels got "Ahuras", but according to Japanese sites, the word [Abaru] (pronounced "Abal") used for describing the Solarians has the meaning of "followers of Abel", or "the Abel-ites", who are, of course, the Shepherds.
I don't think the description "-Abel-" is a mistake. It's just how they decided to translate it. Remember, it's not an exact science. ^_^; "
- Jinx

Citan: "Worrying is natural... 'Even I used to worry once too, you know!?'"
(ERROR: Putting the second part of the sentence in quotes is awkward and unnecessary.)

Japanese: "To worry is human. Yes, even I am not immune - hard to believe, I know."

"私も以前はそうでした" is quasi-idiomatic, which is why he/the narration puts it in quotes. Citan is being cheeky here and saying, "To worry is human. Yes, even I am not immune—hard to believe, I know." (He's trying to cheer her up a bit with self-deprecating remarks through the whole exchange.)
- EnormousHatred, (

Chapter 09: to the territory of Ave (U.S. ver: Path to Aveh)

Chapter 10: At a loss (U.S. ver: Dazil)

Citan: "Here we go again..."
(ERROR: In Japanese, Citan is hinting at having knowledge Fei was eventually going to encounter Grahf)

Japanese: "Just as it was foretold..."

やはり is sort of a catch-all word that doesn't have a direct meaning. Usually it's translated as something like "as expected." Here, Citan's utterance is supposed to be like, "This is just as the Emperor said it would go down" without invoking his name or any specific prior knowledge.
- EnormousHatred, (

More translation clarification from "EnormousHatred" on Reddit:

Man In Black: "My name is Grahf... The seeker of power. You certainly showed how much power you had back there in Lahan, didn't you, Fei!?"
Man in Black: "I am Graf. The One Who Seeks Power Evermore. Fei... you demonstrated your power to me at Lahan."
[Translator's note:
求道者 has a very, very heavy charge. Putting it down merely as "seeker" is not wrong, and yet it is so, so wrong. It (and everything else Grahf says) has all sorts of ecclesiastical implications. What Grahf calls himself here positively demands an affected title. Also, it should be noted that Grahf uses the pronoun 我, the same pronoun used by Christ in real-life Japanese translations of the Holy Bible (this is shown in the bit from Revelation 22:13 in the opening crawl). 我 is only used by gods and those who might consider themselves godlike, whether justified or not. Not to be confused with 我々, a perfectly acceptable formal term for "we" (like someone representing a company), or 我が, a dated but not necessarily pompous term meaning "my."]

Fei: "How much power I had? What are you talking about!"
Fei: "My power? What the hell are you talking about?!"

Grahf: "A greater power... is what I need to fulfill my mission. I sent those Gears into that land as a catalyst to awaken the power in you... To make contact with you."
Graf: "For my goal to reach its fruition, a more formidable source of power is required. So that this power might awaken, I bequeathed its trigger unto the land in the form of that Gear."

Fei: "As a catalyst!? You mean you caused that intentionally!?"
Fei: "Trigger!? This was something you planned!?"

Grahf: "That's right. The death of your loved ones... And you powerless against it happening... The grief, the screams from your heart born out of the tragedy... There! That was the catalyst for triggering your power."
Graf: "It is so. The deaths of those close to you. You... powerless to confront it. Such sorrow that might arise from it, the cry in your heart, that... is the trigger of such power."

Fei: "You mean you attacked my village just to get me in that Gear!? Why!? Why did the villagers have to die...?"
Fei: "To trigger... you attacked a village just to get me in a Gear!? How could you! The people of the village were just sacrifices to you..."

Grahf: "Who cares why! It does not matter how many of them died... They were wretched vermin, only living from day to day without ever fulfilling their prescribed destinies! And have you forgotten? You were the one who destroyed the village. I did not lift a finger."
Graf: "You lack understanding. You, assigned the mandate of Heaven, unfulfilled. Merely living out each day among the chattel, those nonbelievers. I would see more of them die and feel nothing. And perhaps you have forgotten? Was it not... you who laid waste to the village? I stood idly by."
[Translator's note:
In the official English, he says "Who cares why!" which, I mean, isn't wrong for his character, but he's actually just coldly informing Fei that he does not yet understand the full scope of things. Also, when he says "They were wretched vermin, only living from day to day without ever fulfilling their prescribed destinies," he's referring to Fei, not the common folk. Though I see why the translator thought otherwise considering the events of the second disc.]

Fei: "No!! I was just trying to save the village and its people! I never intended to destroy it!!"
Fei: "That's not true!! I only wanted to save the village, and everyone! I never intended to destroy anything!"

Grahf: "Is that really so? Surely you have heard it? It is the very essence of you...the voice of desire from within you that craves destruction."
Graf: "Is that so? You should listen to yourself. Your essence, the very avarice in your voice, that desire only to annihilate."
[Translator's note:
Official English went with "Surely you have heard it?" Works, but wrong.]

Fei: "Shut up! Even if that were true, aren't you still the one who caused it!? If you hadn't come, the village wouldn't have suffered the way it did!"
Fei: "Shut up! You can talk in however many stupid metaphors you want, you're the one who made all this happen!"
[Translator's note:
Big miss by the English game, which says "Even if that were true."]

Grahf: "Ah, so now you resort to blame? I see... That sounds like something 'you' would say. That's good. Your basic nature remains unchanged."
Graf: "Hmph. Always shifting the blame. That's certainly the sort of remark I'd expect from 'you.' Very well. Your true nature will, of course, remain unchanging, after all."

Fei: "Crap..."
Fei: "Kuh..."

Fei: "You said you need my power? What were you intending to do with it!?"
Fei: "You said you needed my power? What do you plan to do with it!?"

Grahf: "You know very well... It is to destroy... mother god..."
Graf: "You must know. It is to bring ruin... to the Heavenly Mother."

Fei: "D, destroy god?"
Fei: "Wh, what, you mean like destroying God?"
[Translator's note:
One of the more interesting parts of this conversation for sure. Grahf is, specifically, referring to Miang. Fei, being a rube, simplifies "Heavenly Mother" into the more general concept of "God." As usual, this works better in Japanese, since the word for "God" and the word Grahf used for "Heavenly Mother" more closely resemble one another. In any case, Grahf just kind of rolls with it because from his perspective it doesn't really matter if Fei gets the details exactly right.]

Grahf: "Yes, we will destroy god. That is our purpose... That is our destiny!"
Graf: "Yes, to destroy God. That is our purpose, you and I. Our mandate of Heaven."

Fei: "Don't be ridiculous! I won't get involved in such a thing! If you want to destroy your god, or whatever it is you're on about... do it by yourself!!"
Fei: "You're out of your mind! Like I would ever help you do something like that! Whether it's God or anything else, if you're out for destruction, for killing, you're gonna do that all by yourself, buddy!"

Grahf: "Hah, hah, hah... You resemble your father."
Graf: "Hahahaha.’re just like him. Your patriarch."
[Translator's note:
Yeah, OK, so... 父親 isn't really as obscure of a word as "patriarch." But the idea here is just that Fei doesn't exactly have a wide vocabulary, and Grahf employs ornate speech, so translating it in this way achieves the desired effect, I think.]

Fei: "My father? You mean my dad? You know my father!?"
Fei: "My patriarch? Do you mean my father? Do you know my father!?"

"So, looking at that section of the script, a more literal translation would be like this:
Grahf: ''Ha ha ha... Quite a resemblance (Or: ''Hm hm hm... There's a real resemblance'')... To your father (Or, more literally, maybe ''the'' father... To me it's almost like Grahf is just thinking aloud here.).''

Fei: ''My father? My old man? (Or: Dad? Or: Pops? As in, this second one is more introspective, and Fei uses a more intimate word, kinda like ''dad'' or something.) You... you know my old man? (As in: ''How/why do you know my father?'')''
So, yeah, the official script is just an incredibly awkward way of putting it D: Thus, it has become legendary, and even I knew about it heading into my playthrough of this (otherwise) excellent game."

- whatsarobot

"Fei's line with the "Father, you mean my dad" in Japanese sounded alright when it was localized.
"Chichi-oya? Oyaji? Omae, oyaji o shi-tteiru no ka!?"

Chichi-oya = polite way of saying 'father'.
Oyaji = some males use it to refer to their father.

If I were to translate it, I'd go with, " 'Father'...? You mean my old man?! You know my old man?!"
I guess they went with 'dad' because at that time, no one was familiar with the term 'oyaji', save for those who were into Japanese."

- Yenie

Grahf: "That was... a most delightful scream. I was enthralled by it. Nothing is more beautiful than a scream of death."
Graf: "Ah... what a pleasing yawp it was. I admired him, in that moment. One's dying screams... such a beautiful occurence to behold."

Fei: "What did you do to my father!? What happened between you two!?"
Fei: "What did you do to my father! What happened between you and him!!"

Grahf: "Hmph, do you really wish to know? There is no use in you knowing it now."
Graf: "Hmph. You wish to know? Even if you were to perceive the truth the way you are now, it would do no good."

Fei: "What!?"
Fei: "What!?"

Grahf: "Your power is still beneath that needed for my purposes. Anything unusable must be tried until it becomes suitable."
Graf: "That power of yours is yet incapable of fulfilling my objective. Thus, I present to you these tests until that day might come to pass."

Fei: "What?"
Fei: "Wh, what the?"

Fei: "!! What in hell is that!?"
Fei: "What the hell is that!?"

Grahf: "What will you do, Fei? If you die here, then so be it. You may indeed gain some happiness from not knowing. But surely, that is not what you truly want...? If you want to know the truth...and that is what you want, isn't it Fei... then this is what to do... You must show me that you have attained the level of strength I require... To do that you must destroy others by using your own strength! Then you will gain all that was lost in exchange for that scream of death! Ha, ha, ha, ha!!"
Graf: "Well, Fei... what will you do? Should you fall here, that will be the end, of course. It is said that ignorance is bliss. But that's not really what you desire, now is it? What you want is the truth... and to gain that awareness, you must trod on those in your way and use that power to achieve that status Most High! Only then may you secure that which was lost... in return for that yawp! Fwahahahaha!"

Fei: "W, wait! We're not finished talking yet!!"
Fei: "W, wait! We’re not done talking yet!!"

Citan: "Fei, I think we should remain calm... ...?"
(ERROR: In Japanese, Citan is asking Fei what he did to anger the Aveh Military on his way out to the desert)

Japanese: "Fei, just what did you have to do to get here...?"

