This is a book made by the developers for fans of
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht that tends to get cited. You could say this book is the
Xenosaga Episode I equivalent to the
Xenogears: Perfect Works book for
Xenogears, though there are also lore information in the
Xenosaga Episode I Complete Guide that is not covered in this book.
Xenosaga Episode I -Official Design Materials- is actually quite unique and arguably the most interesting out of all the
Xeno- source books, and the intent is to have the full book translated below. The quality of the translations may vary a bit though.
You can find the original translation project page for this book archived
here, though it does not have the full book translated.
Translated by Gwendal, Spherix, jinxhaas, Rox-e, rika, quartet4, int, and others
[Last updated 2025.03.14]
[Intro page]
Xenosaga EPISODE I Der Wille zur Macht
[Page 002 - Translated by Gwendal]
( About the story and each chapter )
About the story and the each chapter
( The beginning of the story )
The shore of Lake Turkana in Kenya, 20XX A.C. When [he] placed the silver plate in the strange-patterned ruins discovered at the excavation site, there was a powerful earthquake, and it appeared from underground. A plate glowing with gold[en light], Zohar". The Zohar had the power to make various things disappear, and humanity had no choice but to begin the tale of their leaving the Earth.
4000 years later, the Galactic Federation Marine Corps cruiser Woglinde has successfully recovered the golden Zohar floating in space. In their temporary laboratory set up inside the ship, Vector Industries' foremost R&D department was continuing development of a certain weapon. That weapon had the name KOS-MOS. It is a weapon in the form of an android [Translator: Yes, the tense shift is in the original too]. With chief engineer Shion Uzuki in a central role, they were repeatedly testing KOS-MOS' activation and behavior in virtual space.
While the Marine Corps were urging them to collect data from real combat, Shion kept going with her experiments in virtual space as long as she could.
She was ordered to the bridge, where Commander Andrew strongly expressed his dissatisfaction with her when she reported the results of her experiments. To him, there was no point in a weapon that couldn't be activated.
After that, Shion went back to her room without arguing back and went to sleep. At that time, a mysterious girl appeared in her dream. Calling herself Nephilim, it was the same girl she'd seen before. Shion was restless in her sleep.
Just then, an alarm sounded on the bridge of the Woglinde. There was hurried communication among the crew. They reported it was a Gnosis attack.
Gnosis. A symbol of death to humankind. It is unclear whether Gnosis are even living beings, they travel through space, entering the Woglinde through its walls. The Woglinde was surrounded by Gnosis both inside and outside.
A particular alarm sounded in Shion's room to signal the Gnosis attack. The alarm woke Shion from her sleep. The alaram [also] signalled KOS-MOS to activate. However, as long as chief engineer Shion hadn't entered the release code, KOS-MOS should absolutely not have been able to activate on her own. But she started moving just like that, as if in reaction to the Gnosis attack...?
( The significance of this book )
"Xenosaga Episode 1 The Will to Power" (Hereafter "Episode 1"), beginning as we've related above, is merely the first part of a huge space opera, as the title shows. That being said, it's still an emotionally moving and exciting historical epic, as those who've played it will know well.
This book is a compilation of design materials informing the vision of "Episode 1"'s world. This book exists to help you enjoy the deep and sweeping world of this story.
The organization of this book is divided into two main parts. Those are Part 1, "Analysis of all phenomena", which aims to provide analysis of every phenomenon in the story, and Part 2, "Materials relating to every phenomenon", mainly focusing on various original creation images needed for developing [the game].
We will give a slightly more detailed overview of each part [below].
Part 1 Analysis of all phenomena
This chapter starts by dividing the elements of the story into 14 broad categories, such as people and organizations, and examines those elements from various angles. By using modern personality assessment methods, supporting it with science and [looking at] various cultural backgrounds in the analysis of the elements, we'll make it possible to enjoy aspects of the game you wouldn't have noticed just by playing it normally.
Part 2 Materials relating to every phenomenon
When making a game, there are many elements that are necessary, and needless to say, there's a lot of trial and error. Of course the same goes for "Episode I". This part will especially emphasize the design side, and publish original images from a stage before they appeared in the final game. We hope you'll enjoy these images [lit.: parts] you definitely wouldn't be able to see in the finished game. The second half consists of interviews. Here we'll get a glimpse of the hardships they faced during production and the development staff's design philosophies.
In addition, this book isn't about the future of the "Xenosaga" series, and makes no predictions about that. The reason for this is that no matter how the story unfolds from here, we want to make sure it's still an enjoyable and worthy experience. No matter how massive the series becomes, the emotions and excitement engendered from "Episode I" will remain without fading, and thus the same applies to this book.
September 2002 Famitsu Books, editorial division
[Page 028 - Translated by Spherix]
( Character Original Design #1 )
In charge of Xenosaga Episode I's character designs is Tanaka Kunihiko-shi. Tanaka-shi also worked on the character designs for Xenogears (Square), so it's well established that he creates deep [detailed] characters. On this page, let's introduce the original art of Tanaka-shi. Also, from Takahashi Tetsuya-shi, the director who came up with the personality of each of the characters and the setting, we received the corresponding design concepts and the "image" for their voices. Because it has the back-and-forth with Tanaka-shi and the inside story on the design decisions, we hope that you will certainly give it a look.
[Translator's note: The -shi name ending is something I think is pretty much only used in formal writing. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I just left it as Gwendal has done with -san, but I thought maybe I should explain it, since people are less likely to be familiar with it. It's a term of respect for people known through their reputation, rather than having met them. Something like that.]
* Shion's design concept, voice "image"
That Shion has to wear glasses was decided from a fairly early stage. But if it's just having to wear glasses, that makes for a simple image in any case...... Eventually, I guess we just ended up going with a simple image (laughs).
Concerning her voice, Shion is constantly in situations that strained the tension, so perhaps she's a character who potentially breaks down at the occurrence of some trifling things. Meaning peril, or fragility, we wanted to request the kind of voice that possesses that sort of thing. At the audition, we selected Maeda Ai, who had a voice close to our image.
* KOS-MOS's design concept, voice "image"
The concept itself was long hair, a personality that was of an intense sort, but we were having a rough time with the body design. And so, since it was supposed to be a Vector product, Mugitani-san, who was in charge of mechanical systems design, designed the body for us. Tanaka-san took that and finished it up. Mugitani-san thought a sexual impression would be good, or so he said, and so he also researched underwear. It's a collaboration between artists Mugitani and Tanaka.
The "image" for the voice was surely an android-like voice (laughs). As with Shion, we didn't want to be tied down with stereotypes, so we decided at the audition. Suzuki Mariko-san was decided upon unanimously.
[Page 029 - Translated by Gwendal]
Character Original Design
* MOMO's design concept, voice image
For MOMO, we requested an image of a courageous, good child, but also a slightly troubled young girl. Since she belongs to an organization, we also wanted her to wear a uniform. MOMO ended up very close to our initial concept of her. We didn't have any worries there.
Her voice would naturally we that of a young girl, but rather than a having a cute voice, we wanted to emphasize her uncertainty. Her cuteness should feel genuine rather than coy. At the audition, we decided on Rumi Shishido-san relatively easily.
* Ziggy's design concept, voice image
We decided on aspects of his personality at a late stage, and worried about whether to make him more robot-like or human-like. As a 100-year-old cyborg, we decided to having his mechanical parts showing to give him a somewhat anachronical feel.
As for the image of his voice, we decided on Masashi Ebara-san right away. When it comes to [acting] skill and weight, I can't think of anyone other than Ebara-san who could bring such depth to the game so skillfully.
* chaos' design concept, voice image
We considered making chaos to have darker skin, and we told Tanaka-san we wanted his skin color and related things to give that kind of impression. We said we wanted him to be boyish. We requested that he should definitely wear gloves.
chaos' voice was also decided at the audition. We worried whether we'd find someone who fit the mold of having [the necessary] gentleness and boyishness along with acting ability. We put a higher priority on the acting part and decided on Souichirou Hoshi.
* Jr.'s design concept, voice image
Our concept was that he looks like a boy on the outside, but is more of an adult inside. He has short hair with a modern style. Also, Tanaka-san was waiting for "The Matrix" at the time, so he [made him] wear a longcoat. (Laughs)
As for his voice, we actually wanted a boy if possible. But when we predicted how long the Xenosaga series itself would go on for, we started thinking his voice would [probably] change, so we requested Eriko Kawasaki.
[Page 030 - Translated by Gwendal and edited by Spherix]
( Character Original Design #2 )
* Allen's design concept, voice "image"
Our concept was that Allen is the only calm character in an [otherwise] serious story. He has the feel of [a cross between] two slightly pitiful performers [or two slightly pathetic entertainers] put together. We designed him as a kind of bystander-type character. As for his voice image, we decided on Hirata Hiroaki from the beginning.
* Andrew's design concept, voice "image"
We asked Tanaka-san for a character who was miserable and hard to please. Andrew's voice was actually done by someone else in the beginning. But our image changed a bit, so we hurriedly requested Engawa Hisao-san [instead].
* Andrew's wife's design concept, voice "image"
Regarding her, she got a role as the story moved on, so we quickly designed her. We had an image of "a bad feeling" both for her voice and design.
* Albedo, Gaignun's design concept, voice "image"
Design-wise, Albedo and Gaignun were like two parts of a single character set, and I felt like Gaignun followed from Jr., while Albedo followed from Gaignun. Actually, in the beginning we were going to have all the U.R.T.V.s as adults. But an opinion appeared within the staff that Jr. should be a child, and that came up whenever the character was brought up, and so we made Jr. a child. And so there's Gaignun, who was able to stay objective towards Jr., and to be more dangerous than that, there's Albedo. Albedo depended on him as an instinctively loyal character.
As for their voices, Albedo is eccentric, while Gaignun is the composed, handsome type, and for one person to become these two roles, we requested Yamadera Kouichi-san. Keeping up Albedo's tension for more than an hour at a time put quite a strain on his voice. So to make sure Yamadera-san's work wasn't affected, we recorded at the end of the day.
* Kevin's design concept, voice "image"
We had Tanaka-san depict a character who was a gentle man, but also had a feeling about him that there was something behind his facade. Actually, his voice actor was Ishikawa Hideo-san, who did Auron in "FFX". Kevin's voice is [more of] a plain one.
[Page 031 - Translated by Gwendal]
Character Original Design
* Virgil's design concept, voice "image"
We told Tanaka-san our concept was that he should feel menacing and have short hair as a military man. We decided relatively easily where to place his scar, since it'd be almost unnoticeable anywhere but on his face. Asking Seki Tomokazu-san to perform such an ill-tempered role made for an interesting contrast, I think. [Translator: Not 100% sure, looks like one of those overly colloquial expressions again, but I think that's what he means]
* Febronia's design concept, voice "image"
Since we had so many female characters with long hair, we had Febronia depicted as a kind, short-haired woman. She is a ghostly presence and a character burdened with a sad history, and we asked her voice actress, Kouda Mariko-san, to give a performance to reflect that.
* Margulis' design concept, voice "image"
We had an image of Margulis using a sword and looking strong. He was one of the characters we came up with relatively early. I think it'll soon become clear how he got his facial scar. We decided on Nakata Jouji-san for his voice.
* Shelley, Mary's design concepts, voice "image"
For Shelley and Mary, first of all, we requested that they should be divided into two types, the intellectual one and the lively one. We struggled quite a bit with Mary's hairstyle. Having her wear a cap was Tanaka-san's idea.
As for their voices, we held an audition, and we easily decided for both of them at the same time, with Kugimiya Rie-san for Shelley and Takada Yumi-san for Mary. [This is the opposite of Wikipedia's listing, by the way] We felt that it really should be these two together. Since Takada-san is from Kantou [Tokyo area], some of our staff from the Kansai area helped her with Mary's Kansai dialect.
* Nephilim's design concept
Since Nephilim is a character who's lived for a long time, we imagined her as being the most objective one when seen from a third-person perspective. I told Tanaka-san that she should feel strongly influenced by the image of "that character". As for her clothes, we considered the era the girl who would become Nephilim once lived in, since she would be wearing clothes from that period.
[Page 032 - Translated by Gwendal]
( Character Original Design #3 )
* Wilhelm's design concept, voice "image"
Even though he's the polar opposite of chaos as a character, we gave him the same silver hair color. The main thing about Wilhelm [lit.: Wilhem's key word] is probably that you don't know what he's thinking. That's where his mysteriousness comes from. By giving this role to Hiyama Nobuyuki-san, who usually voices main characters who are trying to overcome that kind of mysteriousness, it becomes even more prominent. To show off his classy demeanor, we made him wear a stand-up collar.
* Miyuki's design concept, voice "image"
Miyuki was born because we wanted a character at Vector that wasn't a source of tension. She's an otaku for all things mechanical, and as soon as I told Tanaka-san that, he came over straight away. (Laughs) So he drew me a full-body portrait even if I hadn't really asked for one. Since we wanted the voice of a girl who's loyal to her own desires, we decided on Uwagawa Emi-san.
* Joachim's design concept, voice "image"
I imagined Joachim as a researcher in his 50s. I didn't really worry much about him design-wise. In the end, he was descriped by people as a wayward scientist, but in actual fact, he's a decent man. Along with his design, I decided on the voice at the same time. Noda Keiichi-san was a perfect fit, both for his age and his voice.
* Juli's design concept, voice "image"
Her image was of determination, with some stubborn traits visible for all to see. I requested the same kind of image from Shindô Naomi-san, who was voicing her.
* Pellegri's design concept, voice "image"
As for Pellegri, I wanted to move forward with a design that took care not to overlap too much with Juli's. I asked for a dignified, calm voice to reflect her being second in command of the U-TIC Organization from Hara Eriko-san.
* Design concept, voice "image" for the three Elsa crewmen
Matthews is a courageous leader, and Tony is a delicate man, which I thought was a good fit for Ishizuka Unshô-san and Koyasu Takehito-san. The model for hammer was my friend Hamasaka-kun. (Laughs)
[Page 033]
An analysis about all the matters (open)
[Page 034 - Translated by Gwendal]
About "Analysis of all phenomena"
About "An analysis about all the matters"
The following materials were collected by the observers tracking KOS-MOS' movements and are the result of their investigation, based on information relating to every phenomenon already entered into the information processing computer found inside the mainframe of the female-model combat android KOS-MOS, developed by our company, Vector Industries. They are also based on new information organized and uploaded to Vector's first R&D deparment's main computer (they will be referred to as "these materials" in the following).
Now that KOS-MOS has entered the atmosphere of Second Miltia, starting with the Zohar, every phenomenon has entered an uncertain state, and they should be dealt with urgently. These materials serve as a guideline for what actions our company should take from here. Furthermore, these materials are strictly confidential.
Disclosing these materials to other people, other companies or other organizations is absolutely forbidden.
1. Purpose
(1) Starting with the people and organizations related to KOS-MOS, every phenomenon is strongly tied to our company, Vector Industries, and related organizations. [These materials] were drawn up to make Vector Industries aware of the present situation, and for [the purpose of] judgements that will be necessary when deciding on future countermeasures.
(2) This report should only be disclosed to select officials.
2. The objects of the investigation
Starting with persons such as Shion, Ziggy, MOMO, chaos and Jr. who were confirmed to be traveling with KOS-MOS during the period of investigation, the objects are their movements, the situation in their immediate vicinity, any people related to KOS-MOS' group, related organizations, and any phenomena related to those people or organizations.
3. The period of investigation
(1) The target period of investigation is the time from when the Galactic Federation Marine Corps cruiser Woglinde came under attack from the Gnosis when recovering the Zohar Emulator until KOS-MOS' group entered the atmosphere of Second Miltia on board the Kukai Foundation-registered transport ship Elsa.
(2) In the case of applicable phenomena beginning before the above-mentioned period, the investigation went back to the time they started. As for phenomena related to culture, science and other such manmade [constructs], they were investigated from the time they could be confirmed historically, or from the time the development and evolution of the phenomenon could be seen, until KOS-MOS entered the atmosphere of Second Miltia.
4. How these materials were compiled
(1) The foundation for these materials was information based on data about every phenomenon, entered into the mainframe of the female-model combat android KOS-MOS developed by this company, as well as data about phenomena confirmed by KOS-MOS inside the time period referred to in 3-(1).
(2) Some of the data entered into KOS-MOS' mainframe is classified information at the highest level of secrecy, AAA, and to ensure only a select few officials at Vector Industries are allowed to view it, we independently tracked and followed KOS-MOS' activities and actions through an investigation.
5. The contents of these materials
(1) We have divided the persons, organizations and all other phenomena related to KOS-MOS during the period of investigation into 14 categories, and described each respective phenomenon. Those 14 titles, the respective phenomena divided this way and other phenomena related to them can be seen at a glance in a diagram beginning from the right.
(2) As we touched on in 4-(2), some of the information inside KOS-MOS' mainframe is AAA [level of secrecy], and since it cannot be accessed, the descriptions in these materials are based on the independent research, confirmation and opinions of the observers conducting the investigation tracking her movements.
(3) The names and affiliations of the observers are private. To ensure their names and affiliations cannot be determined, they also investigated and reported on our company as an organization related to KOS-MOS, as well as its Director-General Mr. Wilhelm and KOS-MOS herself.
(4) There are many things about each phenomenon related to all of humanity, and particularly in the area of cultural aspects, we have used data and materials from the era when humans lived on Earth for verification.
6. The invariability of the these materials
(1) Since the various phenomena were confirmed at the time when KOS-MOS and the others broke into the stratosphere of Second Militia, the contents of these materials are limited to describing what could be confirmed up until that point. Consequently, at that point the contents should be 100% trustworthy, but after that the various phenomena change, and there is a considerable risk of discrepancies betweeen them and the descriptions.
(2) For the reasons stated in 6.-(1), at the end of the last sentence of the description of each phenomenon, there is a title called "Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomenon", recording the probability the described phenomenon won't change after this/from now on. The [statistical] dispersion can also be seen depending on the phenomenon, with a majority being 90% the same before and after. Accordingly, these numbers also support the validity of these materials. Furthermore, the probability of every phenomenon being unchanging was 89.4099099% on average.
7. About the preservation of management
(1) If we were to upload these materials to our company's mother computer and private terminals through the U.M.N., there would be a chance of data leaks through hacking from other terminals. To prevent hacking and data falsification, we used a method from an earlier age known as printing to create these materials. These materials exist only in the form of paper. All data used for the creation of these materials has already been destroyed [lit.: dismissed/rejected, but "destroyed" is the only interpretation that makes sense], except the information remaining within KOS-MOS' mainframe.
(2) Uploading these materials to a computer in data form, transmitting them through the U.M.N. or showing them to third parties is strictly forbidden.
(3) Those who commit the acts laid out as forbidden in 7.-(2) will be in breach of Vector Industries Staff Code, "Paragraph 18, clause 5, Duty of Confidendiality Regarding Classified Information", and this will be regarded as a violation of "Paragraph 32, clause 2, Prohibition Against Immoral Deeds". If the violator is human, this will result in disciplinary action, dismissal from the company and being dealt with/punished [not really sure about this last one, sorry], and also a claim for damages depending on the severity of the violation. If the violator is a Realian, cyborg or android, all records related to them within Vector Industries will be deleted, and in severe cases, they will be disposed of.
8. Our sentiments
In the following materials, we report what we know at this time about the confirmed phenomena surrounding KOS-MOS. With these materials as a basis, we recommend to urgently begin considering a response.
Vector Industries Intellectual Property Management Divison
[Page 040 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Shion Uzuki
The side of her optimism-like originated in her feeling of nothingness
Individual Attributes * Gender: female. Born in T.C. 4745, age 22. Height: 163cm (~5'4"). Weight: 48kg (~106.lbs).
Affiliation * Affiliated with Vector Industry's 1st R&D Division. Chief developer of the KOS-MOS (Kosmos Obey Strategic Multi-purpose Operation System) Development Project Integrated Operation System.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality classification, Shion is classified in her behavior aspect with a type-7 characteristic (talent-rich, impulsive, extreme, high-spirited{?}).
In a healthy state, type-7s show interest in everything around them; they are active, and they can yield spectacular results.
However, within relationships to others, it is the case that this kind of personality goes too far, endlessly searching for new stimulus. Shion is of this type of condition. The more they act and the more they search, the more they become unable to be satisfied. In very serious times, they are convinced that they have been "robbed", and even become as if greedily wanting everything.
At an unhealthy state such as this, they become self-centered, and in order to satisfy their own desires, they may even make violent demands from others.
View on life & death * For Shion, life was something that should be called "a state that differs from death".
Shion, who saw the death of her parents at a very young age and saw the death of a loved-one a few years ago, felt that her own life was always right next-door to death. Therefore, she came to possess the view of life & death where life, which "does not go beyond the state of not being dead", places a leg in death.
However one wishes for life, death visits like an unavoidable fate. No matter how deeply one wished to escape death, no matter how deeply those around him also wanted not to die, death mercilessly visits.
Based on experience, the dark feeling of the nothingness of death was controlling Shion's life. Because of that very thing, as if turning her eyes away from death, Shion immersed herself in work to an abnormal degree. By turning her eyes away from death and hiding her head in the work that was before her eyes, she was able to forget the feeling of nothingness.
It came to be that it gives her strength in a realistic meaning. Her blindly optimistic speech and conduct is something that stemmed from her feeling of nothingness.
Hilbert Effect * Shion held strong hopes in the Hilbert Effect. To Shion, who continues to face the notion of death, the Gnosis were horrifying existences. As existences that give death to the self, they are not merely subjects of a realistic fear. They were symbols of terror, as the unavoidable-death itself.
By physically affixing those Gnosis, and dragging them down into the same dimension as the self, there was conquest in theory. The Hilbert Effect was the sole possibility that could overcome the fear towards death. It was the only way to strike death, which is a fear that lurks within the mind, with one's own hand. For that sake, the Hilbert Effect was indispensable technology. Her hopes were expressed through enthusiasm towards the development of the Hilbert Effect that was installed in KOS-MOS. It was also an illogical zeal, performing an experiment with a life-threatening situation for the sake of conquering the fear of death, like the experiment inside the encephalon.
Physical ability * There is the tendency for a person involved in technology to not do physical training at all. However, Shion is greatly deviating from that kind of expectation.
It may be a big factor that her grandfather was a martial-artist. Through the combination of both high innate genes {"nature"} and learned environmental factors {"nurture"}, it is thought that Shion's superior athletic ability came to be improved.
In order to draw out the body's held potential, effective training is essential. Also, if there doesn't exist talent that can be stretched by training, it is estimated that skill will not improve past a regular point. Only a person with both talent and training is able to approach a person's limits. Due to both nature and nurture, Shion's body is in a place that approaches a person's limits.
The fight with combat-use Realians; the fight with Gnosis that had been affixed by the Hilbert Effect; and the fight with the URTV Albedo. Participating in a battle that greatly deviates from a person's limits-- is the person that survives it the owner of uncommon luck? Or she may just be a person who excels in physical ability. In that meaning, Shion proved the existence of a body that was trained up as such.
If one thing can be added, in the MWS (Multiple Weapon System) that Shion equipped, a provisional logical drive was included in order to allow for the enhancement of strike-time power and counter-balance weight. Due to that, the MWS becomes manageable even by a powerless human.
However, dealing with high spec and using it in actual battle are two entirely different problems. The fact that Shion was able to wield the MWS is not a question of spec-- it is because she possessed the fight-sense that can utilize it successfully in combat.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.56749%
p.046. Allen (People)
p.057. Febronia (People)
p.060. Jin Uzuki / Shion's Parents (People)
p.146. Shion and Nephilim (Connection)
p.149. KOS-MOS and Shion (Connection)
p.149. Realian and Shion (Connection)
p.150. Shion and Kevin / Shion and Allen (Connection)
p.151. Shion and Febronia
p.099. Substance Transmission (Infrastructure)
p.122. Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
p.125. Head Destruction of the KOS-MOS Archetype (Development of KOS-MOS)
p.070. Vector Industry (Organization)
[Page 041 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Give me your pain. Will pain fill me?
Individual Attributes * Outer-surface appearance of gender: female. Outer-surface appearance of age: roughly 18 years old. Height: 167cm {~5'6"}. Weight: 92kg {~203 lbs}.
Affiliation * Vector Industries First R&D Division.
Function * It is the system that was built to aim for the possible existence that can deal with all phenomena, and gives priority to the three principles of logic, efficiency, and duty. Logic and efficiency are things that support the basis of order. As is natural, conflict is also contained within all phenomena. Because of this, it was given the name "Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation System". And the nickname that was taken from these initials is "KOS-MOS".
KOS-MOS is a word that corresponds to the entire system that interacts logically with phenomena and controls various situations in order to execute a duty, and in its original meaning, it is not something that corresponds to the single android with the form of a young woman.
However, people are existences that tend to apply their own ideas on a subject that is right before their eyes. For instance, it is easy to comprehend the rising of things like computers and U.M.N. agent-systems. Suppose an error occurred in a computer that is being operated. At that moment, suppose an agent character is displayed, explains the circumstances, and exhibits restorative effort; then that user is not moved to emotion against the programmer that created the program that caused the error; instead it is that they are moved to emotion towards the agent character.
Also, even knowing that a companion is a machine that [merely] personifies and reacts, humans completely show a response. In the latter-half of the 20th century, experiments like the following were conducted. Personal computers that were used at that time were made to perform specific operations on test subjects. Afterwards, the test subjects were asked for their impressions on such things as the managementivity and stream of the operations. When the same computer that performed the operation asks for impressions on "How was the manner of my work?", the rate that the test subjects select "good" rises, but when a separate computer asks, "How was the manner of the previous computer's work?", a scattered dispersement is seen in the assessment. From this result, it was understood that people are giving a "compliment" to the computer the same as they would to a human. Incidentally, those same test subjects were not ignorant people concerning computers-- they were people like programmers and engineers and such who dealt with computers on a daily basis.
The constructed technology of man keeps progressing at a surprising degree of speed. One by one, it keeps producing existences that have not been reached up to then. Due to that, there keeps on being upheavals of the environment that surrounds ourselves. However, the human brain that reacts to that cannot evolve to catch up with the progressing rate of technology. The human brain has not changed much since ancient times.
A TV screen is being watched. A human face is projected onto there. Both a large face and a small face are projected, and a familiar feeling is remembered from the face that is projected larger. Both a physical and a psychological closeness is sensed. This is understood by the theory that even though it does not go beyond the image that was projected on top of the level surface "monitor", because the brain completely grasps the image with a feeling of distance within a space of reality, it misunderstands as if the character of the image is actually near to itself, and thus an illusion is produced.
A sensation of personification such as this is completely allowing for the establishment of the conceptual system called "KOS-MOS" as a word that corresponds to the single android with the form of a young woman. If KOS-MOS were to be mass-produced, like the MOMO Prototype and the 100-series observational Realians, proper-noun and common-noun names would be created, and it is considered that it would come to be used for distinction.
Existence as a weapon * The significance of KOS-MOS's existence is to surpass every existence by being an anti-Gnosis weapon. That was the pretext under which she was developed, and it is also the motive for her practical use. However, among her developers, she was not a weapon, and it is seen that they tended to find pleasure in allowing her to evolve as an existence that imitates a human. From the 20th through the 21st centuries, the concept of a human-shaped robot sought by America was a design with the function to allow the merging of a heterogeneously existing "robot" into human daily life. However, the concept of a human-shaped robot sought by Japan was one which strongly promoted the direction towards artificial humans who imitated humans themselves. The development of KOS-MOS is something nearer to this latter ideology.
However, behind the scenes of her development, there is a mystery that was kept hidden, and the conceptualization and the motive for her outward appearance such as this is not understood. Those who understand that, like chaos and Wilhelm etc, are only a very few people, and even those who participated in her development do not know.
KOS-MOS said, "Your pain, please give it to me," and, "Will pain fulfill me?" These words rise to the surface from out the darkness that is being concealed behind the scenes of her development, and by knowing that meaning, the real purpose of KOS-MOS's development and the true form of the existence called "KOS-MOS" also becomes known.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.33336%
p.148. chaos and KOS-MOS (Connection)
p.149. KOS-MOS and Shion (Connection)
p.070. Vector Industries (Organization)
p.122. The Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
p.124. KOS-MOS's Eye Color / Archetype (Development of KOS-MOS)
p.099. Substance Transmission (Infrastructure)
[Page 042 - Translated by Rox-e]
The man who lives for 100 years with being tormented by sorrow
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. Born in the year T.C. 4637. His outward appearance is from the time of his death at age 30. Height, 191cm.
Affiliation * Galaxy Federation Government Contact Subcommittee Deployment Equipment.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality classification, Ziggy is classified as a type 9 (calm / makes other people relax / passive / careless) that has characteristics in its relations with people. From Ziggy's speech and conduct, it is possible to read characteristics of an extremely unhealthy type 9. Declining to confront conflicts and problems, he tries to defend himself from feelings of guilt and anxiety. Because of this, he takes on a stubborn and careless attitude and refuses to make a change toward solving problems. He invests all of his energy into this refusal, which is a defense.
If he were healthy, he would be composed and calm, autonomous, and he would have a conspicuous steadiness and peace of heart; he would be a person that has a rich receptiveness and would patiently provide support to others.
However, Ziggy has averted his eyes from the pain of his past and is only living for the purpose of refusing pain. In situations when the pressure from reality is extremely powerful, this type 9 tries to erase the subjective self in order to stop contact with reality. When people who are type 9 reach the most unhealthy state, they show a style of life that is like an automaton. They do not show emotions or reactions to anything and they act only with the automatic functions of the body. For example, even if your body received a great wound, you would try to protect yourself by ignoring that reality. Ironically, the desire of Ziggy in his cyborg form to remove the noise that flows through his surviving organic brain, in other words memory information, and become a complete robot as recompensation for rescuing MOMO is nothing other than an action that artificially takes the unhealthy type 9 condition to its extremes. That is trying to protect oneself by severing one's union with reality and losing oneself.
The man who wants to erase his memories * Memories from when he was alive that remain in is surviving organic brain. Those are memories from 100 years ago around the time that he had the name Jan Sauer.
The era when he was the federation police 1875 special operations headquarters detachment commanding officer. In the year T.C.4667, he shot himself in the head with his own pistol, committing suicide. After he was officially listed as killed in the line of duty, he was brought back to life as a combat cyborg by the life recycling law and was reappointed as equipment of the federation government. Just before his suicide, he lost his wife and son. His pain comes from the fact that memories of his wife and child have survived. Burdened with the sadness of having lost his beloved ones, he is a man who has continued to live in solitude for 100 years.
According to the life recycling law, a cyborg who donated his body to a hospital for medical research is deprived of human rights and becomes public equipment of the galaxy federation government. Therefore, he does not have the right to have control over the life or death of his own body. In other words, actions that harm the self, like suicide, are controlled. He, who cannot die himself even while wishing for death, wants to remodel his body even more so that he can erase memories from when he was alive. Also, he prefers dangerous missions and exposing himself to the danger of death. However, the safety for his mission (can't read this word) allows him to choose from safe, reliable choices and it withdraws impossibly, futile speech and conduct (???). Contrary to his heart, which does not fear death, he slips through danger and survives.
Destiny * 100 years ago, there was a large-scale terrorist operation. It was a resistance operation against the galaxy federation that was caused by a U.M.N. terrorist group. There is a record remaining that states that Ziggy's wife and son were victims of this terrorism. That is not unrelated to the activities of the terrorists.
Inside of the "cathedral ship" type gnosis that planet Ariadne had transformed into, Andrew became a Gnosis. The words "it's the same, just like that day" that Ziggy murmured on that occasion were caused by his past with the man who murdered his wife and child. The flashback in Ziggy's mind at the time of the form of a strange crest that looked like a shard sword extending out to the left and right and a shadow that was clad in pale flames that looked like heat haze was the figure of the man who killed his wife and child. From this one can guess that in the past Ziggy witnessed the man who had killed his wife and child transforming into a Gnosis and fought with him.
This terrorist operation from 100 years ago and Ziggy's destiny have not yet faded away and are still continuing. That is not just because of the psychological reason that Ziggy is still troubled by memories of his past. It is because the man who killed Ziggy's wife and child has passed through 100 years just like Ziggy and continues to exist today.
However, Ziggy does not know this fact. Ziggy wants to erase all of his memories of the past, become an automaton and completely detach himself from reality. What will a reunion at the end of 100 years give rise to in his heart? It would be difficult to predict that.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.78554%
p.064. Government/Politics (Organization)
p.084. Life Recycling Act (Medical Science)
p.099. Substance Transfer (Communication/Infrastructure)
[Page 043 - Translated by jinxhaas]
She is dreaming that she becomes a human being
Individual Attributes * Gender: female. Outward Appearance: around 12-years-old. Height: 141cm. (~4'7"). Weight: 36kg. (~79.lbs).
Affiliation * As the 100-Series Observational Realian prototype deployed with the Galaxy Federation Government Army, she is equipment under the jurisdiction of the Contact Subcommittee.
Enneagram Type * According to enneagram personality assessment, MOMO is categorized as a particularly emotional Type-2 (deeply loving, sociable, self-sacrificing, grandiose).
When considered as a human, the tendency to hold ambivalent feelings towards a father or father-like figure can be seen to originate during the infancy of this type. Those emotions have a profound effect on character development. This is something that can be seen through the emotions MOMO held for Doctor Joachim Mizrahi. MOMO never had a single direct confrontation with Dr. Mizrahi, nor an experience where she was shown affection by him, but due to the information given to her during her pre-completed state, she held a strong love for him.
A type-2's self-esteem is maintained by the requirement that they are, themselves, "good people". In other words, the very idea that "if you do good deeds, you can become human" that MOMO wished, is an absolute requirement that sustains her self-esteem. Therefore, even though she had love for Dr. Mizrahi, she may have felt hatred when confronted with the contradictory truth. However, that cannot be confirmed. When someone harbors a mix of love and hate in their heart, in order to maintain their own self-esteem, they continually focus only on love.
This type's prime motivation is the intense desire to be loved. To be important to another. To be appreciated. Such thoughts drive those of this type to action. When MOMO was praised by Tony, Ziggy, and the others for her piloting technique in the shuttlecraft, her carefree smile revealed joy from the bottom of her heart. It is this state of being recognized, of being needed, that those of this type ceaselessly seek.
As can be seen in her administering nano-treatments to others, or the cross-interference to the D.S.S.S. systems by the Hilbert Effect that she performed without regard to effects on herself during the escape from Pleroma, all her actions that benefited others were due to this motivation.
Strictly speaking, it is difficult to say that these types of actions are altruistic. However, while there may be selfishness involved, benefit to others is achieved as a result. If the interests are mutually beneficial, then there is no need to question the purity of selflessness.
Function * Without assistance from an amplifier, the affective range of the Hilbert Effect installed in MOMO is less than 100 meters. In addition to physically materializing Gnosis, it can also cause cross-interference that disrupts the D.S.S.S. functions equipped onboard A.G.W.S. units. Because the 100-Series Observational System is only a system that is limited to seeking out and materializing Gnosis, once the Hilbert Effect materialization has occurred, it has little value in physical destruction, like KOS-MOS.
Aircraft piloting technology is also another one of the special abilities in which the 100-Series Observational System excels. Even highly dangerous maneuvers like "wave riding" within hyperspace have a high probability of success.
Additionally, the Prototype, MOMO, who had an extremely advanced self-consciousness, spoke and acted clearly differently than the mass-produced 100-Series Realians. With a flow of thought so similar to that of human emotion, it must be considered that her development strayed from the original purpose of seeking out Gnosis. The cause of that is from the situation surrounding the family of her developer, Dr. Joachim Mizrahi.
At that time, Sakura Mizrahi, the daughter of Doctors Joachim and Juli Mizrahi, was suffering from an unusual sickness of the mind and body. The young Dr. Juli Mizrahi devoted her life to raising Sakura. Dr. Joachim Mizrahi outwardly seemed to turn a blind eye to Sakura, but actually, he immersed himself in Zohar research, and utilizing his results, he began to build MOMO.
Joachim's purpose for starting to build MOMO was to save his beloved daughter Sakura. Everything he did was for that purpose, even giving MOMO a sense of self that was completely unnecessary for a 100-Series System. However, it is unclear how he was planning to use MOMO to save Sakura. This is because before MOMO was finished, Sakura committed suicide before Juli's eyes.
Even though the purpose was lost, the plan continued. MOMO was completed with a sense of self that was extremely close to a human's, and because of that capacity, she came to suffer and worry.
The Sealed Y-Data * With the 100-Series Observational Realian mass-production framework established, and the 100-Series System nearly completed, the worth of the prototype has only been discussed from the aspect of her development history. However, in actuality, many characters and organizations came to play a role in the struggle over the prototype, MOMO.
Within MOMO was placed the Y-Data, which contained recorded data that many people were searching for. MOMO became something special because of the Y-Data's existence.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 86.56321 %
p.078. Charm (culture)
p.133. Y-Data (project Zohar)
p.110. M.O.M.O.'s Mind (100-Series Realian)
p.111. Kirschwasser (100-Series Realian)
p.113. Mass Production Type (100-Series Realian)
p.050. Juli Mizrahi / Joachim Mizrahi (character)
p.154. M.O.M.O., Juli, and Joachim (connection)
p.099. Substance Transmission (infrastructure)
p.085. Nano Machine (medical science)
[Page 044 - Translated by jinxhaas]
All his ability and his existence are concealed in the chaos
Individual Attributes * Gender: male. Date of Birth: unknown. Outward physical appearance: roughly 16 years old. Height: 169 cm (~5'7").
Affiliation * One of the crew of the cargo & passenger space freighter Elsa, which is under the control of the Kukai Foundation.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality assessment, chaos, in his connection to people, is classified with a type-9 characteristic (calm & quiet, giving peace-of-mind to others, passive, distant).
Because of chaos's speech and conduct, it can be inferred that a type-9's feature characteristic is being in a balanced, healthy state. Being calm and serene, being autonomous, having prominent composure and tranquility, with a wealth of receptiveness, stable also in emotion, and persevering with optimism;
his is a personality that allows him to be a supportive person without putting on airs.
chaos, who tastes the whole and not just separate parts, by knowing that harmony, is able to love. Regarding his relationships with others, he desires to protect the harmony among those companions, possibly to the best of his ability. In this way, the very acceptance of human life and of the world, as the way it is, brings about a profound feeling of satisfaction in a type-9.
When confronted with the reality that there is not acceptance of the way things are, a type-9's heart trembles. chaos is in such an extremely healthy condition that it is to the degree of being unnatural for a human. Although being as if searching for something, although maintaining a secret that is not revealed to anyone, including also an existing condition that was insufficient, there is not even a hint that it is being restrained with such stress. Because of the strange conversation with KOS-MOS, he is able to catch a glimpse of the hidden depths; but even with that such reality, his heart does not become unhealthy. Though a type-9 who comes into contact with society generally does so with a passive attitude, because of this superhuman healthiness, he is an independent individual and possesses a self-awareness with which he is able to influence society proactively. Only a person who is able to develop himself as an individual, acknowledging other people, is able to love. With type-9s, only for a person who is healthy, who has an attitude such as that, is it possible to come into contact with the world. Also because of the personality classification such as his, it is evident that chaos is able to come into contact with every other person with a heart of friendship and love.
In the infancy of someone who forms a type-9, there is the tendency to equate the self with the character who replaces that or the parents. Due to this identity of feeling, the type-9's surface emotions are extremely stable, fulfilled in completeness, and he does not feel the necessity to distinguish between himself and a parent. A world of beautiful completeness, as if from myth and legend. A connection that is being played according to a flawless melody. In the originating portion of a type-9, such mysterious perfection is hidden.
Unique Power * Acting as a member of the crew of the cargo & passenger ship Elsa -- along with ship's captain Matthews, navigator Hammer, and helmsman Tony -- chaos is not a necessary personnel for flying the ship. However, chaos is the capable person who ensures a safe flight. That is because, among the crew of the Elsa, he is the sole existence who has a means of opposing Gnosis. After rescuing Shion's group who had escaped from the Woglinde, the power of chaos, which repelled the Gnosis that had come to infiltrate the Elsa, was something completely distinctive from the defense measure that KOS-MOS holds.
A Gnosis is a non-physical existence. Therefore, humanity, who holds nothing but physical intervening power, finds it necessary to affix Gnosis into the physical by using the Hilbert Effect. By placing the target on the same stand-point as the self, it constructs a condition that allows mutual influence. A person who crawls along the ground is not able to touch a person who flies in the sky. There is nothing but a one-sided interference by the fliers. Therefore, it is necessary for the fliers to be dragged down to the surface of the ground. This is the anti-Gnosis means devised by man. However, chaos's power is close in relationship to fellow fliers. For him, it is not necessary to affix the physical by means of the Hilbert Effect. It is a power to erase an existence of unknown true shape, whatever that unknown true shape may be. Also, the true shape of that power itself is unknown. The anti-Gnosis ability chaos holds is not in a state that can be completely understood logically, both in theory and law.
In comparison with KOS-MOS's orderly anti-Gnosis measure, chaos's is something done with disorder in which everything is concealed in enigma.
Gloves * chaos's power manifests from his fingertips and palms. Also, when dispersing Gnosis, the target must be touched by the fingertip. During numerous battles, he releases an aggressive surge from the palm. And then, although it is unknown whatever kind of effect such as that occurred, while on-board the Elsa as it rushed into the atmosphere of 2nd Miltia, both of chaos's hands were shining.
Thus, chaos's hands are always being covered by gloves. As the gloves become thinner-- as he gets closer to the state of being bare-handed-- the manifested ability grows larger.
Because of this, especially because chaos is covered up by clothing to his fingertips, it is considered that he is suppressing his ability. (Again:) Garments conceal himself all the way up to his fingertips. Even when doing kitchen work, he does not remove his gloves. Those strange circumstances are also possibly explained by the consideration of unique effects such as that. This situation also may be one of chaos's enigmas.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.00257%
p.147. chaos and Nephilim (Connection)
p.148. chaos and KOS-MOS (Connection)
p.068. Kukai Foundation (Organization)
[Page 045 - Translated by jinxhaas]
His mind wavers between the steadiness and the non-steadiness
Individual Attributes * Gender: male. Birthdate: publicly, T.C. 4755, age 12. Height: 140cm {~4'7"}. Weight: 38kg {~84lbs}.
