The History of Xenogears and Xenosaga

Creators Tetsuya Takahashi and Soraya Saga


These history articles are partly inspired by "The Secret History of Star Wars" by Michael Kaminski, a book that was written in an attempt to shine a light on George Lucas' creative process and trace the many changes that occured in the Star Wars saga along the way. This is an analysis of the history of Xenogears and Xenosaga, in an attempt to shine some light on how the early works by Tetsuya Takahashi evolved.

My original motivation for writing these articles about the development history back in 2011 was due to the many lies and rumors about these works that used to spread around the web. The amount of incorrect information and uninformed assumptions used to be staggering. But over time, thanks to these articles having become more widely read by fans of these works, as well as the occasional new interview with the developers revealing more anecdotes about these games, a more accurate understanding of the development history has slowly emerged. However, there are still many questions left unanswered regarding the development history and the precise relationship between Xenogears and Xenosaga, so these articles are also going to speculate on some things. But these speculations will be more informed than the usual random assumptions and rumors that you can often find around the web. And I tend to update these articles whenever something new comes to light or an old hypothesis is revealed to be inaccurate.

These are the latest updated versions of these history articles. You can check when any of them were last updated at the start of each page, though sometimes the latest update is just the fixing of a spelling error or similar.

* These articles contain spoilers

Table of Contents:


    - Origins of the story
    - Developing the game
    - Consumer reception
    - Perfect Works / Episode I -- Transition towards "Xenosaga"

    - MonolithSoft's Project X
    - Unveiling the XENOSAGA project
    - Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht
    - Official Design Materials

    - A new stance -- series cut down to 1/3
    - Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose
    - A(nother) remake
    - Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra

Part 4: The Future of These Works