When the troops come to arrest them and Citan says, "Fei, I think we should remain calm...?" he's actually saying, "Fei, just what did you have to do to get here...?" Another unfortunate instance of erasure where Citan's sense of humor is concerned.
- EnormousHatred, (

Chapter 11: in hottest sands (U.S. ver: Desert Attack!)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website: (The site disappeared in 2011, but you can search for in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Emperor: "Yes, the -Gospel-. We are the people expelled from paradise and forced to live on the cruel surface of the earth. We who fill this land will once again return to the presence of god in paradise and live there eternally. That is the -Time- of the -Gospel-. That -Time- is at hand."
Emperor: "Yes, the gospel. Banished from paradise together with god's slumber, it became unavoidable for we humans to live as foreigners on the harsh surface of the earth. Having filled the earth, we again enter the presence of god, return to paradise, and gain eternal life. That is the time (age) of the gospel. That time (age) is approaching."
[Translator's note: "The time (age) of the gospel..."
When there is a difference between reading and meaning in Japanese, the intended meaning is listed first, followed by the reading. I converted instances of meaning[reading] to reading(meaning) throughout the translations.]

Emperor: "We, the Gazel, must find god's resting place by then and resurrect him. That is our final prayer..."
Emperor: "Until then we Gazel must search for God's resting place, and revive him. If this does not come true......."

Citan: "Our final prayer?"
Shitan: "If it does not come true?"

Emperor: "Our final prayer to escape from the -Fate- that was determined at our genesis."
Emperor: "Then such has been our fate (destiny) from our genesis ......"
[Translator's note: "It depends upon our fate..."
This line troubles me quite a bit, and it seems that I'm not the only one who was thrown off by it. ^_- So don't trust me on this one.]

[Note: The translator was confused by this line which is in reference to the destruction of humanity that will occur at the Time of the Gospel if Deus is not resurrected. To learn more read the 'After Word' on page 302-303 in Xenogears: Perfect Works.]

Alternate translation:
Emperor: "Our final prayer to escape from the -Fate- that was determined at our genesis."
Emperor: "In accordance/through the fate from our Genesis, we..."

Citan: (Majesty... Is this the end...?)
Shitan: (Will we really face annihilation? Your Majesty...)

"This line here was probably overlooked because Richard Honeywood translated it as a really vague "is this really the end, your Majesty?". However, the sentence implies a very particular kind of end, namely, literal annihilation. Shitan here, speaking to himself, is questioning the Emperors words about whether they'll be destroyed. And Shitan's sentence is not reduced to the Gazel and Cain, for it seems to include himself and others too. While the flashback cut, Shitan informs here of what Cain said afterwards, which was "...will be obliterated"."
- trexalfa

"The Time of the Gospel... He [Emperor] says we have to do it before a certain time, it's not like this is definitely going to happen. It's like the Time of the Gospel is here [in time], if it shows up and God isn't resurrected then that's bad. [...] What I got from it is it's not so much God is going to be resurrected, it's like 'We have to do it, we have to make the resurrection happen, because the Time of the Gospel'... So the Time of the Gospel and the resurrection are not connected from what I can tell. The Time of the Gospel is going to happen no matter what. It's the resurrection that needs to be made to happen."
- Casen (State of the Arc Podcast, Xenogears Story Analysis (Ep.4))

Chapter 12: a recluse of underground (U.S. ver: Stalactite Cave)

Bart: "I've heard somewhere on this planet is a Gear far superior to all others. I've heard it was called 'the God Gear' and was made in ancient times but was hidden away somewhere."
Ol' Man Bal: "A man-made God, created with the wisdom of God! Such a Gear would have the power of a thousand Gears. In a wave of its arm, it could destroy whole cities. Its battle cries would thunder in the heavens. You must be speaking of the 'Omnigear'."

(ERROR: Bart does not say "the God Gear" but "Gears created by God," and Ol' Man Bal does not say "A man-made God.")

This is how it should read:

"I've heard that there are Gears created by God long ago, lying dormant somewhere in this world, that they transcend all other Gears. Do you know anything about that?

"A sort of... synthetic piece of divinity created through the everlasting wisdom of God? With the power of a thousand warriors, able to eradicate entire cities with a sweep of its arm, its cry reverberating all the way up to the heavens? You speak of the Omnigears?"

Some of this is arbitrary language, but the part about Omnigears being God's creation and not man's is important.

- EnormousHatred, (

Chapter 13: Pirates' hideout (U.S. ver: Pirate's Lair)

Chapter 14: The false king (U.S. ver: Operation Aveh)

Chapter 15: chaotic battle tournament (U.S. ver: The Tournament)

Chapter 16: Reunion with Maroeur (U.S. ver: Margie's Rescue)

Sigurd: "I guess so... Hyuga... To be honest with you... she scares me. She supports Kahr and is kind to anyone, I know that very well. But sometimes I felt a strange fear in her. That bothers me more than Kahr being in this land."
Citan: "That cannot be true... Not in her..."
Sigurd: "Yeah, I don't want to believe it, either... But don't you remember how I could always sense those things quite accurately?"

(ERROR: Sigurd does not feel a strange fear in her, Miang, but a fear in himself about her. Citan then responds that what Sigurd is sensing cannot be true about her.)

"So, the woman doesn't have fear, the person who has fear is Sigurd. He's like, I have some weird fear about her."
- Casen (State of the Arc Podcast, Xenogears Story Analysis (Ep.6))

Chapter 17: Straight for Nisan (U.S. ver: Road To Nisan)

Chapter 18: the Madonna of Nisan (U.S. ver: City Of Peace)

Fei: (Oh, it's you Bart!? Don't scare me...!)
Bart: (Sorry-dorry. It sounds like Sig and your doctor friend know each other pretty darn well... Sig... Damn, I thought I knew everything about that guy!)

(ERROR: None, but "sorry-dorry" has been questioned.)

"So, Bart says "Suman, suman." Which is like a lighthearted/casual way of saying "sumimasen," which means "sorry" or "excuse me."
"Sorry-dorry" isn't wrong, it just sounded clumsy to me. I'd volunteer something like "Oh, uh, sorry," or "Sorry, man," as an alternative. I guess it comes down to aesthetic preference."

- whatsarobot

Chapter 19: the desperate counterattack (U.S. ver: Recapture Aveh)

"Don't call me son cuz you sure ain't my pops"

The translation is actually good.. kinda! Since the pun wont work in English.... "bôzu" can mean "son", "kid", Like in "Dont fool around, kid!" Like an older man talking to an unexperienced younger man... well like in the XG scene.. Fei turns this line around! (You have to know that bôzu can also mean "buddhist priest".. where this double meaning comes from.. no idea".. ANYWAY, I WOULD SAY: "Dont call me bôzu, pop/old man! I wont be reciting any Sutras for ya, if ya pass out/die!"
- Infsen

Renk: "Those were Aerods!"
Vance: "Aerods?"
Helmholz: "Animum Ether Response Offensive Drones... Commonly known as Aerods...

(ERROR: Aerods where called Aird in the Japanese version and was not an acronym.)

Rank: T— That’s an Aird!
Franz: Aird?
Helmholtz: Mind wave (Ether) respondent guided attack modules... Otherwise known as Airds...

"[...] in Japanese they simply explained what an Aird was, and for the localization Richard Honeywood saw an opportunity to creatively explain it by making Aerod an acronym. So it’s just made up sci-fi lingo. [...] I wouldn’t really call it an “error” per se because it’s [an] intentional [change by Honeywood]"
- Lugalbanda

Chapter 20: Evil in scarlet (U.S. ver: Desert Despair)

Maitreya: "... What was that? That guy just now?"
Fei: "... It's them... Why them...? What did they do?"

(ERROR: It's not "them," its "him" - meaning Grahf. Also, Maitreya was named Miroku in the original version)

MIROKU: Wh... What was that? Did he just..?!? (lit.: that guy from a moment ago)... "guy" in a pejorative also could translate: "Whats with that guy that just appeared?"
FEI: It.. its him... why is he... what the hell has he done???

"Hmmm.. yeah here the translation is pretty messed up. Clearly shoudnt be "them"... Fei means Grahf."
- Infsen

Sigurd: "It can 'jump' due to the Bernoulli effect on the wings' surfaces instead!!"
(ERROR: The original Japanese does not mention "Bernoulli effect.")

"Indeed, the first quote mentions no "Bernouilli Effect" at all ( 翼面効果 there has nothing to do with ベルヌーイの定理, which is how the term present in English would be rendered in Japanese). I personally don't know what 翼面効果 is, given it must be aerodynamics or physics related. It'd literally translate to "Wing Surface Effect", and the closest equivalent I've found is the "Ground Effect" (which is written as 地面効果 in Japanese. You only need to swap this kanji, 地, meaning ground, with 翼, "wing"), which relates to aerial vehicles."
- trexalfa

Chapter 21: Jailbirds in the Empire Kislev (U.S. ver: Kislev Capital)

Chapter 22: to be a hero of the battling (U.S. ver: Brave Battlers)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: Faster than we expected...
(Blue 1): Faster than predicted......

Gazel: The awakening of the untouchable one...
(Red 3): The awakening of the untouchable one......

Gazel: It has been 3 years since we heard any news. According to the memory cube, 'he' is currently in Nortune, the Imperial capital of Kislev.
(Blue 4): It has been 3 years since news of him ceased. According to the reports from the memory cubes he is currently in the Kislev Imperial Capitol, Noatun.
[Translator's note: "It has been 3 years..." I made a connection between this line and the "untouchable one" from the proceeding line, as it's a reference to Fei's disappearance after the events at Elul.]

Gazel: Detestable... Vexing... Cursed...
(Blue 3): Abominable...... Abominable...... Abominable......

Gazel: If only 'he' did not exist, the Lambs would not have been turned into the 'Animus'. It has been 500 years since our fall in the 'Days of Destruction' that 'he' caused... We would not have had to do this in such a troublesome manner, as we do now.
(Red 1): If not for his presence, lambs would not have become "Animus". 500 years since the Days of Collapse. It was ended, without our choosing it, by troublesome means similar to the present case.
[Translator's note: Days of collapse = Diabolos Collapse, where the old men all were killed, and thus weren't able to manipulate anything.]

Gazel: The excavation of the 'Anima Relics' in each area is proceeding as planned. It's too late to change things now. But in the future, we'll shape what will be.
(Blue 2): The excavation of the "Anima Vessels" is proceeding smoothly in all areas. Looking back at this late hour will not change the facts. However, the future is in our hands to calculate.

Gazel: Fade... Vanish... Disappear...
(Blue 3): Eliminate...... Eliminate...... Eliminate......

Gazel: Although, we do not know which route it flowed from... ... we're fortunate the 'gate keeper' was activated.
(Red 2): In such case, though we do not know the route by which it strayed, the activation of the gatekeeper was unexpectedly fortunate.
[Translator's note: "In such case...," "Gatekeeper"
This line cleaned up nicely. Nagareru, which was first translated as 'flow', can also mean to stray when applied to weapons (think large, anthropomorphic ones in this case). What's a gatekeeper? A device that allows passage through the Solaris gate, but more significantly in this case it is a tracking device.]

Gazel: From the 'Ethos'? Or...
(Red 3): From the "Church"? Or perhaps......

Gazel: It doesn't matter. Although...
(Blue 1): It does not matter which. However......

Gazel: So are you saying that we mustn't break Ignas' equilibrium?
(Blue 2): We must not break Ignis's equilibrium...... So it suggests.