Affiliation * A Representative Director of the Kukai Foundation.
Enneagram type * According to Enneagram personality classification, Jr, in his connection to people, is classified with a type-8 characteristic (brave, greatly self-confident, coercive, confrontational).
By improving everything through self-power, possessing courage, and with a strength of will appealing to his surroundings, a type-8 is a personality that can take up leadership. Because he takes command of the Durandal, always stands at the front line of battle, and also because of an attitude that seems to rise above hardship, he is proven to be of this type. Behaving egocentrically and holding influential power over his surroundings, in time he overwhelms other people.
When in a healthy state, there is no existence that becomes more reliable than him. Contrary to his bodily youth, he was supported by a sturdy mental power and an unwavering self-confidence because he demonstrates constructive leadership ability.
However, being exposed to great stress, when his disposition appears to be at an unhealthy state, people around him begin to catch a glimpse of the figure of a tyrant there. It is due to the aggression that is within his own nature becoming prominent.
A type-8 has the tendency to try to rule over his circumstances. When healthy, this is ground in positive thought, and what materializes is leadership in order to improve his circumstances. However, when unhealthy, in order to conquer absolutely everything, what materializes is aggressive conduct.
Because of Jr's speech and conduct regarding the Kukai Foundation, it can be inferred that he is in a healthy state. However, as for Jr's speech and conduct at the time of the vicarious experience of the Miltian Conflict of 14 years ago through the Encephalon, and at the time of contact with Albedo, it is distinctly indicating an unhealthy state.
Showing both physical and mental bravery, the figure of a heroic Jr, who runs head-on into danger for the sake of something he believes, is not entirely seen as being in an unhealthy state. For the sake of protecting himself, he is extremely aggressive and is driven by a destructive impulse.
At the time of the Encephalon dive, Jr's attitude, towards Momo who worries and Ziggy who tries to grasp the situation, is aggressive yet dominant, and it brandishes{?} his surroundings according to selfish behavior. Also, when he tried to release power due to Albedo's provocation, a merciless, savage aggression appeared as if a binding had been disconnected.
In this way, Jr is in an unstable state, wavering between healthiness and unhealthiness. This is considered to be something that was caused by the Miltian Conflict of 14 years ago.
Old-style gun * Jr's weapon of choice is an old-style gun. {I'm not sure if I have these next two sentences backwards:} In the practical modern era of laser weapons, it is an old-fashioned weapon that would [normally] be exhibited in a museum. In the U-TIC Organization, too, guns of the type that use gunpowder are being provided, and there is the opinion regarding the practicality of old-fashioned weapons.
Whether it's a gunpowder-system or not doesn't matter; it must be called a "firing system", for Jr prefers a weapon that shoots the aggressive power from his skill towards the target. It is neither bodily contact nor a shredding-like attack; it is a preference for the image that channels aggressive power.
It was Jr's imagination that controlled the firing of the heavily armed warship Durandal's main battery. Also, the old-style gun, too, is fired according to Jr's imagination, and exhibits aggressive power that far exceeds a bullet that is physically shot. This is considered to bolster the image of Jr's own aggressive ability which is given to his opponents by the use of a "firing system" weapon. In other words, direct damage is given by Jr's released aggressive surge, but in order to channel that surge into an opponent, a gun-like impetus {proxy tool} is essential.
For the sake of promoting imagination by means of a tool, it is necessary to make use of preferred tools. The more he is engaged by making use of a tool that he finds deeply interesting, compared to having used a tool that didn't suit his feelings, the image he promotes will not come to the point of being questioned.
Precisely because of this, Jr transforms that aggressive power by using a tool only as a substitute. Also because of this such thing, it is possible to infer the intimate connection between his imagination and the tool.
U.R.T.V. * Jr is a URTV, the same as Gaignun and Albedo. However, that fact is not being divulged to the public. The frenzy of the URTVs during the Miltian Conflict has instilled in the heart of every person a distrust, a fear towards the URTVs themselves. It is a past that is difficult to wipe clean. Therefore, Jr changed his name and had to conceal his origins.
Also being within the group called the Kukai Foundation [which was established] for mutants and by the hand of mutants who are the victims of the Life Recycling Act, he must conceal his true nature. The "incident" that occurred on Miltia of 14 years ago was something that impacts society even up to that degree.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.15987%
p.152. Jr and Momo (Connection)
p.068. Kukai Foundation (Organization)
p.078. Charm (Culture)
p.118. The Number on the Palm of the Hand of URTV (U.R.T.V.)
[Page 046 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Allen Ridgely
His thought is rewarded when all of her is understood
Individual Attributes * Gender: Male. Born: T.C. 4743, age 24. Height: 176cm (~5'9").
Affiliation * Vector Industries First R&D Division. Vice Chief of the KOS-MOS (Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation System) development project integrated operation system lab.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality classification, Allen is categorized as a Type-6 (devoted, loyal, passive-aggressive, indecisive).
The motivations behind the behavior of this type are the desire to be liked by people, and the desire to be recognized by the people that like them. Allen's longing towards Shion certainly coincides with this.
In a healthy state, a type-6 will have a charming personality. Approving of himself, and having faith in himself and others, it becomes an interdependent existence that allows for compatibility with both independence and cooperation, and one that respects equality. Being friendly, he draws out an emotional response from those around him, and is devoted and faithful towards companions who have a sense of unity, such as family or a lover. Moreover, his sense of responsibility is strong, and he may become a very trustworthy person.
However, is it difficult to say that Allen is one of these healthy types. This is because stress from not being able to receive the wanted recognition from companions, namely Shion, is holding him back. Due to this, Allen is in an unhealthy state, and many cases can be seen where manifestations of his personality tend to lean toward unfavorable circumstances.
An insecure heart, strong co-dependence, inferiority complex, extreme anxiety, over-reaction to anxiety, taking thoughtless actions, self-destructiveness, sadistic. A type-6 personality seeks an authority who will guide him, an existence that will help to allow a heart like his to calm. Whether that be a person, an organization, or an ideology.
As for the tendency in infancy that can be seen in this type, what is observed is an experience that captures oneself as positively integrated with the father or a father-figure {iffy}. He gained safety and stability by being recognized by the father, and he remembered anxiety at parting with it. Growing up, as the world that he sees spreads out, the authority figure increases to a father-like thing that is not an individual father.
After graduation from Borromeo University, Allen entered into Vector Industires. Although it seems he is from a wealthy family, he doesn't really like to touch the subject. It is considered that Allen has the thought that, having been completely subject to his father's influence, he doesn't want to show that part of himself to Shion who wishes [him?] to be newly subordinate. That can be called the agony of the slave who must serve his own will to try to change his master.
Allen's Journal * It is the journal in which he writes down his thoughts towards Shion. Words that Shion spoke to him, their details, her voice, his own feelings when he heard them. Shion's fragrance. Facial expressions. Behavior. The flow of her hair, the movement of her body, the shape of her hand. The feel of her skin. The things that were ahead of her glance.
In the journal, he has written down in fine detail about the information he catches that comes from Shion. All of them are things that support the thought that he tries to understand Shion. He wants to catch them and understand his companion. He wants to catch without forcing himself. In the Durandal's Park Area, Allen speaks to chaos, saying, "I... I want to cry instead of the Chief... someday, I want to become that." {English dialog: "I wish I could take her tears away"}
For that sake, he must greatly mature. In the case where a type-6 person was able to grow in an extremely healthy state, they themselves are affirmed in a state where they are accepted by the surrounding environment, and they can perform stable self-assertion. At this time, up to that point, because they came to depend on another, it has become possible for other people to depend on them. It can be said that this very environment of stable inter-dependence is the only state that can grant his wish. Allen's journal is also the record of dreaming of that day. And, it is something that is only a list of futile words written in self-torture of how far removed the current condition is from the state of the dream.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.22256%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.070. Vector Industries (Organization)
p.122. The Development of Kos-mos (Development of KOS-MOS)
[Page 047 - Translated by Gwendal]
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew
When all fused, he could finally become carefree
Personal Attributes * Gender: Male. T.C. 4731-4767. Age at the time of death: 36 years old. Height: 177cm.
Affiliation * Member of the Galactic Federation Marine Corps. Attained the rank of Lieutenant Corporal. Member of the Planet Ariadne Disappearance Incident investigation squad, and executive officer of the cruiser Woglinde. Also a member of the U-TIC organization.
Enneagram Type * Judging by the Eniagram personality classification system, Andrew is a Type 1
Having been subjected to personality reconditioning, the personality type seen here is like a "postscript", as he himself said to Shion onboard the Elsa. It can be surmised that his original personality type was an unhealthy Type 9. That being the case, his passionate, incomplete heart would have been suppressed, his feelings of helplessness would have made him reckless, and there would be a strong inclination for him to lose sight of himself and succumb to severe mental illness. His despair would be clearly visible from his words and deeds, and he would get into a very agitated and confused state. He would also behave in a coercive manner towards others.
Even if his current personality can be said to be just a postscript after his reconditioning, being a Type 1, he should be thought of as a person with flowing thoughts, capable of perceiving, understanding and making use of the things around him. There are significant differences between the personality he built from his own experiences and one that was forcibly planted in him, but they look the same on the surface.
Type 1 persons are polite and proper in their behavior, and value self-control. They feel they have to restrain their impulses and desires. Of course, this was a natural fit for the personality instilled in Andrew in order to suppress his aggressive impulses. He is strongly aware of the unreasonable impulses within himself, and at the same time afraid of [accidentally] unleashing them. He substitutes his suppressed aggressive tendencies for his uncertain sense of other people. In order to justify himself, he convinces himself that other people need to be punished.
To affirm himself, Andrew attached strong significance to Margulis' tempting words to him about putting himself in a position to punish elitists and ignorant people. He would be punishing foolish criminals. By thinking along those lines, he could turn his aggressive impulses into something just, in the service of a greater cause.
Andrew, who feared criticsm from others, refused to confide in others and required medication to function with his employer, turned to criticizing others to avoid receiving any himself. Therefore, he fell into self-loathing born from despair.
Personality reconditioning * The reason he had to undergo personality reconditioning was that he was a murderer. Personality reconditioning could be called a mental death penalty, created by a society that has abolished the physical death penalty. A murderer's mind is replaced with an artificial one. Should we define a human being by having a personality, or by having a physical body? Even today, there is still room for debate on that point. While that debate was ongoing, Andrew was subjected to personality reconditioning.
However, his destructive impulses could not be suppressed, so after his reconditioning, his impulses became explosive, and he kept committing murders. As a result, he was noticed by Margulis and recruited into the U-TIC organization.
Estrangement from his wife * Andrew's wife wanted to leave a copy of herself to posterity. She wanted a clone of herself to raise as a child. In this modern era when the technical problems have been overcome, she merely required the permission of society to have her wish granted. According to the law for safeguarding genetic purity, allowing a person to clone him or herself would be nothing but opening up for "putting a price" on the genetic information of that person. By controlling her husband Andrew, who was a genetic obstacle [to her plans], she could gain social approval for her existence, and it became possible for her to leave behind a clone of herself.
On discovering that fact and finding out that there was nothing but betrayal and rejection within the marriage that was the closest [aspect of] society to him, Andrew broadly applied that experience to his relationship with society as a whole. When he realized the marriage he believed was built on love and acceptance was nothing more than the kind of interpersonal relationship one might partake in through a set of headgear merely for entertainment, he could only protect himself by destroying everything and everyone else. [Yes, this sentence is extremely long and unwieldy in the original too -_-] He thought that destruction in particular was an appropriate way to relate to others.
His blood-stained past pained him. After being turned into a Gnosis and defeated by Shion's group, he finally knew relief when everything fused at the Beach of Nothingness [lit.: Land of the Gray Nirvana]. The happiness he attained by being noticed by Margulis and following him was not relief. What can be termed the intense happiness resulting from being needed by other people was different from the relief from accepting things as they are [a little unsure about this one]. In his last moments, Andrew realized that, and faded away.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.64567%
>P.147 Nephilim and Andrew (The Clause About The Connection)
>P.064 Government, politics (Organizations)
>P.066 U-TIC organization (Organizations)
>P.085 Nanomachines (Medicine)
>P.099 Headgear (Communications, Infrastructure)
>P.124 Archetype (KOS-MOS' development)
[Page 048 - Translated by Rox-e]
First Lieutenant Virgil
He had a expression of the clear contempt to REALIAN
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. T.C. 4735~4767. At time of death, 32 years old. Height, 179 cm.
Affiliation * Affiliated with the Galaxy Federation Government Army Marine Corps. His rank is First Lieutenant. Assigned to the cruiser Woglinde, Planet Ariadne Disappearance Incident Investigation Unit. Later, becomes a cloak.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality classification, Virgil is classified as a type 8 (Courageous / Confident in himself / Coercive / Confrontational).
He commands his subordinates, and in order to act on the front lines, he, who is in the position of First Lieutenant in which leadership is sought, exerts aggressiveness and controlling power. When the Woglinde was attacked by the Gnosis, the action he took of making the combat Realians self-destruct was a use of absolute controlling power that is typical of a type 8.
At this time, because the 100 series Realians had not been deployed on the Woglinde and KOS-MOS could not startup, the Hilbert Effect could not be used. Even though he did not have a single effective method of attacking the Gnosis, Virgil did not despair and thought of a way to fight and win. This can be explained by the extremely strong confrontational thoughts that type 8s have. They are proactive, developmental (?), and belligerent. They do not avoid battle, they change the environment around them with their own power by winning battles and try to obtain a desirable future.
However, his leadership often displays his unhealthiness. He is dictatorial and violent. Because of that, his battle for the survivors becomes very individualistic and advances self-righteously.
Death and return to life * Virgil was killed by KOS-MOS' attack on the Woglinde during the escape. Internal organs vital to life activities were damaged beyond the point of recovery and their functions ceased completely.
However, after that inside of the Song of Nephilim apparatus, he appeared before Shion and the others clad in a blue cloak. From the fact that he was wearing an outfit with the same design as the man in the red cloak who serves at Wilhelm's side, one can think that Virgil is affiliated with the same organization or group as the man in the red cloak. This group of cloaks is provisionally called "gaitousha (cloaks)."
Why did Virgil become a "cloak" and join Wilhelm's side? How did the dead Virgil become a "cloak"? At the current point, the reason is unknown.
DME poisoning * The poisoning symptoms caused when Realian tissue enters the human body. Why did Virgil intake Realian tissue? The reason is not clear. It occurred during the height of the Miltian Conflict 14 years ago. However, due to complications of information during the time of the conflict, one cannot find a record relating to Virgil's individual actions.
The only certain thing is that Virgil ate Realian tissue of his own will. On
the Woglinde, the words "they were delicious" that he spoke to Shion and his
expression at the time both show that he is affirming the action himself.
Attitude toward Realians * In the Realian adjustment room that was established on the Woglinde, Virgil showed his obvious contempt for Realians.
Virgil, who has consumed the tissue of Realians, has an attitude of firm contempt that is similar to the hostility he shows Realians (?). However, his utterances are extremely logical. In response to Shion's humanistic speeches, he makes a very calm appraisal of the situation. Realians are merchandise, nothing more than equipment. There is no reason that an existence that was developed and bound by a control code that included self-destruction should have human rights. Even while putting on airs about humanism, Shion herself does not try to remove the control code from the Realians. Even though she has the ability to do so. Shion confronted him emotionally, but she could not provide a rebuttal to Virgil's reason. That means that Shion herself admitted the fact that Virgil's statement had a logical correctness. If Realians are nothing more than merchandise and equipment just as Virgil says, paradoxically Virgil's contemptuous attitude toward Realians becomes incomprehensible. Could he despise an A.G.W.S., which is also combat equipment?
Certainly, there are cases in which people become angry with those who constantly repeat humanistic comments about Realians and take out their anger by aiming their attacks at Realians. However, in Virgil's case it seems that he has clearly embraced a particular feeling in regards to Realians.
The incident that caused him to have this attitude toward Realians is related to the Miltian Conflict 14 years ago. There, Virgil's ??? relationship with Realians was not a simple ideological problem, but is concealed as more of a raw problem (?).
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.26541%
>P.151 Virgil and Febronia (Connection)
>P.064 Government/Politics (Organizations)
>P.107 Assimilation with the Realians (Realians)
>P.061 Man in Red Cloak (Character)
[Page 049 - Translated by Rox-e]
Kevin Winnicot
He was killed by KOS-MOS, because he protected Shion
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. T.C. 4739~T.C. 4765. At time of death, 32 years old. Age at death, 26 years old. Height, 186 cm.
Affiliation * At time of death: affiliated with Vector Industries First R & D Division. The person in charge of the KOS-MOS (Depend on Order Strategic Multipurpose Control System) development plan integration and operation system development.
Enneagram type * Based on the Enneagram personality classification, he is classified as a type 5 (innovative (or reformist) / analytic / extremist / convention breaker).
Historical figures classified as the same type as him include Friedrich Nietzsche, Albert Einstein, and Sigmund Freud. As one can see from this, people of the aforementioned type deeply understand the mechanisms of the world by using unique insight, analysis and ability to think and are people who possess the possibility of discovering new, original patterns. Once that is accomplished, they go down in history as geniuses.
In this type of person, one can see a tendency during infancy to have ambivalent feelings toward the parents. However, there are surprisingly few records of Kevin's childhood, barely any remaining records of his graduation as the top student at Bormeo University in his youth, and after that, records up until his entry into Vector Industries have been erased so verification is impossible.
The motivations for the type 5 are a wish to understand the world, a desire to possess knowledge for that purpose, and a wish to protect oneself from the threat of the world. There is a high possibility that the knowledge he sought through the development of KOS-MOS was directly connected to understanding the world. Conversely, perhaps he developed KOS-MOS because he thought that it would be useful in understanding the world.
While the type of person like him who joins himself to the world through thought could potentially be called a genius, at the same time, there is also the hidden possibility that he could be called a fool. What is the difference between a genius and a fool? They both deviate from the beaten path, that is to say that they are unique. However, the direction of that uniqueness is very different. Geniuses have the power to understand the world through lucidity. On the other hand, fools try to force their own logic on to the world. They are both people who can talk about the world using a fundamental logic, but the former talks about theories based in facts while the latter twists it into facts based on theories. Which kind of uniqueness did Kevin really possess?
Talent * Kevin possessed uncommon knowledge about Realians as well. When Shion, who was carrying out the mental care of the Realians in the Woglinde's Realian adjustment room, said "this is all second-hand information from my superior," that superior she spoke of was Kevin.
The mental care of Realians is said to be difficult even for specialists. The structure of Realians' brains is extremely close to that of humans and they are even endowed with intelligence and feelings. In addition, KOS-MOS' is also a faithful reproduction of a human brain. Where did Kevin, who had knowledge of both Realians' brains and KOS-MOS' brain, come to gain such knowledge? Formerly there was Dr. Joachim Mizrahi, known as the leading authority in the world on brain research, and the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Center, but there is no information to verify whether or not Kevin was affiliated with either one. This is due to the fact that when the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Center became the U-TIC Organization and that same organization turned into the present day armed group, data from the past was lost.
However, the time period in which Kevin was graduating Bormeo University as the youngest top student ever was before the start of the U-TIC Organization and it is only natural that an excellent student like Kevin would enter into the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Center. Also, when one assumes this, it is possible to explain the environment in which Kevin gained the knowledge about brains that he had.
Kevin's death * Kevin, who had uncommon talent and knowledge and had a high chance of going
down in history as a genius, died during KOS-MOS' rampage.
The unit of U-TIC Organization troops that Andrew was commanding planned the capture of KOS-MOS and raided the KOS-MOS development research center belonging to Vector Industries. At that time, he lost his life to KOS-MOS, who was rampaging on autonomous mode.
Just before the attack incident, it is clear that someone from inside of the development center handed over the start-up gear for KOS-MOS to Andrew, however, it has not been specified who that person was. There is a theory that it is Kevin, but there is no proof.
Also, Kevin shielded Shion and was killed by KOS-MOS. If Kevin helped in the seizure of KOS-MOS, would he have taken an action that would result in him giving up his life? If one assumes that he wanted to protect Shion, wouldn't he have made an effort to help Shion escape to a safe place without taking an course of action that would result in his own death? Someone as intelligent as Kevin should have thought it out and acted accordingly. What was he seeking in exchange for his life?
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.00045%
>P.150 Shion and Kevin (Connection)
>P.070 Vector Industries (Organizations)
>P.120 Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
>P.124 Archetype (Development of KOS-MOS)
[Page 050 - Translated by Rox-e]
Juli Mizrahi
Sakura killed herself near Juli, and Juli felt lack of her power
Individual Attributes * Gender, female. Born in T.C.4723, 44 years old. Height, 165 cm.
Affiliation * Affiliated with the Galactic Federation Government Gnosis Phenomenon Research Association-Contact Subcommittee, specialist committee member.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality classification, Juli is classified as a
type 1 (rational / critical / decisive / self-righteous).
The young Juli who earnestly tried to raise her daughter who was suffering from an illness came to contact her husband Joachim with an intolerant attitude due to the stress. For that reason, she could not understand that Joachim was manufacturing the prototype MOMO in order to be helpful in the recovery of their daughter and could only recognize that he was throwing away their suffering, ill daughter and becoming infatuated with doll manufacturing. This intolerance is a tendency that one sees in an unhealthy type 1; from a heart that wants itself to be correct, they start to deny other people in order to justify their own position. This changes a type 1 into a critical, decisive person who adheres to her own opinion.
Later, when her daughter committed suicide before her very eyes, Juli acutely felt her own powerlessness. The perfectionist type 1 would take this situation as a failure and there are cases in which it has caused conditions such as weak nerves (?) and depression. In Juli's case, she became a workaholic who turned her anger at her husband into energy and turned her eyes away from the stress.
After that, Joachim died at the beginning of the Miltian Conflict. This completely destroyed her family life. However, this large stress conversely brought her back to a healthy state. As the woman whose former husband was the person who made the world chaotic, she felt a strong need to regulate herself in order not to be criticized by society. Because of that, on the surface she came to live as an extremely healthy type 1, being wise, tolerant, honest, rational, fair, and ethical. The one exception to this is in her relationship with MOMO.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.36544%
>P.043 MOMO (People)
>P.050 Joachim Mizrahi (People)
>P.154 MOMO, Juli and Joachim / Joachim and Juli (Connection)
>P.064 Government and Politics (Organization)
Joachim Mizrahi
Did he choose death by himself? Then, what is the reason?
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. T.C.4701~4753, age at death: 52. Height, 172cm.
Affiliation * At time of death: U-TIC Organization general manager.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality classification, Joachim is classified as
a type 5 (innovative / analytic / extremist / convention breaker).
This type cannot turn their eyes away from a target that to them is a menace. His daughter's illness, and the Gnosis as a symbol of death. Joachim concentrated deeply on those sorts of threats that could destroy his world. This type has the ability to observe objectively while being obsessed. That is to say, while getting into the target of observation, they have an eye that can calmly analyze. Because of this, even in the middle of a situation that other people would only be able to perceive as chaos, they are able to discover the relationships of various phenomena.
The basic research on Gnosis along with the design and development of the hundred series observational system, the basic research on the Zohar along with the production of the emulators, and the development of many nanomachines. He made an inquiry into the way in which the world came about from the position of physics and neurophysiology and established the Cerebral Sciences Research Center (literal translation: brain physics laboratory). He was a genius who constructed a means for talking about the world based on a new system of knowledge.
It is said that his end was an unusual one. A type 5 has either the possibility of the extremes of intellect and the extremes of disorder. His end was a fall from the U-TIC headquarters Labyrinthos that soared above Old Miltia. Although it is being viewed as a suicide, the direct cause of his fall was that he was knocked off by a blast. Did he really choose death of his own will? Assuming that is true, what kind of reason did he have? That reason has not been left behind. If he was deviating from the norm, there is no way that he would have chosen death due to his responsibility in the conflict. If he was not deviating, there would have been no reason for him to cause the conflict. One cannot see consistency in his elementary attainments, actions and ideas.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...86.56321%
>P.043 MOMO (People)
>P.050 Juli Mizrahi (People)
>P.154 MOMO, Juli and Joachim / Joachim and Juli (Connection)
>P.066 U-TIC Organization (Organization)
>P.133 Y-Data (Project Zohar)
>P.113 Mass-produced type Realian (100-series Realian)
[Page 051 - Translated by Rox-e (Matthews) and jinxhaas (Tony and Hammer)]
What happened in his past which was the Marine Corps staff?
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. Born in the year T.C.4727, 40 years old. Height, 177cm.
Affiliation * Affiliated with the combined cargo and passenger space ship Elsa, under the management of the Kukai Foundation. Ship's captain.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality analysis, Matthews is classified as a type 7, which has characteristic actions (abundant talents / impulsive / extreme / high spirited?).
He has an unusual number of wasteful habits and his debt from the Kukai Foundation is not an amount of money that could ever be repaid. Originally, he was affiliated with the Galaxy Federation Government's Marine Corps, but due to his extroverted personality that enjoyed new experiences and his selfish disposition that indulged in hobbies, both characteristics of a type 7, he had to endure staying with the army and eventually retired. Illegally retrieving goods that were floating through space, he worked at a junk shop that diverted goods into illegal channels. After that, in order to repay his debt, he accepted work at the Kukai Foundation.
One can see his dynamic personality from conversations about an idol group's concert. He doesn't just want to get audiovisual information by using the U.M.N., but strongly wants to immerse himself in that space.
Time in the Marines * Matthews probably had a connection to the U-TIC Organization when he was in the Marines. After rescuing Ziggy and MOMO, who had escaped from Pleroma, when he found out that they were being chased by the U-TIC Organization, he was surprised. He whispered "I haven't heard that awful name in a long time."
Judging from his age and personal history, he probably participated in the Miltian Conflict as a Marine 14 years ago. What did he see there relating to the U-TIC Organization? What did he experience? There is also a possibility that this was the direct influence that made him retire from the Marines. It is hard to think that the Elsa is merely a single transport ship in relation to the Kukai Foundation. In that respect as well, Matthews' past is relevant.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.79546%
>P.068 Kukai Foundation (Organization)
>P.051 Tony and Hammer (People)
Tonny & Hammer
In the universe, the best driver and the best navigator
Individual Attributes * Tony. Gender: male. Birthdate: T.C. 4738, age 29. Height: 178cm {~5'10"}
Hammer. Gender: male. Birthdate: T.C. 4740, age 27. Height: 176cm {~5'9"}
Affiliation * They belong with the cargo & passenger space freighter Elsa, which is under the control of the Kukai Foundation. Hammer is the navigator; Tony is the helmsman.
Enneagram type * According to Enneagram personality assessment, both of them are classified in the behavior-aspect as a type-7 characteristic (talent-rich, impulsive, extreme, high-spirited{?}).
For Tony, in order to get pleasure out of life, he was living a life that craved the challenge of danger. He self-proclaims to have the greatest driving technique in the universe, but more than that, he drives himself into dangerous situations in an attempt to obtain wildly enthusiastic pleasure from overcoming it. He enjoys life-- most of all, danger and women-- and he likes to push himself to the limits. During something like that, he happened to meet Matthews, and he was different in level from the young men up to then who tasted danger through play-- he jumped with both feet into a living of true life & death.
As for Hammer, he was the owner of talent and skill to the point of having won fame for being a hacker prodigy when he was approximately in his teens, and due to being a young man of impulsive curiosity, he ended up penetrating the database of some crime organization, and his life had become a target. He fled from place to place away from the crime organization to companions{?}, but before he knew it, he had been cornered. The very character who rescued Hammer from that was Matthews. Ever since then, it came to be that Hammer works as the navigator of the Elsa.
Being healthy, a boisterous type-7 lives to search for pleasure, but does not have satisfaction without being completely engrossed in it. Therefore, the two of them will never be satisfied.
Also, they love material sensation. In order to search for profitable interests, not abstract notions, they are extremely proactive about economic activities as well. For that reason, concerning the Elsa's debt, it is considered that their behavior is participating, in addition to Matthew's.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.21687%
>P.068 Kukai Foundation (Organization)
>P.051 Matthews (People)
[Page 052 - Translated by Gwendal]
Shelley Godwin
The elder sister of the experiment body of the pharmaceutical company
Personal Attributes * Gender: Female. Born T.C. 4745, 22 years old. Height: 170cm.
Affiliation * Kukai Foundation.
Enneagram Type * Going by Enneagram personality analysis, Shelley can be classified as a type 6 (devoted/loyal/passive-aggressive/indecisive).
Shelley fears being alone, so she seeks safety outside herself. She was saved by the Kukai Foundation 12 years ago, after being illegally owned and subjected to experiments by a certain pharmaceutical company. After that, she came to think of trust as something very important to her.
She considers her bond with those who can provide her with a safe environment the most important thing in her life. Acts such as sleeping soundly alongside Mary in front of Gaignun and Jr. shows her complete trust in them and sense of safety [around them]. For that reason, to support Gaignun and Jr., she works for the Kukai Foundation.
A type 6 cannot break a bond shared with others once it has been formed. Love can change to hatred, but they will not sever ties completely. Working at the Kukai Foundation, Shelley breaking her ties to Gaignun and Jr. would be unlikely. In the same way, she would always feel a connection even to the pharmaceutical company that once used her for experimentation. Then again, it is not clear how she herself would feel about that [conclusion].
Duties * Within the Kukai Foundation, she has a wide range of duties. On the occasion of the Durandal investigation tour, she accompanied Jr. as his assistant, and she also performs secretarial functions to help Gaignun in his official work inside the Kukai Foundation Colony. Compared to Jr.'s full-time assistant Mary, her role within the Foundation is subtly different.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.33568%
>P.068 Kukai Foundation (Organization)
>P.098 Interlinks (Communications, Infrastructure)
>P.052 Mary Godwin (People)
Mary Godwin
The younger sister of the experiment body of the pharmaceutical company
Personal attributes * Gender: Female. Born T.C. 4747, 20 years old. Height: 170cm.
Affiliation * Kukai Foundation.
Enneagram Type * Going by Enneagram personality analysis, Mary can be classified as a type 6 (devoted/loyal/passive-aggressive/indecisive).
Along with Shelley, she was saved 12 years ago by the Kukai Foundation. There remains no information about what kind of past she has. Her accent [lit.: language she uses] is that of a regional solar system. There are siginificant differences between her accent and that of her biological sister Shelley, but the reasons for this cannot be speculated on due to lack of information.
Since the Kukai Foundation is seeking relief for the victims of life recycling, Mary might still be considered a victim.
In actual fact, Mary and Shelley are connected through interlink, and this is not [a part of] ordinary communications infrastructure. It is a direct communication method that came as result of bodily modification, and the fact that they are both connected in this way suggest that there is a strong probability they were both subjected to experimentation by the same organization. That is to say, as far as can be established by their form of language, it can be speculated that she grew up in a regional solar system and was subsequently taken by the same pharmaceutical company as shelley.
Duties * Serving as full-time support [staff] for Jr., she can even be found on the frontlines in combat. While Shelley takes care of the logistical support for their operations, including her work as Gaignun's assistant, Mary accompanies the impulsive Jr., staying at his side to watch his back. She appears a healthy type 6, strongly characterized by cheerfulness, charm and humor. Her good-natured jokes and smile serve to calm the hearts of those around her after bloody battles. In such relationships, she is able to find the inner tranquility sought by type 6 [subjects] in interpersonal relationships.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.44456%
>P.068 Kukai Foundation (Organizations)
>P.098 Interlink (Communications, Infrastructure)
>P.052 Shelley Godwin (People)
[Page 053 - Translated by Rox-e]
Gaignun Kookai
He is a representative director of Kookai-Foundation
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. Born in the year T.C. 4741, 26 years old. Height, 188 cm.
Affiliation * Kookai Foundation representative director.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality analysis, Gaignun is classified as a type 8 (gallant / confident in himself / coercive / confrontational).
Type 8s have self-control, are broad-minded and have great confidence in themselves; there are many cases of them making names for themselves in history as entrepreneurs. Also, when they are extremely healthy, there is a chance that they may even be called a hero and leave behind their name in history. As the representative director of the Kookai Foundation, Gaignun's ability to preserve the juridical foundation and cause rapid growth until he possesses the greatest share in the world of business for each of the sectors of the Foundation's amusement, environment, and industry depends greatly on his personality type (this sentence is confusing). Also, his ability as a U.R.T.V. is the power to control other people. His personality type and this ability have many common features. Comparing a case in which a person with an introverted personality has the same ability and a case in which a type 8 like him has this power, a surprising difference in the effectiveness is generated when the power is used.
He is a leader by nature and excels in the ability to motivate others to do things; he suppresses his self-assertiveness and has the ability to control the actions of others while convincing them that they are acting freely of their own will. He controls his own emotions and, without controlling his opponent, conversely he makes them feel his strength. He uses his power to make his opponent submit and, rather than ruling by twisting people's arms, he governs leniently.
Even if he finds himself in a dilemma, he does not become disconcerted. His manner that makes you think he has complete control over himself has a very strong charisma. Not only does he walk down a path that he believes in and have plenty of necessary courage, he also displays it, leads people, he has the respect of people, and is regarded as a hero. Even if he is unable to realize the ideals that he is aiming for within the span of his own life, the people who inherit his will will carry out his ideals and he will survive in history.
As an idea, this represents the possibility of surviving longer and suggests one possibility of the conquest of death. In order to protect his own health, he must not surrender to anyone. When type 8s feel that fear, they become self-reliant and protect themselves by overwhelming others.
Representative director * Gaignun completely runs the business side of the Kookai Foundation; he leaves the practical side of things like the retrieval of the Zohar Emulators to Jr. and concentrates on providing logistical support.
Being involved in the abyss of the world (?), as long as it is something that can have a big influence on society, it cannot be accomplished with just military might. With that meaning, military power and political power should be talked about as being of the same importance. In addition, political power needs military power and military power needs political power. Gaignun and Jr. are in this kind of relationship. With both of their powers combined it becomes possible for them to preserve the plan for the present condition of the Kookai Foundation. If one side was lacking, the preservation of the Foundation would be difficult.
Alias * Gaignun Kookai. This name is the alias he uses in order to not use his U.R.T.V. name and also to persuade the public in his role as the director of the Kookai Foundation.
In the first place, "Kookai" is the name of a fictional entrepreneur that was fabricated by the Miltian autonomous government in order to pool loans for special activities, and is not the name of a person that actually exists. As the inheritor of the assets of the fictional person, Gaignun took on the surname Kookai.
Treating Jr. like an adopted child was a desperate measure to get others to understand the difference in age that was caused by Jr.'s U.R.T.V. powers while still entering his name as a representative director. More importantly, if Jr. had not been able to get actual results in the task of retrieving the Zohar Emulators, they would not have been able to give the job of representative director to a child who only looks about 12 years old, regardless of the fact that he is an adopted child.
There has been much speculation about Jr. and Gaignun's relationship. Because of their economic activities involving the entertainment and tourism industry (unknown phrase), Gaignun has attracted a lot of attention as an entrepreneur and, as to be expected, there has been some scandalous gossip. However, for those who face phenomena that are related to the fate of the world, scandals have about as much influence as a mosquito bite. Political power that can be blown away with a (???) scandal was only about that powerful from the beginning.
Just as Gaignun and Jr. have two names, the Kookai Foundation also has an official face and a hidden side. The Kookai Foundation's true objective is contained in its real name.*
*I am unsure if the 'real name' is referring to Jr. and Gaignun's real names or if the Foundation itself has some sort of 'real name.'
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.99866%
>P.068 Kookai Foundation (Organization)
>P.118 U.R.T.V. Palm Number (U.R.T.V.)
[Page 054 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Albedo Piazzolla
The behavior filled with his insanity cuts others into pieces without mercy
Individual Attributes * Gender: male. Birthdate: T.C. 4741, age 26. Height: 190cm {~6'3"}.
Affiliation * None.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality assessment, Albedo, in his connection to people, is classified with a type-8 characteristic (brave, greatly self-confident, coercive, confrontational). This is the same type as Jr and Gaignun, but Albedo's state is an extremely unhealthy one.
The utmost unhealthy type-8, one that is also a common human, imagines that he himself is an existence of an immortal body, all-knowing and all-powerful. For someone who harbors delusions of grandeur to the point of being maximally abnormal such as this, if he is not actually omnipotent, then he does not have an immortal body. However, Albedo is in fact correctly omnipotent with regards to injury of the flesh, and his is an immortal body.
He stands on top of this omnipotent power, and mercilessly strikes others. Because he does not feel limited by his own self being destroyed, there is no hesitation of any kind in the actions that this gives to another person. {iffy}: Also, not being given himself, taking as special privilege the current state of the point-of-view that it gives, he is convinced that he is super-human.
If it is a common human, those things do not go past mere delusion, and there is an instant that he senses the terror of actual death. For that reason, he tries to destroy before being destroyed, and it proactively causes behavior. A healthy type-8 proactively exerts a constructive influence on his surroundings, but likewise in a completely opposite way, an unhealthy type-8 proactively exerts a destructive influence on his surroundings.
But, because Albedo is a true immortal body, there is no sense of the impending crisis of being destroyed. Therein lies the weakness to his proactivity. He is in an alliance-like relationship with the U-TIC Organization, but that does not go beyond the part where advantages & disadvantages coincide. He does not aim to do the will of another person. He joins hands with others only for the sake of his own purposes, there is no pushing forward, and because he is immortal, there is not the necessity to feel limited by time, and the result is that proactivity is lacking. And thus, he enjoys the movement of every person as a bystander, and he lowers a destructive hand on a whim. And then, seeing a chance to allow the achievement of his own purposes, he is roused to action. However, that little bit of action, being desperate for others, becomes something that is destructive.
For him, the sole essential need is in once again linking with U-Do. For that sake he will sacrifice everything. If the world does not become for the sake of his own heart, he may even go so far as to try to destroy that which is the world.
Albedo's Craft * It has a similarity to an AGWS, but its functions are vastly different. Also, AGWS are powered-suits nearer in sense to equipping more than boarding, and it is for a single-person pilot. But, Albedo's craft is being ridden by two people, including the Kirschwasser. Also, absorbing the Kirschwasser, it automates the maneuver control ability, etc, through that function, and the design is not considered a usual mechanism. No records remain about a craft such as this being developed, neither in Vector Industries, nor in Hyams Heavy Industries. Nonetheless, Albedo must not have developed the craft by himself. Is there some 3rd party? Or was it a development of a classified level such that there doesn't even remain a record at all?
As for now, no craft of its equal has been confirmed, and only Albedo has possession. Though entering and leaving the U-TIC Organization, because it does not seem that U-TIC investigates or is developing that craft, there is the possibility that no one but Albedo can operate it.
As for that, does the fact that he's a URTV become the primary factor? Or is it essential to have linked with U-Do? If it is the former, it is perhaps possible that Gaignun and Jr, too, can fly it. However, if it is the latter, for now, of all the people who exist in this world, Albedo becomes the sole operator.
URTV * Albedo is a URTV, the same as Jr and Gaignun. Being that it was Jr who acted as the cause of the frenzy of the URTVs during the Miltian conflict of 14 years ago, he searches for atonement from Jr. Also, in that case, for the sake of affirming himself of the present that resulted from having linked with U-Do, he denies and tries to destroy everything that related to himself from before.
From Albedo's perspective, the URTVs who were not linked with U-Do are existences who lacked something fundamental. As a woman is missing a man, as a man is missing a woman, like if Yin and Yang were to unite, the linking of URTV and U-Do is considered to become an androgynous, completed body.
This sense also is becoming the basis from which he considers himself to be omnipotent. The URTVs, with the exception of himself, are not complete, and those other than URTV cannot even become incomplete existences; they are nothing but things unworthy of mention.
It is Albedo who persistently aimed for Momo, but because the reason for that was that useful worth is recognized in Momo, once the use is finished, perhaps he will destroy without raising an eyebrow.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 81.66666%
p.066. U-TIC Organization (Organization)
p.118. The Number of the Palm of the Hand of URTV (URTV)
p.119. Unlimited Telomerase (URTV)
p.058. Wilhelm (Character)
p.111. Kirschwasser (100-series Realian)
[Page 055 - Translated by Rox-e]
The disappearance of the Ariadne planet, It doesn't matter to him
Individual Attributes * Gender, male. Born in the year T.C. 4723, 44 years old. Height, 184 cm.
Affiliation * U-TIC Organization. Commander.
Enneagram type * According to the Enneagram personality analysis, Margulis is classified as a type 8 (brave / confident in himself / coercive / confrontational).
It is natural that he who is the commander of the U-TIC organization, that is to say the person who acts as the leader of the organization, is a type 8. In addition, he is not unhealthy like Albedo who is the same type, but rather, when it comes down to it, he is closer to the healthy Gaignun. However, Margulis' elitism creates a circumstance in which it is difficult to say that he is healthy.
Margulis has a lot of self control, is brave, rude, confident, authoritarian, coercive, proactive, developmental (?), stubborn, aggressive, confrontational, forceful, and dominating. With these special qualities, his leadership is unshakeable. Just as Andrew adored him, he has the charm to attract people with ideology. Also, as the commander of an armed organization, he has both military efficiency in his position of supervising people with many aggressive directives (?) and the ability to mobilize.
Margulis' speech and conduct fascinates the organization members who belong to the U-TIC organization. However, incidentally, he does not treat others as humans and tries to completely control them. Because of that, he himself becomes inhuman.
The experiment that made the planet Ariadne disappear is the most extreme example of that. When he received the report that Andrew had died, Margulis was slightly moved. His memories of Andrew moved him. However, when the planet Ariadne disappeared and 1,500,000,000 people died, because he did not regard them as human, there was not even a single ripple in his heart. He does not see individual humans, but rather bunches them together as a whole. The "innocent people" that Pellegri spoke of do not exist. However, people are not a mass with the number 1,500,000,000 either. However, Margulis only sees them as an amount with a numerical value.