Gazel: Well, it is the surface... and that land is unclean!
(Red 4): The earth is after all the earth. That is a land of uncleanliness.

Gazel: That is merely an excuse.
(Red 1): That is no more than an excuse.

Gazel: It's a justifiable reason. Even Cain would not object.
(Red 3): It is a justifiable reason. If presented this, Cain too would have no objections.

Gazel: But we can't use the 'Gaetia Key'. Not until the proper time comes.
(Blue 4): But we cannot use the "Lesser Goetia Key". Not until the inevitable time.

Gazel: There's a third fleet in Bledavik. Their reserve units will do.
(Red 4): The 3rd Fleet is in Breidablik. Its remaining troops should be sufficient.

Gazel: Oh, his fleet. Your orders?
(Red 2): His fleet, then. The orders?
[Translator's note: Ramsus' fleet, assumably.]

Gazel: To purge. Give no motives. If he knew our motives, it's obvious he'd do something unpredictable.
(Blue 1): A purge. Do not tell him the true intent. That he would act outside our orders should he know is plain to see.

Gazel: But, wouldn't we need more men to raze the entire area of Nortune?
(Blue 4): However, to raze the entire Noatun area would not so little military power be insufficient?

Gazel: There is an ancient reactor in Nortune. We'll use that. The half-life fallout will be 1000 years. Nothing will be able to live within 300 kelts of the explosion. However, they've lived through that before. They won't perish that easily.
(Red 1): There is an ancient nuclear reactor in Noatun. We will use that. The half-life is 1000 years. Nothing will be able to live within 300 kelts of it. Just as before. However, people survived despite it. Our flesh. Such a minor thing will not destroy them.
[Translator's note: "Just as before..."
Past nuclear apocalypse = the destruction of Zeboim? If so, this passage reflects Miang's imperative-- to purify mankind through a succession of purges until it is fit to become the body of god.
"Our flesh."
This line is apparently absent in the English version.]

Gazel: But, we must at least eliminate 'him'.
(Blue 2): But he at least must be eliminated.

Gazel: Yes. There's nothing we need from there. So be it, take care of it.
(Red 4): Yes. There is nothing left there that we must obtain. Disposal is in order.

Gazel: If it is a direct hit...
(Blue 4): If it is to be a direct strike......

Gazel: Well then...
(Red 3): Then......

Gazel: Your orders are given.
(Blue 1): Let us set down the order.

Chapter 23: Creeper in the darkness (U.S. ver: Sewer Horror)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Emperor: "Has he awoken...?"
Emperor: "So he has awakened......"

Citan: "Yes. Twice... no... three times to be exact. May I ask you this...? Why would he be moved to a place like this...? Was it the elders?"
Shitan: "Yes. Twice...... or perhaps more accurately three times. ...... If I may inquire, why was he sent to such a place as this...? Are the Elders......"
[Translator's note: "More accurately three times..."
First in Lahan, second in the desert, and third in the sewers?
"Are the Elders..."
...trying to test him? Cain would likely be unaware of this move on the part of the Church. Perhaps this is what tips him off, as he later goes to the ministry with findings of the Church's below-board operations.]

Emperor: "Nay. They're hoping for a more immediate disposal. I don't blame them. They have a deeply etched fear of him."
Emperor: "Nay. They desire a more immediate disposal. That is not unreasonable. He is the object of a "fear" that is etched into the core of their memories, after all."
[Translator's note: "He is the object of a "fear"..."
Subject addition - he equals Fei, or more generally the contact. The line harks back to the days of collapse, when a certain very disgruntled Contact killed all of the (remaining) ministers.]

Citan: "Then..."
Shitan: "Then......"

Emperor: "Yes. Probably..."
Emperor: "Yes. It is likely."

Citan: "It would be hasty to dispose of him now. I do not think it is too late to wait until we find out his purpose..."
Shitan: "It is somewhat hasty to dispose of him now. I do not believe it is so late that we cannot wait until his purpose becomes clear."

Emperor: "If that is your judgment, then, so be it."
Emperor: "If that is your judgment, so shall it be done."

Citan: "Your will is my will, your Majesty. Well then, allow me to..."
Shitan: "As you command. Well then, I will......"

Emperor: "Wait a moment..."
Emperor: "Wait a moment......"

Emperor: "... I see..."
Emperor: "......I see......"

Citan: "Yes...?"
Shitan: "What is it...?"

Emperor: "Their judgement... has been handed down..."
Emperor: "Their decision...... is handed down."

Citan: "... What is it, then...?"
Shitan: ".....and, what is their order......?"

... A purge!
......A purge.

Chapter 24: the invincible battler king (U.S. ver: Battling Champ)

Chapter 25: break into gear-dock (U.S. ver: Gear Dock Raid)

Chapter 26: Purge! (U.S. ver: Night Purge)

Fei: "Only two... enemies, huh?"
(ERROR: It was pointed out by Xenogears: God and Mind fan site that this translation gave Fei a pretty smug tone that was inappropriate for Fei's character.)

Japanese: "Enemies are two."

Chapter 27: Get the secret weapon! (U.S. ver: Secret Weapon)

Chapter 28: Head for a new land (U.S. ver: Escape Ignas)

Grahf: "The Goliath wasn't built for you to use. You must remain on this land a little longer. I can't allow you to leave..."

"Checking the original, Honeywood's translation there is totally accurate. For further clarification, Grahf is saying that the Goliath is something that wasn't arranged for Fei's use (ゴリアテはお前のために用意したものではない). Afterwards, he says that he must remain, for the time being, "in this land". He's always using the 2nd person singular, so it refers to Fei alone. I suppose he doesn't really give a crap about anyone else."
- trexalfa

Grahf: "I believe I already said your tricks will do you no good."
Miang: "I'm just trying to help. Didn't I help get those 'shackles' off? Now, you know the 'vessel' will only respond to the chosen one. They don't know this. But...he's necessary for Kahr. He's the very meaning of Kahr's existence."
Miang: "Yes, I must thank you. After all, you did help me didn't you?"
Grahf: "..."
Miang: "Was it for me? Or for him? ...Or...for yourself?"

(ERROR: There is a bit of a sentence missing from Miang's line "They don't know this." The full line should be "This is something that even those children don't know about. Something done of my own intent." Presumably "those children" is referring to the Gazel Ministry.)

"Grahf's line about tricks to Myyah is mostly translated accurately. The original line is 小細工は無用と言ったはずだ, which is something like Grahf saying "I assumed I had said cheap tricks were useless" which is just the same as in the US script but with another wording.

Myyah, if it serves to clarify, is saying she's just trying to help Grahf and no other person. Given the US script omits the subject, which is not omitted in JP, I thought I'd point that out for further clarification, if it wasn't obvious from context. Original script says 私は貴方の手助けをしているだけ, which is just "I am just helping you". The next line though is a bit more confusing. It's 結果的にかせが外れやすくなったのだから良かったじゃない, which is something like (very roughly though) "Concerning the results, isn't it all good, since the shackles are likely to be severed?" かせ there is written in hiragana, but I assume it refers to shackles, fethers or restraints of some sort. The sentence is simplified, but the translation in the US version still works.

The line about the chosen one in JP is more of a rhetorical question than a straight affirmation. それに“器”は運命られた者にしか反応しないことは知っているでしょ?, which roughly translates to "Besides, you know that the "vessel" will react to none but the fated one, don't you?"

The lines about the meaning of Ramsus' existence are accurately translated... with some caveats. One, is that while the US script says "they", Myyah in Japanese actually says "あの子達", aka "those children". The script also skips a single line of Myyah's dialogue in English. It goes "これはあの子達も知らないことなの。私の意思でしたこと" (the part the English script skips the second half of the sentence), which goes something like "This is something that even those children don't know about. Something done of my own intent".

Finally, Honeywood translated the last exchange accurately. Though instead of saying "you helped me", I'd have written it as "you saved me, didn't you?""

- trexalfa

Gazel: Moreover, we learned that 'he' was on the transferred ship. Ramsus was probably after 'him'.
Gazel: ... So it was the trauma.
Gazel: Nay. In this case, Knigret... It was the severe external wounds.

(ERROR: It says "Knigret" instead of "neglect", and "external wounds" instead of "negative trauma".)

"that sentence is really troublesome. Romanized, it would be: Iie. Kono baai wa nigret... inseigaishou darou...
That would be: No. In this case, it seems to be nigret... negative trauma...
Nigret seems to be the name used to call that "negative trauma". The word doesn't exist in Japanese as far as I know. I googled it up in Japanese and people seem to be at a loss about why the hell Square came up with that word for. xD
In one site it says that Id was born from "Nigret" and right after that the words "negative trauma" between periods.
All in all, it seems just a name they came up with, for a concept they came up with(as far as I know, but I'm no psychologist), which is negative trauma. And no way is it used as a vocative, the way it is interpreted in the English script, since it goes right behind the particle wa."

- LastFencer

It's saying "No, in this case, neglect.. the negative trauma might have caused it."
- Soraya Saga (co-creator, script writer for Xenogears)

Others have translated "negative trauma" as "internal trauma".

Gazel: If it is Aquvy, Krelian's headed that way.
Gazel: Krelian? Himself? What for?
Gazel: It seems they've found it. For over 4000 years he searched for Zeboim's legacy.

(ERROR: It says Krelian searched for over 4000 years, but Krelian was born roughly 500 years ago.)

Japanese: "It seems he has found it. The 4000 years lost legacy of Zeboim that he kept searching for."

The following is a retranslation of the entire Gazel conversation by the now defunct "An Eye for the Infinite" website. They thought "neglect" was "nigredo" though, so I changed that here:

Gazel: Disobedience... Ramsus' orders are to excavate the 'Anima Relics' in Ignas... and to watch over the Lambs. What is he......
(Red 3): Disobedience...... Ramsus' duty should be the excavation of "Anima Vessels" sleeping in Ignis and supervision of the lambs. He has......

Gazel: We can recover the 'Anima Relics' anytime. Moreover, we learned that 'he' was on the transferred ship. Ramsus was probably after 'him'.
(Blue 1): The "Anima Vessels" can be collected at any time. Moreover, it is confirmed that "he" was in the transferred ship. Ramsus was likely going after him.

Gazel: ... So it was the trauma.
(Blue 3): is the trauma, then.

Gazel: Nay. In this case, Knigret... It was the severe external wounds.
(Red 4): Nay. In this case, it is neglect...... Internal trauma.

Gazel: According to the memory cube... we've found multiple subjects around 'him' that possess the 'Animus' factor.
(Red 1): According to the reports from the memory cubes there are several surrounding "him" that have the potential to become "Animus".

Gazel: Is it -Sufradi-, the subject of the M Project?
(Blue 4): The Sufradi (Subject of the M Project) is it not?
[Translator's note: When there is a difference between reading and meaning in Japanese, the intended meaning is listed first, followed by the reading (in brackets, in this case). I reversed the notation to fit English, so that the Minister says sufradi and thinks subject of the M Project. As for what the passage means, I suspect it's referring to Rico.]

Gazel: Yes.
(Red 1): Yes.

Gazel: Coincidence?
(Blue 2): A coincidince?

Gazel: Nay, it is beyond that. They were either attracted to 'him' or...
(Blue 3): Nay, it would be too great. They gravitated to "him"......

Gazel: Unexpectedly, it's developing into the same condition as 500 years ago.
(Red 2): Unexpectedly, the circumstances have developed similarly to 500 years ago.

Gazel: That does not rule out the possibility he planned it this way intentionally.
(Red 3): It is not impossible that he manipulated events to this end.

Gazel: The transfer point is Aquvy... It's near the Thames.
(Blue 2): The transfer point is Aquavy...... Near the Thames.

Gazel: If it is Aquvy, Krelian's headed that way.
(Blue 1): If it is in Aquavy Karellen is headed there.

Gazel: Krelian? Himself? What for?
(Blue 4): Karellen? Personally? For what?

Gazel: It seems they've found it. For over 4000 years he searched for Zeboim's legacy.
(Blue 1): I seems he has found it. The 4000 years lost legacy of Zeboim that he kept searching for.

Gazel: Legacy... Is that the technology he was talking about?
(Red 3): The legacy...... Meaning, the technology he spoke of before?

Emperor: Yes. Molecular engineering...... nanotechnology. The land of all creations, the capital of Zeboim culture... resting beneath the ocean of Aquvy. For 19 years, the 'Ethos' kept it secret.
Emperor: Just so. Molecular engineering...... Nanotechonolgy. The land of the genesis, the capitol of the Zeboim civilization sleeps beneath the sea floor of Aquavy. Though its existence was hidden from us by the "Church" for over 19 years.

Gazel: Is this acceptable, Cain?
(Red 2): Is that acceptable, Cain?

Emperor Cain: "Yes, it will do for now."
Emperor Cain: "Yes, it will serve as yet."

Gazel: 19 years... That coincides with the time when the earth shifted...
(Red 1): 19 years...... It coincides exactly with the year that the earth's surface shifted......

Gazel: Indeed.
(Blue 3): I see.

Gazel: But, I don't understand. That technology doesn't seem that crucial to us...
(Red 4): However, we cannot comprehend it. We do not think that technology is so essential.

Gazel: He is still a Lamb. Giving him the ability to do as he wishes is questionable.
(Blue 2): He is a lamb. Consider what he would do if allowed too much freedom.

Gazel: There are times when even we do not know what he is thinking.
(Red 1): Since there are times that we do not understand what he is thinking.

Emperor Cain: "Let it be. I will take responsibility for that. On another matter... Weren't you all going to... 'eliminate' it?"
Emperor Cain: "Enough. I will take responsibility for that concern. On another matter...... Did you...... intend to eliminate him?"
[Translator's note: "Intend to eliminate him..."
There is no object in the original text to indicate who or what Cain is talking about. The path the conversation takes from this point suggests Fei, however, and that I have assumed. Such a case gives us a very early look at the Ministry's real intent for their leader...]

Gazel: It's just by chance.
(Blue 4): What? It was pure accident.

Gazel: It is probable the location is Ignas.
(Red 3): The location was Ignis. It was a matter of probability.

Gazel: Anyway, I never believed it would be eliminated so easily.
(Blue 1): Besides, we do not think that little would eliminate him.

Gazel: The purge was a failure. This shall never happen again.
(Red 2): The purge itself ended in failure. It will not happen again.

Gazel: If the 'Animus' are together, it is all the more reason.
(Red 4): If the "Animus" are gathering, all the more reason.

Gazel: Yes.
(Blue 2): Indeed.

Gazel: Cain, why are YOU so concerned about it? To us, 'he' is insignificant...
(Blue 1): Cain. Why are you this concerned with this? With "he", who offers us no advantage......

Gazel: It could only be a poison to us. It could never be a remedy.
(Red 1): It is not possible to make medicine from that which is poison.

Gazel: 'Anonelbe'... You don't still believe that, do you?
(Red 3): "Ahnenerbe"...... You cannot still believe in it, can you?

Gazel: That is merely an illusion. Not even an ideal.
(Blue 4): Such things are illusions. Not even ideals.

Gazel: The result... is what I am now. It is as you see it.
(Blue 3): The result... is this form. Just as you see it.
[Translator's note: This passage is apparently absent in the English version. The word sugata refers to a bodily/physical form-- in the Ministry's case, the SOL-9000 - implying that by indulging in dreams like the Ahnenerbe Cain will unleash another catastrophe like the Diabolos Collapse.]

Gazel: Or rather... Is it the 'emotion' you have long forgotten?
(Red 2): Or perhaps...... It is from your long buried and forgotten "emotions"?

Emperor Cain: "..."
Emperor Cain: "......"

Gazel: Cain, we are 'gods'.
(Blue 1): Cain. We are "god".

Chapter 29: Drifting for nowhere (U.S. ver: Adrift At Sea)

Chapter 30: the spirit of the sailor (U.S. ver: Men Of The Sea)

Chapter 31: Reunion (U.S. ver: Friends Again)

Chapter 32: The cost of betraying (U.S. ver: Betrayal)

Chapter 33: Ramsus' blitz (U.S. ver: Ramsus' Attack)

ARMOR GROUND (Name of the Thames'/Tamuz's ship deck.)

"That 'Armor Ground' term is bugging the hell out of me. It sounds a lot like an overly literal translation of the two kanji that make up [][], the Japanese word for ship deck."
- Hokuto

Chapter 34: the young priest (U.S. ver: A Young Priest)

Chapter 35: with the orphans in the stream (U.S. ver: The Orphanage)

Chapter 36: the cruiser full of zombies (U.S. ver: Reaper's Ship)

Bloody: Um... I'm counting on you.
Billy: "(It's my buddy!! I'll call him over here!)"

(ERROR: Bloody is specifically referring to his "big brother" and Billy says his line in response to this. This translation is utterly bad.)

"Now this is lovely translation. Bloody doesn't actually call on an unknown party: his line in the original script reads roughly "Blargh ... you take care of the rest, big brother ..."
And Billy's actual response is more like: "'Big brother', is it?! Better call for it [i.e. the gear] now."

- Soricidus

Chapter 37: faith (U.S. ver: Burning Souls)

Verlaine: "Saving orphans and refugees... that may seem like works of mercy. But the little boys and girls kept here were actually used as a means to satisfy the desires of the pontiff and bishops. Indulging in selfish desires... This is not 'conduct befitting priests'!"
(Pretty much translated perfectly. Someone wanted to confirm this line.)

"Oh dear, that pretty much removes all doubt. "Yokubou" is used, which means desire with the implied context of lust. The line itself was pretty much translated perfectly, too. I think Square really went there after all..."
- Sky Render

Gazel: All that was needed was to fulfill the duty. Now, I sense a thought of greed.
Gazel: A selfish creed... I question his... faith.
Gazel: We have no need for an organization of fanatics.
Gazel: We will seek what they will... it's their nature.
Gazel: But, too much is undue, something must be done. A reprimand is necessary.

(ERROR: Line two and four here are really badly translated.)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: All that was needed was to fulfill the duty. Now, I sense a thought of greed.
(Blue 1): Better if they simply fulfilled their allotted duty than giving rise to a needless greed.

Gazel: A selfish creed... I question his... faith.
(Blue 3): Unapproved doctrines, beliefs...... It is an issue.

Gazel: We have no need for an organization of fanatics.
(Red 2): We have no use for an organization become fanatic.

Gazel: We will seek what they will... it's their nature.
(Blue 2): To seek preservation is the human condition.

Gazel: But, too much is undue, something must be done. A reprimand is necessary.
(Red 4): But it [it=the Church] is so far gone as to be irredeemable. An example must be made.

Gazel: They are an expendable group. There is nothing we can do at this point.
(Red 1): The organization was fated to be abandoned from the beginning. It is not something to be concerned with now.

Gazel: Yes, there is nothing more to gain from their continued existence.
(Blue 4): Correct. We gain nothing from its continued existence.

Gazel: They've already done what we've required. Currently, we're in the process of 'dealing' with each area responsible.
(Blue 1): It has already sufficiently carried out it's purpose. Currently "dealing with each region".

Gazel: Stein is in charge of dealing with Aquvy.
(Red 3): Stein is supervising the disposal in Aquavy.

Gazel: Bear in mind the need for a 'fitting solution'.
(Red 2): And providing instruction on "deserved punishment".

(Red 4): We will be dealing with that as well in this strike, will we not?

Gazel: Moreover, Krelian is... rather exhorbitant. It's only a molecular machine. Why is he placing such importance on it?
(Red 1): Be that as it may, Karellen...... is going to great lengths. It is only molecular machinery. For what does he put forth such effort?

Gazel: 'Humans' and 'machines', it's all the same to us.
(Blue 3): For us, "human" and "machine" have the same meaning.

Gazel: Yes, they are all the same...
(Blue 1): That is so. Both are the same......

Chapter 38: the ruins under the ocean (U.S. ver: Ocean Floor)

Chapter 39: the girl in a coma (U.S. ver: Deep Sea Girl)

Seraphita: "What! ... But... When people do you a kindness you should always say thank you. That's what grandma always said... But, I'm impressed, Tolone! 'Psychologically superior'? Your 'Gin n'tonic Futon Brain' cyborg implants sure make you smart!"
Tolone: "That's 'Positronic-photon Brain', you idiot! 'Gin n'tonic Futon'...? You make me sound like I'm a sleepy drunk! (It's already bad enough as it is... 'Positronic-photon Brain Cyborg'... That's bound to get us into trouble with the makers of 'Star Trech'!)"

(ERROR: 'Gin n'tonic' was 'Polychlorotoluene' and Tolone's parenthesised sentence was not in the original script.)

"See, I have some sympathy for the translators here. Translating puns is never easy and arguably they managed to improve on it. (The word they've replaced with "gin'n'tonic" is literally, I kid you not, "polychlorotoluene".)
But that clumsy parenthesised sentence with the painfully embarrassing "Star Trech"? Not in the original. Someone looked at the English script without that, and found it lacking, and then looked again after adding it and thought it was better.

- Soricidus

Id: "To you, it is just a used up toy. So give it back. It belongs to me..."
(ERROR: Id does not say "used up toy" since Solaris has not used Emeralda yet.)

"過ぎたおもちゃ there is implying that Emeralda is a "toy" that far eclipses the scope of [Stein's] group. The verb 過ぎる can indeed be used to imply something is "no more than X", however, I've only ever seen that sentence be rendered as something like お前達には,おもちゃに過ぎないなんだよ. IMO at least.
[It's] likely Honeywood read 過ぎた as referencing the passing of time, which is a meaning 過ぎる can take in certain contexts (something like a toy for which the years have gone by) and, coupled with Emeralda being an ancient relic from Zeboim, he got "used up toy" from the sentence. It's definitely not the way I'd read that, but that's how his rationale worked, I think. Id is telling the group Emeralda is too good a toy for the likes of them."