A healthy but twisted type 8 like him will continue asserting himself until his objectives are achieved. When he has an objective that is twisted but can appeal to the hearts of many people rather than a selfish objective, he will have enough power to create cities and countries.
If he does not have the desire to get going as an individual, the U-TIC organization would develop greatly as an organization (I am unsure of this sentence).
14 years ago * Margulis was originally affiliated with the Galaxy Federation Government Special Operations Forces. His superior battle ability was drawn out previous to his army life through martial arts, and then he worked on it in the special environment of the Special Operations Forces. Furthermore, there is a record that states that Pellegri was also affiliated with his unit.
Fourteen years ago, this same unit was thrown into the Miltian Conflict. In other words, at the time of the incident that resulted in the U-TIC Organization falling into the dark side of history, Margulis was on side of the Galaxy Federation Government.
However, on Miltia, which was at the center of the conflict, Margulis tried to start up the sealed Zohar. The reason for this has not been recorded. However, his actions have left unforgettable traces on his body. The single sword wound on the right side of his face. It is evidence of the past that acted in order to pierce through his beliefs and is a mark of a farewell with a friend.
The Miltian Conflict resulted in antagonism between him and his former friend. It is uncertain what happened. Too many records have been lost from this time period.
Historical entity * In the present day, Margulis is both the commander of the U-TIC Organization and a member of a certain society (association).
In the control room on Pleroma, while communicating with the man in the sunglasses, Margulis referred to someone called "commander."* This commander is the person that controls the society that Margulis belongs to.
The person that Margulis, the highest leader in the U-TIC Organization, calls commander. In other words, the U-TIC Organization amounts to nothing more than a subordinate organization to the society that the commander controls. Behind the U-TIC Organization, which has been hiding behind history, there exists yet another hidden secret organization.
Secret societies have existed behind the lives of people since ancient times. A society is the organization of a group of people that have created continuous bonds for a specific purpose. Consequently, groups of knights in the Middle Ages, factory worker unions, and crime organizations can all be thought of as societies in a broader sense. The more metaphysical the objective is the greater the possibility that the society will be preserved through the generations without the objective becoming weathered in the course of history. From this the possibility is born that a society could continue to exist for a thousand years. In addition, there is a high possibility that the objective of a society with a life span that long is extremely mystical (as in mysticism).
Obtaining information about what that society behind the U-TIC organization is and what its objectives and significance are is very difficult.
[Notes from the Translator:
The word used here (sousui) is also the title given to Wilhelm on his ODM page in the affiliation section. It is different from Margulis' title (shirei) even though the translation is the same (commander).
This section had some good information. I think it is interesting that the word that Margulis uses to address his "commander" (Heinlein) is the same title given to Wilhelm. Even if they are not the same person, they seem to be in an equal position of power. Also, if the society that is mentioned on this page is Ormus, then it seems to be indicating that the Ormus religion is some kind of mysticism. Also, I keep running into this one word that I can't seem to translate very well. The word is hatten-teki and the best equivalent word I can find for it is 'developmental.' But that doesn't really make sense. Oh well...]
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 80.00003%
p.056. Pellegri (People)
p.066. U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
[Page 056 - Translated by rika]
She took pity on the 150000000 innocent people's death
Personal Attributes * Sex: Female. T.C. 4732 Birth, 35 years old. Height: 171cm (5'8").
Affiliation * U-TIC Organization. Commander.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality analysis, Pellegri exhibits a Type 6 personality type (devotion, faithfulness, passive-aggression, indecisiveness). When placed under authority, Type 6's will become obedient to that authority, even if they show defiance on the surface. This kind of behavior was demonstrated in her behavior with Margulis, in regards to the disappearance of planet Ariadne. Therefore, for the sake of one's purposes, the spirit can be unable to harbor heartlessness, and yet still move steadily in pursuit of a goal despite it. So because of these opposites - stability and instability - carried in the spirit, she frequently displays such surface behavior like averting her eyes away. This produces an ambivalent attitude, of both opposition, and blind obedience towards authority.
Her words that time were a reaction following/to a dangerous circumstance. She can feel relieved on the surface, because of her loyalty. In this circumstance, her passive-aggressive nature was displayed in response to her opposition. Because the people have important significance, her opposition in this circumstance seemed opposite of her objectives.
Because the general personality of a Type 6, is extremely inconsistent with way they act towards their surroundings, they are a very enigmatic type of person. They also have a very charming side, and are popular people, with a great power of attraction.
For the sake of understanding this type, the only way to determine which of the two opposing sides is which, is by the application of ideas. While she is excellent at feeling for strangers, she also feels very distant from them. At her present place, her activity has not had a large influence on the front stage of history. However, her influence is growing as the likelihood of chaos can no longer be denied.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 80.33363%
>P.055 Margulis (People)
>P.066 U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
He is a mysterious man and mystery organization command, too
Individual attributes * Sex: Male.
Affiliation * Hyams Heavy Industries.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality analysis, Sellers exhibits a Type 3 personality type: ( Exploitative / conveniently principled / arrogant / deceptive )
Information concerning him is scarce, although he was communicating with Margulis at Pleroma, about analysis results of something, that was low precision. From the thrust of his words, bits and pieces of his personality were revealed.
Typically, in a healthy case, Type 3's are filled with self-confidence and self-improvement to the spirit, have a great power of adaptation, and have a personality that garners praise and admiration from the people around them. In the case that a Type 3 personality becomes unhealthy, they become focused on success and career promotion, become scheming, obsessed with themselves, and become proud and arrogant; their social persona frequently filled with lies presented as their true self. That is also nothing but a sly idea, and they will betray other people, and destroy them if they can gain from it.
From the point of his words in his speech to Margulis that time, It can be inferred that he is closer to the Unhealthy side of a Type 3.
The personality of this kind of Type 3 can be seen stemming from their childhood, looking for a substitute for unconditional love, affection, and attention, such as might have come from their mother. Therefore, Type 3s expect this kind of thing from all their personal relations. They wish for the whole of society to give them unconditional praise and admiration. Their confidence in their existence comes from the value they place in this praise, and they naturally consider themselves to be praiseworthy.
This kind of Type 3 faces the world, expecting that kind of 'mother's eyes' approval to always be given to them, and when it isn't, they sacrifice people and exploit them, to protect their self-conceit.
With the exception of advocating a profit and being realistically useful, this kind of Type 3 doesn't show much interest in other matters. The demands on themselves to be profitable and obtain these things, as might be expected from such conduct, is a rather dangerous way to exist.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.55462%
>P.066 U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
[Page 057 - Translated by rika]
The existence between the imaginary number area and the real
Personal Attributes * Because of her lack of physical existence, unknown.
Affiliation * Area between the Imaginary and Real number domains.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality analysis, Nephilim is classified as a Type 2 (Deeply loving / outwardly courteous / self-sacrificial / grandiose).
Nephilim displayed an extremely wholesome condition. She is altruistic, fair-minded, supplies a friendly spirit, encouragement, and warmhearted compassion, to summarize her as a companion.
Type 2's are of a healthy disposition, which fills them with a very strong sense of love and affection. Since they wish for others' happiness, they will break themselves completely for the sake of making another person happy. As for understanding the reason behind this, Type 2s feel pleasure from giving their well-being to other people who are lacking in it.
When a companion seems bitter and/or resentful, they will try to get them to see the 'big picture' around them, and realize what's truly important in the scheme of things. However, it is in this circumstance and similar situations, that the form of their selfless love is able to be applied to others, in order to bring out love and pleasure from them.
This means that "Love", to them, has a variety of broad meanings, such as "Soul", "Righteousness", "Purity", etc, and has had the potential to be a powerful influence. Because of that, they have to be very careful about their words, in case they are acted upon. That is to say, the love they give forth when they start talking, can cause a person's true nature to be seen. (This part's somewhat fuzzy.)
Nephilim resides in the interval between the real and imaginary number domains, but what is the reason for her access to the human world - the real number domain - to not occur without direct intervention(involving another person). It is necessary to see the purpose of this discretion, when she begins talking with a human.
Nephilim appears to possess perfect health, but behind that appearance, her existence is assuredly not well. In other words, Nephilim's appearance may be that way, because the likelihood of her being unwell can not be denied.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 75.44462%
>P.146 Shion and Nephilim (Connection)
>P.147 chaos and Nephilim / Nephilim and Andrew (Connection)
A certain REALIAN was working for Uzuki family before. It is her
Individual attributes * Because of a lack of physical existence, unknown.
Affiliation * Area between the Imaginary and Real number domains.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality analysis, Febronia is classified as a Type 1 (rational, judgmental, decisive, self-righteous.)
Type 1s are people of pure ideals. Everything is tight and efficient, and they also suppress excessive surface emotion, so they appear to lack basic human kindness.
Rationality, logic, conscientiousness, truth and righteousness, are among the values they espouse, together with their desire for reformation. This soundness is occasionally an excellent characteristic of a Type 1.
Type 1s are unhealthy, when they let their self-righteousness become a fundamental truth and principle that they run with. They adopt a stubborn attitude towards other people, as well as punishing them for their conduct, and this urge is inconsistent with the speech and conduct they repeat.
Febronia was a Realian, and it's possibly the case that her emotions were suppressed to begin with. However, information about her existence in the real world, as a Realian, can not be verified as it seems to have been erased because of the Miltian Conflict's influence.
From the Real Number Domain to the Imaginary Number Domain * It is the case that Febronia was formerly a Realian. The difference between her and Nephilim, is that she was brought forth by the hand of mankind, just like the 100 Series Observational Realians, and the common combat Realians. So what changed, to vary her physical existence, to become an existence of the same kind as Nephilim?
The Hilbert Effect can be considered to have a reversing effect on things. If we assume that a successor to Dr. Joachim Mizrahi's research exists, it is a possibility that the "Cloaked Man", who can change back and forth from the real and imaginary number domains, is the one who inherited it.
In reality, the possibility of elevated people can be considered, and you can consider the imaginary number domain activity 'Field' of Febronia, Virgil, and others, to be transform-shift phenomenon.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 79.55270%
>P.040 Shion Uzuki (People)
>P.151 Virgil and Febronia (Connection)
[Page 058 - Translated by jinxhaas]
He never reveals all though he is the man who knows all
Individual Attributes * Gender: male. Date of birth & Age: unknown. Height: ??cm. Weight: ??kg.
Affiliation * Vector Industries. Chief officer.
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality analysis, Wilhelm is classified by his behavoir as a typical type 5 (innovative/analytical/extremist/iconoclastic).
Observing, analyzing, understanding, and contemplating, Wilhelm portrays the ideal. Type 5s are primarily classified by a certain characteristic in behavior. This behavioral characteristic is expressed as one that is static, as in being "lost in deep thought", rather than an energetic action. Deeply and enthusiastically indulging in their own ideas, their entire psychological world is completely devoted to thought. Nonetheless, the subject of their thought is not directed inwardly at themselves, but rather, it is speculation upon the outer world.
The interest of type 5s is to understand the world. And by knowing the world, they try to obtain the ideal. What becomes the subject matter of their thoughts is something that is acquired through their own sensory perception. In Wilhelm's case, the Compass of Order comes to be connected to this. The only thing that type 5s feel that they know with certainty is their own thoughts. By placing what they want to understand onto a platform that they know with certainty, it becomes possible for the first time for them to dissect the unknown subject and uncover what is hidden inside.
Wilhelm slowly but surely spends time repeatedly performing that process and reducing the unknowns of the world, for the sake of realizing the ideal that he himself seeks.
For those who live this type-5 way of life, the time limit placed on human life, namely that the body decays and dies, becomes the greatest of shackles. Before eliminating the threats that fill the world, won't death end up claiming them? This is the worry for a type 5; it is the greatest threat.
However, there is no sense of that worry from Wilhelm. From the fact that the red "cloaked man" is nearby him, it is thought that he has obtained a means to conquer death.
But even if Wilhelm possesses power that surpasses death, what could be the ideal he seeks? Might there be necessary wisdom beyond that of overcoming death? Does a threat greater than that exist?
Type 5s drift between both extremes for every phenomenon. Thought and action. Longing toward the world that surrounds themselves, and fear of it. Unity with others, and rejection of them. Love and hate. Joy and anger. Lifelong hope and pure futility. Attachment to life and abandonment of it.
Not a single thing exists in the world that is sufficiently believable. A type 5's ultimate ideology is nihilism. It is impossible for there to be an existence that can bind a type 5's own self to this world as something meaningful. A complicated world with an incalculable immensity possesses power that threatens him, but it is ultimately meaningless. The more he knows of the world, the more there are things that he doesn't understand. And, the more he develops thought and knowledge when trying to overcome the threats, the more he is tormented by powerlessness.
The probability that Wilhelm similarly feels such sense of emptiness is slim. This is because it is possible that he is beyond death. And that's precisely why is it necessary to keep it in mind. When a human type 5 is tortured by nihilistic feelings and becomes unhealthy toward the extreme end of the scale, he simplifies everything, forcing concepts on phenomena, and in order to protect himself, he rejects the world and all humans living there. He begins to think that this lonely darkness is life itself. And that life is nothing but a meaningless void. Wilhelm's behavior is far from that kind of unhealthiness. However, from Wilhelm's behavior, the ideal that he aims for cannot be found.
If he detaches himself from all things and tries to view the world at nothing less than the vantage point of God, the possibility is high that an original, innovative principle that is derived from there will be something that can change the world.
The Compass of Order * A strange device installed in Wilhelm's office. According to Wilhelm's words, it possesses the function of pointing to the future.
Thousands of years ago, people who were living their lives rooted on the land of a planet called Earth, began to paddle their boats on the vast ocean and headed for another continent. In order for tiny humans to make their way across the immense world, an item was necessary. That necessary item was a compass, which indicates the path that should be followed. No matter how time may pass, the fact never changes that humans are at the mercy of the magnitude of the future. A Compass that indicates the path that should be followed, with regards to the future, may be one of the dreams of humanity. And Wilhelm is the only person in the world in possession of a Compass that sights the future.
Believe it or not, the pedestal of this Compass existed long ago on Earth. The pedestal is the actual circular stone slate that was discovered on the excavation site at the lakeshore of Kenya, Turkana, and into which the Zohar-shaped plate was inserted. However, the connection between the Zohar and the Compass hasn't become clear.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 66.33456%
p.054 Albedo Piasora (People)
p.061 The man in the red mantle (People)
p.070 Vector Industries (Organizations)
p.090 What is God? (Religion)
[Page 059 - Translated by Gwendal]
Miyuki Itsumi
Her life supported by extraordinary activity
Individual attributes * Gender, female. Born in T.C.4747, 20 years old. Height, 161cm.
Affiliation * Vector Industries First R&D Division. Following that, transferred to Second R&D Division.
Enneagram Type * Going by Enneagram personality analysis, Miyuki can be behaviorally classified as a Type 7 (talented/impulsive/extreme/cheerful).
Miyuki exhibits the characteristics of a particularly health Type 7. Filled with happiness, she's wildly enthusiastic, dynamic and productive. She has an interest in many of things and does them well, showing much talent and versatility. She tends to embraces her interests and jump into things without hesitating. Following from this, she tends to discover new interests in quick succession, leaving her with no time for boredom.
Among all the personality types, Type 7s are the most talented. In general, they tend to be precocious. There are Type 7s who don't stand out, but they [too] tend to be aquainted with esoteric subjects in spite of their age and experience. [A little unsure about the last sentence, sorry]
Weapons development and transfer * As a project for one of her hobbies, Miyuki developed the MWS (Multiple Weapons System) equipped on Shion's arm.
After that, Miyuki, who didn't hestiate to say that weapons development was one of her hobbies, was reassigned to the Second Division. The reason was simply that when she saw Vector Industries' newest weapon [project] "Rhine Maiden" drawing closer, she [decided to] perform weapons development professionally.
Once she finds an object for her interest, she plunges ahead without looking back. Supported by that kind of focus and dynamism, her life becomes like something out of a dream, always enveloped in sparkling enthusiasm. That is, as long as she doesn't suffer a sudden emotional upheaval brought on by stress, leading to an unhealthy situation.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.88597%
>P.070 Vector Industries (Organizations)
Lapis Lawman
A decision with her courage saved Shion
Personal attributes * Gender, female. Born in T.C. 4738, 29 years old.
Affiliation * Member of the Galactic Federation Government Special Operations Military Intelligence Division.
Enneagram Type * Going by Enneagram personality analysis, Lawman can be classified as a Type 6 (devoted/loyal/passive-aggressive/indecisive).
Following orders from Helmer, of the Second Miltia Autonomous Government, she joined the Federal Galactic Army's Intelligence Division. Of course, the Second Miltia Autonomous Government is itself part of the Galactic Federation government, so it is not a hostile organization. But if some kind of problem [between them] were to arise, she would not report directly to the Intelligence Division she is part of, but rather follow Helmer's instructions.
When the situation truly calls for it, she is willing to stand up to those she works with every day [lit.: willing to raise the banner of revolt against...]. [However], that determination will fade away if it is not reconciled with the symbols of the authority she believes in. This in particular exemplifies the state of mind of a Type 6, as a quintessential "group person".
Those of Type 6 rely on others for emotional stability, but they do not show their inner selves [outwardly] as a manifestation of their emotions. In the hopes of finding someone to admire, they scrutinize others, trying to find out whether they can be trusted or not. Because they have a strong desire for someone to admire, they can also come to fear other people. Consequently, once they do admire someone, that emotional bond will definitely not be broken. For example, even if they have their illusions about someone they admire shattered, that disillusioned bond will still not go away no matter what. Their feelings go very deeply.
For Lapis Lawman, it was crucial to have someone to admire. In actual fact, the possibility that there could be someone to admire [somewhere] was crucial to her. More than the contents of the admiration, the [possible] existence of such a person was what mattered most to her. [I know this seems a bit redundant, but as far as I can tell it's just the way it was written]
Following from this, it can be surmised that she found [the] charm [she sought] in the Second Miltia Autonomous Government, rather than in the Galactic Federation goverment. Moreover, it could be that she selected them simply based on the timing of her meeting [with Helmer], nothing more.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 75.33480%
>P.064 Government and Politics (Organizations)
[Page 060 - Translated by Gwendal (Jin) and rika (Shion's parents)]
Jin Uzuki
He is a bookworm and acknowledges an ancient religion ceremony
Individual attributes * Gender: Male. Born T.C. 4732, 35 years old.
Affiliation * Uzuki family.
Enneagram Type * Going by Enneagram personality analysis, Jin can be classified as a type 6 (devoted/loyal/passive-aggressive/indecisive).
Not much information about him is available. However, it can be confirmed that he reads such a number of books that Shion is astonished. This can be gleaned from a telephone conversation he had with Shion.
The contents of this conversation was whether or not he should visit a grave. Even though he asks Shion whether the ancient religious ceremony can be revived, he is concerned with confirming the bonds within his family, and has little interest in the worldview promoted by the religion itself. He stubbornly affirms it as a practice. This can also be explained by his tendency towards traditional doctrine, as a type 6. He seeks approval, and based on that places his trust in others, and even if he stands out, he values interpersonal relationships, and is in that way able to build an ideal state based on mutual dependence. If [those are] healthy, he is. [A little unsure about this last one]
14 years ago * Today, he belongs to a group that can be called "family", tied to it with bonds of mind and body, but at the time of Miltian conflict, he was affliliated with the Galactic Federation State Army.
At the time, he devoted himself to honing his body and mind through martial arts under his grandfather, a martial arts master. Jin's swordsmanship was truly exceptional, and his skill was superior even within the army. During his army days, one of the superior officers posted to his squad had also studied under his grandfather, and [Jin] had a friendly relationship with him as a junior fellow student. However, during the Miltian conflict, their relationship declined into antagonism. Jin was willing to stake his life on preventing the activities of this man who was not only his superior officer, but also a former friend. This became etched into both of them as a past that would be difficult to forget. Afterwards, they both left the army, with one drifting towards an organization of darkness, and the other towards a solitary life.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 75.44889
>P.040 Shion Uzuki (People)
>P.060 Shion's parents (People)
Shion's Parents
They are already dead. But, their cause of the death is not clarified
Individual Attributes * With the exception of both person's gender, unknown.
Affiliation * With the exception of being family, unknown.
Situation * 14 years ago during the Miltian Conflict, they were living on Old Miltia. The eldest son, Jin, was already off on his own in the military. They were both living together with Shion.
At this time, her mother was suffering from apparent brain death, and was admitted to the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility, in the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Center. Shion and her father paid her visits.
Currently, both her parents have died. The cause for this, were old model Combat Realians running wild, the details behind which are unclear. Shion's memory of it has been repressed, and has not been clear.
Joachim's Assistant * At this time, Joachim, along with his assistant, were already starting the development of the Observational Realian Prototype.
In other words, Joachim's assistant was a boy, and 14 years ago, Shion had an encounter with him. At least, this possibility has not been negated.
There is certainly a connection, given the profound influence it had on the contents of the Y-Data's protection, in the MOMO Prototype. Also, if the protection was developed prior to now, how does the current KOS-MOS and Shion appear within it?
Shion has been around for the beginning of many incidents, and that on Miltia 14 years ago, her parents were separated from her, can't be considered a coincidence.
Shion and her mother * Shion truly resembled her mother. Since her mother died suddenly, and those remains were also lost, genetic verification was impossible, so her being a copy created with cloning technology cannot be ruled out. The resemblance was that pronounced.
Again, one can [only] ponder what kind of reasons or intentions might be hiding behind this if it were true.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 55.77799%
>P.040 Shion Uzuki (People)
>P.060 Jin Uzuki (People)
[Page 061 - Translated by rika and jinxhaas]
The Man in the Red Robe
The existence to get over death
Individual Attributes * Unknown.
Affiliation * Wilhelm's subordinate. "Cloaked Man/Men".
Enneagram Type * According to Enneagram personality analysis, The Man in the Red Cloak seems to exhibit a Type 5 personality type on the surface. (Innovative, analytical, extremist, convention-breaker).
Wilhelm is similarly a Type 5, and he (Red Cloak) serves his duties in the same room at Vector industries, where he frequently is in deep thought, and reacts calmly to situations. He stays very close to Wilhelm, and has a supervisory position over the other Cloaked Men. Because he is not among them[the other cloaked men], he can perform positively in this role, as a leader and as a guide. Wilhelm's ideals, and his own thoughts. From those thoughts and ideals, they seek to build the future; each individual in the stream, an element to manage in order to do this [Translator: I'm almost positive this is wrong, but it's as close as I can figure].
If Wilhelm is the Conductor for the orchestra of the world, would he (Cloaked Man) be the Concert Master?
Personality Succession * In order to understand, Virgil can be looked at as an example - he was changed into a Cloaked Man, but his personality was not altered.
A person is entangled in various activities, from the time they are born to when they die. Because to live, it is necessary to suppress the self. However, the cloaked men seldom do so. Certainly, the Cloaked Men who became entangled by death, still exist. Their existence is not one of complete freedom. But, the expression of emotion is opposed, external stresses therefore are necessarily suppressed, and almost can not be seen. In other words, if the Man in the Red Cloak was once a human, it is possible in this case, that at that time, he would have been considered a Type 5 personality. However, what kind of man he is, can not be understood.
In the first place, the existence the cloaked men become, is not a form to be understood. It is phantom-like, and the height of it's combat ability can be compared with a Gnosis. As was the case with Nephilim, it can be seen to be an imaginary-number kind of existence, but also has an effect in the real world. The true shape is uncertain.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.11101%
>P.058 Wilhelm (People)
>P.048 Virgil (People)
>P.098 Interlink (Communications/Infrastructure)
Mr. Masuda
The man who excavated the Zohar at lake Turkana
Personal Information * Gender: male.
Affiliation * Director of the research team that excavated the Zohar ruins at the shore of lake Turkana.
Enneagram type * Due to the lack of concrete information, Enneagram personality assessment cannot be performed. Therefore: unknown.
Zohar excavation * Sponsored by Vector Industries, Inc., the one who performed the large-scale excavation research at the lakeshore in Turkana, Kenya, was Masuda.
He is the man who created the impetus that allowed for the sudden upheaval of mankind's daily living in its aftermath.
When talking about history, 'What-If's such as "if it was~" or "had it been done~" cannot have meaning. But, if he had not discovered the Zohar, perhaps all phenomenon of the present day would not exist. That means, he is an extremely historic character.
There is almost no information remaining about him that can be said with any certainty, except for his name and his excavation achievement.
From his name, it can be estimated that he is of Japanese descent, but where he was born, what he studied, whatever kind of personality and experience he possessed, what kind of ideals he embraced, or even if he had any kind of dream for the future -- none of this is known.
Also, he was a character who stood at a diverging point in history, and his personal thoughts etc. are completely forgotten through the long passage of time. The event was carved into history, and the name of the person who stood present was also etched. However, with all the things humans had to leave behind, only that remains.
Both great ideals and magnificent thoughts are eventually corrupted and washed away by time. What remains is only skin-deep information. The portions of blood, flesh, and bone {the deeper, more robust information} are passed down only by the extremely few people who are near to the core. If it is not proactively being protected by people such as those, it will surely disappear and become lost.
It seems Masuda's information has completely disappeared.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.00230%
p.128. Zohar (Zohar)
[Page 064 - Translated by int, edited by CiA10386]
Government and Politics
Mankind finally reached it for one national integration
[Mankind finally achieves a singular, unified government]
Establishment of the Galaxy Federation Government * Toward the latter half of the 21st century, Zohar was excavated near Lake Turkana, Kenya. Shortly thereafter, humanity was forced to abandon Earth and its terrestrial ways due to the strange human disappearance phenomenon resulting from an "Area Shift" (Strike-range attractor).
The survivors quickly boarded an emigrant ship bound for the opposite end of the Universe. The major motivation behind space exploration turned out to be escape.
And all of this took place in an age prior to the development of "U.M.N. Warp Navigation," where ships were still propelled about the cosmos by utilizing reaction-propulsion engines such that it took the emigrant vessel several hundred years to reach its destination. Since then, four thousand years have elapsed but through the "Urashima Effect" - relativistic time dilation (the effects of which are only truly felt as you approach the speed of light), the journey only seemed to span a few hundred years.
The first emigrant planet would be known as "Second Jerusalem." At this point in time, a unified government had not been established which enabled conflicts amongst the emigrants of Earth's myriad different ethnicities, nationalities, and religions to tear the emigrants in twain. This "new age" would ink human history in blood as humanity found itself locked in desperate mortal combat. Second Jerusalem, Third Jerusalem, Fourth Jerusalem...many main stars were lost in the great conflicts; as if humanity is unable to learn! Presently, the capital planet is "Fifth Jerusalem."
After many disputes and skirmishes humanity finally came to solidarity; a unified "one-world" nation was formed. Presently (under the regulation of the Executive Committee), interstellar star systems and planets are connected by the U.M.N. via "Gate Jumps," and terraforming technology continues to improve as the stellar nation continues to expand, upwards of 500,000 planets.
[Page 065 - Translated by Gwendal]
Politics and Government [continued]
* The federal system * The federal system came about as those interested in regional sovereignty formed an association of regional governments with a high degree of independence, while the federal government is at the head of this association. In the same way, while it might bear some resemblance to one, the Galactic Federation is not a large state governing its members. It can [rather] be thought of a collection of solar systems held together by a loosely cooperative relationship, where each system's autonomous government is respected.
Against this backdrop, there is a lingering discomfort in the form of ethnic and religious disputes. The Galactic Federation is a multicultural, mixed state with a pattern of broadly dispersed settlement across large regions of space. Too much close contact between [people] who are different [in nature] means a high degree of risk for conflicts between their interests and ideals. This is also a partial reason for the escalation of the Miltian Conflict, as well as other [incidents] such as the disarray in the Federal Parliament. Even though the federal system cannot resolve these kinds of lingering discomforts, it at least has some success in mitigating their effects.
The right to vote * Those citizens who have reached a certain age are granted the right to vote. Following declining birth rates, seeking the participation of younger age groups in society and politics, the legal definition of the age of majority was revised, and out of the entirety of rights and responsibilities, the voting age was lowered. However, the structure of the [resulting] conflict was between young people proclaiming their ideals and influential older people defending their vested rights, repeating itself once again as it does in every age.
Those citizens who have reached a certain age are granted the right to vote. Following declining birth rates, seeking the participation of younger age groups in society and politics, the legal definition of the age of majority was revised, and out of the entirety of rights and responsibilities, the voting age was lowered. However, the structure of the [resulting] conflict was between young people proclaiming their ideals and influential older people defending their vested rights, repeating itself once again as it does in every age. By keeping a tight grip on specific knowledge and information, some of those people with vested rights created a structure to ensure they would keep their privilieges, at the expense of those without access to that information. Going by the meaning of phrases such as "for the sake of guiding the people", these vested interests thought of themselves as a separate existence from "the people". With a desire to build a stable foundation for themselves, they managed to create an election system to serve their own interests. This system [in turn] ended up creating people who held the creation of this foundation as their guiding principle. [To them], the [stable] foundation is both a method to realizing their goal, as well as a result. Consequently, when the realization of this foundation becomes a goal, confusion between the goal and the method arises.
Through the U.M.N. voting system, it is possible to reflect every individual's will in politics. However, it is not the system itself that reflects their will. It is necessary for [actual] people to take the sentiments gathered by the system, tie them together, and make reality into a reflection of them. Still, when the people who tie those sentiments together consider themselves altogether separate from "the people", the election system becomes nothing but a hollow shell.
In the discussions of those holding high political office, the lives of [ordinary] people disappear from view. Instead, they are dominated by [matters of] pride, mutual advantages and disadvantages, as well as ideals pointing towads the altogether too large phenomenon known as human history. The will of the electorate is not reflected there. The voters themselves feel this way.
So then, does the electorate itself have any ideals of its own? A situation where an electorate without ideals elects politicians without ideals is rather undemocratic, surely? Does not an electorate that [merely] aspires to live their lives in a status quo they are dissatisifed with without thinking of any solutions [implicitly] consent to being called "the people", accepting a platform that oppresses them in exchange for stability?
The judicial system * No one has constructed a judicial system where great judgements amassed over thousands of years are turned into a database, where various elements could be singled out based on the circumstances, and the best possible judgements would be determined based on the societal rules the defendant had transgressed. Systems where humans judge humans have persisted without much change over the passage of millennia.
Society is something akin to a general concept governed by way of rules. Put in those terms, it is like a game. A game played seriously by humans, with their lives at stake. For the game to operate smoothly, various rules are needed. Handing out sentences to those who break the absolute rules that apply to one of the layers of society is a necessary measure to prop up the foundation that emphasizes those rules. To bring about a shared societal awareness that this is a reasonable measure, the nature [lit.: contents] of the punishments meted out need to be considered in a public arena. The court of law fulfills this role. Those who create the rules are human beings. Those who live their lives in accordance with the rules are also human beings. Consequently, those who debate and decide on the punishments that go along with the rules must be human beings as well. There might be some doubts over whether "it is appropriate for humans to judge other humans or not", but it is a fact that "only humans can judge humans", and "the privilege of meting out punishments cannot be entrusted to non-human beings [lit.: existences]".
Also, because fallible human beings decide on remedial measures [for crimes], there will always be those who will keep transgressing against the rules even while serving their sentences. [A little unsure about the last sentence, sorry]
Close Encounters Sub-Comnittee * A branch of the Galactic Federation government. The scope of the Sub-Comnitee is around a thousand members, with a core group of seven specialist members. The purpose of the organization is to plan and implement Project Zohar.
Doctor Juli Mizrahi is also linked to the organization, so it has a strong influence on the 100-series Observational Realian prototype MOMO, who holds the Y-data.
In the course of furthering Project Zohar, it has no choice but to keep a close eye on the U-TIC Organization. In spite of being called a "sub-committee", it finds itself in a position where it holds extremely crucial information, and so has a strong voice in the halls of government.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 92.56423%
P.066 U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
P.068 Kukai Foundation (Organizations)
P.070 Vector Industries (Organizations)
P.042 Ziggy (Persons)
P.047 Commander Andrew (Persons)
P.048 Lieutenant Virgil (Persons)
P.050 Juli Mizrahi (Persons)
P.059 Lapis Lawman (Persons)
[Page 066 - Translated by Rox-e]
Unknown Territory Intervening and Creation - U-TIC Organization
U-TIC organization is not ordinary armament organization
Armament Organization * The U-TIC Organization derives its name from the first letters of Unknown Territory Intervening and Creation.
The plan to use the Zohar as an energy device and weapon was created within the Galaxy Federation Government. Dr. Joachim Mizrahi, the current head of the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Facility and the leading person in Zohar research, was chosen as the person responsible and, using the same research facility as the parent organization, the U-TIC organization was established as an organization directly controlled by the government. The Hyams Corporation proactively provided economic and human resources aid to this project. Due to this fact, even though Mizrahi’s research provided the technology and information, in reality it was under the influence of the Hyams Corporation.
The Zohar research was conducted by Dr. Joachim and Dr. Sellers, and things were proceeding smoothly. However, at the time that they were planning how to control the Zohar, Dr. Joachim, who had lost his beloved daughter, started conspicuously acting on his own and the result was the outbreak of the Miltian Conflict. Due to the fact that they were the cause of this conflict, the name of U-TIC was forever chiseled in history as an armament organization.
The internal control of the organization is so far removed from the former academic organization called the Cerebral Sciences Research Facility that one cannot help but recall the vertically structured societies of previous eras. One can see from the actions of the U-TIC members that have slipped into the Galaxy Federation Government that the violent superior-inferior relations are deeply ingrained in them.
The Disappearance of Planet Ariadne * After the Miltian Conflict, the U-TIC Organization, which had removed itself from the main stage of history, used its relations with Hyams Heavy Industries to secretly build-up military power, snuck its members into various organizations to collect information and carry out operations, and continued drafting and carrying out plans to control the Zohar.
Because of those plans, planet Ariadne disappeared along with 1,500,000,000 people.
[Page 067 - Translated by Rox-e]
U-TIC Organization [continued]
Originally, there existed 12 Zohar emulators created by the hand of Dr. Joachim Mizrahi. Separate from that, during the maneuvering experiment of another emulator created by Dr. Sellers, a local matter shift occurred and the planet Ariadne disappeared. The objective of U-TIC in maneuvering the emulator is not clear, but with the emulator not only did they not achieve their objective, but the planet itself was changed into a gnosis. Due to the high possibility that the gnosis type called “Cathedral Ship” that is identified later is the disappeared planet Ariadne, it is possible to guess what kind of thing the local matter shift is.
Pleroma * The U-TIC base Pleroma is a cathedral that was constructed by connecting multiple asteroids. It is possible to guess from the presence of a giant cross in the inner part that it is some sort of religious cathedral.
U-TIC is using this neglected cathedral as a base. It is impossible to conjecture with current information as the intention behind this.
However, it is hard to believe that the U-TIC Organization is merely an armament organization. Separate from Commander Margulis who leads the organization, there is a person called the “General Commander” who is completely shrouded in darkness. While the U-TIC Organization exists as a front, no light is shed upon the leaders who are clamoring behind it.
It cannot be denied that there is a possibility that the organization of U-TIC itself is covering for some other organization. In addition, the true form that is hidden in the shadows might perhaps be the reason that U-TIC is using the cathedral of Pleroma as a base.
The Song of Nephilim Apparatus * A gigantic ‘key device’ that Dr. Joachim Mizrahi prepared in order to create the 100 series observational realians. It is in the condition of being buried beneath the courtyard of the serious nervous disorder hospital on Miltia, and the top part of it forms the surface of the courtyard.
At the present time it is not clear what the technical relationship between the apparatus that produces the ‘Song of Nephilim’ that drives the U.R.T.Vs insane and the plant that develops 100 series realians is.
The reason that the Song of Nephilim is written down in history as an existence of fear lies in the Miltian Conflict. During the time of the Miltian Conflict, the Song of Nephilim was played by Dr. Sellers and U-DO went on a rampage. Because of this, the U.R.T.V.s, which are the anti existence of U-DO, were negatively influenced.
It is called ‘The Song’ because the U.R.T.V.s perceive ‘it’ as a song-like melody. ‘The Song’ cannot be perceived by humans. To begin with, it is not a physical sound in the form of air vibrations. It is like a special wave that the U.R.T.V.s can perceive with their special abilities. The effects of this ‘song’ are not limited to whether one can or cannot perceive it. Just as it is said that “it drives all unto madness,” it exerts the influence of something on even those who cannot perceive it. However, there is no information left behind as to what that effect is.
After the Miltian Conflict, the U-TIC Organization kept The Song of Nephilim apparatus as a weapon. Because of this, in response to the actions of Albedo who was supposed to get the Y-data from MOMO by planning to kidnap her, Commander Margulis makes a statement recognizing its use.
The Vehicle of Heaven (Proto Merkabah) * A deep space exploration center combined with a 100 series observational realian plant built on a satellite in geosynchronous orbit around Old Miltia. However, the value of using it deviates greatly from being a mere deep space exploration center or a 100 series observational realian plant.
The Vehicle of Heaven which had been connected to the Song of Nephilim Apparatus and controlled by Albedo, who had obtained the Y-data, sucked in the Gnosis and functioned as a cannon, firing enough energy to consign a large armada to oblivion.
From the beginning, the machine was planned and created with this intention. The power of the cannon is too great for it just to be a cannon created on a realian development plant. In other words, from the planning stages the Vehicle of Heaven was created with the function of sucking up the gnosis and having enough power to destroy a planet being considered as “necessary objects.”
In addition, the one who actually created those functions was the planner, Dr. Juli Mizrahi.
Joachim and his Assistant * Dr. Joachim Mizrahi had an assistant with an amazing intellect. The boy who served as his assistant in the age of the cerebral science research had graduated as the top student from Bormeo University at the young age of 14 and, after serving at Mizrahi’s research facility, all news of him ceased. In other words, this assistant serving under Dr. Mizrahi was involved in the development of the 100 series realian prototype and was extremely close to the Y-data.
Assuming that the assistant is still alive, no one among the people acting in the forefront falls under the same age category. His age would be a little older than Shion Uzuki.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena…………97.51248%
P.129 Zohar Emulator (Zohar)
P.047 Lt. Col. Andrew (People)
P.050 Joachim Mizrahi (People)
P.055 Margulis (People)
P.054 Albedo Piazzolla (People)
P.056 Sellers / Pellegri (People)
P.141 Gnosis Assimilation Ability (Gnosis)
[Page 068 - Translated by Gwendal]
The entrepreneur name fabricated to get a special activity fund
The establishment of the Foundation * The Foundation was established as a legal entity after the end of the Miltian Conflict. The organization emerged as a relief effort for the victims of the Life Recycling Law, established by the victims themselves to ensure them long-term access to the essentials of life. Based on the abilities of those individuals it attracted, the organization came to assume the role of maintaining and safeguarding the Zohar emulators.
Their relatively risk-free activities related to the Zohar emulators are possible due to their backing from the Second Miltia Autonomous Government. Originally, the name "Kukai" was fabricated by the Autonomous Government for a fictional front business used to pool their funds for special operations, and so is not the name of any actual person.
After the Miltian Conflict, the the Kukai Foundation was separated from the Autonomous Government as part of the post-war [reconstruction] process, but in actual fact they can both be considered as a single organization and a single voice [lit.: power].
Also, due to the circumstances behind its establishment, the Foundation was not forced to disarm [after the war]. Therefore, it retains exceptional military strength for a single foundation of its kind. There is a number of reasons why they need this kind of miltiary strength.
1: The Second Miltia Autonomous Government looks with a wary eye towards the armed U-TIC Organization, so they anticipate a need to be ready for armed conflict with them.
2: In order to safeguard and maintain the Zohar emulators, [The Foundation] needs to be able to oppose the Gnosis.
3: They need to be able to oppose any other organizations or individuals who might be seeking the Zohar emulators.
4: As victims of the Life Recycling Law themselves, they need to be able to defend themselves from discrimination and other threats.
For these and other reasons, they are allowed to retain their military strength by the Galactic Federation. However, formally they should have been forced to disarm when they changed into a foundation after the end of the Miltian Conflict.
[Page 069 - Translated by Gwendal]
Kookai-Foundation [continued]
Side business * To ensure continued provision of funds for their activities after becoming a foundation, their privatized division became a market leader in the leisure and tourism industry, as well as competing to become the second biggest water provider. [A little unsure about the water part]
It is hard to speak of [the] modern leisure [industry] without mentioning the construction of man-made tourist facilities. In every age, travel has always been about visiting important locations as well as leisure. How would a place of tourism be constructed in an enviroment where [man] is cut off from nature? That is exactly where the services of a firm specializing in leisure enviroments would be in demand. Backed by its considerable capital, the Kukai Foundation is wholly devoted to the development of advanced technology. On the latest style of man-made beaches, they control the weather. By turning the enviroment into a [theater] stage that responds to users' every need, they have succeded in providing a service other companies cannot match.
Also, the colony that is the base of the Kukai Foundation has become a famous tourist attraction in itself. Since it is used as a testing ground for the Foundation's tourism facility technologies, it is irresistible to those who are attracted to everything new.
Durandal * The Kukai Foundation's main source of financing is Vector Industries.
The colony that houses the Kukai Foundation is made in the shape of a lotus blossom, and does not orbit any planet. [Translator: I think that's the meaning here, but the last part could also possibly be interpreted as the colony having a wild/unorthodox design.] A beautiful man-made oasis, it includes a city on a continental scale as well as a large beach in its center. And in the center of that beach, the heavily armed warship Durandal is docked, towering [over the city] like a monument. Those two things are also the symbols of the Kukai Foundation.
From the fact that the majority of the weapons deployed on the Durandal, symbol of the Foundation, come from Vector Industries, it can be inferred that the relationship between these two parties is not a shallow one.
Further, the docking position of the Durandal was chosen so that it could abandon the colony and take off in an emergency, so it was not a plan for the sake of a simple monument. [Rather], it is a plan to ensure every citizen of the colony an equal chance to evacuate in case it is abandoned, by letting them leave aboard the Durandal. In other words, while the colony is the apparent base of the Kukai Foundation, in actual fact the Durandal could be considered their base [instead].