- trexalfa

Chapter 40: the road to the sky (U.S. ver: Babel Tower)

Gazel: They exist because of their 'mother'.
(ERROR: 'They' should be 'we.')

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: You're back...? Well, find anything?
(Blue 1): So you have returned...... And? Did you find what you aimed to?

Krelian: "Yes. I have obtained a colony of nanomachines."
Karellen: "Yes. I have obtained a colony of nanomachines."

Gazel: How unsound.
(Blue 3): Such lunacy.

Gazel: In any case, is the M Project proceeding as planned? We need superior bodies and servants.
(Blue 4): Beyond that, is the M Project proceeding smoothly? We require more perfect bodies and servants.

Gazel: We've spent far too much time here. We can't afford to mistake the ultimate destination of this new civilization.
(Red 4): Overwhelming numbers of years have passed as this place is prepared. We must not mistake the direction of this civilization we are predicted to gain.

Gazel: They exist because of their 'mother'.
(Red 2): It is for the "mother's" sake that we exist.

Krelian: "Hmm. You've betrayed your 'mother', your 'creator', just to sustain your own egos. You have no right to speak so..."
Karellen: Hah. The words of those who once betrayed the mother who is their "Creator" in order to sustain their own egos, I see......

Gazel: That was... foolish, that was the past. When we were trapped in that cursed flesh... But now, it is different.
(Red 4): That is......a past folly. A matter from the time when we were imprisoned in the curse of flesh...... It is different now (presently).

Krelian: "I'll take no orders from you. You have lost that flesh long ago, and now reside in the SOL-9000 as data. Did you forget who revived you in there? What may be an eternity to man is but a moment to a god. I have no need for hesitation."
Karellen: "I will not take orders from you. You cannot have forgotten who revived you as data in that SOL-9000 after you lost your bodies. Years that may seem an eternity to humans are the second of a blink to god. There is no time for hesitation."

Chapter 41: listen to the songs of the winds (U.S. ver: Sky City Shevat)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: ... Useless. They allowed contact with Shevat...
(Blue 1): ......He is useless. To allow them contact with Shevat......

Gazel: There is an 'Anima Relic' in Shevat... ... We can't afford to have them align before preparations are complete.
(Red 2): There should be an "Anima Vessel" in Shevat...... If it is aligned before our preparations are put in order, it will be a bit troublesome.

Gazel: It's meaningless if it is not compatible with our type.
(Blue 3): If our yorishiro type is incompatible with it, it is meaningless.
[Translators note: Our yorishiro type...
Yorishiro is an interesting word. It is associated with Shintoism, and means a physical medium into which kami and spirits can descend - anything from rocks and trees to whole mountains, even animals. The use of this word emphasizes how the members of the Gazel Ministry view themselves as the spirit of God.]

Gazel: You want to bury all of Shevat?
(Blue 4): Are we to disregard Shevat, then?

Gazel: What of the 'Animus'?
(Red 4): What about the "Animus"?

Gazel: There are others. We must respond severely so this doesn't happen again.
(Red 2): There are others. We must respond completely so that this is not repeated.

Gazel: What about the Shevat gate? As long as it is there, we can't get in.
(Blue 2): How will we deal with Shevat's Gate? So long as it is there, we cannot invade.

Gazel: Easy. We just use Achtzehn's gravity cannon to compensate for the time-space warp.
(Blue 4): Why, simply compensate for the time distortion with the Achtzehn's Gravity Cannon.

Gazel: Achtzehn? Is it operational?
(Red 1): Achtzehn? Is it operational?

Gazel: Re-education is complete. It is ready. The airborne squad is already assembled.
(Blue 4): The re-education is complete. It is ready. The assembly of it's decent unit too is complete.

Gazel: Any side effects?
(Red 4): Its effect on the human body?

Gazel: The regulated 71st Airborne should have no problems.
(Red 3): The 71st decent unit which has completed adjustment should have no problems.

Gazel: Well then, I look forward to this.
(Red 2): We look forward to this.

Chapter 42: the intruder (U.S. ver: Intruder Alert!)

Chapter 43: the legacy of the father (U.S. ver: Raid Of Shevat!)

Nikolai: I see... You're a giant native lifeform of this planet... You're not... a young Rankar. Species name, dotesque Chu-Chupolin (intellect, astronomically low)! They still haven't gone extinct yet?
(ERROR: It says "native" when it should say "primitive" lifeform.)

That actually looks like a reasonably accurate translation, except for the word "native". It's possible that they got [][] and [][] confused, because the first two kanji are the same, and the latter two look so similar. I think the proper translation in this case is "primitive", which should make a lot more sense.
- Spherix

Maria: "Seibzehn, sally forth!!"
(ERROR: The somewhat odd translation of "sally forth" actually just says "launch" or "takeoff.")

What is said in Japanese is [], which means "launch" or "takeoff."
- Casen (State of the Arc Podcast, Xenogears Story Analysis (Ep.14))

Chapter 44: smile of Nisan (U.S. ver: Protect Nisan!)

Citan: "It is a closely guarded secret but the 'Ethos' people are not holy men. They simply supervise."
(ERROR: Citan does not actually say "it is a closely guarded secret" since the party already knows this. From machine translation we get a translation which seems more appropriate and accurate: "Strictly speaking, the people of the Church are not clergy. They are administrators.")

"I usually don't like to say this about Machine Translations due to obvious reasons, but yeah, it is better than the official line. The line says they are not clergymen, but administrators/managers."
- trexalfa

Chapter 45: prayer of Maroeur (U.S. ver: Gate 1 -Margie)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: Allowing the contact with Shevat......
(Blue 1): Allowing them contact with Shevat......

Gazel: Not only Shevat. The Ignas defeat, the Thames retreat. And yes, even Elru, you......
(Blue 4): Not only Shevat. The loss of Ignis. The retreat at the Thames. Yes, and Elul also, as I recall.

Gazel: Useless... as always......
(Red 4): You are useless, as always......

Gazel: A failure to begin with...
(Blue 2): You are a failure after all......

Gazel: 'Trash'...
(Red 1): "Trash"......

Ramsus: "W-what did you just say?"
Ramsus: "Ki, Kisama! What did you say?!"
[Translators note: The word kisama is too versatile. Though it is a derogatory 2nd person pronoun, it is also used as a straight curse as Ramsus does here. It is distinct from how Karellen uses it.]

Gazel: Hmph... It's the truth.
(Red 3): Hmph. It is the truth.

Gazel: And just what is that attitude? ...... You should show some loyalty.
(Red 2): And what is that attitude......? We expect you to show some loyalty.

Ramsus: "H, how dare you ridicule me by calling me 'trash'? Damn you! Guh... guhaah."
Ramsus: "How, how dare you ridicule me by calling me "trash"! Kisama--! Gu, Guah-"

Miang: "Calm down, Commander! It's not good for you. You still haven't recovered from the last battle!"
Miang: "Please calm yourself, Excellency! This will effect your health. Your wounds from the earlier battle are not yet fully healed! Your Excellency!"
[Translators note: I want to call attention to Miang's deferential language. Mother, lover, what have you, but Ramsus has higher rank. Also, I can find no precedence for the English version's translation of kakka (Ramsus's title) as commander.]

Gazel: It does not matter.
(Red 1): It matters not.

Gazel: The Lambs are probably on their way to destroying the gate. But, not this time...
(Blue 4): The lambs are likely on their way to destroy the gates. This time, surely......

Gazel: I'd like to see your 'intrinsic' powers.
(Blue 1): We want to see you "intrinsic power".

Gazel: If you aren't the 'trash' we think you are......
(Blue 1): If you mean to show us that you are not "trash"......

Ramsus: "Miang...... Launch the ship...... Get to him...... This time... I'll go myself... and I'll bring him down..."
Ramsus: "Miang...... Launch the warship...... Get to him...... I......will go...... This time...... I will bring him down......"

Miang: "Commander, you can't go out there like that!"
Miang: "Excellency, that is impossible in your condition!"

Kelvena: "Commander, request permission to handle the situation?"
Cherubina: "May I request that you leave this duty to us, Your Excellency?"

Miang: "You all?"
Miang: "You will...?"

Dominia: "We'll do our best to meet your expectations."
Dominia: "We will certainly give our all in order to meet His Excellency's expectations."

Kelvena: "Commander please, you must get medical attention......"
Cherubina: "So please, Excellency, get medical attention as quickly as possible."

Dominia: "To make our ideals a reality."
Dominia: "In order to put our ideals into practice."

Kelvena: "Well then, we are off."
Cherubina: "Well then, we are off."

Chapter 46: the shine of the Babel (U.S. ver: Gate 2 -Babel)

Tolone; Ha! Lambs' taste...
Seraphita: ...Taste...!!
Tolone: I thought I told you to shut up!

(It seems Richard Honeywood took some liberty here, which I think is fine.)

[Damn, this one is actually hard, believe it or not. Imma try my hand at it:

"Throne: Tsch! You Lamb vermin...!

Seraphita: ... chaarm!

Throne: Didn't I tell you to shut up!"

It's something like this. Throne curses at the party and Seraphita imitates her, leading Throne to telling her to keep quiet. ふぜい, when written as a noun, actually does mean taste, or charm, or the like. Here though, since ラムズ (Lambs) is before it, ふぜい is likely not a noun, but a suffix. And when used as a suffix, it's something derogatory. I went with "vermin", but literally it'd be something like "the likes of *suffixed word*" or "lowlifes such as *suffixed word*".

It's hard due to context. Throne's phrase is incomplete, and she's likely bitching about the fact a bunch of Lambs just kicked her ass. Then Seraphita imitates... leading to what I supect, in light of Seraphita being an airhead, is a wordplay only understandable in Japanese, and I don't know how to get it across. See, Throne used the suffix form of ふぜい, but Seraphita is using it as a noun, thereby translating it as "charm" (I also elongated the "a" because she does as well in the original hiragana). ]

- trexalfa

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: So, there's one surface gate left.
(Red 3): One surface gate remains, then.

Gazel: Ramsus, he couldn't defend it...
(Blue 4): Cursed Ramsus, to fail to defend them is......

Gazel: What is the purpose of his existence...
(Blue 3): For what purpose does he exist......

Gazel: Once 'trash', always 'trash'. How much can one really expect?
(Red 4): "Trash" is "trash", after all. What can one expect from such a thing as him?

Gazel: However, it must not be aligned before the 'Animus' data is retrieved.
(Blue 1): But we cannot allow them to align before the "Animus" data is collected.

Gazel: You are right. There is a higher probability of not getting the proper type.
(Red 2): Correct. And so the probability that the proper type will be unobtainable grows higher.

Gazel: As it was in the past...
(Blue 2): As it did in the past......

Gazel: We can't allow the lambs to go free yet.
(Red 1): We cannot set the lambs free yet.
[Translator's note: Usually, lambs is rendered as ramuzu in katakana, but here it is the Japanese hitsujitachi, perhaps to further stress that the people are ignorant herds. The line seems to refer to the M Project - converting people into the Malahk hosts, the army of Deus.]

Krelian: "Who cares about the gate anyways."
Karellen: "The fate of the gate (protective barrier) is irrelevant, is it not?"

Gazel: Krelian...
(Blue 3): Karellen......

Gazel: This can't be. The panic has spread to Etrenank.
(Blue 1): We cannot allow that. the panic will spread even here to Etemenanki.

Krelian: "Those fools we call citizens are easily manipulated by the Emperor's words alone."
Karellen: "Those empty-headed masses known as citizens can be easily controlled by the slightest word from the Emperor."

Gazel: You think Cain will be receptive?
(Blue 4): Can we expect Cain to accept?

Gazel: His body's already at the limit, he can't hold out much more...
(Red 3): His body has already reached it's limits, after all.

Krelian: "As usual a clone may be used. Those fools won't know the difference. And even if the barrier fails, it still will not be like the disaster before. Anyhow... if I recall, there's some very intriguing data on that memory cube."
Karellen: "A dummy (imitation) will suffice, as usual. The fools will not recognize the difference. What's more, even if the gate (protective barrier) is breached, behaving as before will not draw any attention to it. More importantly...... There was something extraordinarily interesting in the report from the memory cubes."

Gazel: And what is that?
(Blue 2): And what is that?

Krelian: "The 'mother'."
Karellen: "The "mother"."

Gazel: The 'mother'?
(Red 1): The "mother", you say......?

Krelian: "Indeed. It is probable that the 'mother' exists among the Lambs."
Karellen: "Indeed. It appears that the "mother" exists among those lambs. "

Gazel: Are you telling us our 'mother' is somewhere else? Why didn't we notice that sooner...?
(Blue 4): Meaning that there are others of our "mother"? Why would we not have become aware of this until now......?

Krelian: "The sign of the 'mother'... Her persona, only appears after she reaches a certain age... There is also a high probability that she transmigrated into the 'Antitype'."
Karellen: "The sign of the "mother"...... The "mother" persona (guise) appears only after reaching a certain age...... And there is a high likelihood that this is the reincarnation of the "counter-existence"."

Gazel: The 'Antitype'... That woman from Nisan...?
(Blue 3): The "counter-existence"...... That woman from Nisan, then......?

Krelian: "Here... I would like to use that nanotechnology product, 'Emeralda'."
Karellen: "That was her...... I think we should use that product of Zeboim nanotechnology, "Emeralda"."

Gazel: What you retrieved from the Thames? Why?
(Red 4): That which you recovered from Thames? Why?

Krelian: "To be sure. As 'mother' says, that nanomachine colony... that artificial organism, was a creation between the 'Contact' and the 'Antitype' 4000 years ago."
Karellen: "For confirmation. As the "mother" says, that colony of nanomachines...... That artificial lifeform was created by the "contact" and the "counter-existence" 4000 years ago."
[Translator's note: He must mean Miang this time. Miang's interest in Kim's project made her indirectly responsible for the terrorist strike on the Kasim's lab.]

Gazel: The 'mother's' memory...
(Blue 1): The "mothers'" memories......

Krelian: "Yes, that is it. We can probably attain some kind of reaction. But even if we obtain no reaction, and if 'Emeralda' is destroyed, I've already gathered all the data I need. Any loss of it will have no consequence to the plan."
Karellen: "That exactly. Probably, we can obtain some kind of reaction. Furthermore, even if "Emeralda" is destroyed without our obtaining any reaction, The data collection on it is finished. Were we to lose it, that would in no way obstruct the plan."
[Translator's note: "The data collection..." I added an object to make this line's relation to Emeralda more apparent. From here down, it = Emeralda.]

Chapter 47: the depth (U.S. ver: Gate 3 -The Deep)

Citan: "You are the ones who left Kahr for the surface... You must have a good reason."
(ERROR: If you bring Citan here, he has this badly translated line. If you bring Elly and not Citan you have a better line:
Elly: "A follower of Krelian!? Not Ramsus or the Elements!?")

Emeralda: "It's me, Emeralda, Emeralda! Kim named me because I have emerald hair! Don't you remember...?"
Emerada: "It's Emerada! Emerada! Kim gave me that name because of my emerald hair! How've you forgotten..."

Chapter 48: paradise upon the sky (U.S. ver: Into Solaris)

Chapter 49: home, sweet, home (U.S. ver: Escape Solaris)

Fei: "Where is he? We need him!"
Elly: "How should I know?"
Fei: "Don't be a snot. You haven't thought anything out at all!"
Elly: "I'm just saying, we have to be careful!"

(ERROR: Fei does not say "Don't be a snot." He says something more along the lines of "This is why I'm being loud.")

[...] in Japanese he does not call her a snot, I just wanted to throw this out there. He doesn't say that. He says something more along the lines of 'This is why I'm being loud. It's because you don't have a plan' and our friends are gonna die and this is a horrible situation. 'That's why I'm yelling!' That's what he's saying. 'This is why I'm making such a big deal about it.' But in the English it was chosen to translate the line of 'This is why my voice is being so big', they translated as you're such a snot Elly."
- Casen (State of the Arc Podcast, Xenogears Story Analysis (Ep.16))

Chapter 50: lone wolf (U.S. ver: Lone Wolf)

Chapter 51: suspicion (U.S. ver: Krelian's Lab)

The Japanese chapter title 'Suspicion' probably refers to Fei and Elly's suspicion of Citan.

Next bit is retranslated by Reichu (

Elly: (Why... is the deactivation code for the door lock known?)
Ellie: (How does he know the door lock's release code?)

Fei: "Doc, wait..." "What's this facility for?"
Fei: Hold up, Sensei. What in the world IS this facility?

Citan: "This place was not meant to be seen since the origin of time. This facility centers around the Emperor and the Ministry's longevity experiments."
Shitan: Originally this was a facility used in part for the Gazel Ministry's longevity research. The Emperor, who reigns over them, is one who has lived on since primordial times and cannot be allowed to die.
[Many kudos to Numbers-kun for helping to make sense of this part. The first sentence here is so difficult that even Honeywood completely gave up on it, it seems. Some rewriting was necessary due to the bizarro grammar, but hopefully all of the information is now present. -Reichu]

Fei: "The origin of time?"
Fei: Primordial times?

Citan: "Yes... 10,000 years ago. Beings called humans were born here. The first were the Emperor and the Ministry's elders."
Shitan: Yes... 10,000 years ago. Creatures called humans were born upon this earth. Those first humans were Emperor Cain and the elders comprising the Gazel Ministry.

Elly: "How could a human... live 10,000 years...?"
Ellie: But that's-- How could humans live for 10,000 years?

Citan: "Now only the Emperor is left. His destiny is to never die. However, the Ministry is different. Once, during the Diabolos invasion... the Ministry elders died losing their bodies. Now, the Solaris governing Ministry exists as data in memory banks. Each of their personalities are bits of data."
Shitan: Naturally, that was only one person, the Emperor. He is a human whose destiny is to never die. But the Gazel's destiny was different. Due to the war with the former surface-dwellers... or, rather, because of the Diabolos' invasion, the old men of Gazel lost their bodies altogether. Now the Solaris-governing Gazel Ministry exists on memory banks, each of their respective personalities mere data.

Fei: "It's the data on the memory bank?"
Fei: Data on memory banks?

Citan: "Having neither flesh nor souls they are just binary numbers. They both exist and do not exist at the same time... After the Fall, wanting to resurrect their bodies, and create a worthy vessel, they transferred a research facility that was once the Soylent System on the land to Etrenank. Eventually the facility was no longer only for the Emperor's life and the Ministry's resurrection, but it began producing food and drugs with additives that controlled the public. The memory cube Fei and them were using was meant for obtaining living data. Of course, the 'Ethos' also sent various data to help."
Shitan: They are but numeric strings, having neither flesh nor soul. Immaterial existences... After the Day of Collapse, they became fixated upon their [lost] corporeality. Desiring resurrection, they transferred one of the Soylent Systems from the surface to Etemenanki so that it might produce suitable bodies. Eventually the institution, no longer limited to researching only the Emperor's longevity treatments and Ministry's corporeal resurrection, came to double as a facility researching organic weapons, along with special food and drug additives that would regulate public opinion. The memory cubes, too, which Fei and the others used without concern -- they are devices that were installed to collect surface-dwellers' bio-data. Of course, various data was also sent by the Church to help.

Fei: "That means we were living for those elderly people of Gazel?"
Fei: So, we were living day in and day out, all for those old Gazel fogies?

Citan: "Yes."
Shitan: Correct.

Elly: "They're transferring and taking living data via memory cubes to the Ministry so they can use them to resurrect their bodies!?"
Ellie: Individual bio-data is transmitted via the memory cubes every time a record is taken, to be put to use for the Ministry's physical resurrection?!

Citan: "Yes."
Shitan: Correct.

Fei: "You mean those mutants getting disassembled at that factory were too?"
Fei: You mean the demi-humans getting cannibalized at the factory were [for that purpose], too?

Citan: "Basically, they wish to reuse the useless dregs."
Shitan: I suppose it's like reusing the unusable dregs.

From "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: You brought about this spectacle.
That voice is the one which haunts you...
Cursed, untouchable one...
Oh god's beloved child, those who prevent our prayers...
Get... Destroy... Burn with god's fire...

(ERROR: It says "god's beloved child", seemingly referring to Fei, instead of "God's beloved children, us" which is meant to refer to the Ministry.)

Sono koukei omae ga umidashita mono. (That spectacle you created yourself)
Sono koe omae wo norou koe (That voice is the voice that curses/haunts you)
Imaimashiya, sawareuzarumono (Annoying, impossible to touch person)
Kami no itoshiki taru, warera no higan wo habamu oto (The sound/noise that hinders greatest wish of God's beloved children, us)
Tsukamaeraeyo..., horoseyo..., kami no honou de yakitsukuse... (Capture..., be destroyed..., burn out with God's flame)

Gazel: "Paradise... Hah hah hah.
That may be a proper description... Our ark...
In the center block lord 'Mahanon' is sealed in.
That is the source of god's wisdom... A paradise of knowledge..."

(ERROR: It says "lord Mahanon" but 'Mahanon' is the name of the center block.)

Rakuen ka... Fufufu. Sore wa tadashii mikata kamoshirenena... (Paradise... Hahaha. That might be a correct point of view...)
Warera no hakobune... Sono chuuou block "Mahanon" kami no fuuin sareshi bashou. (Our ark... The central block Mahanon is the place where God is sealed)

"The problem with this sentence seems to be that there is no punctuation mark between Mahanon and Kami, thus making the translator believe that Mahanon was applied to the word Kami, as is normal in English, but not so in Japanese, where the particle no "Mahanon no kami" would be the adequate way of saying Mahanon God, or Lord."
- LastFencer

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Fei: "Elly... Doc... You there? Uh, wha, what... Th, this... Uhhaaaaaahhh!!"
Fei: "Elly...... Sensei...... Are you here? Ugh- What's going on...... Th, this is...... Uwah----!
[Translator's note: Sensei is sometimes literally rendered as "one who lived before", and is an honorific that can be applied to masters of various disciplines such as teachers, doctors or artists. I think it's a beautiful word.]