Elsa * [The Elsa] is registered as a freighter, but its actual purpose is unknown. In an age with the technology to transfer materials through the UMN, is there really any need for anyone to haul cargo for their livelihood?
There remain no records as to what the Kukai Foundation has commissioned the Elsa for in an official capacity. Consequently, the nature of its duties cannot be ascertained.
In actual fact, there are limitations to material transfer [technology]. [Even] in the modern era, living beings cannot be transferred this way. If a living being is transferred, its body will arrive at its destination. However, it will be a dead body, or something close to it. There is a commonly used poetic expression which says that "that which has a soul cannot be transferred". Due to this, as long as there is not a technology that allows the preservation of life-supporting organs through the transfer, there will probably still be a need for carriers such as the Elsa, if only for transporting people.
Actually, the Elsa was a passenger vessel in the past. Even if it is said that its present purpose is something else entirely, this cannot be proven to be true. Also, even regarding the present incident, the Elsa did assume the role of transporting people. However, judging from its role in the important aspect of bringing Shion and her associates to Proto Merkabah, the probability that the Elsa is a simple cargo and passenger vessel is rather low.
Second Miltia Autonomous Government * Representative Helmer, from the Second Miltia Autonomous Government backing the Kukai Foundation, was a high official in the Galactic Federation army during the Miltian Conflict 14 years ago. He was also in command of an anti-U-DO operation using URTVs. The details of that operation are unclear, but there are records relating to the resulting clean-up process.
At the time he left Miltia, Helmer protected Jr. and the other URTVs on the brink of death, and joined the Kukai Foundation. Gaignun and Helmer's connection stems from this past association, through acts such as Helmer addressing Gaignun by the name he went by as an URTV.
Further, regarding the Miltian Conflict, there are records indicating that Margulis, currently master of the U-TIC Organization, and Shion's older brother Jin served under Helmer's command. These relationships from the past are the basis of the expression "Helmer's pets", used inside the U-TIC Organization to refer to the Kukai Foundation. [A bit unsure about that expression, sorry]
The Galactic Federation, the Kukai Foundation, the U-TIC Organization. There is a strange connection between the three of them, revolving around Miltia.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 94.36522%
P.064 Government, politics (Organizations)
P.084 Life Recycling Law (Medicine)
P.129 Zohar Emulator (Zohar)
P.044 chaos (Persons)
P.045 Jr. (Persons)
P.051 Matthews / Tony & Hammer (Persons)
P.052 Shelley Godwin / Mary Godwin (Persons)
P.053 Gaignun Kukai (Persons)
[Page 070 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Vector Industries
The existence which exceeded the form of one organization greatly
Gigantic conglomerate * When talked about as a structure of a social organization, it does not surpass being a single organization that is associated with the Galaxy Federation. However, by performing the tasks of: construction of the U.M.N. which exhaustively covers the star-system, creation of Realians who are employed by man, and the development of human-style terminal weapons "A.G.W.S." and the human-style search-and-destroy weapon "KOS-MOS" as a means to oppose the Gnosis pilgrimage fleet; the organization that grasps both military affairs and communication network spheres is an existence that greatly surpasses those bounds of being called a simple "single organization".
The headquarters of that very same company is a gigantic free-orbiting colony of the level of an artificial planet that even reaches an overall length of 1000 kilometers -- the "Light of Dawn". {This is the Dammerung*}. Possessing the meaning of "the radiance of the sun at daybreak", it is also said to be a super-ultra gigantic battleship, the interior of which is a colony beyond imagination-- it is the nucleus of the entire group which included all the of the relevant enterprises under its umbrella, including the establishment of the residences of all the of the company employees belonging to it, and it is fulfilling all of the important municipal functions of that kind of daily living. {iffy:} In that place, it is hard to say if some kind of sports and recreational facility is enriching [their lives] like in the colony of the Kukai Foundation, but beginning a pseudo-trip that utilized an encephalon, by means of a theater-like production that surpasses physical bounds, those who hold the impression as if they are being locked up inside of a closed-off space are nearby to nothing.
The history of Vector Industries is old, and it can be traced back to the 21st century when mankind was existing on the surface of the Earth. Long ago, the very enterprise that sponsored the Zohar excavation research team at Kenya's Lake Turkana was Vector Industries.
In the aftermath of that, it built the emigrant ship for escaping the Earth and constructed the U.M.N., etc, and throughout history in which it came to establish the society of the present day, Vector Industries is an existence that is indispensable. It is historical achievements such as these that explain why the honor to speak to the Federal Government and each autonomous government was bestowed.
[Page 071 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Vector Industries [continued]
A.G.W.S. * Taken from the acronym of the anti-Gnosis-use battle weapon system (Anti-Gnosis Weapon System), they are dubbed "A.G.W.S." Pronounced "e-i-gu-su" {"ay-ggs"}
Historically so far, the development of a piloted-weapon had come to aim for the augmentation of operation convenience, sturdiness, and destructive power. However, the initial purpose of AGWS is different from this historic idea of a piloted-weapon.
{next two sentences are kinda iffy:} Gnosis come to penetrate the interior, easily slipping through no matter how sturdy the armoring. No matter how well-equipped the weapon being boarded, if there is no escape as well, there is also no way to fight. This is because no weapon exists that can attack within itself.
And so, the piloted-weapon that has little interior space was being sought. Humans, who extremely feared being touched by Gnosis, produced something that made use of cutting-edge technology-- armor. Similar to how people long ago clad themselves with hide and cloth to protect their bodies from heat & cold, and similar to how they wore shoes to protect the soles of their feet from injury while they walked, sturdy "clothes" were constructed for the sake of not being touched by Gnosis.
A.G.W.S. are powered suits, the heights of which are nearly 5 meters. There is data that by equipping an A.G.W.S., brain waves and pulse rate regain composure. By wrapping up the body, the effect is that it gives the pilot's mind and body a sense of security. And this very sense of security is essential in order to fight against Gnosis, which are the object of absolute terror.
The form of an A.G.W.S. is not something that was limited to being human-shaped, and many various [designs] are being developed depending on deployment location and usefulness. Nevertheless, AGWS is a weapon that was developed for anti-Gnosis use, and its standard usefulness is in battle. Therefore, the difference in form is considered to be something solely dependent on deployment location. A place that has gravity; a construction site; the void of space; or all-purpose. The design is being planned according to environments such as those.
A mass-production system has not been established for A.G.W.S. that are made by Vector Industries. At the present stage, an advance trial was being held for the purpose of private sale, and A.G.W.S. are being supplied on a test-basis to a special organization of the Galaxy Federation and one division force of the army. They are also being provided to the Kukai Foundation.
The task of mass-production is handled by Hyams Heavy Industry, and that same company also supplies the majority of the A.G.W.S. that are being used by the army and the U-TIC organization, etc. The ones made by the late-coming Vector Industries are exceeding in spec.
Woglinde * The Woglinde is Vector Industries' brand-new warship that was provided to the special forces of the army of the Federation Government. These special forces, being something that undertook the mission of investigating the disappearance incident of planet Ariadne as well as the recovery of the Zohar Emulator, in addition to housing the KOS-MOS development team within the warship, were meant to deal with contact with Gnosis.
However, due to the postponed deployment of 100-series Realians, they fell behind in the searching and detecting of Gnosis, and with KOS-MOS's maneuver experiments still in progress, only AGWS had the potential to be used in combat. But if not used at the same time as the Hilbert Effect, the armament of A.G.W.S. cannot effectively oppose Gnosis, and if it was considered to be a gravely important duty, this turned out to be a very ill-prepared situation.
Rhine Maiden * Delayed two weeks by the event in which the Woglinde was attacked by Gnosis. With the anti-Gnosis special weapon "Rhine Maiden" established at its bow section, the headquarters colony "Dammerung", along with three newly-made warships, Woglinde II, Wellgunde, and Flosshilde, dealt a blow that completely decimated the large mass of Gnosis that was affixed after the Hilbert Effect had been invoked. Said to be only a short period of time, the timing of the developed weapon completion is perhaps the largest main factor that separates victory from defeat.
However, what can't be understood is why the 100-series observational Realians had not been introduced to the Woglinde. It is not considered anything but some kind of design that was intervening in there. In Vector Industries' Dammerung and in the Kukai Foundation's Durandal, the 100-series observational Realians are already being introduced, and should be at a completed state. And yet, it is from a previous time that the Woglinde was provided to the Federation Government Army.
Because of that, the feeling of distance in-between the Federation Government Army and Vector Industries can be sensed. But, due to someone's design, the Woglinde was exposed to the crisis of Gnosis, and there is a high possibility that it was deliberately planned for KOS-MOS to self-startup during that chaos.
Shooting training * Vector Industries is ultimately a private enterprise. However, in a speech of Shion who is the chief development engineer, there is something that was said: "shooting training."
From the deeper meaning of these words, it is possible to sense the severity of the era. I will protect myself. That is an extremely natural attitude of any living thing. However, society is expected to have come to be born to shoulder that load according to law and order. The existences known as Gnosis are producing a world that has caused all humans to take up weapons.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 91.32375%
p.064. Government & Politics (Organization)
p.102. Realian (Realian)
p.094. U.M.N. (Infrastructure)
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.041. KOS-MOS (People)
p.046. Allen Ridgely (People)
p.049. Kevin Winnicot (People)
p.059. Miyuki Itsumi (People)
p.058. Wilhelm (People)
[Page 074 - Translated by jinxhaas]
The joint ownership and the vicarious experience of the memory
Shared memory and vicarious experience * What occurred during the encephalon dive into KOS-MOS's mainframe was a reconstruction phenomenon of the memory of the divers.
The reconstructed shared "memory" actualized from the memory donors (Shion, Momo, and Jr), as well as the bystanders (Allen, chaos, and Ziggy). However, it was not something that involved emotion.
Memory, in effect, is subjective story-like information of the personal experience of the person, himself. The reconstruction of the "memory" that occurred during the encephalon dive, in a strict sense is not said to be a "shared memory"; it does not go beyond "vicarious experience of a situation".
What became the setting of the vicarious experience was something that the memory donors had in common-- Miltia of 14 years ago.
From Shion's memory came the scene of the interaction with her father in front of the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility. And then the scene in the interior of the facility where Realians fused together as if eating each other. From Jr's memory came the scene of the wild running of the URTVs in the Miltian Conflict. Including the appearance of Gaignun and Albedo of that time. From Momo's memory came the scene of the end of Professor Joachim Mizrahi at the U-TIC Organization's central tower, Labyrinthos.
The memory donors, as well as the bystanders, vicariously experienced these scenes as if they were some incident that unfolded before their eyes, while maintaining their present consciousness as is. The memory donors' sensations of that time are not transmitted in whole-- it is an objective scene where only the stage was reconstructed.
The "shared memory", which was exchanged between Shion and Andrew who was on the verge of death, is something that actualizes only because of the sharing of emotional experience that accompanies feelings.
It is a personal experience that is shaken by emotion. When sharing the memory of that experience, one does not view the personal experience objectively; instead, one reacts to it subjectively. Even if that is also something that differs from his own emotion, he is dragged into the emotion of the [original] experience-er. Thus is shared memory.
That means, the shared memory from the technology of the encephalon dive is said to be something that does not match up to the synchronous communication between Shion and Andrew. But, regarding the vicarious experience of the memory, it is something that has a high degree of freedom, being extremely real.
A heart that rejects the past * Lost recollections, or those that merely do not rise above the surface of the consciousness, are not concluded to have disappeared.
This can be explained by the memory lapse system of the human brain. The three stages of memory are: learning input, "memorization"; remembering, "retention"; and thought extraction, "recall". The matter that is concerned with memorization are the perception neurons, which become the entrance for information. The matter that is concerned with retention is the hippocampus. The matter that is concerned with recall is the frontal lobe. About the function and role of each [stage], they are continually being brought to light. However, in the case of memory lapse, which stage, which portion is it that indicates a non-functioning state?
As for the current state of the memory that is sealed and asleep at the bottom of Shion's heart, it is considered that the problem lies in the affore-mentioned "recall" stage. Evidenced by her memories that were extracted due to the encephalon dive along with the memory that was recalled with the flashback, there is no doubt that there was being "retention".
Memory that is retained over a long period of time is called long-term memory. Short-term memory that is supplied by the cerebral cortex, similar to how it is recorded in computer RAM, is in a temporary storage state, and vanishes when the power is cut. Meanwhile, long-term memory that is supplied by the hippocampus, similar to how it is recorded on a harddisk, can continue to be retained indefinitely.
The reason for the failure in recall of these long-term memories is the following two possibilities. The first possibility is "failure of memory retrieval". It is the so-called, "having been forgotten". For some reason or another, when the brain is in a state where it cannot retrieve memory, this phenomenon comes forth. The second possibility is "suppression". {rephrased for clarity, may be somewhat incorrect}: According to Freud's theory, it is disadvantageous and even harmful to oneself when he acts completely such that he refuses to actualize all the things that he doesn't want to remember, the things that chase after him in his subconscious. Due to this, he diminishes his futile psychological toil, and attempts to bring about mental efficiency. It is a way of thinking that perceives psychology economically. Shion's case is expected to have a high possibility that it is the latter case of "suppression".
Kirschwasser memory * The memory of the Kirschwassers, which was received by Momo, was not a real image from within the memory that the Kirschwassers personally witnessed. It is considered that the images were something visualized by Momo for the sake of recognizing the personal experience of the Kirschwassers. The reason for this is because the Kirschwassers themselves, who were the personal experience vessels of that memory, were also appearing in the memory image.
The Kirschwassers, Momo, and the 100-series cross-observational Realians are existences that possess a single psychological domain. Individual terminals carry out the experience of a particular case and upload them to a mainframe, and this making-into-joint-ownership preserves the data by way of possible states. For the sake of recognizing the information that was uploaded, an individual terminal gives processing treatment within the brain into a form that is easy to comprehend. The influx of memory information from the Kirschwassers to Momo is not something that passed through the mainframe, but is a concatenation of a fellow terminal. For the sake of recognizing and understanding the information that came from the influx, it wasn't a reproduction of a pure memory image-- it is considered that Momo reconstructed the information through a form that included a remnant of the memory subject.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.45566%
p.123. Encephalon (Development of KOS-MOS)
p.081. Data Preservation Form (Culture)
top image: "This place-- it's the place I saw from the hospital window."
middle image: "Every single one of them's infected..."
bottom image: "And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life… …was cast into the lake of fire!"
[Page 075 - Translated by Gwendal]
A woman be womanly, a man be manly
A societal nature * There are two kinds of definitions of gender. The biological definition is called "sex", while the social definition is called "gender".
Biologically, both men and women are born as male and female respectively. However, in society, people are educated, pushed into a social framework, coerced and regulated into being men and women.
"Masculine." "Feminine". "Even though he's a man". "Even though she's a woman." "He's a man, so..." "She's a woman, so..." "Gender", rather than "sex", often hides behind expressions like these.
Uniforms for both genders * Gender can be remarkably visible in human clothing. In uniform designs for organizations, men get trousers and women get skirts. In the second half of the 20th century, there was already a debate about gender free clothing, and women's clothing in particular easily moved past the constraints of gender. Before that, women weren't allowed to wear things like slacks. In other words, in the second half of the 20th century, opposition to women being like men went away. For their part, men who challenged these constraints, such as by being transgender, faced less hostility [lit.: were seen as less strange].
But even if there has been progress in this direction over several centuries, when it comes to uniforms, dress codes based on gender are still deep-seated even in the modern era. That is because gender differences are an important aspect of the various ways clothes communicate belonging to different groups, as a form of non-verbal language.
While there is also a small physical part to it, wearing uniforms that promote a strong awareness of gender differences might be necessary to bring [awareness of] gender discrimination to the fore. [This sentence is a bit complicated, so I'm not 100% sure, sorry about that]
[In machine translation, this last bit comes out as: "Is it really necessary to bring gender to the forefront by making workers wear uniforms that strongly emphasize gender differences, even though the job involves little physical activity?"]
A division of roles * The division of activities and roles according to gender is truly something deeply ingrained [in society].
We should pay attention to the fact that KOS-MOS, who is a weapon, served drinks on the Elsa. If this is because she was designed to look like a woman, it can be seen as an examination of the deep-seated gender problems in the present day. If she were a Realian designed to make everyday life easier, it would be natural for her to serve drinks whether she was designed as a man or a woman [lit.: it wouldn't be mysterious for her to...].
The fact that nursing Realians tend to be female models can be considered to be based on the wishes of users, of both genders, who hope to be cared for by women rather than men. This is also an important factor when thinking about gender.
However, what we should focus on here is that even if her purpose for existing is to be weapon, she has to conform to society's restrictions in its division of roles, based on her design. This is a problem with people's mindset, that they are willing to accept that a weapon is serving drinks without surprise, based on its gendered external design.
Why did KOS-MOS serve drinks, when she always makes the best and most efficient choices based on her function and purpose? Even though the situation was safe, she's always vigilant against future danger and wouldn't lapse in preparing for it, and this [serving drinks] would surely not be the most effective way to carry out her function of making sure everyone is safe. Why did she judge it necessary to give drinks to those on the Elsa to carry out her tasks? [Yes, it does seem to be the same point rephrased slightly differently]
It is possible that KOS-MOS was doing this as part of her covert information-gathering activities, using her knowledge of the division of gender roles [in society]. She was confirming that the crew of the Elsa had fairly stereotypical views of gender roles, for better or worse. KOS-MOS might have collected that basic data from her own behavior to predict how the crew would behave towards Shion. [Hopefully this is more or less correct, but this sentence was a bit complex, so not 100% sure]
When you think about it logically, the strangeness of KOS-MOS serving drinks becomes apparent. But since the division of gender roles is so deeply ingrained, the people in that place simply followed their deep-seated awareness of the divison of gender roles and didn't even notice anything problematic about it.
KOS-MOS' Design * Strongly female-gendered details were applied to KOS-MOS' design. Against humans, this could be explained as a useful design to take tactical advantage of biological responses, but that hypothesis doesn't hold when it comes to the Gnosis.
The functional meaning of this [design] isn't for [fighting] against the Gnosis, but can rather be thought of as something done in consideration of the impression KOS-MOS would give while performing her necessary anti-Gnosis activities among human beings.
And then, in practice, this design gave her an opportunity to gather information onboard the Elza by serving drinks.
In that way, it can be said that KOS-MOS uses stereotypical gender views effectively. But since there are those who would use it to their advantage, the gender discrimination that is widespread throughout the world doesn't go away. As long as there are people who will use it, it's necessary to have an awareness of how it's used.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.96344%
>P.076 Meals (Culture)
>P.106 Gender differences among Realians (Realians)
[Page 076 - Translated by Gwendal]
The accumulation of the history of trial and error.
Reasons for cooking meals personally * Feeding is an act done by all living beings, to get the nutrients necessary for life into the body. When this is elevated to the level of culture, we refer to it as "[eating] meals", an activity integrated into human life.
Preparations are essential to any meal. In primitive times, this started with the capture of prey. Later, mankind began raising livestock, and successfully incorporated trade in them into the economy. When it comes to preparing for a meal in the modern era, people have a choice between purchasing ready-made food or cooking it right before they consume it. The advancement of various technologies has made it possible to preserve ready-made foods for long periods of time, freeing people from the labor of cooking meals. There is a wide variety of simple, ready-made foods in circulation, like the meal served to MOMO at Pleroma. At the same time, there is still a vibrant culture around cooking and food preparation.
For instance, applying heat treatment to ingredients to bring about various chemical reactions and increase their rate of absorbtion through digestion is a creative act. Of course, by preparing the food just prior to consuming it, from a nutritional perspective the degradation of nutrients can be kept to a minimum. At the same time, from a psychological perspective, [the consumers'] conceptions of "freshness" can be satisfied. An awareness of themselves as bearers of this kind of culture might be one explaination for why those riding on the Elsa prepare their food personally even while calling it "unappetizing". Another might be an awareness of nutritional goals exceeding [issues of] taste, with various influences on their bodies and minds.
Meals for Realians * The nutrition required by Realians differ based on their composition. It is natural that the supplements they need vary according to whether they are carbon-based, silicon-based or liquid metal-based. Carbon-based Realians, being human-like, require proteins, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and the like, much like humans. Thus, they are able to derive nutrition from the same meals as humans. Naturally, since their digestive systems also closely resemble those of humans, excretion becomes necessary as well.
The dish known as "curry" * Humans have consumed spices for medicinal purposes since ancient times. They were added to meals for their various medicinal properties, and with the passing of many years, they became indispensable flavorings for cooking. In curry, a complex mixture of these spices are used, bringing the flavor and aroma to a sensually high level. Speaking of those medicinal ingredients, [the dish] cannot be prepared using any other method, but it [also] has endless possibilities for variations in taste through changing the main dish or the mixture of the spices.
The first time curry was eaten in space was in 1997AD. Using the food preservation technologies available at the time, there are records of it being brought into space by Japanese astronauts. Afterwards, it seems like curry was added to the American NASA's standard menu. Many centuries later, curry is still a staple dish eaten in space in the present day.
The reasons for [post-meal] tidying * There are few who would question the need to clean eating utensils after a meal. However, there might be questions as to the need to wash dishes by hand in the modern age, where firefly-type nanomachines handle [all forms of] cleaning. A method of having humans wash dishes by hand while using running water, a valuable resource, might seem like a primitive act.
However, those would be the words of someone who does not know the workings of nanomachines. While the liquid that comes running out of the water supply might look like water at first glance, it is in actual fact composed of nanomachines. The "dirt" on the eating utensils is fundamentally organic matter, residual nutrients. In order to recycle them, washing or disposal is not what is needed, but rather retrieval by nanomachines. This residual nutrient retrieval system bears more than a passing resemblance to the act of washing dishes.
In this system, these nanomachines move around in a liquid paste resembling water, and by rinsing the utensils in this "water", organic matter is absorbed, nutrients are recovered, and the remaining waste is broken down. The recovered nutrients are then reconstituted to be reused as ingredients for future meals. Finally, the "washing" is completed by drying off the dampness from the "water" on the dishes with an anti-bacterial cloth with nanomachines woven into its fibers.
While a way to automate this sequence of actions has been developed, these kinds of automatic systems are rarely employed by regular households or small organizations, since these do not need to process large quantities of dishes. In the distant past, there was a time when every household had machines that would wash and dry dishes using actual water and detergents, but this method of cleaning was revised for environmental reasons when mankind began living in space. Further refinements lead from this primitive method to the variety of methods in use today.
Meals and gender * In actual fact, even in the present day, there are those who consider activities such as preparing for and cleaning up after meals to be associated with certain gender roles.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.55622%
P.102 Realians (Realians)
P.107 Adapting to [life with] Realians (Realians)
P.075 Gender (Culture)
[Page 077 - Translated by Gwendal]
The biological reason why a person finds joy in the amusement
Alcohol * The wish to alter one's consciousness through drugs is a long-standing one. By ingesting [such a] mind-alterting drug that can be metabolized quickly, it becomes possible to experience a different state of mind and to see the world through different eyes, leading to an enjoyable condition outside the ordinary. Throughout history, humans have developed various drugs by taking plants with medicinal properties growing freely in the natural world and extracting products from them to make various mixtures. These became a constant companion to mankind.
Even though this has allowed humans to experience the pleasure of a an artificial paradise, it has also led to various ills. [Drugs] have a major negative effect on health, at times even leading to loss of life. Those that proved to be fatal even with a single dose came to be prohibited, while others that in actual fact lead to a reduced lifespan with continued use ended up becoming deeply ingrained in society as legal drugs. Alcohol is one such drug. The imperative to use this mind-altering drug, raised to the level of culture, might be harmful to [physical] health, but it led to other, more positive results. These include not only the transient pleasure [gained from the drink], but also the ability to bring about relationships between people, leading to rapid advances in the philosophical study of human beings.
[One form of] leisure is to draw pleasure from altering responses in the brain. In the present day, "alcohol" does not only refer to the kind of alcohol that is metabolized by the liver, but also to drinkable mixtures of nanomachines with similar effects to [traditional] alcohol. In this way, it has become possible to safely enjoy intoxication while limiting the damage inflicted on the body. Of course, naturalists* prefer traditional alcohol, even enjoying the hangover brought on by acetaldehyde as part of the experience. Naturally, nanomachines to counter this hangover have also been developed, and in extreme cases, they may be used to clear the poisonous effect [from the users' system] quickly.
Gambling * A major factor behind the attraction of gambling is the thrill obtained on winning. Many men can be found among the devotees of gambling, and this can be understood when examined from the vantage point of human physiology.
There is a hormone known as "testosterone". Often seen as as the "male hormone", it is necessary for muscle growth and maintaining an active, assertive mind and body.
However, this hormone can fluctuate drastically depending on the state of mind and body. It is necessary in order to build muscles, but if one seeks to build one's body through training, its level can also decrease with [heavy] physical exertion.
In the same way, take the example of male monkeys vying with each other for domination and so on. As their bodies grow tired, their level of testosterone drops sharply. Those males who lose the competition run away with their testosterone levels at a minimum.
However, those males who come out on top find their testosterone levels rising due to the stimulation. In other words, it is reminiscent of how the stamina of victorious characters in a close-combat [simulation] game returns at a fixed rate.
There are stimulies capable of raising these kinds of males' testosterone levels quickly and rapidly. One of these is to be close to the one they desire copulation with. Simply through seeing a female they want to mate with, the level of testosterone flowing through their bodies can increase hundred-fold above its normal value.
Humans gamble to seek the thrill of victory in an ordered society. Another reason to be considered is the high interest in idol groups and the like, leading to a desire born from rise in testosterone levels associated with the hunt for a mate.
Communication * Human beings cannot bear isolation. The self is recognized and defined through relationships with others. Also, through relationships with others, one can spread memories that will endure beyond the death of one's physical body, helping to lessen the fear of death.
Naturally, stable networks with the U.M.N. as a foundation are used as a method of communication. It is also possible to use head sets for personal communications.
When using everyday communication through the U.M.N., it is possible to experience subjective images and audio with all five senses. Humans appreciate having a method of communication using video and audio to approximate direct conversation. This is because the evolution of the human mind has not kept up with advances in technology. For example, no matter how easily a precise method of communication could be brought about using [advanced] technology, it can be readily anticipated that human beings will prefer a method that comes close to face-to-face conversation with images and sounds. The U.M.N. is a technology that takes this into account as much as possible.
Further, when it comes to communicating logic, written communication becomes more desirable. This is because the elements making up the construction of [a] logic[al argument] stem from language, and to transmit logic through language, a descriptive method that is easily recorded is more suitable than elusive spoken words.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.23554%
P.094 U.M.N. (Communication, infrastructure)
P.099 Head sets (Communication, infrastructure)
P.085 Nanomachines (Medicine)
[Page 078 - Translated by Gwendal]
A charm isn't logical, and is unreasonable
An illogical view of cause and effect relationships * Charms and jinxes are closely related. This is because the idea that it is possible to escape misfortune by possessing a charm is itself [an example of] a jinx.
"Jinx" is another way of saying "an irrational, illogical view of cause and effect relationships".
An experiment was conducted to test these [kinds of] cause and effect relationships. A game machine with two buttons that could be operated was used, which would also award points at fixed intervals unrelated to the buttons.
In actual fact, even though the machine awarded points at fixed intervals whether the buttons were pressed or not, the subjects of the experiment who were playing the game associated their point-scoring with their button-pressing activities. The players came up with particular rules for their button-pressing, even going as far as inventing extensive rules for playing the game [slightly unsure about the last phrase, sorry].
This is an example of how the accidental relationship between pressing buttons and scoring points was endowed with meaning. Through operant conditioning (random, accidental conditioning), these coincidences imbued with meaning form the basis for personal superstitious activities related to objects and phenomena.
This kind of operant conditioning is not limited to human beings. It can also be found in other living beings as long as they are capable of learning. In these cases, an experiment machine using buttons and dispensal of food would be used instead, but its features are largely the same.
Personal charms * It is probable that the spontaneous emergence of personal superstitious behavior is a result of operant conditioning stemming from experiences in the past.
This is the basis for personal jinxes.
[For example, say] someone hit their little toe while getting up in the morning, and their lover was involved in an accident and suffered an injury in the following evening. There is no causal relationship between these events, but through operant conditioning, this leads to an illogical view of cause and effect.
[Or, say] someone gets hold of a piece of tourmaline ore, and then manages to easily solve some problem at their workplace the following day. Again, there is no relationship between these events, but there is a strong [tendency] to tie them together regardless.
Perhaps this forced connection of unrelated events comes from the desire to personally confirm the truths of the world?
By observing various situations, one can find commonalities between them and draw conclusions as to the nature of the "world" one inhabits. This involves factual observations, philosophy, and the construction of a [coherent] world view. This feeling of wanting to know the world one inhabits has been a fundamental desire in humans ever since they started to observe their world.
However, due to operant conditioning, one can lose sight of the proper way to go about this. By making simple, forced connections [between unrelated events], there is a risk of losing sight of the true nature of events.
Due to its simplicity and mystique, this way of thinking has a drug-like allure. Also, this allure is exploited by many religions as a way to generate income by selling "talismans". So-called "fortune-telling fraud" scams also take advantage of those who wish to believe in these illogical cause and effect relationships based on simplicity and mystique.
Lasting marks of interaction * There are also some who hold charms out of a desire to keep a gift from someone close to them near at hand, rather than out of an illogical expectation born from operant conditioning that the charm will bring about "an actual result".
These [charms] allow them to draw support from a lasting mark of their interaction with another person.
Wearing an object associated with pleasant memories on their bodies allows them to feel close to the other person, helps combat loneliness, and lets them draw strength from the memories.
[Charms like] have implications for mental stability, where they can be very useful and play an important role. They can be the final key to piecing back together a mind that has become fragmented as a result of confronting a painful situation.
From this point of view, mementoes can be said to have a real effect as "charms" to protect an individual's heart. [Translator: This part has bit of wordplay in Japanese, since the word they translated as "charm" literally means "protector". It's the same term used for the amulets sold at shrines and temples in Japan.]
For MOMO, the bullet charm she received from Jr. protected her mind from destruction as a lasting mark of their interaction.
When she was abducted by Albedo, who showed no respect for her body and violated her memories, her mind was enveloped in fear. In that psychologically extreme situation, the thing that brought her mind back from the brink of destruction was the charm she felt against the skin of her hand, and the memories of her interaction with Jr. and his voice calling out to her brought about by that stimulus.
To bring out the memories needed to sustain the mind, an external stimulus is needed. If that stimulus is an object associated with those memories, it becomes a "talisman" that can act as a switch to protect the self.
The charm that protected MOMO in her time of danger is proof of this.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 100%
P.088 People, religion (Religion)
P.099 P.043 MOMO (Persons)
P.045 Jr. (Persons)
[Page 079 - Translated by anonymous contributor]
Common Language
The common language of the international space
The Power of Possessing Language * Language is a symbol. They are letters and sounds used when understanding what is transmitted; communicating ideologies, feelings, and purposes. They are symbols that define contents that are transmitted.
Sounds are symbols used to emit noise from a person. It is said they are vocal symbols that possess meaning within that mass. In sound, a shared significance within that mass has become necessary. For example, "neko" (cat), when said, we understand it to mean "an animal that meows, walks on four legs, and has fur covering its body." That is a shared significance.
However, if a person cannot share the meaning included in the sounds for "neko", then it is a meaningless sound, or rather the language is untold.
Still, there is the case of clearing one's throat. This is just sound, but if it is used as a signal for any sound, "throat clearing" is transmitted to the other party as a symbol possessing one meaning, thus recognizing it. At this moment, "throat clearing" has worked as a kind of language.
Letters are visual words. It must be a language that has meaning in shape. Even if there are letters for "neko", there must be a sheer style where the shared significance is "an animal that meows, walks on 4 legs, and has fur covering its body."
Besides letters as a visual language, there exists road signs and traffic lights, arrows (directional), hand signals, gestures, etc. These surface as "symbolic figures" or "symbolic motion," working as visual languages.
Computer language lined up with 0 and 1 is also a "language" because it is included in the meaning.
In this way, language is a symbol that possesses meaning only to the person who understands it. A person who does not understand it cannot achieve language.
Language and Cultural Diversity * It relates closely with communities who share necessary and essential meanings for usage. Nations are conscious, but depending on such reasons, the mass possessing the common language piles up.
To give meaning is to decide according to culture, to breed according to such, and historical background. Therefore, a community that possesses a common culture will progress in the shared influence of meaning regarding symbols. This also surfaces in the arrangement of language according to residential areas. The arrangement of regions called dialects, while it possesses a common culture, according to the influence in topography, etc., etc., it applies to the exchange of the state of influence, the combination of characteristic pronunciations and words, and progressing the shared influence of meaning in a narrow scope. This is located at the center of shared language and is a secret language only circulated among friends. Regional communities possess results that boost consciousness.
The Education of A Common Language * The idea of common language is having a background in the same culture. However, it is thought out when necessary to avoid the current status, according to dialect, if the agreement of wills becomes difficult.
Usually, based on the dialects of the core regions, the complexity of various regional languages, it is a language that is constructed artificially in a short time, not spontaneously.
This common language, before generations came to exist, brought forth a large gap in the usage rate between the generation born with a common language and those with an established language. However, according to establishment, the sense of unity of those utilizing a common language have stronger advantages.
Communication Enlargement * Common language is deciding the power of communication according to wide scope; one who can understand besides the common usage, "a symbolic meaning" and "sounds and letters."
Nowadays, those belonging to the Star Federation who understand almost all common languages, the rate of illiteracy is near 0%. In remote regions, regional languages like those used by Mary* also exist. However, that much, having a level close to its arrangement, for sure there are---to some extent---other languages.
This according to the wide area network, U.M.N., etc., unified education is a result more fulfilled than realized. According to common language, many people tried the idea of mutual wills and intentions, developing them. Similarly, society is evolving. Of course, moving to protect the individual words inherited historically, it is possible for many people to utilize 2 or 3 kinds of languages. When a language is considered not born from cultural communities, negating the diversity of such, connecting to the negation of cultural diversity, makes a come back to evil-oriented cultural imperialism.
Those who used the regional language rooted in area and culture, after escaping that community, the group will continue to use their own language, or convert to the use of common language. That thought with regard to communication, birthplace---with respect to the range of life---is rooted in change. Otherwise, the chosen behavior is constant, or it can be said that there is important information in understanding that character.
Invariant probability of corresponding phenomena... 100%
p.080. Education (Culture)
p.088. Race and Religion (Religion)
[Page 080 - Translated by Gwendal]
Complete the next generation to maintain a society system
The purpose of education * That which exists strives to maintain that existence. The same goes for man-made system, which can and do seek to maintain their existence.
Changes that serve to firm up its strength to endure get praised as "evolution", while changes in the other direction are denigrated as "regression".
The purpose of education is to raise the next generation [in such a way as] to maintain the societal system. That is to say, following from the educational materials used, education is a method to construct the foundation of society. It is a technique to bring about an evolution of society, by nurturing a new generation that has a way of thinking that is favorable to increasing the probability of [societal] evolution.
Through continuous trial and error, the search of the ideal version of this technique went on [through history]. Those generations who were brought up by a failed educational system questioned the merits of that system from a flawed vantage point, and agonized over how to bring about its evolution.
The history of the evolution of educational systems is the crystallization of a great deal of painful human labor.
At the smaller scale, this history also continues in the individual household. With the education they themselves received as a foundation, people hope to pass something better on to the next generation. Thus, countless successes and failures come into being and fade away.
Learning and intelligence * Education and learning are not the same thing. Considering the probability of future advances in fields such as interlinking and telepathic communcation, as well as the possibility of directly downloading information into the mind and having a constant mental connection to the U.M.N., it seems probable that the current importance of learning will decrease in the future.
Up until the beginning of the 21st century, only the ability to learn was emphasized, and it was highly prized in the evaluation of human minds.
However, what is needed in the present is the ability to learn, as well as the ability to analyze situations and a logical mind.
Through observation of the minds and behaviors of animals, one comes to understand their complexity. "Taxis" is a response found in almost all animals. The behavior of insects gathering near a light source or avoiding a light source is an example of this "taxis". Gathering near the light is a "positive phototaxis", while avoiding it is a "negative phototaxis". These are fundamental behaviors on a reflexive level, and so cannot be called "intelligence".
The next stage is "learning", which is the ability to remember things. For example, in experiments with rats in mazes, the rats will remember the routes when attempting the maze several times. This is learning. It has also been shown that the speed of their learning can be hastened through the application of electrical shocks when they make mistakes. With young children, dogs and the like, the act of administering punishment when they do wrong to embed the lesson firmly in their bodies is very important when they have not yet developed [fully] intelligent behavior. Of course, foresight is needed to make the punishment [exactly] as stimulating as it needs to be.
Then, further along the [developmental] path, comes "intelligent behavior", the ability to make logical constructions of things. In mastering this, human beings became [fully] human for the first time. When a person ceases to learn, it is hard to say that he or she functions properly as a human mind. This level is satsifactory for an artificial intelligence, but there are some [other] areas where an AI excels.
Moreover, educational systems in the past placed strong emphasis on this level of learning. The extent to which this allowed for effective learning was [judged by] indicators of societal values. A multitude of exams were used to judge the degree of learning ability.
In that age, the single-minded focus on learning ability alone led to weak-minded people rising to the top of society, effectively threatening the societal system with collapse.
Those who are unable to calmly analyze the situation in which they find themselves, unable construct a new vision based on that analysis and their awareness, these people are unfit to lead others.
With a basis in these historical reflections, the educational system came to undergo great changes. Of course, a period without direction and a great opportunity were needed to to reform the societal and educational systems.
Without the opportunities that arose from humans leaving the Earth and the pain of losing Second, Third and Fourth Jerusalem, it is unlikely that the modern societal or educational systems could have been established.
However, these systems, built on the foundation of such a troubled history, can hardly be said to be fully ideal even in the present day.
The existence of schools * Schools serving the purpose of educational institutions still exist even in the present day. While long-distance education through the U.M.N. and the use of Encephalon technology for hands-on learning is common, there are still many uses for the direct, face-to-face model of instruction.
Based on the school of thought that there are other benefits to direct teaching other than the retaining of knowledge, high-class institutions of learning such as Boromeo University holds lectures that are limited to those who have completely sworn off education through [digital] transmissions.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.66595%
P.079 Common language (Culture)
P.088 Peoples, religion (Religion)
[Page 081 - Translated by Gwendal]
Preservation Form
A clear means to tell the past with future
The sharing of information * "Information" entails passing something on to another person. All entities are capable of creating information. Following from this, ways of transmitting information come into being. Those methods themselves also comprise new inforation.
Some kinds of information gains its value from being shared. In seeing widespread diffusion, the value of [this kind of] fleeting information increases. Its value as a [cultural] trend stems from its reach and the speed [at which it spreads], and the communal awareness that arises from these factors.
Accumulating information * There are some kinds of information that should be preserved through time, to protect it from fading away. It is the recipient of the information who decides whether or not it has this kind of value, but information that exhibits universal value can be considered something many people would strive to preserve.
This preserved information then incorporates new information, and gradually layers of information take shape. Taking the time it has taken to cultivate it into account in its valuation, the information itself as well as its circumstances of being preserved both add to its value, and increases its universal appeal.
Methods of accessing information * The methods for preserving as well as accessing information are different depending on whether the information is fleeting or preserved.
Fleeting information emphasizes speed. Since its value increases with its reach, the speed at which it spreads is particularly crucial. Consequentally, simplified information is best suited for this purpose. With this kind of information, ease of access is more important than the way it is preserved.
In the case of preserved information, [ensuring] accuracy in the way it is stored is particularly important. Since long-term preservation is a prerequisite [for its existence], calculation errors, changes and the like can lead to fatal degradation. In preserving the information of the past, new information is added. For that reason, accurate preservation rather than ease of access should be sought for this kind of information.
Human beings have always been searching for ways to preserve information. Perhaps they have always known how vague the memories in their minds truly are? Thus, not memories, but records were considered the best way to hand down the past to the future.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 100%
P.074 Memory (Culture)
P.081 Publication (Culture)
The value of the book in the present day of the data emphasis
The printed paper medium * Records were invented to protect information from being worn away by the flow of time. [Print] publication as a medium of record-keeping came into being in order to free information from these shackles of time and space, as well as serving the twin goals of spreading and preserving it further.
With Gutenberg's invention of the printing press, it became possible to spread information [widely], and it was freed from being restricted to the privileged hands of the monasteries and nobility.
Thousands of years later, even with the development of a digital, globe-spanning network to store information, the printed word did not fade away entirely. This did not change even with the circulation of information through the modern U.M.N..
As long as humans remain physical beings, they will appreciate the "presence" and sense of security gained from objects that stimulate their bodily senses, and this has probably been one of the main reasons protecting the printed word from extinction. The feel of paper to the touch, the smell of printed ink, the marks of the many human hands it has passed through. These physical factors impart many kinds of information unrelated to the content of the printed words. The existence of the printed word itself conveys different information than that written on the pages. There is more meaning in this than a simple vessel to preserve data. Because of this, the printed word will not disappear.
However, since the number of people who enjoy these factors is relatively low, the circulation of printed media is also low. This rarity increases its value. This value derived from rarity bears no relationship to the intrisintic value of a work, but the economic system leads to a price far removed from inherent value, judged only in terms of economic value. Consequently, instead of books ending up in the hands of those who are able to appreciate them in and of themselves, there are those who own them as simple investments. It could be said that this situation renders the existence of these books meaningless.
With this kind of situation as a backdrop, the existence of people like Jr. is crucial, those who know the true value of books while also possessing the financial muscle [to acquire them]. This culture [of books] stands its best chance of being passed down to the future through those like him, promoting the true value of the printed word.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 100%
P.081 Data preservation methods (Culture)
[Page 084 - Translated by jinxhaas and Gwendal]
Life Recycling Law
That purpose is the effective use of the human resources
Purpose * In the year T.C. 4590, a Bill was submitted to Congress, and in '91, the following year, it was passed into law and enforced. Its purpose was for the effective utilization of human resources. In those times, which were the golden age of cyborg technology, resources of human bodies were becoming scarce, and this was seen as a problem. If the resources necessary for using developed technology run dry, the technology itself will completely come to an end. As for the people, etc, who gain benefit from technology developers and technological results, it was only natural for them to seek an increase of resources.