Fei: "Unh... Huh? This is... Guh... gr.. Can't... get it. Uh... This is... What is this!? Why are you showing me this!? Who!? Who did this!? Elly! Doc! Where are you!? Where..."
Fei: "Un...... Huh!? This is... Urg...... No use, I can't break it. Ah...... This is...... What is this!? Why are you showing me these things!? Who are you!? Who's behind this!? Elly! Sensei! Where are you!? Where did they......"
[Translator's note: "Un..." is a sound someone makes when they're just waking up.]

You brought about this spectacle.
(This one was covered above already. For some reason, the translator for "An Eye for the Infinite" website got "God's beloved children, us" wrong just like the game. I guess it must be a tricky translation.)

Fei: "Wha...? Doc!? Th, these guys? What is this!? Bart!? Billy! Doc!! What's going on!? What are you all...? Doc! Answer me!"
Fei: Wh......? Sensei!? Wh, who are these people? What's going on!? Bart!? Billy! Sensei!! Wh, what is the meaning of this!? What's happening to them......? Answer me, Sensei!

Gazel: One of the Solaris Guardian Angels is here, Hyuga Ricdeau.
(Blue 1): This is one of the Solaris Guardian Angels, Hyuga Rikudou.

Gazel: This man is Cain... Receiving the orders from the one known as Emperor, you've entered his realm, and have been under his continued supervision...
(Red 1): Under the orders of Cain...... he whom you call the Emperor, this man proceeded to that place to continue monitoring you......

Fei: "Solaris Guardian Angel? Monitoring me?"
Fei: Solaris Guardian Angel? Monitoring me......?

Gazel: Oh yes. We've guided Solaris and even selected the 'Animus' which have been drawn to you. And guided you here to Solaris.
(Blue 2): Just so. A well as leading here to Solaris those who have gathered to you whom we have selected to become "Animus".

Gazel: The 'Animus' is needed for our resurrection... These are our bodies... This what we possess.
(Blue 1): The "Animus" are required for the revival of we who are disembodied. They are our flesh...... They are vessels.
[Translator's note: "They are vessels."
The Japanese here is odd. I cannot figure out the origin or meaning of this kanji compound that I assume should be read gudai. It may be a typo, and if so, yorishiro may be the intended word. Nonetheless, I will leave my translation until I have more information.]

Gazel: Yes, this is the only reason we exist...
(Red 2): Yes, they exist only for that......

Fei: "The bodies of Bart and the others belong to you? Is that true!? Doc! What they are saying?"
Fei: Bart and the others are your bodies......!? Is this true!? Sensei! Is what they're saying true......?

Gazel: Why so apprehensive? Is it that you were sold out by one you trusted?
(Blue 1): What upsets you so? Is it because you have been betrayed by one you trusted?

Fei: "I'm not talking to you guys! Doc, answer me!"
Fei: I'm not asking any of you! Answer me, Sensei!

Citan: "3 years..."
Citan: Three years......

Fei: "?"
Fei: ?......

Citan: "For three years I have been by your side. I had to determine whether you were going to be our enemy or not..."
Citan: These three years I have been at your side. I had to ascertain whether you would become our enemy or not......

Fei: "... Revenge?"
Fei: Enemy......?
[Translator's note: "Enemy..."
Normally read as kataki, but is sometimes used interchangeably with teki (enemy). It implies that Fei has a reason to avenge himself on Solaris and it's leadership.]

Gazel: Yes, the enemy. Your existence is a threat to us...
(Blue 1): Yes, an enemy. To us, you are a dangerous presence......

Gazel: It was necessary to keep an eye on you.
(Red 3): Thus, it was necessary to watch you.

Gazel: The one who ordered you to be watched was Cain...
(Blue 2): Though it was Cain who gave the order to observe you......

Gazel: We were planning on the maturation of the 'Animus', and your termination. We also sent Hyuga to you.
(Blue 1): We planned the selection of those "Animus" and the elimination of you who would become our enemy. We then sent Hyuga to you.

Gazel: However, every attempt to terminate you has failed... Because of that good for nothing trash...
(Blue 3): However, every attempt to eliminate you has failed. Thanks to that good for nothing trash......

Gazel: Even so, we now possess 'Animus'. Hyuga has fulfilled his duties well.
(Blue 1): Nonetheless, we have obtained "Animus". Hyuga has done his job well.

Fei: "Is... that it...? You were in with these guys... That's why you, everyone... Why! You've had your way all this time with us land dwellers! You already own the world! What more do you want?"
Fei: "It's true......isn't it......? You were in with them and we...... For that, the others are...... Why!? You control us surface dwellers however you want! It's the same as owning the world already! What could you be after beyond that!?"

Gazel: You must know by now that we plan to resurrect god.
(Red 3): You should know. Our goal is the resurrection of god.

Gazel: God will awaken from his long slumber after man has populated the land... Then, Mahanon too will awaken...
(Blue 2): when our people fill the earth, god will awaken from his long slumber...... At that time, Mahanon too will awaken......

Fei: "Aerial Paradise Mahanon? The place fell to earth..."
Fei: "The paradise in the heavens, Mahanon? The one said to have fallen to earth......"

Gazel: Paradise... Hah hah hah. That may be a proper description... Our ark... In the center block lord 'Mahanon' is sealed in. That is the source of god's wisdom... A paradise of knowledge...
(Blue 1): Paradise...... Hah hah hah. That may be a fitting view of it...... Our ark...... the central block "Mahanon" in which god is sealed. It is the source of god's wisdom...... A paradise of knowledge......

Gazel: Using that knowledge, we will resurrect the awakened god and build our 'ark' to take us both into the great universe.
(Red 1): Using that wisdom, we will revive the awakened god, and build the "ark" that calls us both into the universe.

Gazel: The construction of our ark... To reign over god's forces in this great universe... The creation of the angel 'Malakh'. The M Project was for that very purpose...
(Blue 2): The construction of our ark...... And the creation of the Malahk (angels)...... a divine army to reign over the universe. The M Project serves this purpose......

Fei: "What do you mean!?"
Fei: "What!?"

Gazel: We are orphans in this universe. We were thrown away onto this planet in solitude along with god.
(Red 4): We are orphans of the universe. We were abandoned in isolation on this planet along with god.

Gazel: We humans were not born on this planet. Long ago, we came here from another heavenly body. We are beings from an alien planet.
(Blue 1): Our people are not life forms native to this planet. We came to this world from another heavenly body in the distant past. We are alien beings.

Fei: "That's ridiculous!?"
Fei: "That's ridiculous!"

Gazel: This is true. You have seen the various regions of this world. Why do you think there are no records of humans before 10,000 years ago...
(Blue 4): It is not a lie. You yourself have seen the whole of the surface, correct? And that there is no human presence prior to ten thousand years ago......

Fei: "...!?"
Fei: "......!?"

Gazel: This is the will of god. The god's revival has been fated since before the time before genesis...
(Blue 1): This is the will of god. The revival of god has been destined since our genesis of old......

Gazel: We will be one with god. Attaining a new 'Animus'... We will once again return to the starry skies...
(Red 4): And we will become one with god. We shall obtain the new "Animus"...... and return to the heavens once again......

Gazel: That is the meaning of our existence.
(Blue 4): That is our purpose in existence.

Gazel: That is our supreme objective.
(Red 3): That is our supreme objective.

Fei: "So you're not planning on using Solaris' power to dominate the world?"
Fei: " your goal isn't to rule the world with Solaris's power?"

Gazel: Of course. What meaning is there in having control of a planet as insignificant as this? God has given us the right to rule over the universe.
(Blue 1): Of course not. What meaning is there in possessing one insignificant planet such as this...... God has given us the right to reign over the universe.

Gazel: Yes. Only we, who do not carry impure blood, have the right to a pardon...
(Red 1): Yes. Only we with no impurities of blood will be granted that indulgence (indulgence)......

Gazel: So, we will resurrect god.
(Blue 4): For that, we will revive god.

Gazel: It's been an eternity since our exile from paradise. If the time of god's revival does not come, we will have to follow the path to destruction. But...
(Red 2): An eternity has passed since our banishment from paradise. Should the revival of god not be complete by the time of the gospel, We will have to follow the path of destruction. But......
[Translator's note: Time of the gospel... The original phrase here, fukuin no koku, is similar but not identical to the one that Cain and Shitan use.]

Gazel: Having attained 'Animus', our resurrection is near... Next is god's resurrection.
Elder: As we now have "Animus" our revival is assured...... Next is god's revival, then......

Fei: "Krelian!?"
Fei: "Karellen!?"

Krelian: "This one only waits for the awakening..."
Karellen: "We only wait for this one's awakening......"

Fei: "Elly!!?"
Fei: "Elly!!?"

Krelian: "Yes. This is what your genetic exon looked like before replacement... This is the conceptualized form of the intron which carries information that isn't supposed to exist. Observe, This is the Urobolus Ring which contains 'intron information' which only... ...exists in 'certain people'. Urobolus... if we were to anatomize such a thing... Wouldn't you be interested in what type of information it would have to offer us?"
(ERROR: The official translation leaves out almost a complete sentence that makes a subtle reference to the final boss.)

Karellen: That's right. This is the empty part of your genes, prior to exon replacement... An abstraction based on an analysis of [your] introns, where information normally should not exist. Look now, at this ringed structure. This is what is known as the Ring of Ouroboros; intron information that only exists for "certain special individuals." The Ouroboros... If this abstractional snake, that which can be compared to the grand mother, were to release its tail from its own bite, and stand upright... What would happen? Does that form not pique your curiosity?

["Grand mother" is a bit of a tricky one. The dictionary definition of "大母" is "grandmother," but I personally feel that the meaning here is more general; So I opted to put a space between "grand" and "mother," to give that general sense while also maintaining the possible link to "grandmother." It's hard because Jung has the Great Mother archetype, so it's easy to leap to that association, but that's usually written as "太母," which is considered to be interchangeable with "大母," but the complication here is that the Great Mother archetype is from what I can see always written as "太母" and not "大母." ]
- Lugalbanda

[The new translation says that Uroboros "can be compared to the Great Mother", which is perfectly accurate, but I think that it's worth noting that 大母とも準えられる can also be read as "modelled after the Great Mother". Overall, it's anyone's call, because it'd depend on whatever one thinks fitting for the context. ]
- trexalfa

Chapter 52: the escape (U.S. ver: Tears For Fears)

Citan: "It is much easier to be given a place to belong to than to make one yourself. You do not even understand a simple concept like that?"
Fei: "Only the true...!"
(ERROR: Fei does not shout "Only the true!", he is responding in anger with something more along the line of "Such a thing would be a real...!")