Details * In accordance with the words, "Life Recycling", the Law is grounded in the thought of utilizing existing things that have become useless. Because this was the basis of re-using the body of a dead person, under wider interpretations such as effective utilization of genetics, it included the cloning of people, and genetic and neural nervous system transformations.
At first, voices had risen from the perspective of a problem regarding safety, and then opposition regarding an ethical view resulted.
However, those voices never halted the expansion of the technology. The benefits gained by cyborg tech were too great.
The restoration of the deceased. The broadening of the sphere of daily existence that is gained by the utilization of cyborgs that had been restored, as well as the protection of living things from dangerous tasks, repair of internal organs that had been damaged, reinforcement of bodily functions that had deteriorated, prenatal genetic transformation that aims for improvement and advancement of inherited ability, etc-- a countless number of profitable benefits-- even with the possibility of danger, emotionally ethical views were ensnared into a level of mere noise. And so that same Law continued for approximately another 160 years, until 13 years ago, T.C. 4754.
Ill-effects * As for ill-effects of that Law, there are two varieties: People who became equipment like Ziggy, and the social standpoint of human-type organic weapons like the URTVs. In addition, people were produced who had mental instability like Andrew.
Ill-effects such as these had become a social problem that was not learned by observing these people, and so it turned into a hotbed that produced discrimination and crime. The Kukai Foundation's existence, which is described as having the purpose of providing relief to each of those people, is something that is vital to the victims of Life Recycling.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.00121%
p.084. Pure Breed Law (Medical Science)
p.068. Kukai Foundation (Organization)
p.042. Ziggy (Character)
Pure Breed Law
Reproducing the human beings who became fragile biologically
Standardization and growing fragility * After genetic modification was permitted through the Life Recycling Law, humanity unanimously decided to change the form and nature of their genes to suit their environments.
The genetic material of living beings, as the origin of different species based on their environments, serves as a strategy to improve their ability to adapt and resist.
An organism with a genetic makeup that is only adapted to a single environment is very vulnerable to changes in that environment. The smallest of changes could lead to that species going extinct. A group [of species] that have genes strongly suited to a single environment could also be said to share the same weak points, as different aspects of the same whole. [Slightly unsure about the second half there]
As soon as genetic modification became possible, parents who were unable to consider anything but short-term benefits decided to modify their children's genes so that they would only be able to adapt to the societal conditions of the time. As far as these parents were concerned, this was an improvement. However, judging by the long history of living beings, this was a change for the worse. The gravest sin represented by life recycling was not bringing about the existence of human weapons, or the significant increase of the mentally unstable, but rather the fact that it created a movement towards nullifying the diversity that is a basic genetic strategy.
Improvement plans * Humanity became biologically frail, and as calls to remedy this situation grew louder, the Life Recycling Law was finally abolished, and the Law for the Preservation of Pure-Breeds was enacted [instead]. This law sought to prevent genetic modification, cloning and personality replacement. It also aimed to promote preservation and an increase in the number of pure bodies, as well as restoring the genetic irregularities resulting from life recycling.
At present, there are two different problems. One of them is the disparity in pure-breed preservation policies between different regions, resulting from the fact that these are left up to the specific discrecions of each self-governing state.
Also, since the Life Recycling Law lasted for a period of more than 160 years that saw much genetic modification, there is the problem of determining exactly how much natural genetic material that can [reasonably] be called "pure-breed" that still remains. Once a part of nature is lost, it is gone forever. Some information about genetic material that could be termed "pure-breed" has been preserved, but "ressurected pure-breed [genes]" created through man-made combinations can hardly be called "pristine pure-breed [genes]".
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.33326%
P.084 Life Recycling Law (Medicine)
[Page 085 - Translated by Gwendal]
Nano Machine
It is used from a medical treatment to planet reconstruction
What are nanomachines? * The word "nano" comes from a Latin word meaning "little person". 1nm (1 nanometer) is an extremely small size, corresponding to 1/1,000,000,000m (1 billion to 1 meter). "Nanomachines" refers to equipment operating at this scale. As an aside, [technology at] one-tenth of nano [scale] is referred to as "angstrom technology" or "atom technology".
[Nanomachines] are used for a wide variety of purposes, from repairing bodily tissue to planetary modification. There are countless nanomachines in service, and while there exist systems constucted from a sufficiently large number of machines to allow them to be seen by the naked eye, there are also systems whose existence can only be confirmed using an electronic microscope. They can also be constructed in a variety of ways, from being protein-based to mechanical. The theory that protein-based nanomachines would be able to replicate themselves on a massive scale was developed in the early 21st century. They have the ability to create, shape and construct themselves. After more than four thousand years' worth of improvements on this basic theory, the modern age has brought forth a nanotechnology that can truly be called marvellous.
Nano-treatment * Aquacysts, Rozecysts [Med Kits and Ether Packs respectively in the US version] and similar drugs that affect body and mind also contain nanomachines.
This technology was developed to aid the body in recovering from injuries, and works on several levels. Whether the injuries are small or life-threatening, the dosage is the same, but the nanomachines themselves are different.
The act of nano-treatment resembles treatment using regular medicines. To treat the body with nanomachines, they need to enter the patient through methods such as oral ingestion, absorbtion, the application of paste or injection. These are similar to methods of treatment used in previous eras. However, the way the nanomachines treat the body from the inside afterwards is drastically different from the practices of the past.
As the nanomachines proceed with their cellular recovery functions and the like, it is necessary to be aware of the risk that they could react with medicines or other nanomachines that were administered to the patient earlier.
Applications for combat * Combat follows in the wake of technological progress. In any age, with any kind of technology, the desire to survive in combat is a necessary motivation for its rapid evolution and progress.
This is how the development of the high-grade combat technology using nanomachines, known as "ether", was brought about.
Nanomachines are capable of disassembling and reassembling the elements such as atoms and molecules that [various] materials are constructed from. In some cases, the properties of the raw materials making up the nanomachines themselves are utilized, and in other cases their capabilities as machines are utilized, and based on these factors, they can freely adjust and construct [things] at the atomic or molecular level. Using these capabilities, it has become possible to bring into existence phenomena that would have looked like magic in a previous age.
This has also led to significant changes in the realm of weapons. When invisible nanomachines are used in battle, it becomes harder to judge the combat ability of an enemy from their [visible] armaments.
Also, the direct approach towards life seen in nano-treatment is naturally enough also used in combat-focused research, with the aim of bringing death instead. By applying invisible, deadly nanomachines to the enemy, they can be soundly defeated. There are many ways to bring tasteless, odorless nanomachines into an enemy's body. With this method, the enemy's physical strength can be sapped, leading to a quick and decisive victory. In actual fact, there was a time when this happened. That time was the age in which ancient Jerusalem was lost. This kind of combat technology can naturally enough also be thought of as a defensive technology, with the development of protective nanomachines as a shield against [other] deadly nanomachines. Because of this, that kind of exchange of deadly nanomachines is rarely seen in the modern age.
Use against criminals * The equipment that was implanted in Cherenkov to carry out his forced personality [reconfiguration] program consisted of a chip to control his aggressiveness and impulses, as well as nanomachines. The pattern of numbers that appear on his forehead is a phenomenon that can be seen when the nanomachines are reacting [especially] vigorously. When these nanomachines are operating normally, they go into action when the so-called "target" starts feeling violent tendencies, curbing these and [showing numbers to] illustrate the situation. Since they work in the frontal parts of the head, that is where the readouts are shown. However, it was not possible to control Cherenkov's personality using the reconfiguration program. Even though nanomachines are thought of as an all-purpose technology, even they have their limitations.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.99584%
P.047 Lieutenant Colonel Cherenkov (Persons)
P.119 Unlimited telomerase (U.R.T.V.)
[Page 088 - Translated by Gwendal]
Race and religion
A physical, A conceptual and religious connection
* A community bound by a physical connection
A communal awareness has been born from the physical connection of human beings. Human beings are divided into classifications based on hereditary biological and physical characteristics, such as skin color, hair color, height, head shape, blood type and so on. In addition to the three major racial groups, Caucasoid (white group), Mongoloid (yellow group), Negroid (black group), there are also the Australoid (Australian group) and Capoid (Khoisan group), for a total of five main groups. Possibly because the communal awareness giving rise to these divisions has its roots in the genes, it is very deeply rooted, has historically led to various forms of discrimination and conflict, and resulted in much blood being spilt.
When it comes to this physical, communcal awareness, there is a possibility that things such as a communal awareness based on blood type, one's dominant arm, the relative ability to move and so on are even considered [by people] on the level of everyday life. Furthermore, there is also a communcal awareness based on the difference between men and women, or biological "sex". However, this is occasionally mixed up with the culturally-based idea of "gender", and the debate over this division can get muddled. When it comes to time-based divisions stemming from age, there are two perspectives, like with gender. The division between a growing body and a declining body is a biological one, but there are also cultural and societal divisions between children and adults.
* A community based on a conceptual connection
The races are divided along conceptual and historical lines, stemming from characteristics of the cultures they constructed as history went on, and the traditions they shared therein. The communal awareness born from these divisions might be rooted in the historical background, and there are many smaller divisions within the larger ones. Depending on the level under consideration, [individuals] can freely change their divisions. That is to say, at a basic level, with a shared language as the most important component, and often a shared religion and type of livelihood, there are many cases where the basic organization of societal life works this way. The usual image conjured up by the word "race" can be thought of as a major division based on this kind of common inheritance. Consequently, races are not necessarily bound to life inside a fixed territory, but can also be found dispersed on a global scale. Also, divisions among human beings are not necessarily consistent.
A communal awareness based on territory, astrology and the economic community one is affiliated to can also be thought of as part of this conceptual communal awareness.
* A community bound by a religious connection
Religion is a way of viewing the world. How should the world inhabited by humans be recognized, how should it be interpreted, what purpose does it have, what is the proper way to live? Philosophy is a means for grappling with these questions, and religion could be said to be a way to communicate a worldview born from the resulting answers through the technique of storytelling. The awareness of this ideological community has the power to transcend racial divisions. The deepest divisions [between people] are those resulting from faith. What to believe? Those disagreements lead to the most bitter schisms, with each party unable even to even bear the other's existence. They even have the power to bring forth a principle of thorough exclusion. Also, even within the same faith there might be differing opinions of the teachings, leading to various divisions. For outsiders, the differing opinions that lead to this fragmentation and sometimes mania can be hard to tell apart, but for those on the inside, it is especially these details that become major points of contention.
The awareness of this ideological community has the ability to transcend biological divisions and destroy the historical background, and can be absorbed by individuals through various kinds of education.
* Community and war
The awareness of the biological community known as race, the conceptual community known as the culture, history and so forth of a people, the ideological community known as religion, all of these provide essential standpoints and underpinnings for humans to understand and confront their world. Depending on what kind of foundation they're standing on, humans gain the ability to gaze into an unknowable future and live their lives while making compromises with their fear of death. That is to say, this standpoint is absolutely essential to the individual. A foundation that cannot fail for the purposes of facing the world would be the same as the world itself.
For that reason, in order to protect their own standpoint, humans will fight whoever threatens it. They are willing to risk their lives to protect that which they need rely on to live their lives. And so wars over race, ethnicity and religion erupt.
This kind of conflict has no relation to the transitions between eras. No matter how much science and technology advances, no matter how long history continues to accumulate, as long as humans are humans, and as long as no absolute, unified law to govern life and death is discovered or the meaning and significance of life is not completely illuminated, it will not go away. Even if, for the sake of argument, such a unified theory were to found, it can hardly be said these conflicts would disappear completely.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 100%
P.079 Common language (Culture)
P.080 Education (Culture)
P.078 Talismans (Culture)
P.089 Christianity (Religion)
P.089 Buddhism (Religion)
P.139 Mystery of the Gnosis (Gnosis)
[Page 089 - Translated by jinxhaas]
The case which the name of the 12 apostle is given to
* Equipment designated with the names of the 12 Apostles and the Lord
The Zohar Emulators, which the Kukai Foundation maintains, are being stored inside the Durandal's isolation hangar. There are 13 storage cases in that isolation hangar, and a name has been engraved on each: Peter, Andrew, Boanerges, Thomas, John, Philip, Matthew, Bartholomew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas, and finally 'Marienkind' (meaning 'child of Mary', namely, Jesus Christ). It is difficult to consider that these names were assigned as a mere hobby from within the Kukai Foundation. This is because Jr and Gaignun and the others are not fanatical Christians, and conversely even if they were, they are not names that would be used from the hobby. If there weren’t a connection with the Zohar, then there would be no motive for these names to be used.
The Zohar Emulators are being stored in the cases on which the names of these 12 Apostles were affixed; and perhaps the storage shell that was named 'Marienkind' is something that was meant to house the Original Zohar.
* The Cross
In the U-TIC Organization's military base, Pleroma, there is a Cross, which indicates that this is a place involved in Christianity. Also, it is confirmed that both of the U-TIC organization's officers, Commander Margulis and Vice-Commander Pellegri, were wearing an accessory of the Cross. And also, it is the same with Nephilim who lives in the imaginary number domain.
It is not thought that those who wear this kind of fashion have chosen foolish behavior.
* The current state of Christianity
As for present times, not even a single relevance between the current state of Christianity and the Zohar is being brought to light. But still, because of the afore-mentioned situation, the possibility that there is that kind of connection cannot be denied. Also, it is the same with the connection between the U-TIC Organization and Christianity.
One thing to be said for certain: the more that Christianity is referred to as an ancient religion, the less of it has survived intact.
{Translator: That last sentence is paraphrased, and I'm worried I might have understood it wrong. If someone else could double-check, that would be awesome.}
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.33326%
p.088. Race and Religion (Religion)
p.090. What is God? (Religion)
The restoration of the custom of the ancient religion
* Ancient religion
Evidenced by the subject of the telephone call between Shion and her brother Jin, is can be understood that Buddhism has changed into an ancient religion. Jin spoke the word, "houji" {~"memorial"}, and Shion responded by calling it a "revival of an ancient religion's custom."
A "houji" is something from Buddhism where an anniversary memorial service for the dead is performed. It was a popular practice that was held every 7 days during the first 49 days, and then after that, on each anniversary of the death.
Shion was indicating that Jin knew the activities of this kind of religion by means of books, but the grave of their parents was a Buddhist creation. Because Jin's garments are Japanese clothes, and because he assumed a posture in which he joined his hands in front of the tombstone, it is considered that not everything of the ancient religion of Buddhism has been forgotten.
* "Namu Amida Butsu" {~"Mano Amitabha", ~"Blessed Buddha"}
Both Tony and Hammer of the crew of the Elsa exhibit a Buddhist influence. When they fell into a critical situation, and also when they witnessed something that may have been a departed spirit, they spontaneously acted by putting their hands together as if praying to Buddha.
It has also been confirmed that [Tony] spoke aloud the words, "nan-man-dabu." This phrase, "nan-man-dabu", is a speech-accent of "Namu Amida Butsu". "Namu Amida Butsu", which has the meaning "devotion to Amitabha", uses Japanese kanji characters that are phonetically equivalent substitute characters of the phrase from the original Sanskrit language. In that Sanskrit language, it holds a deeper meaning akin to, "I follow the light of the shimmering Vast-Limitlessness," and when spoken, it can be explained that they are words that mean "I lend my ear to the teaching of Buddha, and I abide by it".
Thus, due to the fact that there remains words which establish a completely Buddhist thought, what rises to the surface is a current state in which Buddhism, even though it is an ancient religion, has not been severed from memory. In other words, is Shion illiterate and ignorant concerning religion, or is she just indifferent? It is perhaps natural to consider that she makes use of the expression "ancient religion" to her brother Jin for some other reason.
Ultimately, in present day, Buddhism has also taken root among people, the same as Christianity.
[For more information on "Amitabha":]
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.22467%
p.088. Race and Religion (Religion)
p.090. What is God? (Religion)
image: [Tony] "nan-man-dabu, nan-man-dabuuuuu"
{The English version has Tony saying "This can't be happening! This can't be happening!" but I think it's more like he's saying, "Oh God! Oh God!"}
[Page 090 - Translated by Rox-e]
God as a General Idea | What is God?
As for the faith, the object worship is asked for
* God as the general idea of a transcendental existence
In faith, an object of worship is sought out and a general concept worthy of worship is created. Power is given by the thing that one requests to and is raised by those who worship. That the concept of God is one that becomes something absolute, sacred and transcendental is because the hearts of the people who worship it are seeking out that kind of existence.
Depending on the age and area, there have existed very human-like gods. For example, in the original Greek myths, even while existing as an existence separate from humans and possessing tremendous physical clout, the gods' actions were just like those of humans and even the idea of half-breeds between the gods and humans was conceived. For this age and area of land, this kind of god was ideal as an object of worship.
In another age and another land there was a faith called animism in which it was thought that a soul resided in all things in the world of nature and all things created artificially. This is not the idea that there is a single absolute existence that controls everything, but rather it is the construction of a whole system of the relationships of various affairs in which by creating relations that have gained harmony in each individual the harmony of the whole is preserved. In addition, each person depending on both the time and the necessity will worship the image that they feel to be closest to themselves.
Furthermore, in the case of the creation of an absolute single entity, everything is devoted to it and the idea to wish for a simplified, firm ideology and community consciousness is born. Based on that, an absolute god existence that is stronger than anything, surpasses everything, and is more just than anything was born. This kind of self-righteous existence produces an imperialism of thought and an antagonistic relationship with many other gods and is the origin that gave rise to riots.
* Peace and God
In order to acquire peace of the heart, the existence of God was sought out. This does not always signify a peace with a useful meaning. It is not a repudiation of conflict. That is the tranquility of the heart that occurs in the confrontation with the world for the believers. When one thinks of the state after death, one feels an unbearable uneasiness at the thought of the end where the self goes that people do not know of. In contrast to a life of only turning toward that uneasiness and getting closer to it, one embraces nothingness (close to word for nihilism) and despair. In order to give meaning and significance to this meaningless, dark life, an existence of light that shines on our lives becomes necessary. That is a thought that is the general concept of God. By being illuminated with that light meaning is born into life and one can run from the nothingness and despair.
[Page 091 - Translated by Rox-e]
God as a General Idea [continued]
Death is given meaning and accepting it is no longer nihilistic. This gives birth to the tranquility of the heart.
Consequently, in order to protect this tranquility of the heart, it becomes possible to conduct a war without fearing death. Sacrificing one's life in order to protect the existence that grants one the tranquility of the heart becomes a magnificent act. In an unstable life without meaning it is proper to accept a death with meaning.
To someone who believes in a single, absolute existence, accepting other gods is unforgivable. If one is a person who knows religion as the metaphor of confrontation between the world and oneself, one realizes that this confrontation is only the difference of individual tastes but if one hopes to take the metaphor as reality one cannot recognize this difference. This is because if one recognizes it, the world one believes in will crumble.
* God as Creator
An existence in the position of creation understands all of its creations. Just as the original developer of KOS-MOS knows KOS-MOS' functions. Just as only Vector Industries, which has monopolized the production of the central device of realians, knows about the inside of the blackbox. In the relationship between the one who creates and the one who is created, a complete master and servant relationship is born.
In the change from the age when the story-like world view that the human body was created by God was common sense to the age when it was explained that it was created by genetics, the words that spoke of God have been translated to the words that speak of genetics.
A body that is molded by God turned into a body that is molded by genetics. The fate that God gave us became the primary factor of inherited genes and the probability of its manifestation. The action of healing an illness by praying to God changed to gene therapy. Giving birth for the sake of maintaining a cooperative body that would praise God became an animal-like action for the sake of continuing the genes.
* One who knows everything
Power/authority is born from information. When information runs dry, power is lost. Power is maintained by obtaining information. It has become clear that information regulation is the essential job that supports the basis of authority for most organizations trying to establish a nation.
With that meaning, the general concept of a God that grasps the entire world becomes an existence that possesses absolute authority. This means that there is nothing it does not know and nothing else can be allowed to access that knowledge.
This sacred existence supports God's absolute authority. Upon entering the age in which God and genes were talked about as analogous concepts, naturally ideology trying to protect that authority against genes was born.
This came to be expressed in the words "that is God's domain." This surely has the meaning that genes are standing in the position of God. It is bringing out the concept of God and accepting handling God and genes on the same level. Their expression aimed to recognize the existence of God as an absolute thing and moreover withdraw the value of genes. However, in the first place, to the person thinking in the position of the characters that appeared in the story of God, it was taken as an expression withdrawing the concept of God toward an existence that can apply the physical treatment called genes (I don't understand this sentence).
The aims of both sides disagreed with each other and, while using the same words, these words that they fired from completely different standpoints did not reach each others hearts following parallel lines, and thus the lack of understanding and ignoring continued; despite it one continued to believe in one's own correctness, deny the other side and it became aggressive, developing into terrorism.
Humans are all a childish existence. They are a decisive, self-righteous, stupid existence.
In order to guide this kind of existence, while paradoxical, the existence of God is necessary. That which guides. That is one who can gaze at the future. Just as it has been necessary for various gods to be born from the unease people feel from the future, if there exists someone who can erase the unease of the future, the people obey that person. In addition, by being regulated by only one existence, the people compose one conclusion and become self-righteous or it will bring about a totalitarian, profitable peace. Whether or not that is happiness is a separate issue.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.88756%
P.089 Christianity / Buddhism (Religion)
P.058 Wilhelm (People)
[Page 094 - Translated by Gwendal and Rox-e]
Unus Mundus Network | U.M.N.
It is used also for a space jump or ultra high-speed communication
* Development
Vector Industries was the organization behind the development of the U.M.N. This development work was already underway by the end of the 21st century. After [humanity] left the Earth to escape from the "Domain Shift (Strange Attractor)" brought about by the Zohar discovered at Lake Turkana, development continued onboard the emigrant (this word can mean emigrant or immigrant) ships, and the first stage of the U.M.N. was constructed.
Vector Industries funded the Zohar excavation project on Earth. The subsequent U.M.N. development work was also undertaken by that company. This is not a simple coincidence. The original purpose for the development of the U.M.N. was to control and manage the Zohar. This goal, to form a connection with the kind of extraordinary entity that could cause [a phenomenon like] the Strange Attractor and to control that power, was beyond the means of [mere] humans, and more akin to a wish.
However, these events took place more than 4000 years ago, and it is uncertain as to what extent the present-day U.M.N. matches these intial plans and ambitions.
* Management
Just as the proper name "Unus Mundus Network" shows, the current U.M.N. is recognized by people as a vast information network connecting all of outer space and in reality is being used with that as the central function. It is also used for space jumps and high speed communication and has become essential infrastructure to the people's lives. The administration and management is done by the Galaxy Federation Government.
The name "Unus Mundus" is a word with the meaning "transcendental higher order structure" that was proposed by a psychologists several thousand years ago.
Whatever was the original meaning as it was used by the psychologist, the network structure that makes possible gate jumps
[Page 095 - Translated by Rox-e]
Unus Mundus Network [continued]
that are the law of hyperspace ships and matter transfer could be interpreted as a "transcendental higher order structure." This network releases people from the binds of time and space and makes it possible to expand through the enormous area outer space while sharing the same general concept of space and time (uncertain on translation).
This sharing of the same general concept of space and time is essential for organizing the cooperative body. Without this feeling of sharing (joint ownership?) it could not be "One World." Because they mutually has the general concept of one world, they are able to organize a government called the Galaxy Federation.
Because of this meaning, the value of the U.M.N. is not limited to merely a useful piece of infrastructure.
* Hyperspace
The special space that ships pass through when they gate jump is called hyperspace and is seen as a sparkling tube. Ships in the middle of a gate jump fly through the hyperspace tube. The inner walls of the tube are called the border and the phenomena of an outbreak of extreme temperatures upon contact has been confirmed.
What kind of thing is the border? Is it an existence like a membrane that separates the space outside and inside the tube or is it like the surface of the water separating the water and the air. Also, due to the extreme amounts of radiation floating around in hyperspace, entering without wearing a spacesuit means certain death. Because of this it is difficult to guess about the condition inside hyperspace. Recognizing and using something and understanding something are separate problems.
In any case, excluding hyperspace (unsure of translation), in order to gate jump it is necessary to use the U.M.N. Columns are the areas that become the entrance/exit for gate jumps and entering and exiting hyperspace is usually only possible within the effective range of the columns. However, both cases in which the Gnosis ignore the effective range of the columns and appear from hyperspace at arbitrary locations and instances of interference from outside of hyperspace dragging out ships in flight have been confirmed.
From this fact it is apparent that the U.M.N. columns and the entrances/exits to hyperspace are not absolutely linked. It is just that with human technology the columns are used as an entrance/exit to hyperspace and if we had the abilities of the Gnosis the columns would be irrelevant.
Also, when you gate-jump, you are charged a transportation fee, but this is a construction that charges you for use of the columns. There is a specific tax amount and the fee changes depending on the distance between the entrance and exit of the column and cargo. The fees are used as government U.M.N. management expenditures. However, high government officials are exempt from these usage fees, a fact which has caused many users to raise voices of discontent. Also, they are searching for a politician that can change that situation.
* Access Point
In order to upload data it is necessary to use an access point. If it is a normal access to the U.M.N. you can do it with the connection gear without choosing a place. However, when performing a special function one must use an access point.
For example, that is when one is automatically uploading a record of one's own actions to the UMN or playing various games or even diving into an encephalon reconstruction of a place that one has visited in the past.
All of them require a special program download and the power to import and export a huge amount of data in an instant. In particular, one cannot omit using the access point when importing and exporting information of past experiences.
There are artificially established access points and then there are things like tears in the structure of the network that are cases of the OS originally establishing an access point in the real world.
It is not as if access points have a physical device, but rather they display the coordinates of a place where by using the connection gear one can deeply link to the U.M.N. A hologram of a golden plate appears as a landmark in these places.
The access points that are originally produced by the U.M.N. OS can arise even in establishments that are not currently in use such as the interior of the Song of Nephilim device or Proto Merkabah.
Shion and the others have escaped danger countless times by using these kind of operations. Interpreting whether that condition is a coincidence or a probability in terms of a philosophical proposition it is not fit for an observer.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.44578%
P.070 Vector Industries (Organizations)
P.077 Entertainment (Culture)
P.096 Connection Gear (Communications/Infrastructure)
P.097 Mobile Phones (Communications/Infrastructure)
P.099 Material Transfer / Headgear (Communications/Infrastructure)
P.142 Gnosis Space Transfer (Gnosis)
[Page 096 - Translated by Gwendal]
Connection Gear
A carried type personal computer with the communication function
* Holographic keyboards
[Connection Gears] are communication devices, in the form of hand-held personal computers.
Instead of thinking of them as wearable computers, they are rather [computers] that have become smaller, lighter and specifically "portable". In an age of cyborgs, the idea of "wearable" [computers] implies something being grafted to the body itself, not something worn like clothing.
This emphasis on portability was a result of opposition to the Life Recycling Law, and over the course of the approximately 160-year-era when that law was in effect, the technology slowly advanced with the passage of time.
Possibly because of this emphasis, they are not wholly dedicated to practical features, but somehow ended up with a [design] style incorporating nostalgic elements.
This can clearly be seen in their interfaces. Eschewing the use of simpler data entry methods such as voice or brain-wave recognition in favor of a holograpgic keyboard based on a system detecting three-dimensional coordinates in space is one such throwback to earlier times. The quaintness of using a physical keyboard can also be seen when Elza crewman Hammer is "navigating by pressing keys", which is obviously a stylistic choice.
Unlike ordinary tools, Connection Gears reflect the preferences of its developers, and they are also highly valued. This is because the researches who developed the Connection Gears assumed they would be used [only] by themselves, or people like themselves. Even after the tool they created went into wider circulation, humans can sense those who resemble themselves, feeling affinity towards them, which in turn leads to positive feelings in general. [A little unsure about this part, sorry]
This is because these tools are easy to use, they feel "right", and it feels good to keep them by one's side. The tools spread through sentiments like these, in line with their creators' feelings and intentions, illuminating their [users'] relationships with other people, leading to a discovery of their common humanity.
* Mr. R [U-kun / Bunnie]
An agent character found within the U.M.N. Its purpose is to take the user's intentions into account to improve their interaction with the system, and to assume the role of a scapegoat for any dissatisfaction and the like felt by the user. "Mr. R" [Bunnie] is Shion's original [creation].
Human beings like interacting with those who have similar personalities to themselves. Even though expressions such as "the grass is always greener on the other side" and "opposites attract" are often heard, in actual fact, this is not the case. Whether it is a question of complete strangers, colleagues, classmates or marriage partner, humans prefer those with similar, not supplementary dispositions to their own. In psychological terms, this is "the law of attraction through similarity". The [U.M.N.] agent characters also conform to this psychological impulse. Even when interacting with machines, human beings respond in the same way they would to a human counterpart, which is also exemplified by KOS-MOS.
This "law of attraction through similarity" also implies a strong attraction to those who gradually come to be more like the self, rather than those who are similar from the outset. This can be achieved through the feelings brought about [in the other person] through "compliments".
Changing the self to become more similar to another person is a major compliment towards that person. It is hard to change one's fundamental personality. However, it is possible to change in a temporary and superficial fashion.
Human beings are drawn to those who are similar to themselves. Also, humans take pleasure in leaving traces of themselves in others, and in influencing them. For this reason, they will feel strongly pleased with another who gradually becomes more like them. Consequently, they will feel the strongest affinity towards those who are unlike themselves on the first impression, not those who are roughly similar to themselves.
As for the design of the agent characters, research has been continuing in this field since the end of the 20th century. At the time, this research was a joint effort between the computer software industry, working on a global scale, and institutions such as Stanford University, Tokyo University and others. Their theories are still in use in the present age. The minds of human beings have not undergone any significant evolution over these few thousands of years.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.84236%
P.094 U.M.N. (Communication, infrastructure)
[Page 097 - Translated by Gwendal]
Cellular Phone
The common personal terminal machine in the present age
* Common devices for calls
In the present, the mobile phones known as "UNP", or "Unus Mundus Network Phone", are personal telecommunications devices in common use amongst ordinary citizens.
Because Connection Gears lack major features that are essential to ordinary citizens, and since they use military channels, they are not used as general communication devices.
The development of portable telecommunication devices began more than four thousand years ago.
Before telephones, there were telegraphs. Invented in the middle of the 19th century, the telegraph and Morse code were pressed into service by Europeans expanding throughout the North American continent under the pretense of "civilizing" it, and it later spread to the rest of the world. [The telegraph is] a method of communication using combinations of the two sounds "ton" and "tsu" to transmit meaning. [Don't think those are the correct English terms for those two sounds, but that's what it says] In order to use this technology, it is necessary to know the language known as Morse code.
At the end of the 19th century, the telephone was invented, and human beings now had a technology to allow the transmission of "voice". Consequently, the world now entered an era where anyone could transmit their intentions simply by using a telephone, without the need for a special telegraphy language.
Then, at the end of the 20th century, the era of personal, portable telephones arrived. Until then, [various] groups shared a single telephone, incorporating this into their lives, but with the development of smaller and lighter modles, the telephone became a tool for private conversations instead.
At the time, development of wearable computers was also underway, but the researchers involved pointed to mobile phones as the most realistic implementation [of this concept]. This is because they are devices capable of recognizing the value of personal data entered by the user. For instance, if someone loses his or her phone, their loss would not be compensated for even if they could receive a new phone free of charge. The important thing is the data stored in the phone's memory, not the hardware. The system that brings about this value [of data] this about the same as with computers.
In the modern era, the UNP is a faithful continuation of the mobile phone concept developed over these four thousand years. There is also a concept of implating communications equipment into the body, and in actual fact, devices such as Interlinks have been developed at the research stage. However, because these are in conflict with the Law for the Preservation of Pure-Breeds, they have not been turned into commercial products. In any case, not everyone are capable of receiving Interlink communcations in the first place.
People view telecommunications in a very selfish way. When they want to talk, they want to be connected right away. However, when they do not want to talk, they wish to remain unavailable. The vaguely wearable form of the mobile phone is best suited to satisfy these self-centered desires.
When people want to be connected to others, they will carry it with them, while during times they do not want to be connected to others, they can remain aloof or [simply] turn off the device. The telephone as a method of communication necessitates actions that amount to disturbing the conversation partner's life. Both parties involved in such a violent method of communcation will want it to include numerous incoveniences as features, in order to protect themselves from that violence in accordance with their own will.
For this reason, the common communcations device remains relatively unchanged in form and features, even after the passage of more than four thousand years. Naturally, by accessing the UMN, these devices effortlessly incorporate features such as calling and network access that were seen in the earliest, historical mobile phones.
* Simultaneous use [of mobile phones] and Connection Gears
Even among engineers who own Connection Gears, there are few who do not also own a UNP. This is because they are well suited to be back-up communcation devices.
Since Connection Gears use the same special channels as the military, there is a chance that they might become unusable during an emergency. At such times, it might still be possible to connect using the UNP channels. Of course, one can hardly be sure that these common channels will not be clogged with confusion druing an emergency, but at the very least, the channels operated by Vector Industries will not be forcibly shut down by the military.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.00000%
P.094 U.M.N. (Communication, infrastructure)
[Page 098 - Translated by Gwendal]
Inter Link
The communication system that corresponded by the implanted control device
* Features
"Interlink (memory connection)" is a communications system that allows two people to transmit their thoughts between each other, using an implanted control device. These communications also use UMN channels. The data sent back and forth consists of memories and surface thoughts being shared, while deeper thoughts turn into noise, affecting the transmission.
It is a very charming technology, making it possible to share memories with another person. If it were possible [to use it] to draw out genuine memories, we would no doubt see tremendous progress in the field of criminal investigations.
However, it is necessary to confirm whether the memories are false or not. Since [the Interlink] is a memory connection, what is being shared through it will [necessarily] be memories. Still, these are not objective facts about the past, but rather "a personal truth", experienced as fact by the subject.
Of course, in the case of short-term memories concerning a situation seen and heard by the subject first-hand, it is possible to transmit something very close to fact to another party. However, when sending and receiving long-term memories about the more distant past, it becomes more problematic to claim that those memories can be trusted.
Memories are unstable, unreliable things. Because of this, they are very important to those who hold them, and for those who live bearing the burdens of the past, this is an indispensable feature. [A little unsure about the last part, sorry]
Due to this unreliability inherent in the memories themselves, the proper way to use the Interlink is to restrict it to the transmission of limited information about short-term memories.
The way Mary and Shelley planned to use their Interlink to copy the data from the main computer on the bridge of the U-TIC Organization's warship is an example of this kind of short-term memory-based usage.
Using an implanted jack, [Mary] connected to the main computer using a cord. The data from the main computer then flowed into her mind. Keeping it in her short-term memory, she transmitted it to Shelley through their Interlink. At that point, the following conversation ensued between them, while Jr. was standing nearby. "Wait until my head's empty, okay?" [A bit unsure about this one...the Kansai dialect isn't helping much]
"Every time we do this, I can't help thinking about how convenient it is for us to have this memory connection (Interlink) as sisters."
"I'm not so sure about that. This kid tends to slack off [lit.: think idle thoughts]."
"No, that's not it at all. Unlike Realians, we're flesh and blood (analog), that's why."
Again, they were able to carry on an everyday conversation in this way even while being far from each other physically, and from this situation it becomes clear how their link based on memories and deeper awareness is brought about.
* Applications for pleasure
For the entertainment industry, this technology can be considered a groundbreaking device, opening up whole new avenues of pleasure. The software is "other people's memories". There is an inexhaustible, spontaneous supply of these.
[People] want to try sneaking a peek at the lives of others. A memory connection involves seeing the past as subjectively interpreted by the other person.
During the Encephalon dive into KOS-MOS' mainframe onboard the Durandal, situations from the past were reconstructed based on the divers' memories, but this was different from [actually] experiencing these events for a second time. Instead, they found themselves in situations from the past while keeping their minds from the present.
During a memory connection, when it comes to the past, the information received is fully in the form of what the memory provider experienced at the time, including with their senses. This is like receiving a realistic description of a memory, but the empathy that can be achieved [using an Interlink] is quite different from the superficial information that can be conveyed through language.
However, this high degree of accuracy means that a link between two people who are unable to open their hearts fully will probably lead to significant negative psychological effects. In these cases, problems such as preserving the memory provider's privacy and the threat of the memory recipient losing their mind arise.
These problems are part of the reason this has become a complicated communications technology as it has spread into common usage. In order to make this technology based on untold numbers of people sharing their hearts into a product, there has emerged a desire to reform human consciousness [itself].
Also, since these kinds of implants to improve one's abilities are in violation of the Law for the Preservation of Pure-Breeds [Species Preservation Act], making these products is prohibited in the present. The fact that Mary and Shelley retain their Interlink technology makes it obvious that they are victims of the Life Recycling Law under the protection of the Kukai Foundation.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.33625%
P.052 Shelley Godwin / P.052 Mary Godwin (Persons)
[Page 099 - Translated by jinxhaas and Gwendal]
Substance Transmission
The conveyance system which sends a substance into a remote place
* Transmission
By applying gate-jump technology that made use of the U.M.N., the transport technology that sends substances to a remote place is called "transmission system."
The kinds of goods that can be transmitted are only those things for which information is completely stable. Therefore, the transport of a living body, for which information is usually fluid, becomes something that is extremely difficult. In the case of transmission of a living body using a usual transmission system, even if luck is favorable and the preservation of life activity appears at the transmission destination during a difficult situation, they come to bear the utmost damage mentally.
According to animal experiments that transmission system developers once performed, outcomes such as brain-deadness, asphyxiation, mummification, ferociousness, and non-responsiveness are being confirmed.
Based on experimental results such as this, the transmission of living bodies is currently impossible.
Because of that, there exists human transport system by means of cargo & passenger spaceships.
* Methods of use
The growth of substance transmission technology progressed rapidly during war-time. It became needed to act without having to carry large-scale weapons or large quantity of weapons, and to have constant agility due to transmitting weapons from a storage facility for use and transmitting them back to the storage warehouse after use, as necessary.
Also KOS-MOS's free-transformation weaponry system utilized this arrangement.
Also substance transmission technology is being applied in certain attack methods. Shion's "Rain Blade", Ziggy's "Meteor Shot", and Momo's "Knock the Door" {"Meteor Storm"}, and such, are considered to be Ether skills that utilize transmission technology such as this.
In addition, there also exists things like combat-use garments that included a reception system for the substance transmission wave; the people who wore those clothes invoked them on the verge of death; and it was considered that all of the weaponry, along with the corpse, was transmitted and recovered by their own army. Not leaving a corpse behind on the battlefront like this is a scheme for the sake of not handing over information to the enemy's side.
In this way, technology innovation progresses rapidly during war-time, and afterwards, it is diverted to the private sector in the name of peace-time applications.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.11478%
p.094. U.M.N. (Infrastructure)
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.041. KOS-MOS (People)
p.042. Ziggy (People)
p.043. MOMO (People)
The link device which sends the information into a brain directly
* A classic example of a communications device used for pleasure
This is a typical device used for indoor entertainment. Through a U.M.N. link, it allows [the user] to have various virtual experiences by sending direct sensory information pertaining to sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch directly into his or her brain.
In this way, it is even possible for men and women separated by physical distance to have sexual relations. This illustrates the degree of content-rich, detailed communication that is possible. Also, since this "headgear sex" provides complete protection against transmission of virus infections through bodily fluids, it is widely used in medical care [settings].
* The virtual and the real
The term "virtual" implies something that is completely indistinguishable from real life to the mind. Whether the [sensory] information enters the mind through the body's sensory organs or through direct transmission into the brain, the only thing that differs is the source of that information.
To think of this as "trying to virtually experience phenomena found in real life" is a view that belongs in an earlier age. In the present, it should rather be thought of as "U.M.N.-derived information experiences turned into reality". In other words, an experience obtained using one's physical body and one based on information are both real experiences, nothing more or less.
Every phenomena people come into contact with are real experiences. Even if they are delusions or hallucinations, they are still real "delusional or illusionary experiences". Questions as to the reality of the contents of the experience or the reality of the experienced situation itself represent a different problem entirely.
The idea of a confrontation between the virtual and the real was applicable up until the end of the 20th century. In the early 21st century, the concept of augmented reality came into being, and devices using virtual information came to be seen as tools using virtual methods to [help people] understand and interpret reality. In this way, there is no confrontation between the virtual and the real, and both become real existences working together to provide a deeper interpretation of a single world. In knowing a fantasy created by someone, one also knows the creator. The two are one and the same.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.47825%
P.094 U.M.N. (Communications, infrastructure)
P.077 Leisure (Culture)
P.047 Lieutenant Colonel Cherenkov (Persons)
[Page 102 - Translated by Gwendal]
Technology proceeded to get manpower in place of human beings
* The age of development
Mankind, being forced to preserve the energy needed for their efforts to conquer and control a hostile environment, set about developing a source of [manual] labor external from man in order to reduce the risks inherent to being human.
The time before the exodus to space. This was an age where research into robots and cyborgs flourished.
The ideas behind the development of robots could be broadly separated into two different camps. One was concerned with developing them as a way to understand humanity, the other with creating something to perform manual labor in the place of humans. In spite of these very different views on purpose, they both ended up developing humanoid, bipedal robots. For the former group, since their goal was to imitate humanity itself, which could also be understood as [furthering] the human quest, a bipdal form was a natural design. For the latter group, there were more practical concerns. They saw this design as a necessary feature to facilitate the introduction [of their robots] into society.