So yeah, it'd be "Such a thing would be a real...!" Now, I think a definitely is what fits the situation, as well as the would. But yeah, the point is, Fei is outraged.
- trexalfa

Citan: "Ostensibly, I received a covert order from the Emperor to contact the body wanted by the Ministry and send the data... and if possible bring the body back. That was my duty. As a result, I had no choice but to deceive you. Please forgive me."

The word "nikutai" literally is "fleshly body"... physical appearance so to speak?.. I guess they chose "body" because the council indeed have lost their "bodies" :) But I agree, there may be a better word. The translation is not exactly on the mark here too, what makes "body" stick out even more... how about "to get in contact with the one who possesses the fleshly body the Council so desires..." ?
- Infsen

Chapter 53: the flame of hate (U.S. ver: Fall of Solaris)

Krelian: "I really want to say it's a waste of time... but, I guess it's alright.
He probably made it easier to control it...

(ERROR: He says "He probably made it easier to control it" instead of "it became more controlled/suppressed".)

Mattaku, yokei na tema o to....... iitai tokoro da ga, maa yokasou. Sore de yori, seigyo ga kakujitsu ni natta omoeba...... na. Sore ni shi-temo... (I say it's a waste of time, but it's fine, I guess. On top of that, it became more controlled/suppressed. Nevertheless...)

"Well, that makes a lot more sense. 'It' is of course referring to Ramsus and the fact that he's losing makes him more controlled and easier for Krelian and Miang to manipulate. The official translation here really isn't good."
- Fan

"I wonder about that though. Shouldn't it use "Him" rather than "It" for it to refer to Ramsus? Or is there no difference in Japanese between referring to a human or an object?"
- Harrycombs

"^Doesn't calling Ramsus an 'it' reveal a lot about their views towards him? Seems effective to me."
- No_Mega

Krelian: "How can you continue to fight without a chance of winning..."
Miang: "Isn't that what you want? Though I induced you to feel that way...

Kate mo shinai tataki, yoku tsuzukerareru mono da... (A losing battle... how can you even think of continuing with it...)
Sore ga mokuteki deshou? Soushimuketa no wa watashi dakedo... (Wasn't that your objective? Though it seemed I have had a hand in persuading you...)

"The direct translation with the induced part is really induced, though I think they could’ve done better if they used another word..."
- Yenie

"How is Miang fighting a losing battle?"
- Fan

"I can't remember my Xenogears so... yeah. XD;;; but I'm speculating that the losing battle = probably Ramsus is a lost cause or something for Miang?"
- Yenie

"The Japanese doesn't say anything about being induced. But, you know, oh, okay that's possible. She said, 'though I did that,' something like that. 'So isn't that what you wanted? Though I'm the one that did that...' That's the Japanese, but it could still read 'induced', it's just kind of a funny word."
- Casen (State of the Arc Podcast, Xenogears Story Analysis (Ep.17))

Krelian: "What her true intentions are... I don't even know."
(ERROR: This sentence is badly translated.)

Karellen: How much of what you speak is in earnest, I cannot understand.

[Alternatively, for a less accurate but easier-to-understand sentence, "How much of what you speak is in earnest, I will never understand."]
- Lugalbanda

Chapter 54: disgusting (U.S. ver: Shevat's Move)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Emperor: "This is your conclusion...?"
Emperor: "So this is your conclusion......"

Citan: "Yes, your Majesty. This is the answer that I chose myself."
Shitan: "Yes, Your Majesty. This is the answer I was lead to."

Emperor: "Anonelbe... You think you can do it?"
Emperor: "Ahnenerbe...... You say it is possible?"

Citan: "Yes. Humans have the potential. Managers are no longer needed."
Shitan: "Yes. Humans have that potential. There is no need for stewards now."
[Translator's note: Stewards referring to all the old men, most particularly Cain himself, the "ultimate authority" over mankind. Apparently, the advent of the Ahnenerbe gives the people the power to make their own fate.]

Emperor: "The contact is not our enemy?"
Emperor: "The 'contact' is not our enemy?"

Citan: "Yes, as you say your Majesty, if Fei is..."
Shitan: "That is correct. It is as Your Majesty says, if Fei is the one......"

Emperor: "Then I leave it up to you... I atone for my crime by doing so..."
Emperor: "If he is, I shall entrust them to him. That is all I can do to atone......"
[Translator's note: "I shall intrust them to him..."
This line required the addition of two objects-- Fei as the secondary object, and "them", referring to the people that Cain shepherds.]

Citan: "It is rare to be able to talk to a real schizophrenic. As a scholar, I am extremely intrigued."
(ERROR: He says "schizophrenic" instead of "a person with multiple personalities".)

"In the bit about Citan's words, it says: "Anata no you na, hontou no tajuujinkakusha" That is: "A person with multiple personalities like you" From the top of my head I don't remember how schizophrenic was said in Japanese, but it certainly wasn't that."
- LastFencer

Citan: "Were there not times when he would be psychologically unstable? For example, he would be manicly depressive and then have sudden fits of rage..."

This is difficult.. the translation is not perfect but ok IMHO. The Japanese "sô-utsu" seems to be the equivalent to the pathological term "manicly depressive" indeed... in Japanese they don't even dare to use the Kanji (Chinese Characters) used for this.. since probably no Japanese person could even read it correctly lol ;D so they use only Hiragana. The problem with the translation though is, that it is slightly contradictive.. since manicly depressive already means that there are sudden fits of rage.. "manicly depressive" as I just learned means you have "extreme highs and downs" with no appropriate reason.. so it reads like "Fei would be extremely angry and extremely sad at times and then have sudden fits of rage..." :/ the Japanese formulation is a bit more lax and there is no real contradiction.. but what Citan essentially wanted to say is, like I said, "Fei would be extremely angry and extremely sad at times with no appropriate reason"...
- Infsen

Chapter 55: lost bonds (U.S. ver: Broken Ties)

Translation clarification from "An Eye for the Infinite" website:

Gazel: Cain... Making a ridiculous setup with Hyuga...
(Blue 2): Cursed Cain...... Planning this pointless farce with the likes of Hyuga......
[Translator's note: Refers to Shitan's leading Fei into the Ministry's hands, and then promptly helping him escape. Incidentally, the only related party who gained nothing from Fei's visit to Etemenanki was the Ministry.]

Gazel: He certainly has his deficiencies compared to our digitized existence, which permits us to use a higher level of logical thinking...
(Red 2): He clearly differs from we who have attained advanced logical faculties from being converted to data......

Gazel: He is restricted by his human form.
(Red 1): Cain is too caught up in his human form.

Gazel: Regardless... with just one machine, he annihilated Etrenank... His powers must not be underestimated...
(Blue 4): Be that as it may...... To destroy Etemenanki with a single machine...... His power cannot be made light of......
[Translator's note: This marks an abrupt topic shift to the Contact and the number he did on Etemenanki.]

Gazel: We're already short of time. The key, use the key...
(Red 3): Already, we are out of time. The key, use the key......

Krelian: "Even you are beginning to feel the pressure?"
Karellen: "Naturally you are a bit terrified, aren't you?"

Gazel: Krelian... What is Cain's situation?
(Blue 1): Karellen...... What is Cain's condition?

Krelian: "The usual life extension treatment. He'll hold out for... a little longer..."
Karellen: "Undergoing the usual life extension treatment. It should maintain him...... for a little longer."

Gazel: Does that mean we may not make it in time...?
(Blue 3): So there is a possibility that we will not be in time......
[Translator's note: This is a rare moment in which the Ministry refers to Cain as necessary to their scenario. They don't. I can't figure out the significance of this line.]

[Note: The translator was confused by this line which is in reference to the destruction of humanity that will occur at the Time of the Gospel if Deus is not resurrected. To learn more read the 'After Word' on page 302-303 in Xenogears: Perfect Works.]

Krelian: "I wouldn't know... You spoke of using the key. Can you be sure he can be eliminated?"
Karellen: "Who can say......? At any rate, did you speak of using the key? Is there any guarantee he can be removed?"
[Translator's note: "Is there any guarantee..."
Strict literalism seems to separate the meaning of this line from the rest of the passage. But also, I fail to see how using the Goetia Key would eliminate Fei. I assume Fei, because the next several lines refer to him.]

[Note: The translator was confused how using the Goetia Key would eliminate Fei. The answer is the possibility of him mutating along with other humans, which is what they discuss in the next few lines.]

Gazel: That we do not know. You know who he is...
(Red 3): We do not know. You know who the opponent is.

Gazel: If he is the 'contact', there is a possibility he may not transmigrate.
(Red 2): If he is the "contact" there is a possibility he will not mutate.

Gazel: It's an organism composed of multiple generations. It's a matter of probability.
(Red 4): He is a lifeform that recurs through the ages. It is a matter of probability.

Gazel: That does not mean we can just remain idle.
(Blue 1): For that reason we cannot remove ourselves from this.

Gazel: Yes. At this rate we are bound to make the same mistake. But we can't fail a second time.
(Red 3): Correct. At this rate it will be a repetition of our past failure. We will not be allowed another mistake.
[Translator's note: Past failure = Days of Collapse. The Ministers have commented before on how the current situation is similar to that which lead up to the Days of Collapse.]

Krelian: "Well, don't worry. I've sent Ramsus to deal with him."
Karellen: "Come now, don't be so impatient. I have sent Ramsus after him."

Gazel: What can a failure like him do?
(Red 4): What can that failure do?

Gazel: He couldn't even defend Etrenank. What can you expect from 'trash' like him?
(Red 1): We can expect nothing more from the "trash" that could not acceptably defend Etemenanki's airspace, can we not?

Krelian: "Even if he has the 'Anima Relic'?"
Karellen: "Even if he is given an "Anima Vessel"?"

Gazel: The 'Relic'...?
(Blue 3): A "Vessel", you say......?

Krelian: "The relic we recovered before has been aligned with his Gear. There shouldn't be any problems now. He should be able to use his full power."
Karellen: "I aligned his gear with one of the vessels that was recovered previously. Now there will be no reason for complaint. He should be able to demonstrate his true power."

Gazel: You're going to take the task yourself? Although he transmigrated, wasn't he once one of you? I don't understand you.
(Blue 4): You mean that you will do this yourself? Transmigrated though he may be, he was once your ally, was he not? You are incomprehensible.
[Translator's note: Refers to Karellen's alliance to Lacan, the previous Contact, in the Shevat-Solaris War.]

Krelian: "I've thrown away all feelings of human emotion. All I need is 'her'."
Karellen: "I long ago abandoned those emotions known as the human heart. All I require now is "her"."

Gazel: But isn't that also an emotion?
(Blue 2): That too is called emotion, is it not?

Krelian: "... Of course."
Karellen: "......Of course."

Gazel: Is that a blunder...
(Blue 2): Is that a bluff, then......?

Krelian: "You are irritating... Do you wish to cease your existence?"
Karellen: "You are irritating. Do you want to be erased here and now?"

Gazel: Fine. We shall leave it at that.
(Blue 1): Very well then, we shall leave it at that.
[Translator's note: I want to call attention to the fact that this line demonstrates that the Ministers know that their fates are in Karellen's hands.]