When a new technology is introduced into actual life, people [tend to] greet it with rejection. In the distant past, when television monitors were introuced as household items, they were sold as "television furniture", with a design incorporating the same wood-grain finish as the surrounding furniture. Likewise, when in-room air condition machines were introduced, there was a reference for them to look like furniture. In this way, a design that does not provoke resistance helps smooth over feelings of discomfort when it is introduced into everyday life. Once it has spread throughout society, various other designs can be produced afterwards and will be accepted without triggering any design-related resistance. This is an historical truth.
Thus, robots were also able to take human shape without meeting any resistance.
* The age of cyborgs
When androids came into practical use, they were created with many designs, depending on their purpose. Furthermore, they came into being in an age that sought a high degree of ability. In this age, they were expected to perform complex tasks and thoughts, not just simple manual labor.
Research on artificial intelligence was also proceeding, but it failed to step out of the laboratory. It met an insurmountable wall in terms of technology, and surely in terms of theology as well. What lead to the technological breakthrough was the idea of recycling the raw materials of human beings. With organ transplants, the concept of human organs being a valuable resource was already established. This recycling of the body was expanded to also apply to the mind, and the Life Recycling Law was enacted. By this law, cyborgs were born from the refuse of humanity, blessed with superhuman abilities but also stripped of the privileges that come with being human. These cyborgs became government property, and were forced to engage in hard manual labor. Also, while this law initially applied only to the deceased, before long it became subject to a broader interpretation, leading to genetic manipulation of perfectly healthy human beings as well. At the time as well as in the present day, this could be seen as linked to "designer children" (those born as children bearing particular genes seen as desirable, achieved through either the selection of fertilized eggs with certain genetic qualities, or as a result of genetic manipulation) with strong government backing anticipating "a certain resistance".
* The age of Realians
The successful creation of synthetic humans meant that humanity had entered a new stage. Specifically, the resurrection of slavery.
It was the era of the cyborg. As the number of people with genetic modifications kept growing due to the unrestricted Life Recycling Law, it became harder to ensure the continued supply of human bodies to serve as raw material for new cyborgs. There were fewer and fewer cyborgs who were volunteering to donate their bodies to be used as raw materials after death, due to their low social position. There were also those who were starting find themselves in a position of being discriminated against, in the same way as these cyborgs. These people began feeling psychological discomfort towards cyborg surgery as a method to grant superhuman abilities prior to birth, and negative sentiments began building towards it.
Against this historical backdrop, there was a desire for a new source of impersonal manual labor to replace cyborgs. At the time, only strictly limited goverment and research organizations possessed Realians, but they soon entered mass production.
As disposable manual labor that could be constructed from organic matter, Realians spread quickly through society. The fact that they were not made from human raw materials eased the psychological burden on the people using them, and allowed them to treat [the Realians] in a highly inconsiderate way.
Realians were stuck in their position as slaves until the Miltian Conflict 14 years ago. After that event, they were legally recognized as semi-human and granted various societal rights. However, this has not changed the fact that Realians are industrial products. They are created and used to perform various roles in service of humans.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.37222%
P.103 Basic human rights for Realians (Realians)
P.076 Meals (Culture)
P.070 Vector Industries (Organizations)
P.125 Androids are anachronisms (KOS-MOS' development)
P.113 The mass-produced 100-series Realian model (100-series Realians)
[Page 103 - Translated by Gwendal]
Human Rights of REALIAN
The people who think REALIAN to be a new company
* A life of slavery
At the time when Realians were introduced into society, their standing was at its lowest, and their work environments were harsh. Humans were overjoyed that they had managed to synthesize living beings resembling themselves for the first time. But on the other hand, they also held an inferiority complex towards the Realians, since they had the potential to surpass humanity in terms of special abilities. In order to reconcile these conflicting ideas, humans needed for there to be a general understanding that they were superior to Realians. They needed to keep drilling this idea into the heads of Realians. Therefore, measures were taken to make the relative merits of each side prominent in terms of social position. These discriminatory practices came into being half-spontaneously, but once they had taken root, humans [quickly] became all too comfortable with them. They were intoxicated by this "show of discrimination", an illusion that let them consider themselves superior beings without any reason or firm foundation, just by being ordinary humans. They were easily put under its spell, as if it were a drug.
* The Miltian Charter
The Miltian Charter that was drawn up after the end of the Miltian Conflict 14 years ago outlines the societal position of Realians:
"With the exception of specialized Realians serving in military forces, terraforming, etc., or those made to work in severe environments, [performing] emotional suppression on Realians is prohibited.
Realians are also to be granted fundamental human rights similar to those enjoyed by humans. However, the above does not apply to the implementation of control codes for the purposes of crisis management."
With this as a foundation, the human rights of Realians were enshrined in law. The psychological stress endured by Realians forced to work under harsh conditions led to a risk that their mental systems would break down, which in turn posed a danger to their overseers.
The aim of this law is [thus] to ensure the safety of humans by reducing the burden of stress for Realians. Therefore, this [law] is not a recognition of Realians' rights, but rather a way to control them better through granting them human rights.
The hearts of people cannot be changed through regulations. Realians had already become victims of discrimination, there was no dramatic change in humanity's sentiments towards them, and support for discrimination remained strong. Compared to their previous, discriminatory relationship, it could be said that relations between humans and Realians were more harmonious now. But it could also be said that discrimination [against Realians] had merely taken on a more cleverly hidden form. Even if it was no longer permitted by law, discrimination became a more slippery, deeper problem.
* Emotional suppression
It is permitted to perform emotional suppression on Realians who work in harsh environments. The most highly prized qualities for work in such environments are cleverness and the ability to keep a cool head. No matter what kind of situation one finds oneself in, it is essential to be able to handle it correctly, without losing the ability to appraise the situation in a level-headed manner. Because of this, emotional highs and lows are a liability. When humans labored under similar conditions in the past, they had to be trained to suppress their own emotions. Thus, with experience, they were able to do just that. With Realians, this can be achieved through technology. Still, if push comes to shove, Realians are disposable. Emotional suppression is also a necessary device to prevent them from being overcome with dissatisfaction towards their position as "something to be used and thrown away".
* Awareness of discrimination
In the 14 short years since the creation of the Miltian Charter, there has been no dramatic change in the hearts of humans. However, Realians themselves have a
short history as citizens, and especially among young people, there has been a significant change in terms of awareness of discrimination against Realians.
There are those who have thoroughly humble disposition towards them, and it is also a fact that those who are willing to consider them [a] new [kind of] human beings are increasing in numbers.
"Even if she's a Realian, she's still just a child, so that's amazing!". These words sum up Shion's reaction towards MOMO's skill at conducting [spaceship] combat in hyperspace. Many kinds of complicated psychological undercurrents can be inferred from these words.
With Realians, their apparent age based on their physical appearance has no meaning, but humans are saddled with a brain that tends to value others based on the impression given by their appearance. The [human] brain is unable to evolve fast enough to keep up with advances in technology. Therefore, anyone who looks like a child is judged to be less capable. Even Shion, who is intimately familiar with the development of Realians, holds such a mistaken view. Realians are created to excel at certain things, a fact she is well aware of. Shion, who holds no negative sentiment towards Realians, blends this impression [of MOMO's child-like appearance] and this knowledge together in her mind, giving rise to her words quoted earlier.
Someone who does hold a negative view of Realians would rather say, "[Sure, she managed to do that] even if she's just a child. But I can't stand Realians. Think they're so much better than us [at various skills]!". [A little unsure about this part, and yes, it's very informal, unlike the rest of the text] Their negative feelings twists everything into negativity. Unless these kinds of feelings can be done away with, discrimination will never disappear.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.87378%
P.102 Realians (Realians)
P.106 Realians' smell (Realians)
[Page 104 - Translated by Gwendal]
A necessary thing because of the positive activities
* The need for pride
Humans cannot validate themselves through simply existing. They seek "pride" to fulfill the desire in their hearts to turn their uncertain selves into something strong and firm, in accordance with their values. In the course of their long history, humans have fabricated many different kinds of pride. To protect this [pride] of their own creation, they judge their own actions. Then, based on their judgements of those actions, they build the future. While "pride" is a fantasy, it is one that is needed [to create] a constructive future, so it should not be turned into a negative force.
For Realians, pride may or may not be necessary. Also, there has been considerable debate over the need to perform emotional suppression on Realians. What starts as "pride" can turn into a [perceived] strong point, and is one of the root causes of boasting, [self-]glorification and related sentiments. When performing emotional suppression, should this "pride" be suppressed as well?
Consequently, pride is the only thing left for Realians in the military or in harsh environments doing manual labor who have undergone this procedure. In actual fact, combat Realians do use the word "pride". This is because they consider this necessary to be able to act in a constructive way, even while being fully aware that they are disposable [tools].
* The contents of pride
What instills pride in Realians? For humans, what fills them with pride is heavily influenced by their education and their environment. Starting with acquired information and based on their relationship with their environment, they draw out the elements they can use to validate themselves and simplify them. This is then fixed as a source of pride. All of this applies to Realians as well.
The mental activity of free will intrudes on this. The individual discovers what will give him or her pride, and judge their own actions to defend this.
With the passage of time, this [even] comes to be more important to the individual than their continued existence as a living being. To become a martyr for one's pride is not an act of matyrdom of the body, but rather of martyrdom of consciousness, and should be seen as one of the ideals for one to become an incorporeal entity. [Not 100% sure about this part, sorry]
However, in the case of Realians, they are given a psychological bias at the production stage, which means that they tend to have a uniform view of what gives them pride. Even the fundamentals of their free will that lets them find pride in things are ready-made.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.86538%
P.104 Mental care for Realians (Realians)
Mental Treatment to REALIAN
The treatment which a technician does to REALIAN
* The need for care
As long as they are able to carry out the orders of their superiors, Realians fulfill what is expected of them. Care is provided to ensure this situation continues. In cases where disposal is cheaper than care, they are simply replaced with a new model. This is denounced as cruelty by supporters of human rights for Realians, but in light of how they are sold as products and how the production line is always moving, it is not too hard to understand that a certain number of Realians are scrapped every month. This is what life has in store for Realians, being [mere] industrial products.
Realians capable of intelligent behavior. Thus, they learn, as this is a first step on that path. To allow for learning and intelligent behavior, the synapses in their brains are dynamically altered, and there is a high probability that the personality suppression device unlocked at the time of their production and [their] personal biases will form a compound reaction.
This is probably due to a productive change towards the emergence of their personal self-awareness, as well as an unproductive change with their number of synapses decreasing and the like. [Translator: A little unsure about this part, sorry.] What is thought desirable in Realians is for them to have a fixed quality as products. Nothing more, nothing less.
* Methods of care
The method of care known as "counseling" involves scanning the Realians' brains and using equipment to measure and and adjust them.
The verbal interview Shion carried out on the Woglinde, with the Realian describing the situation of his output and his own awareness of any abnormalities, is something quite different from the type of counseling that involves a psychologist talking to a patient.
* Care facilities
Without making use of the "facility" holding Realians' black boxes that is controlled by Vector Industries' First R&D Division, it is impossible to carry out a true adjustment or correction [of Realians]. Therefore, Realians that are sold commercially should be periodically sent back to the company to undergo counseling. This is similar to a [routine] physical examination [for humans].
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.15555%
P.104 Realians' pride (Realian)
P.105 Love between human beings and Realians (Realian)
[Page 105 - Translated by Gwendal]
Human Being and REALIAN's Love
The love emotion and the repression of emotion
* Feelings of love
The fundamental form of feelings of love between humans is the desire for procreation. When curiosity, concern, interest and similar feelings of attraction towards another person are combined with sexual desire, the emotion we call "love" emerges.
When Shion was carrying out mental care on the Realians on the Woglinde, a Realian was shown giving a response that indicated her holding romantic feelings towards one of the human passengers.
[Thus], feelings of "attachment", similar to love, can be seen in Realians, as shown by the above example. Since there are non-combat Realians who feel "fear", it can be confirmed that they have a desire for self-preservation, with a psychological attachment to their own continued survival. It is not unreasonable to accept the possibility that the target of this attachment could shift from the self to others. However, the combination of this attachment with sexual desire, giving rise to feelings of love, is a phenomen that was seen for the first time on this occasion [on the Woglinde]. This will be an important field of research in future development and modification of Realians, along with the matter of their reproductive ability.
* The contents of emotional suppression devices
Emotional suppression devices are used on Realians that serve in the military or in harsh environments. However, even in this situation, it is not necessarily the case that all combat Realians serving the Galactic Federation military have their emotional ups and downs completely suppressed.
When these Realians see the "object of their love", their hormonal balance is ruined, and they experience a faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, more body moisture, dizziness, excitement and other irregularities of mind and body. In humans, this could be seen as a normal bodily response to emotional variation. It is possible that a Realian would have the same response, since they have brains with a similar to construction to those found in humans. These symptoms indicate that rather suppressing [all] psychological activity itself, the emotional suppression devices used in Realians detect and suppress the resulting emotional sensations and faculties.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.23529%
P.105 Reproduction (Realians)
P.075 Gender (Culture)
Reproductive Ability
A reproductive act is unnecessary to REALIAN
* Production methods
Reproduction is a method through which the self can multiply, with or without the help of another individual of the same species.
The way single-celled organisms propagate themselves by dividing excels at speed, but due to the resulting lack of variation, it leaves the organisms unable to respond effectively to changes in their environment. This means that these organisms may multiply explosively within a short time frame, before going completely extinct shortly thereafter.
The method of multiplication that necessitates reproduction might be slow in terms of breeding speed, but due to its mixing of genetic material and the resulting variety, [the organisms using it] excel at adapting to changes in their environment.
Living beings that have biological sexes have chosen the latter strategy when it comes to reproduction. However, the gendered design of Realians is the work of human beings.
Since the apparent age of a Realian is fixed at the time of their production, there is no need for them to bear children themselves. In the age of slavery, the derogatory term "living dolls" was used, but surely that is exactly what [the Realians] are. Thus, they do not have any reproductive ability.
* The existence of gentials
Realians are used for a variety of purposes.
Humans as well as numerous other species engage in sexual activities for other reasons that procreation. Also, unlike other animals, humans do not have a mating season. In other words, they are always in a position to mate.
Humans make use of tools for many different activities. They are also creatures who enjoy developing useful tools.
Doing this helps increase their mental abilities, as well as their self-respect. The development of sexual tools combines all of this, and so humans have been doing just that with great enthusiasm since ancient times. Many tools for use in sexual activity have come into use. It is only natural that Realians are also used for this purpose, as a consequence of human desires. This is the reason for the existence of Realian models with male or female genitals.
In addition to this, since Realians derive nutrition from eating, they also have outlets for waste.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.80952%
P.103 Fundamental human rights for Realians (Realians)
[Page 106 - Translated by Gwendal]
A Man's and Woman's Character | Realian gender characteristics
A difference from biological sex and social gender
* The differences between men and women
When debating gender differences in humans, it is necessary to think of their biological and societal differences as separate problems. The biological aspect is [called] "sex", while the societal aspect is [called] "gender".
As they have no ability to reproduce themselves, gender differences in Realians relate to nothing more than the design of their external appearances. It does not follow from this that their bodies are recycled from those of humans, as with cyborgs, or that they are mutants using humans as a base, as with the URTVs. Their bodies are fully artificial life forms, but they do not possess ressurrected human brains. Consequently, their reproduction, mental makeup, hormonal balance and so on are not reflections of biological differences between human men and women; that is to say, of [human] sex. This means that the gendered design of Realians can be thought of as a construction based on societal aspects, or gender.
There is data available from various surveys undertaken in the past in relation to caregiving and welfare, including questions about gender differences in caregivers that were put to [having a hard time finding this exact word, but could possibly be "those who receive care/the services of caregivers"]. There were an equal number of male and female caregivers. In this survey, when [patients] were asked which gender they preferred in their caregivers, a majority said they preferred females. The difference was striking. The visual, gendered design of Realians used for tasks such as caregiving is decided based on surveys like this.
Their faces and bodies are also designed with consideration towards their mental and physical effects on users. The visual, gendered appearance of Realians is nothing more than an element of this design.
* The gender of combat Realians
One of the differences between male and female body design is muscle weight. Based on raw muscle materials of the same quality, the strength of the constructed body is determined by their weight proportions.
The significance of female combat Realians is not based in that kind of power. They can be considered to have been designed for a completely different purpose, but that purpose cannot be formally published.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.35555%
>P.105 Reproductive ability (Realians)
>P.075 Gender (Culture)
REALIAN's Smell | Realian [body] odor
A creature with no body odor
* Fragrance
The work of a perfumer consists of continually smelling a great variety of fragrances. However, since this exquisite sensory organ sees heaviest use among [the perfumer's] five senses, and as he or she keeps using it, there comes a point where it becomes numb and loses its ability to distinguish among fragrances, no matter how strong. In this situation, the perfumer will smell his or her own body odor to "reset" their sense of smell.
In the same way, since a person's own odor constantly stimulates the sensistivity of his or her sense of smell, it is a fundamental smell. When a person is unaware of the existence of their own odor and is unable to smell it, it becomes possible to sense it based on its equidistance to other smells.
However, smells that are very far from one's own can be sensed as something of a very different nature. Whether this difference is something to be cherished or disdained changes depending on its distance from the self.
* Awareness of distinctions and smell
The expression "smelly" is hurtful to others. This expression, used to denigrate smells as unpleasant, shows the degree to which the smell can be sensed and its distance from the speaker.
When it is used as a way to attack others through language, no further explanation is needed. On the contrary, if the speaker gives a theoretical explanation as to what he or she takes issue with in their opponent, they will find the potency of their verbal attack lowered, even if their explanation follows logical rules. Thus, even if it is untheoretical, it is effective to strike other people with this single word which has such power to incite emotion in them. The expression of smell is a representation of [this kind of] language.
On the Woglinde, Virgil sensed the smell of Realians, expressing himself along the lines of "It won't let go of my nose, this smell [lit.: it sticks to the sensitivity of my sense of smell]". In actual fact, this is [an example of] the kind of language used untheoretically to bolster its strength as an attack.
The system for absorbing and breaking down nutrition inside a Realian's body does not produce any kind of body odor. And while they do use a perspiration system to adjust body heat, it gives off no body odor due to an anti-bacterial system implanted in their skin to prevent the growth of odor-emitting bacteria. Virgil's words are a false accusation without any root in reality.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.42452%
>P.103 Basic rights for Realians (Realians)
[Page 107 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Assimilation with REALIAN
It is the typical symptom of DME poisoning that the skin becomes hard
* DME poisoning
DME poisoning are the symptoms that occur when Realian body tissue, primarily central nerves, are taken into the body. Realian body tissue is transported into the brain by blood flow, unites with central tissue of humans who ingested it, and is made to mutate. In the case that the tissue union is rejected, the person who ingested it dies. In the case that the union is successful and rejection does not occur, ingestion of continuously new tissue is necessary, and if ingestion cannot be performed, strong withdrawal symptoms occur.
Because the joined tissue itself transforms with the growth of inner-brain networks, complete detachment and removal is impossible, and at the present time, a complete medical cure has not been established. There is only medication to curb the poisoning symptoms as a coping treatment.
The hardening of the skin that is seen on Virgil's face is a typical symptom seen in those who have DME poisoning.
* Narcotic
Because pleasant feelings brought about by central nerve union is superior to any drug that is being presently confirmed, there is information that it is being traded as a narcotic in remote regions out of reach of the Galaxy Federation Government's control.
If rejection occurs during the union of central nerves, the ingestion of Realian body tissue is a dangerous act that does not escape from death, but because there are tools that can measure whether or not there will be rejection before ingestion, the increase of poisoning patients is still not suppressed. This pre-ingestion examination's reliability is high, though it is not something that exceeds 80%, and its safety is difficult to say.
* The existence of a drug organization
There is also confirmation of many people who take up the occupation of dismantling Realians that have become garbage and making their central nerves available on the underground market. The quality of the narcotic is determined by its effect. In Realians, there are types of various separate uses, and there is also a delicate difference in the central nerves according to varieties such as that. Also, according to whether they are new or old models, a difference is produced by their state of deterioration. It cannot be verified just how distinctions such as this influences the effect of the narcotic, but for the smugglers and the users, it is recognized to become such an important distinction that a price-difference arises.
For that reason, there are many occurrences of Realian pillaging incidents, and such. Because there is gossip that nearly all unaccounted-for Realians had their central nerves extracted, it is considered that they are incidents connected to drug crimes such as this. Considering that large-scale pillaging incidents have broken out, and that there is systematic crime, the Galaxy Federation Government is also pouring power into putting an end to this.
* The act of ingesting
Realian body tissue is ingested orally. The tissue that was absorbed from the digestive tract, rides the bloodstream, and is transported to the brain.
In the past that appears in Shion's flashback, there is a scene where a Realian woman is being "eaten" by old-style combat Realians. Also at that time, it is considered that the union of central nerves was being conducted. Because there was no indication of rejection from the union, the group of Realians must have become dependent, and they became an existence that ate each other one-by-one.
* Eating
Eating is an act that provides, to the interior of the body, substances that compose of the body.
Human flesh advances towards decay. Beyond the decay, is death. In order to escape from death, it is necessary to newly reconstruct the flesh that will break down. That is renewal; that is growth. Growth is death and rebirth at a short span, and eating is a necessary act for the sake of rebirth.
Food is considered to be raw material that reconstructs the body, and it is possible to say another way that the act of eating means "assimilation with food". Orally ingesting the body tissue of Realians, this leads to the phenomenon that unites with those central nerves.
Realian body tissue may not be food, but it is considered that what is occurring as a result is the same kind of phenomenon as eating. Someone that despises Realians will indulge in Realians as a narcotic. Due to assimilation with the subject that is despised, he falls into an existence that despises himself, and because he cannot bear that stress, he once more ingests Realians and repeats this over again. It is a spiral of self-contradiction that the drug-addicted person falls into.
* Eating and assimilation
When wishing to understand a loved-one, there are those who learn the desire of assimilation. It is a wish to inseparably connect oneself and a companion. It is a longing to comprehend to such a degree that they become one body. When that desire runs out of control, cannibalism emerges. However, humans eating Realians is not an act of cannibalism.
Normal eating is not an act that is conducted due to the desire to assimilate. The ingestion of Realian body tissue that Virgil performed-- was it to search for a narcotic-like effect? Was it that he longed for assimilation with a loved-one? Was it due to hunger? Or was it some entirely different purpose?
Onboard the Woglinde, he made the utterance, "They were delicious," but in any case, those words can be confirmed. Therefore, whichever reason cannot be specified at the present stage from his speech and conduct.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.34668%
image: "They were delicious!"
p.076. Eating (Culture)
p.048. First Lieutenant Virgil (Persons)
[Page 108-109]
The Clause About The Multiple Observative Mimetic Organicus
[Page 110 - Translated by jinxhaas]
M.O.M.O.'s Mind
There are mental activities which can be called heart
* Dependence
There was Juli, the mother who was never able to get over suffering an unsatisfied love. There was Ziggy, who rescued the kidnapped MOMO from the U-TIC Organiation. And there was Jr., who sheltered her in the Kukai Foundation and then surrounded her with his kindness. MOMO was always searching for those she could rely on.
As can also be deduced from her Enneagram personality type classification, a strong desire to be loved spurs MOMO to action. She draws close to those people who have a strong possibility of loving her, and she tries to focus primarily on the bonds with them.
It can be said that her attitude is a very valid one in life.
When making one's reason for existence into something that's important for another person, the resulting actions have the appearance of being unselfish. By doing such actions, they strongly wish, from the bottom of their hearts, to be affirmed, to be important, and to be loved. This dependency, this wishing to sustain one's reason for existence on another person, is what MOMO harbours in her heart.
It doesn't matter to her who she depends on, as long as it is someone who loves her.
* Fear
When someone desperately wants to run away from the possibility that their wish will be denied, when they don't want to accept it, then fear develops. The existence of fear goes hand-in-hand with having desire.
I want to live; I don't want to die. Precisely because of that desire for survival, there is the fear of death. I want to love; I want to be loved. Precisely because of that desire for dependence on another person, there is the fear of being alone.
Fear is desire's shadow. As one's desire grows stronger, so too does one's fear. A coward is throught to have deep desires.
If desire is something awakened by self-will, then so too is fear a part of one's own self. MOMO harbours an unsatisfied feeling, and so she harbours the desire to satisfy it. For whatever reason, MOMO has the strongest self-consiousness of all Realians, and her emotional expressions are abundant, as well. Is it because she is the prototype? Or was it Mizrahi's purpose from the beginning?
* Types of Fear
At the time she was imprisoned by the U-TIC Organization, MOMO did not feel fear. That is considered to be because she had not yet found someone to depend on. Even though she had an unsatisfied wish for her mother Juli, it was not yet something in her grasp to lose, nor something she could hold on to. Even though she wished to obtain it, it was only an abstract wish; she could not fear losing what she did not have. Therefore, at this stage, fear had not blossomed in MOMO. However, not only had the seeds of her wish been planted, but so too had the seeds of fear.
During the escape from Pleroma, at the moment when she faced the peril of death from the battle within hyperspace, MOMO felt just a little bit of fear. But, her dependency on Ziggy, who was nearby, calmed her fear. At that time, Ziggy's existence was the biggest thing on MOMO's mind. In the process of the escape, her dependence on Ziggy developed, grew stronger, and she learned the feeling of attachment. It is a relationship that may be able to establish mutual-dependence. And she gained the fear of losing it.
After being sheltered at the Kukai Foundation, MOMO was showered with kindness by Jr., and so she felt a strong dependence on him more than anyone else. There was a strong anticipation that she might be loved. There was a real possibility that her desire, which had always been just out of reach, might finally be fulfilled. And so, MOMO felt a strong attachment that she had never felt before. That's precisely why she also experienced a fear like she had never felt before when Albedo kidnapped and violated her for the Y-Data sealed inside her.
To cope with that fear, MOMO clung to the charm that Jr. had given her. Fearing the loss of a bond, a heart can hold back collapse only by proof of the bond. Her heart yearned for it, though not necessarily consciously.
* Heart
In light of phenomena such as these, it can be considered that mental activity known as a "heart" strongly exists within MOMO.
Desire, fear, hope. The illogical method of coping with a self-preservation reflex can be explained by psychological reasoning. Such mental activity is something that can be sufficiently called a heart.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 85.19318 %
p.112. The Soul Which Isn't Dependent (100-Series Realian)
p.113. Parent and Child (100-Series Realian)
p.043. M.O.M.O. (Persons)
[Page 111 - Translated by rika]
It was made for data collection
* Name
Dr. Joachim Mizrahi fabricated MOMO for the sake of his favorite daughter, Sakura. The Kirschwasser's name means "Cherry Brandy", and they were created for the role of observational units, for data intended for MOMO's development. From the relationship of the names, one can wonder about Dr. Joachim Mizrahi's childish 'sense' regarding this.
However, even if you can't dismiss its significance as being simply childish fancy, because of the circumstances connecting them, there is an important significance to the meaning of the names, above and beyond that childish whim.
* Pre-Prototype
The Kirschwassers were for gathering up various kinds of essential Data for MOMO's development. That Data was necessary for the production of a Realian that would combine Realians up until that point, with the results gained from the Zohar research, such as the system that would detect Gnosis(which don't exist in the 'physical', real number domain), and the Hilbert Effect(which make Gnosis 'stick' onto the physical world), and was being done at a pace to keep up with the work itself. Also, if this Realian was not created, Dr. Joachim Mizrahi believed he would not be able to help his beloved daughter, Sakura. His purpose was to use MOMO to restore Sakura to being a healthy daughter. If Sakura was a 'saucer', MOMO was being created to be the 'cup' to make the set complete. And along with them were the Kirschwassers, created as guinea pigs for the sake of collecting the data, that would be used to bring MOMO closer to completion, if the 'Saucer' was lost.
The mark was struck, as Albedo informed MOMO - "You are the flower that blooms from these corpses." MOMO had been created from the experiment results that came from a great number of Kirschwassers used as guinea pigs, and it isn't likely that she would exist today, if those countless Kirschwassers had not been sacrificed.
MOMO expressed that the Kirschwassers were her "sisters", a feeling that wasn't lost upon them. For themselves, they were no more then 'Fertilizer' for MOMO. From the beginning, the possibility of their becoming the existence called MOMO was denied to them. While it was understood that MOMO absolutely came first, it would not happen if they did not become sacrifices for MOMO's sake.
The degree to which the Kirschwassers suppress their emotions is uncertain, but the possibility can't be denied that they feel a bit of jealousy towards MOMO.
* Sympathy with MOMO
Inside of the Song of Nephilim, a Kirschwasser touched MOMO to transmit memories to her.
The face and voice of their developer, Joachim Mizrahi. Albedo striking her. Various fragments of feelings without image. The reason of the overall relationship between MOMO and the Kirschwassers, how they could transmit this information to MOMO by touch, is information that is lost.
* Transformation with MOMO
Although they have identical natures, they do not stand in the same positions, though each holds feelings of longing and jealousy. If their relationships can each be appreciated for its own worth, their existences are different from each other, and their circumstances not mutually enviable. Not that envy is necessary in this case, since they also have 'accomplished' what their fellows have, that they personally have not. To make a realization of a circumstance occur, that won't occur for a fellow, or a circumstance for a fellow occur that won't occur for themselves, the existence between themselves must be different. That is, for a circumstance to be recognized by another person for the first time, that person must recognize themselves, and recognize the other person as a different person.
That is to say, the Kirschwassers themselves, do not appreciate the circumstances of their own existence. Because of this, they can be considered to be detached from MOMO herself. Therefore, they are jealous and envious of MOMO's situation, and want what she has.
This sentiment was the motive behind the Kirschwasser's behavior. And, in light of their circumstances for holding such a motive, MOMO certainly was able to have a feeling of equality with them. But, because MOMO was affirming that they did not lose their existence of 'self', the Kirschwassers were able to feel of an equal nature to MOMO, even though they had such sentiments.
The Kirschwasser transformed into MOMO to feel this sense of 'self', and was able to because they hold a similar Ether transformation ability, using Nanomachines to change their figure. It can be considered that the Kirschwasser made this transformation because of its desire to become MOMO, and did this based on memory information held by MOMO that it acquired.
The Kirschwasser's similar transformation, was to personally experience - in the mock form - the longed-for situation. However, this was done so the Kirschwasser could have a sense of self to point to, when it finally became nonfunctional.
And this similar information sharing from the Kirschwasser's experience of changing into MOMO, was also strong feedback for the Real MOMO.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 85.08508%
p.112. Soul not dependent on flesh (100-Series Realian)
p.113. Mass-produced 100-series Realian (100-Series Realian)
p.154. Albedo Piazzolla (Persons)
p.043. M.O.M.O. (Persons)
[Page 112 - Translated by Rox-e and jinxhaas]
The Soul Which Isn't Dependent | A soul independent of flesh
The self which occurs inside the organ of the brain
* The prison of the body
Humans cannot release the consciousness of themselves from their body. The ego that occurs in the organ of the brain is annihilated when the functions of the brain stop. Consequently, it cannot exist without the body that is essential to the preservation of the functions of the brains (uncertain of translation here). This is the circumstance of being dependent on the flesh. The soul of people is a prisoner confined in the prison of the body. Throughout history, words representing that affliction have been used countless times.
The existence of a soul that isn't dependent on the body has assembled the hopes of the people since ancient times. The "cloaks" can be thought of as one possible solution. Also, one can think of the development of the U.R.T.V.s as another attempt to rise above the annihilation of the body. In addition, another existence that was artificially created as one form of solution was the terminal of the 100 series observational system, the 100 series realian.
* Terminal
MOMO, the Kirschwassers, and the mass produced 100 series realians are all able to connect to a common database. Because there is an area of closed off data inside of the prototype MOMO, she possesses peculiar information that cannot be accessed from other hundred series realians, but fundamentally, the 100 series system was developed with the idea of joint ownership of the data in the terminals.
* Common memories
External information that is inputted into each respective terminal is uploaded into a shared database and can then be downloaded into each terminal as necessary. After this joint ownership has been perfected, the concept of self no longer has meaning. MOMO, who possesses individual information, has a strong sense of self, but the mass-produced models, which do not have individual information, do not have a sense of self.
As a result of having a consciousness separate from other people called self, people fear their own annihilation. However, because the mass-produced 100 series realians are existences that do not depend on the flesh, they make no distinction between the self and other people and do not fear death. They do not even have a concept of death.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.11479%
>P.111 Kirschwasser (100-Series Realian)
>P.113 Mass-produced 100-series Realian (100-Series Realian)
>P.119 Infinite Telomerase (U.R.T.V.)
Un-arrangement in Woglinde (of the 100-Series Realians)
The reason why it wasn't carried
* Reason
The Woglinde is an anti-Gnosis-dedicated battleship that was built by Vector Industries, but being that it was something hurriedly pushed to opened test-operations and loaned to the Galaxy Federation Government Marine Corps, it was at a state where 80% of its outfit was not yet equipped.
The reason presented to the public was that because the urgent business of the investigation of the planet disappearance incident suddenly came up, the introduction of the 100-Series Observational System was not ready in time.
However, whatever was the actual reason is unknown. Rather than establish the experiment facility of KOS-MOS who had not actually started-up, wasn't it perhaps more important to deploy the 100-Series Realians that were vital for the connection to the AGWS units that had been outfitted? If they thought the danger was that the Woglinde would make contact with Gnosis, then the possibility of survival could be improved by choosing the latter.
* Organized Circumstances
Based on the circumstance that Vector Industries single-handedly undertook the Woglinde's deployment, the possibility that it was something due to Wilhelm's direction becomes visible.
Wilhelm must have known that the Zohar Emulator was connected to the planet disappearance incident, and it is thought that he could have also predicted that the Woglinde, which recovered the Emulator, would attract Gnosis. It is also thought that the fact that KOS-MOS was placed on board that ship without the deployment of the 100-Series Realians could have been for the sake of triggering her autonomous startup by coming in contact with Gnosis.
The reality is that the developer, Shion, had an indecisive attitude toward actual work on KOS-MOS. The situation was as if she wanted to eternally continue to play around within the research lab. In order to break that up and create a situation where Shion and KOS-MOS would act together, is it thought that he chose the danger of sinking the Woglinde, daring to be without the deployment of the 100-Series Realians. Rather than organized circumstances, is it perhaps that this is more a choice for the sake of Wilhelm's vision of the future?
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.44642%
image: "And we have A.G.W.S. units, but the 100-Series Observational Units that go with them aren't available until later."
p.113. Mass Production Type (100-Series Realian)
[Page 113 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Mass Production Type
The joint ownership of the unconscious area
* Individual Attributes
Gender: female. Outward Appearance: around 14-years-old. Height: 150cm (~4'11"). Weight: 41kg (~90.lbs).
* Affiliation
Affiliated with the Galaxy Federation Government Army. The mass-production line is owned by Vector Industries.
* The Special Characteristic of the 100-Series System
The 100-Series System, which integrated the imaginary domain perception device "D.S.S.S." (Double Slit Sensory System) and the Hilbert Effect, is a gigantic device that requires a capacity of several dozen tons. As downsizing to human-size is impossible, the core of this huge main system is 15 meters in all directions. And, the entirety of the system comprises of mass-produced 100-Series Realians that are connected to the main system as individual terminals.
Each of the terminals possess identical outer appearances, much like clones, without emphasis on individuality. And, because they are directly linked to the same central system, it can be said that they are existences that embody the notion of what psychologists call, "a single collective unconscious." The experiences of each individual terminal are uploaded to the main system, and then they are shared by downloading to individual terminals, as needed. Also, each individual main system is linked through the U.M.N, which allows all the mass-produced 100-Series Realians to share data across the entire world.
* Research
The 100-Series System is not only an entity that can simply apprehend Gnosis. It is also considered to hold immensely important value in finding a solution to human loneliness, as a system that researches the link between others.
Its practical side is its academic side. It is based on the attitude towards research that its developer Dr. Joachim Mizrahi had. Mizrahi was extremely academic toward Zohar research, similar to research on brain neurology and research on physical phenomena, alike. But when he combined the results of all of them, he was searching for a practical use. Even though the system followed his personal desire to save his daughter, it was also extremely practical.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 85.75221%
p.043. M.O.M.O. (person)
p.050. Joachim Mizrahi (person)
p.112. The Soul With Isn't Dependent / Un-arrangement in Woglinde (100-Series)
p.111. Kirschwasser (100-Series)
p.143. Hilbert Effect (Gnosis)
p.102. Realian (Realian)
Parent and Child
A child should acknowledge parents, and parents should too
* The Rejection of Being Denied
While in the Durandal's Zohar isolation hanger, Jr's remarks hurt MOMO's feelings.
Jr disapproved of Mizrahi, saying he had been a crooked man. And MOMO, who thought of Mizrahi as a parent, thought she too was being rejected, herself.
MOMO wondered, if she was brought into the world by someone who was socially unaccepted, does that mean that she too should be unaccepted?
* Acceptance of Both Parent and Child
Shion told MOMO that not all of Dr. Mizrahi's research was unacceptable to mankind. Through those words, MOMO was able to cling to the hope that her own existence wasn't unacceptable. Thinking that everything about her father was unacceptable, MOMO considered herself, who was brought into the world by her father, was also unacceptable. But with the thought that there may have been even the slightest facet of her father accepted, MOMO was able to put her mind at ease by considering that her existence might also be acceptable.
* The Link Between Parent and Child
The rejection of the existence that brought you in the world, leads to the rejection of yourself. This type of sentiment always worries people.
For example, if the god in which people believe is the Creator, then words and actions that reject that god are intolerable. In order to protect themselves, they try to justify the action of murdering any rejecter. Similarly, the movement of a society reluctant against genetic testing is born from fear that the genes, from which they themselves are formed, are being rejected. Even words based on the insults of children that reject the parent of another ("your mother", and so forth) are also included, and have roots in this type of concept.
Even for those who exist independently, it is impossible to ignore the bond their existence has on the past, and precisely because of this, they refuse to be denied the elements that make them who they are. To have one's past denied is an unrecoverable rejection; for it is, at its very core, a denial of the present.
Therefore, the child should accept the parent; and likewise, the parent should accept the child.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 85.12536%
image: "Soon you will be born into this world..."
p.110. M.O.M.O.'s Mind (100-Series)
[Page 116 - Translated by jinxhaas]
The Performance of U.R.T.V.
U.R.T.V. is the existence wavelength of U-DO
* Reason for Existence
U.R.T.V. is an abbreviation of "U-DO Retro Virus", and can also be called "U-Retro Virus". They are organic weapons, Yuriev Institute model, that possess the anti-existence wavelength of U-DO, and were produced by the late Professor Dimitri Yuriev.
As for the reason for existence of URTV, the point is that they are in a connection of anti-existence with U-Do. Namely, if U-Do no longer exists, then it becomes that the URTVs' reason for existence, too, is extinguished. Someone who acts to build counter-power cannot establish his own existence without first there being a power against which he must fight. An anti-existence who doesn't have an existence to "anti-" does not obtain existence. Surely this is also the same as the connection between URTVs and U-DO.
The URTVs, who were produced for the sake of searching for the possibility of eliminating U-DO, will eliminate their own personal reason for existence when the time comes that U-Do is eliminated.
Presently, the condition is that U-DO is sealed, and the significance that the URTVs still exist, that they have not disappeared, is not lost. While the meaning remains that they [still] exist in the world, with U-DO being sealed, it is necessary to [still] watch over that for the sake of protecting the world from the threat of U-DO.
This is a typical connection seen also in many legends that remain in the world: the existence of the threat that leads the world to collapse, and the existence that seals it away. There is not complete destruction of one side by the other-- it is a connection that maintains a miraculous balance between crisis and peace. At the present time, U-DO and URTV are maintaining that kind of perfect balance. However, there exists a URTV who may violate that equilibrium. Having linked with U-DO, the one who is located at the midway point between the two, is Albedo.
When the unleashing of U-Do occurred on Miltia 14 years ago, Albedo received a surge of U-Do, which caused a severe change in his emotional state.
[Page 117 - Translated by jinxhaas]
The Performance of U.R.T.V. [continued]
He was an existence that was called "anti- U-DO", and because he had received U-DO, he lost the reason for existence that URTVs have. For someone who has lost the significance of his own existence, what must he do? Only by seeking a new significance can he affirm himself.
For better or worse, both U-Do and then Miltia were sealed away, and it became impossible for Albedo to re-contact U-DO. To that end, it is considered that Albedo established his own reason for existence-- to seek a re-linking to U-DO.
Just as it is considered that Jr's and Gaignun's reasons for existence are to continue to keep U-DO sealed, it is considered that Albedo's reason for existence is to accomplish a second linking with an awakened U-DO. In Jr and Gaignun's on-going purpose to "continue to seal", there is not an end. However, in Albedo, who makes his purpose the instantaneous event of "allowing [U-DO] to awaken, and linking", his reason for existence has no continuity. After accomplishing that goal, He must again search for a new goal in order to affirm his own existence.
Even in humans, it is discovered that there are many people who lose sight of the connection of the goal with the means, causing empty behavior like Albedo's.
Someone who made his purpose to enroll into Borromeo University, after accomplishing the instantaneous goal of enrolling, at the destination of year's end, there is the situation that he lives without purpose. [Awkward]: Putting himself in the exterior of the social system for the sake of groping for a way of life of becoming himself, he is also someone who keeps living positively while developing a robot that no one has seen.
Where does he discover his own reason for existence? Due to that, the behavior of that individual changes dramatically.
* Performance
If there is no comprehension of the meaning of the existence called "U-DO", then there can be no comprehension of the essence of URTV, who are anti-existences. Thus, with the state in which the existence of U-DO is not becoming clear, it is impossible to have true understanding.
However, we are able to know the URTV performance from Jr, Gaignun, and Albedo.
Number 669, Gaignun, possesses suggestive ability that controls the thoughts of another person.
Number 667, Albedo, possesses regenerative ability of bodily tissue, i.e. the power of absolute resistance to damage of the flesh.
Number 666, Jr, is performing the suppression of physical growth and can even be said to suspend time with his own will. Also, Jr is considered to be playing the role of central connecter that psychically ties together his other fellow URTVs. The reasoning for this is that, on Miltia 14 years ago, because Jr became terrified by U-DO's fury and rejected the mental link, which caused the other URTVs to become completely chaotic.
It is possible to consider that the ability of these 3 URTVs is the power to fight against death.
The power of perpetual youth, "growth suppression", is a power of immortality that opposes aging; the power of resistance to injury is a power of immortality that opposes violence; and the power of mind control is a power of immortality that opposes memory lapse. Looked at in this way, it can be considered that the ability of URTV is something that searches for the power of immortality.
If URTV is anti-U-DO, and U-DO acts as anti-existence of URTVs who seek the power of immortality, it is possible to guess that U-Do is an existence that possesses the power of death.
So, what kind of thing might the performance of the other URTVs have been?
* 669 URTV bodies
The 3 of them, Jr, Albedo, and Gaignun, each possess unique performance abilities, and are seen with different features like eye color and hair color-- red, white, and black. However, the other URTVs, who appeared in the scene of Miltia 14 years ago that was reconstructed in the encephalon dive, being perhaps like the mass-production model, all had yellow hair uniformly. Because of that, is it perhaps that there doesn't exist a difference in ability [among the other URTVs]?
It is considered to be a possibility that the scene reconstructed in the encephalon dive was something that was not entirely accurate. Although it is something that was based on information from Jr's memory, a person's memory melts away except for the important portions. In other words, the important memory in Jr was something concerning Gaignun and Albedo, as well as U-DO, and it is possible to explain that the individuality of each of the other URTVs was considered to be unimportant.
* The Reason for 669 bodies
Why weren't 670 units produced? If we are to consider that, it is necessary to know if there was some kind of performance made especially for URTVs in the 660's place(*).
(* I'm a little confused here. This can also be translated as "unit #660", but that doesn't make sense to me at all, so I'm making a bit of a guess that it means generally the span of numbers from 660 to 669.)
For the result that continued to search for the possibility of acting as anti-existence of U-DO, it is considered that the solution that Professor Dimitri Yuriev arrived at after a long struggle was in the 660's place.
If we assume there is a form that was completed to perform as anti-U-DO in the URTV ability possessed by Jr, Albedo, and Gaignun, whatever kind of thing might that be? What might be said of whatever kind of meaning is in growth suppression and mental linking of the other URTVs? Due to insufficient information, at this point in time it is difficult to make a guess about these things.
Unchanging probability of corresponding phenomena... 85.36480%
Top image: "You can't get away." (English: "Take this.")
p.118. The Number of the Palm of URTV (U.R.T.V.)
p.119. Unlimited Telomerase (U.R.T.V.)
p.098. Interlink (Infrastructure)
p.135. U-DO / The Miltian Conflict (Project Zohar)
[Page 118 - Translated by jinxhaas]
The number on the palm | U.R.T.V.'s palm number
The turn of the manufacture and the ability which each has
* Manufacturer's serial number
A number has been engraved on the palm of the hand of the URTVs. This is a symbol that indicates each individual URTV, and is something that won't disappear all life long.
Even though Rubedo, Albedo, and Nigredo were each given their particular names, it is considered that numbers were used for management purposes. From the manufacturer's point of view, because many experimental units needed to be observed, numbers were used to ensure proper management. Though names were decided upon from the hair and iris color of each, perhaps it is something that did not go beyond being used for convenience.
It is also considered that these names, "Rubedo", "Albedo", and "Nigredo", were something that was given by the manufacturer. Helmer of the 2nd Miltian Autonomous Government called Gaignun, "Nigredo", and he responded by saying that it is a name he finds unfavorable.
Isn't it perhaps that Gaignun reacts to it as something unfavorable for the very reason that it is a name that was given during the period of URTV experimental units?
And Albedo freely makes use of his given name for the sake of "affirmatively" grasping the acceptance of the essence of being a URTV.
Again, to begin with, Gaignun and Jr have altered their names because it is important to them to hide the fact that they are URTV in the public eye. But there is not the necessity for such an action for Albedo.
* Manufactured turn number
All together, there were 669 units manufactured, and each were engraved in the order they were manufactured starting from #1. In other words, the persons with the smaller numbers are said to be from the early [stages] of manufacturing. There is almost no mistaking the understanding of this, also because of the words that Gaignun said towards Jr: "It's because you're more of an adult than me." {"older than me"}
As for this manufacturing time-gap [between each unit], an accurate time span cannot be measured. However, on Miltia of 14 years ago, many URTVs were possessing an outward appearance of identical age, and furthermore, taking into account that the URTVs, with the exception of Jr, are [currently] nearly identical in physical development, it is considered that they came to develop and were produced in the same time frame.
Being that the URTVs are mutants who were produced and manufactured from the genes of the late Professor Dimitri Yuriev, and that 669 embryos were created at the same time and each given distinctive treatment, the question of whether or not supplemental treatment was included during the growth process according to necessity is being considered. Therefore, isn't it perhaps best to consider that there is almost no difference in the ages between the numbers?
* The Whereabouts of #668
Presently, the names and numbers of only three units can be specified: #666 Jr, #667 Albedo, and #669 Gaignun. As for the other URTVs, after the Miltian Conflict of 14 years ago, the survival as well as the whereabouts of them cannot be confirmed, and it is unknown whether or not they were all completely eliminated or if there also exists an individual that still survives.
It is unknown what kind of features and what kind of performance was possessed by the URTVs with numbers previous to Jr's number 666. It is not clear if they had prominent features like there was in Jr, Gaignun, and Albedo.
Because they were experimental bodies, it is difficult to consider that all of them could acquire prominent ability. At the end of many failures and trials and error, the experiments yielded only a small quantity; but this is because [they yielded] something that holds qualitatively big results. Therefore, URTVs with latter serial numbers who possess abilities that excelled [over the others] were born, and it is considered that there were no big results worth mentioning from the ones in the early numbers.
Because Jr, Albedo, and Gaignun-- who posses numbers before and after #668 -- have extremely distinct performance ability, it is guessed that number 668 is also a special existence in the same way. However, at the present stage, news of that is unknown. Even beyond the fact that it is also unknown even if they had direct influence or not in the Miltian Conflict of 14 years ago, absolutely everything is puzzling as is.
There is no missing number in the URTVs' manufacturer's serial numbers. Therefore, the URTV who possesses the number 668 certainly must have existed. Whatever kind of ability could the person possess who was made in between Albedo and Gaignun? In between the physical immortality possessed by Albedo, and the mental immortality possessed by Gaignun, whatever kind of ability could have developed?
If the ability of URTV is a surge of anti-existence of U-DO, [the ability of number 668] shall be considered to have the possibility that it should transcend death, which is in common with Jr, Gaignun, and Albedo.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 86.56321%
p.045. Jr. (persons)
p.054. Albedo Piasora (persons)
p.053. Gaignun Kukai (persons)
p.116. Performance of URTV (U.R.T.V.)
[Page 119 - Translated by Rox-e]
Unlimited Telomerase
It means repetition of life and death
* Telomerase
It is written as Telomerase. Telomerase is the enzyme that repairs telomere DNA, which is the simple arrangement of nucleotides at the end of a chromosome. Telomere DNA becomes shorter during cell division and when it reaches a fixed length, the cells stop dividing and multiplication becomes impossible. In other words, this means that those cells do not regenerate and start to die. In regards to reproductive cells and cancer cells, this telomerase activity works repairing telomere DNA that has been shortened by division, making it possible to repeat division many times. In other words, one can say that telomerase has the effect of making cells immortal. The cells in which telomerase activity can infinitely repeat are reproductive cells and cancer cells.
Because cancer cells can infinitely repeat cell division due to telomerase activity, it becomes and existence that overwhelms other internal organs and eventually arrives at a state where life preserving mechanisms have been lost. The word unlimited telomerase means eternally repeating chain of decay and regeneration.
That is the repetition of death and life, which means immortality.
* Albedo's immortality
Regenerative medicine has been sought out for thousands of years. The restoration of lost internal organs. Albedo has increased his regenerative abilities to the utmost limits. Transcending the frequency limit of cell division at speeds which are impossible even for modern day nanomachines, it is a threatening immortality that can regenerate even the head. That is his unique ability as a URTV and, at the present stage it is a domain that cannot be realized by any other technology.
For that sort of immortal existence, pain stops being a sensation that causes fear. Pain is a signal caused by an injury that warns of a status heading toward death. The status of life must depend on the functions of the body. The body, which must preserve these activities, sends a stimulus called pain to the brain in response to injury and communicates the dangerous circumstances. A consciousness that is attached to life recognizes pain as something to avoid and hate. This is the reason that humans hate pain and try to run from situations that cause pain.
One could say that this is proof of being alive. Feeling pain means that one is getting closer to death and it is also the status that allows one to really feel that one is alive. Of course, because it is accompanied by feelings of danger and repugnance, it is a sensation of life that has a negative meaning.
However, Albedo, who does not approach death due to injury to the body, does not get a feeling of danger from pain and therefore does not hate it. Pain without embracing a hatred of it is a pure proof of life.
Humans seek pleasure. This is because that is also a proof of life. Pleasure is a stimulus to the body in the same way that pain is, it is information of the body that is sent to the brain, and it is proof of life.
Albedo does not embrace hatred in response to pain. In this case, pain comes to have the same meaning as pleasure. One can think of Albedo's words that say "isn't this a pleasant pain?" as being rooted in the immortality of he who can take pain "that can go through his confrontational relationship with Jr." as pleasure.
* Suppression of growth and immortality
It has been said that the eternal wish of mankind is perpetual youth and immortality. The danger of death increases with old age. As the years add up, the telomeres of the cells grow shorter and regenerative power declines. One can recognize that this is a decline in the power to recover. As a consequence of sensing this deterioration of the body, people fear aging and the circumstances of increased possibility of death. That is the hatred directed toward the increase in danger of a slow, systematic decay, which is different from the dangerous circumstances that accompany the pain of a direct, large-scale injury to the body.
Eternal youth that does not accompany immortality, depending on the effectiveness of suppressing the decline of restorative powers, means a state in which it is possible to pass time without getting closer to death. However, death will come in the event that due to a sudden occurrence injuries are received at a level that cannot regenerate.
In immortality that does not accompany eternal youth, one grows, in other words ages, but in response to injuries one has complete restorative powers. If one thinks of aging as injuries to the cells, although changes occur during the developmental growth period, at the stage of preserving the completed body, any further changes, in other words aging, will not occur. If that is the case, one discovers the possibility that it possesses the elements of eternal youth after all.
If one assumes that aging occurs due to destruction of cells, using a general interpretation, shouldn't Albedo, whose cells have become immortal due to telomerase activity, also be able to actualize eternal youth? What kind of difference is there in the fact that Jr.'s growth has been suppressed at the state of 14 years old and Albedo's body has grown to be 28 years old? Hereafter, it is necessary to observe to see whether or not Albedo's body changes as he continues to add on years.
Do the U.R.T.V.s have a secret that surpasses the categories of general interpretation? As long as the abilities of the U.R.T.V.s are not completely explained, the problem is for us to make it clear hereafter with our observations.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena....90.16491%
P.116 The Performance of U.R.T.V. (U.R.T.V.)
P.054 Albedo Piazzolla (Persons)
P.112 Soul Independent of Flesh (100-Series Realian)
P.085 Nanomachines (Medical Science)
[Page 122 - Translated by Rox-e]
Development of KOS-MOS
Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System
* The objective of the development
Humans have made great efforts to perceive the world as an orderly thing. We have endeavored to perceive the form of the world by always thinking about the causal relationships of everything and understanding the logical conclusion from its cause to its consequence. That is the attitude that accepts the world as being orderly, and humans, who have repeatedly taken this stance throughout history, can find relief at being able to put themselves in the midst of order.
Of course, depending on the individual and the time period, chaotic situations have also been sought out. However, that chaos was simply an anti-order. Not accepting that the basis of the world was chaos, it was an aspiration for a partial or at least temporary chaos in addition to having a persistent foundation of order.
However, confronted with the existence of the Zohar and the Gnosis, people were exposed to a fear brought about by an existence rooted in chaos.
The "Hilbert" from the Hilbert Effect is the name of an ancient mathematician. He is the person who proposed the "Hilbert Project," a project that sought circumstances in which every maxim could exist without contradiction within a system of all maxims. Math is a field of study that transforms the order of the world into language using symbols called numbers, it is a philosophy and it is a way of life. The Hilbert Effect, which has taken the name of Hilbert for itself, is surely the effect of bestowing order upon chaotic existences.
It is obvious from the fact that KOS-MOS' name is "obey order strategic multipurpose system (Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System)" that all functions were constructed based on order without contradiction. With that goal in mind development was started, and even with the occurrence of an unfortunate accident, order has been preserved and the project is continuing. At least on the surface.
* The rampaging accident
The greatest accident surrounding the development of KOS-MOS was the "U-TIC Organization attack and KOS-MOS autonomous start-up accident" that occurred in T.C. 4765.
The development of KOS-MOS was proceeding smoothly and it was the very day that the Archetype start-up experiment was scheduled to occur. An armed group of the U-TIC Organization attacked the 1st R & D Division of Vector Industries. It can be thought that their objective was the capture of KOS-MOS.
The rampage of KOS-MOS, who had been activated by the connection gear that members of the U-TIC Organization had obtained, was the single greatest incident that occurred during the development of KOS-MOS.
During this rampaging incident, 5 Vector Industries researchers and 8 members of the U-TIC Organization, who were the attackers, died. There were no wounded people. Everyone who was attacked by KOS-MOS died and those who survived were people who got by without being attacked. There was no case of someone being attacked by KOS-MOS and getting by with just an injury.
In terms of the KOS-MOS development plan, the greatest loss was that of the chief developer, Kevin Winnicot. Due to this loss, the development of KOS-MOS was greatly set back. After the passage of two years they have still not attained the Archetype from the time of the rampage. Even the current chief developer, Shion Uzuki, does not understand everything about the interior that has been sealed off due to the black boxes. Only Kevin understood all of that.
* Start-up code
It is impossible to start-up KOS-MOS without inputting the start-up code. In real time, at the time of the rampaging incident, a U-TIC Organization member inputted the start-up code from the connection gear.
It is unknown from where the U-TIC Organization member obtained this connection gear. There is no record, and even in the memory of Andrew, who was the U-TIC member, the face of the person who handed over the connection gear is unknown.
Only a portion of the people affiliated with Vector Industries 1st R & D Division possess a connection gear that can input the start-up code. In reality, the only people who possessed a connection gear were the chief developer, Kevin, and the vice-chief developer, Shion. Based on this fact, the "man" left in Andrew's memory can be none other than Kevin.
However, Kevin died in this rampaging incident. Would he really take an action that invites his own death?
* Future development
KOS-MOS will continue to be developed from here on out. Development will proceed facing the future that Nephilim showed Shion and the others and aiming toward KOS-MOS' completed form.
Research for the purpose of preserving order that is concerned with the fate of humankind is not something on a level that could be affected by the inclination of the chief developer Shion alone. KOS-MOS is the thing that she continues to develop, but is not her possession. Even if Shion believed the vision of the future that Nephilim showed her and tried to delay development, the organization would not allow that. And so, the future comes ever closer.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.66658%
P.123 Encephalon (Development of KOS-MOS)
P.124 Archetype (Development of KOS-MOS)
P.125 Android is Anachronism (Development of KOS-MOS)
P.143 Hilbert Effect (Gnosis)
P.040 Shion Uzuki (People)
P.041 KOS-MOS (People)
P.046 Allen Ridgeley (People)
P.049 Kevin Winnicott (People)
[Page 123 - Translated by Rox-e]
Memory and information are combined and "reality" is completed there.
* KOS-MOS start-up experiment
After the rampaging accident that occurred during the development of KOS-MOS, Shion became the person in charge and without showing the real world experiments, only the start-up experiments in the Encephalon were repeated.
These experiments only detected the theoretical merit of the data, but due to the fact that it occurs in an extremely real virtual space, one can collect data that is comparable to real world experiments.
The one thing that is fundamentally lacking is the abilities and functions of the hardware in KOS-MOS real body. Whether or not it will function just as the software tells it to. Until a real world experiment is done, positive proof cannot be obtained;
without an anti Gnosis tactics KOS-MOS start-up experiment, no matter how well the experiments in the encephalon go, it is nothing more than an empty theory.
* Stage creation
The KOS-MOS start-up experiment took place within the data of ruins from the end of the 20th century. There is no experimental reason for choosing this place. Up to then various situations were hypothesized and any number of locations were constructed within the encephalon. That the end of the 20th century was chosen as the stage to be created was nothing more than a simple whim.
However, was that a coincidence? An experiment that used a stage creation from the age of the discovery of the Zohar on Earth was to be KOS-MOS' last start-up experiment in the encephalon. Synchronicity, as Jung called it. Synchronicity. One can also see here the "coincidences" and "probabilities" that can be explained by the general concept of the collective unconscious, a higher (order) structure, the Unus Mundus.
As long as there is data, the encephalon can construct any time or place.
There is one reason that the places that Shion and the others had been to could be reconstructed in the encephalon one after the other. That is because it was using the memories of the person accessing it as the source of information.
On the occasions that they dived into KOS-MOS' mainframe, the same function was used to construct the encephalon with the memories of the divers as the base.
Using the memories of the people who are uploading records of their actions into the U.M.N. as a base, it pulls out the place that those people had been, things they had seen and it also pulls out various information pooled in the U.M.N. concerning that location; it combines the memories and information and creates the "real thing" there.
It is possible to reconstruct locations in memories, explore the inside, and recover them because the data in the U.M.N. compensates for the deficits in memory information, completes information for unexplored locations and constructs that location.
* Canton Dream Syndrome (or vain dream of wealth and splendor syndrome)
A commoner (???) boy who failed the Chinese higher civil service examinations borrowed a strange pillow called "glory becomes as the will" from an old Taoist man who was boiling chestnuts at a place called (cant read this word) Canton and took a nap. Once he had done this, amazingly, after his nap Lu Sheng's luck and power had improved in an instant and he was able to stand at the apex of wealth and authority. Lu Sheng was very pleased, however, when he suddenly came to, he smelled chestnuts boiling. When he opened his eyes, the old Taoist man was boiling chestnuts at the foot of the pillow. Furthermore, the chestnuts were not any more boiled than when he had borrowed the strange pillow. In that brief period of time, in the dream he had while napping, Rozan (another name?) had dreamed about his own glory in a detailed dream. His love, the war, the victory, all of these things were events in a dream.
Life may be a dream.
As one can see from "The dream of Canton," this kind of concept also existed in ancient China. Also, in the second half of the 20th century the same concept appeared in a movie made in America and it swept across the world.
The concentration on this uneasy feeling never completely disappears, but it operates in a fixed cycle where some kind of trigger causes it to capture the hearts of the people creating a visible trend of emotional turbulence.
The same phenomena occurred in the current age as well, right after the encephalon came into general use. People who were seriously troubled by the problem of "is this reality or the encephalon?" started appearing. The condition of embracing this uneasy feeling was called "Canton Dream Syndrome."
The mass media took up this story and sensationalized it as a new tragedy born from the encephalon, however, this is hardly a new thing and rather is a popular uneasy feeling that we have been intimate with since ancient times.
[TRANSLATOR NOTES: The Canton Dream Syndrome section is very poorly translated. It was just really confusing and hard to understand. Lots of difficult characters. Despite the lack of clarity, I think that the point gets across. Maybe.]
* Salvage
In the event that something causes the encephalon to be destroyed, it has a great effect on the mental activity of the person who is diving. At the time the encephalon is being destroyed, it is possible to conduct a salvaging dive in order to pull the diver out. This process entails measuring the location of the rescue target in the encephalon, accessing the point in such a way that ignores the laws of the constructed world, and dragging them out. Because of this, from the point of view of the person who is already diving in the encephalon, the salvage diver who is tearing through the space seems to appear very suddenly.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.84223%
P.122 Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
P.074 Memory (Culture)
[Page 124 - Translated by Rox-e and rika]
The Color of the Pupil | KOS-MOS' eye color
Battle action is deeply concerned with the color of the pupil
* Red and Blue
The usual color of KOS-MOS' eyes is red. However, that color is not fixed and it has been confirmed to turn blue.
KOS-MOS' hair is blue and the overall image of her entire body design is white. The normal eyes of KOS-MOS, a large portion of whose body is comprised of neutral colors and cold colors, are an extremely warm color, red. Depending on some sort of timing, her eyes change to blue that matches her entire color scheme.
It changes from an eye color that lacks harmony to an eye color that does not lack harmony. There is a theory that if you apply this to living creatures, maybe the normal KOS-MOS is suppressed by some kind of power and when she is released by some kind of opportunity she returns to the blue eye color. It is possible to view the lack of harmony as a surface sign that signals the generation of some kind of inconvenience.
* Opportunity and Meaning
"Battle actions" are deeply related to the timing of the change in KOS-MOS' eye color.
When KOS-MOS embraced the sensation of pain, her eyes were confirmed to have changed colors.
Perhaps KOS-MOS goes through battle knowing the general concept of "pain," which completes her inner self and because of that her eyes change color.
In the past, Kevin saw an indication of of mental activity in KOS-MOS. According to Shion's observations, currently KOS-MOS' mental activity is usually a flat line, but what about her mental activity in this kind of battle?
* The Eyes of Living Things
Earthworms with no eyes have light sensing cells on their skin that feel the presence/absence and the strength of light that strikes the surface of their bodies. Human eyes are the result of the evolution of these sorts of sensory cells. Also, from the origination of the eyeball that is directly connected to the optic nerve, it is said to be "the brain that protrudes outside."
The fact that KOS-MOS' brain is a faithful reproduction of a human brain means that perhaps her eyes could also be called the brain that "protrudes outside." It can be thought that there is a great meaning in the change of the eye color.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.00080%
P.041 KOS-MOS (Persons)
Archetypus | Archetype
The archetypus had exceeded in specification rather than the present body
* High Specification Imitation [Dummy] Body
On the former occasion that KOS-MOS's body was woken and went out of control, that was the imitation body.
The imitation is not the real thing, but there was a resemblance. In other words, the Archetype was not KOS-MOS's official body, but came to exceed the perfect form in its specification. Certainly, the design is different, and the imitation has a far higher internal specification.
Though the existence of KOS-MOS' shell body was official, it was a long way from the perfect form. This is because Kevin's death caused the development to be put behind.
From these circumstances, because the Archetype's imitation body exceeded its specifications, the possibility of KOS-MOS' shell body being an alternative can be considered.
However, in any event, the final vision of the future which Nephilim showed to Shion, of KOS-MOS' perfect form, as well as the existence of the Archetype, cannot be coincidence.
* Archetype Form and True Form
When chaos was speaking to KOS-MOS in the place she was sleeping onboard the Elsa, there was meaning in his words "Where is the real you?" - "The real you" points to something, but what?
When the Archetype body was awakened and ran out of control, it was in the custody of Vector Industries First Division. However, if the development personnel were to consider it to be "KOS-MOS' original body", that is because the concept was one of a "strategic system", and in that case, it did not become anything else.
Also, if the Archetype is to be thought of as the "genuine article", the idea must be considered seriously that the developer "Kevin" created the environment for the true form, and in any case, Shion had the feeling that "Kevin built it for the sake of getting closer to the true form".
The idea that chaos based his words to KOS-MOS on this, should not be considered. Therefore, in this case, the Archetype can not be considered to be the "Real KOS-MOS".
[Translators note:
"The second half of [the archetypus article] this could probably stand a second opinion. I *think* the general idea is correct, but there were a couple *extremely* strange(at least to me) sentences that I can't be totally certain I got right. There doesn't seem to be anything too earthshattering here, but it did present an interesting idea that I, at least, hadn't considered before.
"I also have to make an important distinction. Although I didn't always use it in the text, when it talks about the Archetype, it always refers to it as an 'imitation body', and when referring to the real one, it calls it something to the extent of 'shell body'. This is probably very important contextually."]
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.22475%
P.122 Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
P.041 KOS-MOS (Persons)
P.047 Lt. Col. Andrew (Persons)
P.049 Kevin Winnicott (Persons)
[Page 125 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Head Destruction (of the KOS-MOS Archetype)
The bullet which can destroy the high specification archetypus
* Destruction done by a Bullet
Does there exist a bullet that can destroy the prototype body of the high-spec archetype whose limit exceeds even the skeleton of the current body? That possibility invited a big argument in the investigation into the cause of the accident where KOS-MOS went berserk.
There was a voice that said it's impossible. However, actually, it is a fact that it occurred. There is no meaning in denying with words the event that occurred in actuality. They are just words for the sake of understanding the truth of the important thing that occurred.
Two possibilities are being considered.
That there was a bullet as well as a gun that held enough might to destroy the head of the KOS-MOS Archetype.
Or that KOS-MOS was being constructed as if to be openly destroyed.
The possibility that it is the latter is high. The key to this riddle is that KOS-MOS did not perform evasive action.
As for KOS-MOS's head, the point is that everything was blown away by means of Shion's bullet-- didn't KOS-MOS move as if to be hit in this place by the bullet?
When this possibility is considered, a new riddle arises: That there was someone who input that kind of behavior into KOS-MOS.
As for the core of this hypothesis, regarding that someone, it is an important thing that KOS-MOS was destroyed by Shion's hand at that place. As for the type of bullet and also KOS-MOS's behavior, the motive for allowing that kind of behavior in KOS-MOS is nothing but the means for that core to be fulfilled. The very nature of the connection that Shion destroyed KOS-MOS is an important thing. If it is for the sake of allowing to establish the nature of this connection, there is no question in the method except for the destruction being done by a gun. In order to be destroyed such that the traces of the behavior of the destroyed KOS-MOS could not be searched for, it was important for the head to be scattered away.
Also, during the investigation into the cause of that accident, it was rumored from a hypothesis that Shion was the principal offender.
Because of this, and for the sake of investigating the cause of the accident, every possibility was being taken into account, but eventually, it was treated as just an accident. It is because, with KOS-MOS's head being destroyed, objective accident data could not be recovered.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 80.48546%
p.040 Shion Uzuki (Persons)
Android is Anachronism
The performance of KOS-MOS can't be realized with realian
* The Definition of Android
The word "android" is a coined word that means "artificial human", which was used in stories written in the era of Earth.
A crew member of the Woglinde made a comment, "In this golden age of Realian, I don't know why someone would want to make a mechanical doll," but when the meaning of android is perceived in a broader sense, a Realian, too, is an artificial human and can be defined as an android.
The words of the crew member are taking the meaning of android in the narrower sense of something mechanical from a long time ago. This kind of narrow-minded person, who feels that he comes to understand everything, is a fool to criticize the behavior of others.
* Impossible spec in Realians
KOS-MOS's spec cannot possibly be realized with Realian [technology]. The attitude that tries to deny the possibility held in ancient technology and the whole of predominance, saying it is because of new technology, is considered a bad tendency of a person who judges everything only on chronological order.
Certainly Realians are perhaps a new artificial human production technology, but every side of the same technology of the past, in contrast with something new, cannot be said to be inferior.
The clash of values and the collision of new and old technological superiority by a transition of an era such as this are always being repeated. Both the stubborn adherence to old technology and the blind faith of new technology-- each world is a narrow one. For an engineer, it is necessary to connect with technology through a neutral standpoint, always holding a wide field of view, no matter the change in era.
And, if it is necessary, technology that is perhaps both ancient and difficult to actualize demands a challenging, defiant will.
The truth is, in an era when the creation of a perfect artificial intelligence made by human hand is abandoned, and pseudo-AI that relies on spontaneously developed network growth makes up the core of the computer industry, the very height of the technological power of Vector Industries, who is in the process of releasing the result that dares to use an artificial technique, may be something that needs to be assessed.
image: "But an android is also extremely anachronistic, isn't it."
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 95.11263%
p.122. Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
p.102. Realian (Realian)
[Page 128 - Translated by Gwendal]
It can't be recognized without knowing that existence
* Excavation of the ruins
Earth, A.C. 20XX. At Lake Turkana, Kenya, a Vector Industries-funded excavation project under the supervision of Mr. Masuda resulted in the Zohar coming into contact with humanity [lit.: the Zohar becoming an entity touched by human eyes].
A massive excavation effort was carried out, based on certain documents. Following the corridors extending from the lake, they discovered a mysterious, circular crest carved into the ground. When Masuda placed his small, Zohar-shaped silver plate into the slot, lines of pale light spread through the crest that looked like it was made from natural stone, the earth shook, and enormous ruins rose from the lake bed in tune with the glow. The light emanating from those ruins formed the image of the Zohar in the air like a hologram, and then, the image materialized physically. A ray of light shot from the Zohar into the sky, clouds gathered in the center of the light, and rain started falling.
At this time, the properties of the Zohar plate that was in Masuda's possession are completely shrouded in mystery. As are the documents that formed the basis for the excavation of the ruins. However, based on their existence, it can be surmised that the Zohar is an entity that has been described on the Earth in tales passed down from antiquity.
* The manifestation of the Zohar
The Zohar that was discovered on Earth eventually came to be known as the Original Zohar. That is because Dr. Joachim Mizrahi created Zohar Emulators. After the completion of these Emulators, the Original received that designation to distingush it from them.
Dr. Mizrahi, who did much research on the Zohar, left us with the following message on the topic:
"The Zohar does have a physical form, one that can be touched, but we should rather think of it as [having] a physical existence precisely because our perception recognizes it as [something] physical."
That is to say, while existing that way, [the Zohar] is an entity that is able to manifest physically precisely because of the presence of someone who can perceive it [nearby]. If there is no one to perceive it, it is an entity that will not manifest physically. However, regardless of whether it manifests physically or not, it is an entity that continues to exist.
Before Mr. Masuda perceived the Zohar through his excavation of the ruins, it existed in that place. However, because there were no persons there to perceive it, it did not manifest physically. When people are noticed by other people, they are gradually recognized as social entites. If no one other than yourself know of your existence, you do not exist in a social sense.
However, even if no one notices you, if you live, eat and defecate, you will leave some traces of yourself behind. Even if no one [ever] noticed your existence, it does not follow that you would simply disappear. The physical manifestation of the Zohar can be thought of as something akin to that extreme situation.
* The Original Zohar
At present, the Original Zohar sealed somewhere beyond the dual black holes known as "the Abyss" near Old Miltia, which appeared in the Miltian sector after the Miltian Conflict 14 years ago.
It cannot be determined whether or not this is the same object as the Original Zohar discovered long ago on Earth.
The word "Zohar" is the same as that found in the Kabbalah tradition, "The Book of Brilliance: sefer ha zohar". The writings in this text include an explanation of the transmigration of the soul to a metaphysical existence such as God or a spirit and the past, present and future of the universe itself, as well as advocating the absolute affirmation of life and the eternal recurrence of the soul. It is unknown what relationship there is between the Zohar and this text, but when considering the phenomena surrounding the Zohar, one could hardly say there is no relationship at all.
* Research on the Zohar
What kind of results did Dr. Joachim Mizrahi achieve through his research on the Zohar? If one assumes that the Zohar is an avatar of the Kabbalah text, this would mean it could be thought of as something [representing] the meaning of the law of the universe.
The law of the universe could also be correctly described as a unifying theory capable of explaining all of existence, the meaning and significance of everything in it.
Perhaps those who are capable of discovering such a theory are doomed to meet the unpleasant end often in store for those who stray from the beaten path. Because of this, it is improbable that Dr. Joachim Mizrahi was able to understand everything about the Zohar fully.
This might be beyond the reach of human intelligence, or it might be something we are not permitted to know.
There is only one thing we know for certain about the Zohar: that it is an existence capable of transmuting and developing phenomena. For this reason, mankind had no choice but to flee the Earth. Also, even [just] an emulator had the power to destroy the planet Ariadne, and to attract the Gnosis.
Probability Constant of Corresponding Phenomenon... 95.99985%
p.129 Zohar Emulator (Zohar)
p.129 Local Matter Shift (Zohar)
p.132 Project Zohar (Project Zohar)
p.061 Mr. Masuda (People)
[Page 129 - Translated by rika and Rox-e]
Zohar Emulator
Kookai is successful in securing of twelve emulators
* The Necessaries of the Emulators
Dr. Joachim Mizrahi studied the Original Zohar, and because of that, the development of the Emulators was successful. The inner workings of the Zohar Emulators are also a great mystery, as experiments in using them have been excessively dangerous. That danger is that just like the Original Zohar caused things to disappear, the Emulators could also cause such dangerous phenomenon.
* Development of the Emulators
It was later recognized that in order to construct the emulators, a great amount of time, expense, and technological breakthrough is required. Because the genius of Dr. Joachim Mizrahi has been lost, construction of an Emulator is now impossible.
The Emulator's surface was made to imitate the function of the Zohar, and not to surpass it. However, for that reason, they also possessed sufficient ability to cause Local Matter Shift.
The artifice used to construct the Emulators disappeared upon the death of Doctor Joachim Mizrahi. Therefore, using surplus parts, a 13th Emulator was constructed by Hyams Heavy Industries, according to inside intelligence. But upon completion, it was considered to be inferior to the other 12.
* Struggle Over the Emulators
The fact that objects exist, that have the power to cause Local Matter Shift, is a crisis to the people. However, the desire of people to make use of and experiment with the emulators, was the main driving force that caused the struggle over them to unfold. [Translator: THE ABOVE IS SKETCHY. I fudged this, because one of the kanji was just too blurred for me to discern. It's probably something along these lines, but it *certainly* lost something important here.] Currently, the Kukai Foundation has succeeded in securing the 12 proper Emulators.
Inside the federation government, there is a great deal of skepticism and doubt regarding the Kukai Foundation's monopoly over the Zohar Emulators. However, it seems opinions are often agitated by a U-TIC member within the federation government, and because of this, things become very muddled when this situation is considered.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 86.56321%
p.128 Zohar (Zohar)
p.129 Local Matter Shift (Zohar)
p.066 U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
p.068 Kukai Foundation (Organizations)
p.138 The Purpose of Gnosis (Gnosis)
Local Matter Shift
It began from many people's disappearance
* Disappearance Phenomenon
It was later, after Mr. Masuda's excavation of Zohar, that Local Matter Shift (matter shift phenomenon) caused mankind to abandon the Earth. Because of that tragic event, many people are recorded to have disappeared.
In the investigation of planet Ariadne's disappearance, the Woglinde was sent to recover the Zohar Emulator from the void of space in case it had been used, as well as find any eyewitnesses there might be.
Although a human disappeared when his spacesuit touched(the emulator) that time, the small ships did not, and it was thought the reason for this, may have been that they were unmanned.
The Zohar causes people to disappear, but not objects. On this occasion, people who vanished had direct or indirect contact with the surface of the Zohar, because they touched the Zohar intentionally, and this can be considered their 'Method of Approach'. A living person touching the Zohar as an act of will, is a big effect. Therefore, simple materials such as the unmanned ships in the isolation hanger, did not disappear (as they have no will).
In other words, this is possible when the Zohar is approached 'actively'. However, while matter shift phenomenon may occur from a close approach to the Zohar, it is not limited only to this. Such a difference occurred in the phenomenon on Earth - the circumstances of the approach to the Zohar were significant.
* Gnosis Change Phenomenon
The Zohar Emulator's similar Local Matter Shift, had been confirmed to cause other disappearance phenomenon, as well as Gnosis Change Phenomenon. Planet Ariadne was converted into the "Cathedral Ship"-type Gnosis, as an example of this.
The fact that Zohar and Gnosis share a profound connection, supports this idea. Perhaps the relationship with existences that have crossed over the realm of real numbers, that is to say changing and interfering to the realm of that which does not exist as matter, can be found in there. These Local Matter Shifts crossed beyond the Real Number area, but did not open the way to the higher order domain. This is how this deduction was made.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.00001%
p.128 Zohar (Zohar)
p.129 Zohar Emulator (Zohar)
[Page 132 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Project Zohar
The plan of mankind maximum that the government promotes
* The Purpose of the Plan
The plan for the maximization of mankind promoted by the Galaxy Federation Government is called "Project Zohar."
That plan was also the reason for the establishment of the U-TIC Organization. According to the Galaxy Federation Government, the intention for having established the U-TIC organization, which was the parent company of the Mizrahi Neuro-Science Institute, was for the implementation of Project Zohar, which had the purpose "to search for the true nature of everything," and "to detect and to attain Lost Jerusalem."
At that time, due to the investigation of whatever kind of thing that is the existence called Zohar, acting as something that can logically explain all phenomena of this world, the purpose was for the investigation of the true nature of the world. This can be said to be an extremely scientific purpose. But also, the purpose of finding and reaching Lost Jerusalem is said to be the dearest wish of mankind.
But, during the implementation of that plan, the promotion of the Project was visited by situations that became problematic: the Miltian conflict occurred, U-TIC became an armament organization, Professor Joachim Mizrahi died, the Gnosis appeared, and Old Miltia along with the Original Zohar was sealed within the double blackhole called the Abyss, etc.
Based on these situations, although a little is remaining from initial intentions, the purpose of the current Project Zohar had come to change.
First of all, after the Miltian Conflict, the implementation of Project Zohar was inherited from U-TIC by the Contact Subcommittee (S.O.C.E). Although the main duty of the Contact Subcommittee is taking care of Gnosis anti-measures, presently the relevance between Project Zohar and the Gnosis is being stressed, and so it is considered necessary to simultaneously deal with both of these problems. When Project Zohar was first established, its relevance to the Gnosis was not as critical a situation as it is currently. This point was the first big change.
The next point yielded a new purpose: the recovery of the Original Zohar. Originally, Project Zohar was the plan that was built to be the situation for which the Original Zohar was to be maintained. Consequently, at the present time, it is only said to be in the preparation stage for the sake of once again erecting that "start-line". This state which resulted from the Miltian Conflict was the worst influence that confronted the plan.
The remnant of this second point was also a big change, and therefore, as Project Zohar was making very slow progress, it is considered that an opportunity was arising at this time for U-TIC intervention.
Also, if it was because of U-TIC that there was this very situation where the Original Zohar was not being maintained by the Federation Government, it can be easily guessed that it may have been thought to be the perfect chance to usurp the Zohar for the sake of its original purpose.
* The Information which becomes the Key
The urgent purpose of Project Zohar is the recovery of the Original Zohar. For that reason, the business of reaching Old Miltia, which had been sealed in the double blackhole, was put on high priority.
There is no way to reach Old Miltia except to gate-jump by hyperspace flight through a U.M.N. transference column. However, the coordinates for the U.M.N. transference column of the sealed-away Old Miltia had been completely lost.
This very information that documented these coordinates is something called the "Y-data".
Therefore, the Galaxy Federation Government and the U-TIC Organization, between which unfolded a struggle for the Original Zohar, had come around to the point of disputing over the Y-data.
For both camps, the attaining of that place-- Old Miltia, the ground in which the Original Zohar sleeps-- becomes something which opens the first door relating to the upheld purpose of each side.
* Project Zohar and the Zohar Emulators
In what way may the Zohar Emulators, which are maintained by the Kukai Foundation, be related to Project Zohar?
A Zohar Emulator is an existence that holds the function of being a matter shift generator. The ill-effect caused by the matter shift phenomenon is the negative influence of the promotion of the plan due to an unforeseen incident that is said to have been a transformation of state, both sudden and large-scale.
The U-TIC Organization carried out a start-up experiment using an Emulator as a substitute for the Original Zohar which was being sealed away. It is unknown whatever the design of the experiment was, but what resulted was that something horrible happened-- the annihilation of a planet.
Due to an unforeseen incident such as this, the government, which fears the influence that comes from the promotion of Project Zohar, is requesting isolation storage of the Emulators by the Kukai Foundation. This was done because, even though they are Emulators, it is impossible to nullify or destroy an existence which maintains the function of being a matter shift generator, and it is considered that the very best plan is nothing but storage.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.45456%
middle image: (Juli)-- "We're currently carrying out an operation based in the area between Miltia and Michtam."
bottom image: (Wilhelm, to Helmer)-- "We still have time before the Zohar Project commences, and..."
p.133. Y-Data (Project Zohar)
p.134. Lost Jerusalem (Project Zohar)
p.126. Zohar (Zohar)
p.064. Government and Politics (Organization)
[Page 133 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Y Data
The top-secret data blockaded in MOMO's deep area
* Valuable Data
The data that was left behind by Professor Joachim Mizrahi, called the "Y-data", is the highly-classified data that is being sealed within the deep domain of the 100-series Observational Realian Prototype MOMO.
Though the details of the information contained in it is unknown, it is evident that what is documented is the release code of the U.M.N. transference column which closed off Old Miltia, which was sealed in a double black hole referred to as the Abyss.
It happens to be essential to unlock the closed-off U.M.N. transference column in order to have access to Old Miltia, which has historically important significance, including being deeply influenced by the existence called U-DO, and being the place where the Original Zohar, which holds the key to Project Zohar, exists. Once the seal is unfastened, when the U.M.N. transference column is able to be activated once again, it becomes possible by using a gate jump to directly access Old Miltia, which had been sealed-off in the double black hole.
The Galaxy Federation Government, for the sake of obtaining the Original Zohar, searches for the Y-data. The URTV Albedo, for the sake of linking with U-DO a second time, searches for the Y-data. Though their objectives are different, both parties are desiring the coordinates for the U.M.N. transference column.
Therefore, Momo, who has the Y-data sealed-off within her, becomes the aim of many various organizations as well as the aim of a private individual. MOMO, who was nothing more than the existence called "100-series Observational Realian Prototype", because of the sealed-off data, became an extremely important existence, with direct influence in the fate of the world.
* Protection Trap
There is a protective wall which is accompanied by a visual image that appears in front of the person who decides to decipher the Y-data. That image materializes, becoming KOS-MOS and the figure of Shion of the present.
Who is the person who orchestrated that? It can be considered that it was Professor Joachim Mizrahi, or whichever character who was acting as his assistant. However, even if it was whichever of the two of them, because the protection was applied 14 years ago, it cannot be explained why Shion appeared as her grown-up self of the present and not herself of approximately when she was very young. From this, it is considered that an existence or skill that can transcend time and space, as if being able to know Shion's future form at some point in the past, had been intervening, with whatever design, in the aforementioned existence called the Protection Program, which rejects illegal access to the top-secret information.
Albedo, who saw the image of this protection trap, laughed: "I see, so that's what it means." Also, Virgil, who had been restored to being a "cloaked man" after his death, also in the same way, for whatever reason, understood that image. However, the reason for that is unknown.
* The Words of the U.R.T.V. Albedo
"As for the rest, when Peche links with the U.M.N., my objective will be fulfilled." These words of Albedo's, what do they mean?
These words were said after having accessed the Y-data that had been sealed-off in MOMO's deep domain. But because he had not released the protection in which appeared the images of KOS-MOS and Shion, Albedo did not obtain the release code for Old Miltia's U.M.N. transference column. However, he acquired operations methods, etc, of Proto Merkabah by coming into contact with some information recorded in the Y-data. His words are in addition to that.
Having linked with U-DO on the Miltia of 14 years ago, Albedo's intention is to link once again. To that end, he shall perhaps go to Old Miltia.
By MOMO linking with the U.M.N., his objective, that he says will be fulfilled, is perhaps to reach Old Miltia. In other words, it is considered that the person who wishes to reach Old Miltia, cannot do so unless the linking of MOMO with the U.M.N. is accomplished.
* The Words of Wilhelm
Thus forms the hypothesis: by linking with the U.M.N., and canceling the protection that is conducted within MOMO, and activating Old Miltia's U.M.N. transference column, doesn't it perhaps become possible to gate jump by hyperspace navigation? And then, isn't it perhaps that this very thing is seen in Wilhelm's speech: "The door that leads to Abel's Ark will open."
Because the red "cloaked man", who serves at Wilhelm's side, had said "there is the possibility that he may link with U-DO again", it is considered a possibility that U-DO is existing ahead of "the door that leads to Abel's Ark". Otherwise, it is considered that those words mean that after Albedo achieves a link with U-DO, a "new phenomenon" may make an appearance.
[* Words of Wilhelm - Gwendal's translation:
From this point we are entering the realm of speculation, but there is a distinct possibility that [he] undid the protection bestowed on MOMO by linking with the UMN, actived the Old Miltia UMN transfer column, and performed a gate jump by means of hyperspace navigation. Furthermore, this might be the very act we can see mentioned in Wilhelm's words, that "[he] will open the door to Abel's Ark".
From the words of the "man in the red cloak" at Wilhelm's side, who said "There's a possibility he might form a connection to U-DO again", it can be inferred that U-DO exists on the other side of the "door to Abel's Ark". Moreover, the "new phenomenon" that should make its appearance when Albedo forms a connection to U-DO can be considered the object these words are referring to.]
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.33336%
top image: "So this... is the Y-data...?"
middle image: "We have conclusive evidence that she holds the code to unlock the U.M.N. transfer gate leading to the sealed-off sector."
bottom image: "Judging from the time frame, we believe he was somehow involved with the Y Data." [referring to the assistant]
p.132. Project Zohar (Project Zohar)
p.134. Lost Jerusalem (Project Zohar)
p.043. MOMO (People)
p.050. Joachim Mizrahi (People)
[Page 134 - Translated by Gwendal]
Lost Jerusalem
It means "a main star" as mankind's foothold
* This place has [deep] meaning
In the present, the term "Jerusalem" is used to signify a "main planet" serving as a stronghold for humanity.* This is also obvious from the fact that the Galactic Federation government's main orbital tower is located on a planet named "Fifth Jerusalem".
Consequently, the term "Lost Jerusalem" means "a lost main planet". However, it [actually] refers to the ancestral home of humanity, the "Earth" they had no choice but to abandon thousands of years ago after it was subjected to the first matter transmuation, "Domain Shift (Strange Attractor)".
[*Japanese uses the same word for "planet" and "star", which is why we get that word in the Engrish-y subtitle.]
* Homecoming
It can be supposed that one of the final goals of Project Zohar is the recovery of the lost Earth. It was lost due to the ability of the Zohar [to cause] local matter transmutations, and to reclaim it, it is necessary to understand this ability. If it proves possible to understand the abilities of the Zohar, this could lead to an understanding of the structures of local matter transmutations, which in turn might lead to the possibility of reclaiming the lost Earth. Project Zohar includes these kinds of intentions.**
However, do they truly wish to return to Earth? It is hard to imagine [people] undertaking a project on such a grand scale [simply] from a longing to return to a home left behind thousands of years ago. It is possible there is a more pragmatic motive of some sort at work here.
[**I wanted to go with something like "must include" or "surely includes", but the original sentence is very blunt and unambiguous.]
* Those aiming for Lost Jerusalem
When it comes to the people who drive Project Zohar forwards, one should consider this project as not just an official plan of the Galactic Federation government, but as an idea that permeates government in its entirety.
Also, the Galactic Federation government is the only organization that openly states that it is seeking Lost Jerusalem.
Since it can be supposed that the goal of the U-TIC Organization is to gain control of the Zohar, they need to obtain the Original Zohar from Old Miltia, but it is unclear from that whether or not they seek to reach Lost Jerusalem.
The URTV Albedo seeks to contact U-DO on Old Miltia, but he is completely unconcerned with Lost Jerusalem.
Thus, even though they are both seeking the way to Old Miltia, the U-TIC Organization and Albedo are able to cooperate with each other since their goals are different. On the other hand, while their goal is the same, the Galactic Federation and the U-TIC Organization find themselves in an antagonistic relationship to each other as a result of their rivalry over the Original Zohar.
* The situation just before it was Lost
The course of events that led to the loss [of Earth] began with the discovery of the Original Zohar in the ruins on the shores of Lake Turkana in Kenya.
After its discovery, the Original Zohar was transferred to a research facility in a certain place, whose [exact] location cannot be found in the records, and there the work of analyzing it began.
However, soon after this research began, there were many incidents of people disappearing. It started with the scientists who had touched the Original Zohar directly. Next in line were those inside the research facility, and then even those who lived in the surrounding area began disappearing as well.
These disappearance incidents gradually spread over larger areas. Eventually, they were spreading to such a degree that they were a threat to the entire Earth.
And so, with the exception of those who fled the planet, the Earth was Lost.
Where did those who disappeared go? There are those who theorize that they were transferred to the domain of imaginary numbers, but there is no way to prove this. First of all, it is impossible to prove this phenomenon without experiencing it first-hand for those who live in the domain of real numbers. It would be akin to trying to prove the existence of an afterlife.
So it is a state that is impossible to discuss [meaningfully] without first-hand experience, but by having this experience, one might run the risk of becoming unable to talk at all. Furthermore, this risk would be considerable.
This is precisely why they seek to understand the abilities of the Zohar, to find the lost Earth, and then attempt to understand reality [itself] by reversing the process. One might say that it is this in particular that is the goal of Project Zohar.
Probability Constant of Corresponding Phenomenon 80.77985%
P.132 Project Zohar (Project Zohar)
P.133 Y-Data (Project Zohar)
[Page 135 - Translated by Gwendal]
The wave motion existence blockaded in old Miltia
* Wave motion existence
A wave motion existence sealed in Old Miltia. It could be considered something akin to a disembodied entity, but its true form is the Zohar control system known as "Unus Mundus Drive Operation", functioning as the core of the U.M.N.
However, 14 years ago it erupted violently, driving the URTVs towards insanity and leaving many victims in its wake, leading up to a disturbance severe enough to cause Old Miltia itself to fall into a double black hole. While the direct cause of the fall into the double black hole was the Original Zohar, U-DO was the source of the insanity gripping the people.
* U-DO and the URTVs
URTVs are beings endowed with various abilities in an attempt to achieve immortality, and as a consequence of those abilities, they can be defined as opposites [lit.: counter/anti-entities] to U-DO.
URTVs and U-DO can be defined as entities having abilities that are in direct conflict to one another. That is to say, U-DO can be defined as an entity endowed with the power of death.
The URTVs were created decades before the eruption accident 14 years ago to oppose U-DO. Ultimately, then, U-DO, which was supposed to serve as the operating system of the U.M.N., did not attain the wave motion of death as a consequence of the eruption accident; it had been in possession of it all along [lit.: before that].
* A vision of the future
The vision of the future Nephilim showed to Shion and the others was a collision between U-DO, shown as a glow enveloping the planet, and the wave motion unleashed by KOS-MOS. This collision gave rise to a destructive effect powerful enough to vaporize a number of planets.
What was the wave motion unleashed by the fully complete KOS-MOS seen in this vision of the future? Weren't the URTVs the ones supposed to stand in opposition to U-DO? Could it possibly have been of the same quality as the glowing wave motion unleashed from Jr. And Albedo's bodies?
When it comes to U-DO, even this kind of definition, as well as the vision of the future, there is rather a lack of information, and it is difficult to discern much about their true natures.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena......80.22653%
P.135 Miltian Conflict (Project Zohar)
P.116 U.R.T.V. Specifications (U.R.T.V.)
The Miltian Conflict
Due to the reckless running of REALIAN and U.R.T.V.
* The Abyss
The region of space surrounding Old Miltia is sealed inside a double black hole spanning several light years. In common parlance, this situation is referred to as the region having "fallen into The Abyss". The Miltian Conflict 14 years ago was the incident that would lead to it being sealed off in this manner.
* Outbreak of hostilities
There were numerous factors lining up to cause this historically significant
incident to take place.
There were numerous factors lining up to cause this historically significant incident to take place. Due to the "Song" emitted by the Song of Nephilim device, the Realians turned violent. This blood-stained tragedy centered on the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility, where the device to spread the Song had been installed, and escalated from there. Furthermore, frightened by U-DO's eruption, Jr. closed his heart and severed his mental link with the other URTVs. As a consequence of this, the channel binding the URTVs to one another was left open and undefended, leading to their corruption by U-DO. Due to the frenzy of the Realins and URTVs, Old Miltia turned into a battlefield, and the Galactic Federation government sent its armed forces to subjugate them.
The commander of these Federation forces was Helmer, currently the true power behind the Second Miltian government. He is the one who found and rescued Jr., Gaignun and the others, severely wounded in the conflict, and later entrusted the two of them with the Kukai Foundation.
As a result of this conflict, the Orginal Zohar erupted. The Miltia Sector sunk into The Abyss.
Through the three different violent eruptions of the Song of Nephilim, U-DO and the Original Zohar, many people had their lives upended in the Miltian Conflict, making it an event of great historical significance.
* Those who escaped
Before Second Miltia sunk into The Abyss, its people were scrambling to get away.
Only those determined to remain at any cost chose to do so.
All those who remained fell into The Abyss and disappeared. Those who escaped made their way to Second Miltia, eventually seeing it as their new home.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena......85.88452%
P.135 U-DO (Project Zohar)
P.116 U.R.T.V. Specifications (U.R.T.V.)
[Page 138 - Translated by Rox-e]
The Purpose of GNOSIS
A reason to attack a human being, a reason to aim for emulator
* Relation to the Zohar
There have been many observations of Gnosis being drawn to the Zohar emulators. The Durandal arrived at the Kukai Foundation colony. This is obvious from the fact that the Zohar isolation hangar was at the center of a gathering of a large group of Gnosis.
It is not clear at the present point whether or not these are some kind of intelligent actions.
Even if they are some kind of simple life-form, they still possess a reflex action called "tropism." For example, insects. There are kinds that act as if being drawn to light, and others that act as though running from light. These actions are called "tropism."
As far as the behavior of living organisms goes, tropism is on a more basic level, with "learning" and "intelligence" coming after it.
It is unknown at the present stage whether the action of the Gnosis being drawn to the Zohar emulators is on the tropism, learning or intelligence level. However, the Zohar emulators also show a reaction of being activating upon the approach of the Gnosis, suggesting that there is some kind of connection there.
Also, according to the investigation of the disappearance of planet Ariadne, the Gnosis that attacked the Federation ship Woglinde, which had recovered the Zohar emulator, took actions to steal the Zohar emulator. In addition, the Zohar emulator was carried to planet Ariadne that had been turned into a "Cathedral Ship" type Gnosis. In other words, they accompanied the Zohar emulator to the place of that which had been turned into a Gnosis by it.
From here on out, a hypothesis has been proposed that says that the existences that were changed into Gnosis by the Zohar emulators wish to get close to the Zohar emulators that changed them into Gnosis. In the case of the attack on the Woglinde, it is possible to think that the giant Cathedral Ship type Gnosis used other smaller type Gnosis to retrieve the Zohar emulator.
The hypothesis that the Gnosis are drawn to that which turned them into a Gnosis, the Zohar emulator, can be associated with the immortals/vampires that are passed down in the world of stories and their relations to the victims whose blood they drink, turning them into their servants. It starts with the commanding vampire, spreads to the victim who becomes the child of the commanding vampire, then continues with the grandchildren also becoming vampires, and the chain continues with that spreading and continuation increasing the status of the commanding vampire.
However, there is no basis for the idea that all Gnosis are born from the local matter shift of the Zohar emulator or contact with a Gnosis; these hypotheses and associations are nothing more than a connection of mere images. Nevertheless, if only one fundamental law of the universe exists, even these kinds of connections of images can have meaning.
* Existences that Target Life
The Gnosis target life. When the Woglinde was attacked by the Gnosis, Andrew said that if you go into a near death state you will be able to escape from the pursuing gnosis while urging his subordinates to escape. The fact that stopping your life activity allows you to escape detection by the Gnosis shows that the Gnosis target living things. However, their objective is unknown. Those who are touched by a Gnosis either die or turn into a Gnosis. Could it be that the Gnosis are aiming to cause some other phenomenon?
In addition, there is also a hypothesis that the reason the Gnosis are drawn to the Zohar emulator is the same as the reason they are drawn to living things. This hypothesis states that the information the Gnosis acquire when they sense living things is the same as the information they acquire when they sense the Zohar emulators. For example, when investigating the ocean with an ultrasonic wave detector, a large fish moving at the bottom of a lake, a group of small fish, a large clump of rocks, and a sunken ship will all be confirmed as the same "large something or other." For example, mosquitoes that search for targets to suck blood from based on carbon dioxide emissions cannot discriminate between a mouse and a human.
In this case, rather than saying that the Gnosis have appeared in order to attack living things, it is better to think that they attack living things because they mistake them for the Zohar emulators.
* Attacking Realians
Realians are also attacked by the Gnosis, just like humans are. However, the big difference here is the fact that Realians are not killed by being turned into salt. Dying by being turned into salt and turning into Gnosis only occurs in humans and Realians can only be killed physically.
* Attacking A.G.W.S.
When there is a human inside the A.G.W.S., it becomes the target of the Gnosis. When this happens, there are cases in which the Gnosis assimilates with the A.G.W.S. However, the only time that Gnosis target the A.G.W.S. is when there is a living human inside. One can think that assimilating with the A.G.W.S. itself is not the objective.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...80.33333%
P.129 Zohar Emulator (Zohar)
P.140 Contact with Gnosis (Gnosis)
P.141 Ability to assimilate Gnosis (Gnosis)
[Page 139 - Translated by Rox-e and Gwendal]
The Wonder of GNOSIS (the mystery of Gnosis)
The symbol of death which exists in the imaginary number area
* Symbol of death
Since ancient times, various religions have discussed death. They constructed a world after death based on their respective cultural backgrounds. The fantasies that human imagination had spun together took form in the symbol of death that was spoken of there.
The Gnosis are a symbol of death that exist in the age of outer space. They are different from stories in that they appear in reality and can actually cause death in humans. It is a single, absolute difference. Although they are untouchable existences, like a fantasy, they spread death in the real world.
* Fear of existences from the imaginary number domain
The fear of the Gnosis has much in common with demons and ghosts that were originally thought up.
In the Western lock culture, locking something (like a door) clearly shows the range of control and authority. In other words, only the person who has the key can go in and out of a place that has had a lock put on it and then has been locked, and all other people cannot trespass. Existences that can freely enter and exit that inviolable place are demons and ghosts.
They are audacious existences that ignore the promise symbolized by the locks that we build. They are an existence that we cannot oppose with our own power. Consequently, people fear that kind of existence.
And so, on this point the Gnosis are demon-like and ghost-like, and they are an existence that conforms to that which is universally feared in a lock culture. Even though they exist there, The untouchable Gnosis have a direct effect when they touch the bodies of they cannot be touched. People are afraid of one-sided power that is used against them.
* Physical influence
The untouchable Gnosis have a direct effect when they touch the bodies of humans, which exist in the real number domain.
During the attack on the Woglinde, an instance has been confirmed in which a Gnosis was affected by the stream of air that flowed out into the void of space and was sucked out. Does the fact that they are affected by physical phenomenon such as the flow of air that depends on differences in atmospheric pressure mean that the Gnosis are physical entities?
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...80.00478%
P.088 Ethnic groups and religions (Religion)
P.140 Contact with Gnosis (Gnosis)
GNOSIS Which Attacked Woglinde
The behavior to flinch from physical shock such as an explosion
* Varieties of Gnosis
When the Woglinde was attacked by the Gnosis, Lieutenant Virgil, who was still alive at the time and serving in the Galactic Federation military, struck back at them with his A.G.W.S.'s heavy weapons.
At that point, seeing how his heavy weapons made no headway, he exclaimed "Are these a different type than the ones we've faced before?", raising his voice in surprise.
From his words here, we can infer that there are [types of] Gnosis that can be damaged using A.G.W.S., without the need to employ the Hilbert Effect.
It is possible that the A.G.W.S.'s D.S.S.S. is able to predict where [the Gnosis] will materialize n seconds in the future. Using the D.S.S.S. in this way, the gun sights are automatically aligned towards the target Gnosis in small adjustments for effective attack timing. Until [the attack on the Woglinde], it the Gnosis threat was likely managed in this way, using A.G.W.S. and D.S.S.S. in conjunction. Virgil's words are based on this being the situation in the past.
Also, precisely because numerous examples of these varieties [of Gnosis] had been confirmed in the past, the Woglinde was sent to carry out the mission of retrieving the Zohar emulator, even though it was unable to employ the Hilbert Effect without activating KOS-MOS since there were no 100-Series Observational Systems on board, and the only means the ship had of defending itself were combat Realians and A.G.W.S.
Even with only A.G.W.S. equipped with D.S.S.S. and heavy weaponry, driving back the Gnosis was [seen as] a possibility.
Against the background of these facts, it is easier to understand Virgil's words. As it were, even though the positions of the Gnosis Virgil attacked were predicted by the D.S.S.S. and the sights adjusted accordingly, physical attacks had no visible effects on them. Even under concentrated heavy fire, the Gnosis did not so much as flinch, and they steadily advanced on Virgil and his men. This type [of Gnosis] was very different from those mentioned in records up to that point.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...85.65423%
P.143 The Hilbert Effect (Gnosis)
P.142 Why do they recoil from explosions? (Gnosis)
[Page 140 - Translated by Rox-e]
Contact With GNOSIS
The person touched by a gnosis becomes the pillar of salt
* Contact with a non-physical existence
The Gnosis are non-physical existences. That is the most prominent hypothesis. There is also a theory based on the virus theory that they are a colony of micro-level creatures, but it is not very realistic.
At this point, one hypothesis is practical.
Even thought the Gnosis are non-physical beings, they are able to make contact with physical entities. After they move through the wall of a space ship and make their appearance, they grab people and ram into A.G.W.S. Could it be that at the time when they make contact with people and A.G.W.S., they materialize into the domain of real numbers as physical entities? It is not clear what kind of principle allows this to happen, but physical contact is a phenomenon that occurs because both parties are physical entities. Consequently, it is practical to hypothesize that in regards to the contact, at the very least they are transforming into a physical entity, even if only for an instant.
If one can fixate them physically with the Hilbert Effect, then one cannot deny the possibility that in response to certain circumstances, only the area of their composition that makes contact becomes physical.
* Walking and falling
The Gnosis, which can move through walls, walk on the floor. The Gnosis that attacked the Woglinde fell down when First Lieutenant Virgil made the Realians self-destruct and destroy the floor.
This verifies that the Gnosis were putting their weight on the floor. In other words, it means that they were making physical contact.
* Passive contact
In the Woglinde, when First Lieutenant Virgil manipulated the Realians and destroyed the floor, the Realians grabbed the Gnosis' ankles and were dragged along.
This is a situation that cannot be explained with the hypothesis that when the Gnosis actively touch a target, the surface that makes contact turns physical for an instant, making physical contact possible.
* Explanation of the contact ability of Gnosis
In this way, a lot about the contact ability of the Gnosis cannot be explained. Various theories have been discussed, but all of them are nothing more than foolish hypotheses that include many exceptions.
In a setting of rushed explanations for the contact ability of the Gnosis, there is a fate of inescapable fear that those who have been touched by a Gnosis follow. In order to avoid that situation, it is necessary to explain the mechanism of Gnosis contact.
* The fate of those who are touched by a Gnosis
According to the research of the Kukai Foundation's Gnosis investigation team, people who are touched by the Gnosis either become a pillar of salt and smash into pieces or turn into a Gnosis morphed body; nothing beyond those two has been observed.
We can see the same words in the explanation that Jr. gave while showing the Gnosis morphed bodies in the Durandal's isolation hangar to Shion and the others.
In a story from an ancient religion, there is a character that turns into a pillar of salt and dies.
On the occasion that a town of corruption and immorality was destroyed by the power of God, of the members of the single family that was permitted to escape, only the woman who violated the commandment "while you are taking refuge, you must not look back" became a "pillar of salt" and died.
The town of corruption and immorality was completely burned by the sulfur flames pouring down from heaven and was destroyed. In addition, only the woman who violated the commandment turned into a pillar of salt. On Earth there is a lake called the Dead Sea, and inside a mountain of rock salt that soars high in the southwest area it is said that there was a rock with the name of this woman written on it.
The phenomenon of turning into a clump of salt after being touched by a Gnosis has been witnessed numerous times. Andrew, whose head was grabbed by a Gnosis on the Elsa, started turning into salt from his feet, the furthest body part from the part of him that was being touched. Also, the crew of the Woglinde also had their heads grabbed by the Gnosis in the same way, turned to salt and shattered.
In addition to the turning into salt, there is also the effect of becoming a Gnosis morphed body. This has been proven by the sample named "Betty" that is stored in the Durandal's Zohar Emulator isolation hangar.
She, who had previously been human, was touched by a Gnosis; after that, although the time interval is unknown, her body transformed into a Gnosis-like monster state. Currently, one can guess from the fact that her corpse is being stored that her form transformed into a Gnosis while remaining a physical entity, rather than her transforming into an existence of the imaginary number domain. Also, from the fact that she is a corpse, one can think of the possibility that she died of the Gnosis transformation hypothesis (???) or the possibility that she rejected the transformation and refused her own life.
At any rate, after making contact with a Gnosis, only these two kinds of transformations have been observed. However, the case of Shion Uzuki provides a special example. Even though she was touched by a Gnosis, neither of these transformations have taken place. At the present stage it is unknown what the reason for this is. Also, there is no guarantee that one of these transformations will not occur in the future.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.99562%
P.138 The purpose of Gnosis (Gnosis)
P.139 The wonder of Gnosis (Gnosis)
P.141 Gnosis assimilation ability (Gnosis)
P.143 Hilbert Effect (Gnosis)
[Page 141 - Translated by Gwendal]
Assimilative Ability
Permeation, transfiguration, destruction and assimilation
* Assimilative ability
Gnosis have four different powers they can use on their prey upon touching them. These are permeation, destruction, transformation and assimilation.
Permeation allows them to pass through walls and the like, as seen during the attacks on the Woglinde and the Elsa.
Destruction is the power to physically destroy AGWS and other objects. It is also this destructive power than allows them to turn human beings into salt.
Transformation is the power to turn humans into Gnosis.
Finally, assimilation is a power that allows them to absorb target objects into themselves and stack them to top of each other, fusing them together on the molecular level. This instance of "1+1=1'" occuring [in the space] between the realms of imaginary and real numbers is a phenomenon worthy of special mention.
If we compare the Gnosis to ghosts, this matches up well with the expression "haunting". In being assimilated by Gnosis, the target becomes an entity completely different to what it was before. However, the Gnosis gains full supermacy over [the target's] actions after the assimilation. It becomes a puppet to be manipulated by the possessing Gnosis.
* Assimilation of A.G.W.S.
It has been confirmed that [some] A.G.W.S. were assimilated by Gnosis when they attacked the Woglinde.
When this happened, their right arms and legs retained the appearance of an A.G.W.S. unit, but the rest showed very pronounced Gnosis elements.
Also, even though they kept holding on to their A.G.W.S.-style heavy weaponry in their right hands, this could also be seen to undergo a fusion. It was also confirmed that energy [beams] fired from these weapons resulted in the destruction of other A.G.W.S. units.
This shows that by keeping the form of their assimilation targets intact, the Gnosis can make use of each target's features, abilities and powers.
It can be surmised that during the attack, the pilots inside the A.G.W.S. units that were assimilated into the Gnosis suffered the same fate. It is also possible that they were turned into salt inside their A.G.W.S. and destroyed this way. Regretably, there is no way to verify exactly what happened.
* Assimilation of planets
The transformation of the planet Ariadne into Gnosis [form] was not a result of assimilation due to being touched by them. Furthermore, in order to make an educated guess about the fate of those who were riding A.G.W.S. units assimilated by the Gnosis, it is worth thinking about what would happen to the humans on the surface of a planet being turned into [a?] Gnosis due to a local matter transmutation.
When Shion and the others were absorbed into the Cathedral Ship, there were numerous Gnosis inside. It can not be proven that they were all [the remains of] the humans who lived on that planet.
Here, it is necessary to focus on the luminous body that was witnessed on Ariadne.
Not all of the people on that planet changed into Gnosis along with it. Instead, they became lingering, luminous bodies retaining a faint human shape. However, it cannot be proven that these were what transformed the population. Various other theories should also be considered, such as the possibility of it being due to the hallucinations seen by Cherenkov, or [some kind of] memory image reconstruction phenomenon. At the very least, the only thing that is certain is that they were not all turned into Gnosis, and that the possibility remains that some other type of transformation took place.
Thus, what can be said for certain from all this is that they were turned into an incorporeal form.
* The supremacy of the "incorporeal" trait
The AGWS that were assimilated by the Gnosis became incorporeal in the same way. They had been solid up to that point, but after being assimilated by Gnosis, the A.G.W.S. became transparent, and weapons fire passed through them.
When something incorporeal fuses with something solid, the former trait wins out. Without the use of the Hilbert Effect, the Cathedral Ship would be a fully incorporeal entity, something that could also be seen with the aforementioned phenomenon of the planet Ariadne turning into Gnosis [form]. Morever, regardless of whether the people on that planet were all turned into Gnosis or not, they definitely became [some kind of] incorporeal entities.
From all this, it can be surmised that the people riding the A.G.W.S. units that were fused with the Gnosis also became incorporeal, and incorporated into the union.
Since direct fusion with humans normally cannot be confirmed, this phenomenon with the A.G.W.S. is extremely valuable. Also, why do the Gnosis normally avoid fusion with humans? When they did so in this case through the A.G.W.S., exactly what state did the pilots end up in?
To investigate this, it is necessary to open the stomach parts of Gnosis that have fused with A.G.W.S., after bringing them into the physical world using the Hilbert Effect.
However, efforts to recover the remains of Gnosis that have fused with A.G.W.S. have regretably proven unsuccessful.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 80.22236%
P.138 The purposes of the Gnosis (Gnosis)
P.140 Contact with Gnosis (Gnosis)
P.066 U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
[Page 142 - Translated by Gwendal]
Space Transfer | Gnosis Space Transfer
Space transfer ability to use when it approaches the object
* Space transfer
The Gnosis can pass through walls and the like, giving them the fearsome ability to appear in unexpected places and times. When they get close to their prey, they may also use their space transfer ability.
The Gnosis who attacked the Woglinde also used their space transfer ability to appear near the ship. They then passed through the outer walls of the ship to get to the interior.
What was said on the bridge at this point has been recorded for posterity:
"We've detected a large-scale distortion straight ahead. An object with a huge mass is gating out."
"It's still outside effective column range. At least it should be." [A little unsure about the second sentence]
"The geodesic structure of the U.M.N. is being forcibly transformed. The target is using some kind of method to interfere with the U.M.N."
"So you could say it's hacking it? Unbelievable."
"There's an enormous gravity deviation. A rift in time-space is starting to form."
"Impossible. That would logically be irreversible!"
"Currently calculating its mass...calculation unsuccessful. I can't get a clear number."
"It has extremely high mass."
"It's changing into real numbers in normal space."
"It has to be Gnosis."
And so, with a shuddering of the space in front of the ship and a flash of light, the Gnosis appeared.
* Relation with the U.M.N.
By interfering with the U.M.N. in some way, the Gnosis transfer through space and materialize in a way similar to gate jumps. Also, even though normal gate jumps cannot be performed outside the effective range of a column, it seems like the Gnosis can do this without any problems.
For these reasons, the space transfer ability of the Gnosis can be considered to have a fundamental similarity in its methods to the gate jumps used by humans. However, we understand that it also has the ability to operate outside the range of columns and to transcend logical boundaries.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...85.33269%
P.094 U.M.N. (Communications, infrastructure)
Flinches From The Explosion
Defense behavior to start when it feels a crisis
* Their reflexes as incorporeal entities
Some of the Gnosis who attacked the Woglinde could be seen flinching from physical explosions.
Even though Virgil made a statement to the effect of "these are different [to the ones we've faced before]", Gnosis showing this kind of reaction to physical stimuli in spite of ignoring heavy weapons fire had been a common occurence up to that point.
* The response to stimuli
Why do Gnosis show a response to physical stimuli, when they cannot be affected by anything physical?
It is possible to come up with a theory about this, based on the assumption that they have an imprinted sense of danger.
Humans [automatically] close their eyes when a foreign object comes close to them. If the object is sharp-tipped, they feel uncomfortable. If they look down from a tall place, they feel faint.
Even though these stimuli cannot affect people physically, they still have a negative effect on their bodies and minds. This is because the person's brain [lit.: core/"inner self"] absorbs the information we call "stimuli" and confirms it as a threat, something the body needs to defend or take evasive maneuvers against, and [thus] sees it as something unpleasant. It is precisely because the brain confirms it as something to be avoided that [the body] reacts by rejecting it.
By applying all this to the reactions of the Gnosis, we can explain how their actions are a result of trying to avoid the stimulus itself, rather than its physical consequences. This requires the presupposition [detailed earlier] of how the Gnosis experience fear towards stimuli.
Another possible way to explain this behavior is to suppose for the sake of argument that the Gnosis were once human, or some other kind of physical entities. In that case, they would flinch from the stimuli of physical objects being destroyed, based on their experiences from their previous existence. From the fact that humans who are touched by Gnosis change into Gnosis form, this could certainly be considered plausible.
If this should be the case, the reasons behind the existence of other Gnosis who show no reaction to the same stimuli are [completely] inexplicable.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...60.00084%
P.139 The Gnosis who attacked the Woglinde (Gnosis)
[Page 143 - Translated by Rox-e]
Hilbert Effect
The power that changes non-physics existence to physics existence
* Effect
It has the effect of physically fixating the Gnosis, which are non-physical existences. Using a figurative expression, it is the power to change an untouchable ghost into a monster that can be cut to pieces with a knife.
In the origin of the fear of the Gnosis there is a feeling of powerlessness that humans, who only have physical coping measures, cannot interfere with them.
* Necessary system
In order to use the Hilbert Effect to physically fixate the Gnosis, it is necessary to have the hundred series observational Realians who construct the hundred series observational system or KOS-MOS.
When putting the Hilbert Effect into operation, the one whose specifications overwhelmingly excel is KOS-MOS. Without using the amplifier on the vessel, KOS-MOS can physically fixate Gnosis at the level of engulfing planets that occupy an area over millions of astronomical units with one Hilbert Effect. With the hundred series observational system, even the prototype MOMO cannot implement an effective area on the same level.
* The composition of physically fixated Gnosis
The remains of Gnosis that the Kukai Foundation is safekeeping are the "corpses" of Gnosis that have been physically fixated by the Hilbert Effect.
It has been revealed that a large part of the composition is "NaCl" in other words "sodium chloride."
Sodium chloride exists in the natural world as rock salt. It is an infrared ray permeation material that has colorless, crystal construction. It is water-soluble.
From food seasoning to preservation, it is used extensively in everyday life. It is glued to human life and is a necessary existence. It is included in ocean water at a proportion on average of about 3%. At the Kukai Foundation's artificial beach, artificial ocean water is being used. In artificial ocean water, besides sodium chloride, the following salts are used: magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, strontium chloride, sodium bromide, boric acid, sodium fluoride, potassium iodide, etc.
Formerly the lake on Earth called the Dead Sea was a "saturated salt lake" with around 30% salt content, approximately 10 times that of normal ocean water. The cause of this is thought to be that an abundance of minerals flow from the surrounding mountains into the Dead Sea, located four hundred meters below sea level; it is furthermore a "last stop lake" out of which the water of the lake does not flow, and because midsummer conditions are arid with high temperatures of 40~45°C and 10% humidity, the evaporation of moisture exceeds the influx of water. Living things were not allowed to survive in this highly concentrated mineral salt lake. No living thing was able to live in too high a salt content.
* Gnosis after being physically fixated
Gnosis that have been physically fixated by the Hilbert Effect are composed of the ordinary substance "salt." The extent to which Gnosis in this state have preserved their abilities from the time that they were non-physical entities is unknown.
At the time of the attack on the Woglinde, the Gnosis that used space transference to capture the Zohar Emulators had also been changed into physical things by the Hilbert Effect. In other words, the ability to access U.M.N. traffic and gatejump is not dependent on being a non-physical entity. However, whether or not it can be performed outside of the influence range of the columns is not certain. This is due to the fact that at the time of the capture of the Zohar Emulators, the Woglinde had already arrived within the area of influence of the columns.
Also, the assimilation with humans changing into salt (or human chloride?), changed body appearance, the target of contact has not been confirmed. At the time of the battle that occurred after the Hilbert Effect was activated, the fact that people who took on physical damage through contact, such as being punched by the Gnosis, turned into salt has not been confirmed. If this is true (that after the Hilbert Effect was activated no one was turned into salt), one sees the possibility of using the Hilbert Effect to prevent the greatest menace of the Gnosis, turning people into salt on contact and changing body appearance. This is a Gospel for humans, just as being able to destroy the Gnosis physically was as well.
* The mutation toward order
The effect of the Hilbert Effect is to fixate the Gnosis into the orderly state of a physical entity.
The science produced by human beings is a logical technique for the purpose of logically recognizing and understanding the world that is the environment that surrounds them. It is an experiment to try to control and influence the world with that logic. The Gnosis are feared because that kind of power does not extend to them. Physically fixating the Gnosis with the Hilbert Effect puts the Gnosis in an arena where the logical clout that humans possess can be used. Being able to relax because of this is also a manifestation of the confidence that if we raise them into this arena, we will be able to win the battle.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.99956%
P.140 Contact with Gnosis (Gnosis)
P.139 Gnosis attacks Woglinde (Gnosis)
P.113 Mass-produced 100-Series Realian (M.O.M.O. Realian)
P.122 Development of KOS-MOS (Development of KOS-MOS)
[Page 146 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Shion and Nephilim
Relations between the good point of her intuition and Nephilim
* Nephilim who intervenes with Shion
What occasion could it have been that caused Nephilim to come to notice Shion? At least, during the course of carrying out the development of KOS-MOS on the Woglinde, from the time when the Woglinde recovered the Zohar Emulator until when the Gnosis assault occurred, is has been confirmed that Nephilim was making an appearance to Shion.
Shion's point of view, too, is shown in her conduct: standing still, remembering an uncomfortable feeling in the location of Nephilim's apparition. This was before being touched by Gnosis.
The fact that Shion was touched by Gnosis, but without turning to salt and also not turning into Gnosis, indicates an abnormal result; this unique condition, therefore, is also indication of a varied super-sensory reaction. However, being that she is not something superhuman due to her unique situation, it becomes possible to explain, without contradiction, the thought that she reached her unique situation because she was superhuman to begin with.
Shion herself said, "I have great intuition!" Intuition is something that expresses super-sense [extra-sensory perception] through every-day language. Reconstructing, through their own cognitive power, various information that is being input from the 5 senses, also being a state that cannot become logic, both grasping the present condition and predicting the future, means that it is a condition that recognized that vision.
For example, suppose there is someone who usually takes the train and has always ridden on the train. Then that someone has an unpleasant premonition and completely disembarks the train at only the first station. Just after, the train that he had always ridden suddenly derails, the cause of which is from a deteriorated wheel that had come off its axle. This could have been good luck that was brought about by intuition. However, there is nothing that can attach an explanation except that it was a mysterious personal experience. Because the deterioration of the wheel that was the source of the train derailment produced a constant, delicate opposing oscillation, the information regarded as "constant opposing oscillation", though unnoticed by his body, is input directly into his brain. The origin of that information comes from the atmospheric temperature and humidity influencing the tracks. In addition, it comes from the crowded condition of the number of passengers, and the weight that hangs from the car frame. perceiving various pieces of information just like that, it is possible to consider that the brain sensed danger, not by theory that had come from logic, but by the senses.
By means of this kind of theory, it could be possible to explain Shion's intuition, too. Especially because she was the owner of this type of delicate sense, in regards to Nephilim's interference, it may have been that something was felt.
The problem is: in what way was Shion's delicate sense-- that is, her super-sense-- cultivated?
Moreover, verification is also needed on whether or not Shion's sense has become the primary factor in the suppression of her Gnosis-ization.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.22236%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.057. Nephilim (People)
[Page 147 - Translated by jinxhaas]
chaos and Nephilim
The conversation it can guess them to be an acquaintance
* A Connection of Acquaintances
Nephilim, who resides in the interval between the real number and imaginary number domains, and chaos, who is an inhabitant of the real number domain, had a conversation, from which it can be considered that they are mutual acquaintances.
That is, on the occasion when they encephalon-dove into KOS-MOS's mainframe, there was an event in an [encephalon] field which was constructed fundamentally from Shion's memory of Miltia 14 years ago. A playground in the vicinity of the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility. Taking hold of her father's hand, a very young Shion gets up to leave. The Shion of the present goes to pursue her younger self. After the others had left, chaos and Nephilim conversed, the context of which no one but the two of them could understand. That is, the words that were said, were things that were extremely general. The meanings of the vocabulary that was used are things that can be understood by anyone. However, the connotation of the words vary depending on the point-of-view. So, if the vocabulary that was said in chaos' and Nephilim's conversation were not about typical things, then the context was something that was based on a situation that can't be understood by a common person.
Nephilim, being a person whose activity is restricted only in the real number domain (ie, *not* restricted in the imaginary), easily transcends temporal-spatial bounds. She is able to recognize things such as information of events of the past, information of possible events of the future, and even as far as the information hidden inside another person's soul, as easily as if she had taken them into her hand. For Nephilim, it is not for the reason of preserving such information in the form of knowledge. "Preservation" is the concept of someone who resides in the real number domain, which has temporal-spatial bounds. For someone who resides in the imaginary number domain, which does not hold such bounds, there is no need for preservation of information. It is because such information can be accessed at any time, if requested. It is an existence as if it's connecting to a network that can access all the information in all the world, completely. Nephilim, who is one of that type, addresses chaos, "Truly, doing this, it is good, right? Already, there can be no return." chaos accepts, saying, "I realize that. But, to her, Shion is important." Nephilim then questions, "And for you as well......? What will you do?" chaos answered with silence.
[English dialog:
Nephilim: Are you sure this is what you want? There is no turning back.
chaos: I know... but... Shion... is vital to her.
Nephilim: And for you as well? What will you do?
chaos: ... ]
This was said that it was done in chaos's will, and from the speech, it can be considered that it was Nephilim who guided Shion to special behavior. That is, it could be said that this is evidence of chaos and Nephilim planning a cooperation of wills in advance. Otherwise, it is possible to think that Nephilim performed that kind of abiding speech and conduct because she read the intention that is in chaos's soul.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomenon: ... 90.55679%
p.044 chaos (people)
p.057 Nephilim (people)
Nephilim and Andrew
The reason why she told Shion his crisis
* Nephilim's Intention
Nephilim, turning to Shion, said she wants her to understand Andrew.
On board the Elsa, inside of Shion's dream, Nephilim's apparition addressed Shion about Andrew.
"Already, it may be too late." said Nephilim.
"Who are you? 'Too late'? What in the world is too late?" were Shion's words, to which Nephilim responds.
"His circumstance is whichever way he chooses. But, you may be able to understand his last feelings. If you do, he can find peace."
Again, immediately after being swallowed into the "cathedral ship"-type giant Gnosis, Nephilim addressed Shion in her mind a second time about Andrew.
"Hurry. He will completely disappear."
What is it that makes Nephilim act as if there was no time?
Supposedly, from after the phenomenon, comes the next two things: defending against the Gnosis-ified Andrew, and Shion inheriting the last feeling of the Gnosis-ified Andrew. That being so, was that supposed to follow from Nephilim's purpose?
* Direct communication with Andrew
There are no lines where Nephilim and Andrew directly communicate. Not knowing about Andrew's tendencies, and again not knowing about his future, Nephilim did not make a direct speech. The only companion she addressed about Andrew was Shion.
Supposedly, Andrew was not able to hear Nephilim's words. [iffy, needs revisiting:] Again, because of the words "his circumstance is whichever way he chooses," Nephilim's prediction about the unavoidable degree of Gnosis-ization, was standing without a doubt. From these facts, Nephilim's purpose was not to protect against the Gnosis-ified Andrew, supposedly.
Having said that, Nephilim's purpose is for Shion to inherit his last feelings, before the Gnosis-ified Andrew vanishes. If the purpose was for Shion to address his soul at the beach and feel sympathy for him, this would come to explain Nephilim's motive to address Shion.
However, why Shion needed to inherit Andrew's feelings is unknown.
Probability of corresponding phenomenon stability... 90.14142%
p.067 Nephilim (people)
p.047 Andrew (Cherenkov) (people)
[Page 148 - Translated by jinxhaas]
chaos and KOS-MOS
chaos knows KOS-MOS's actual figure and her background
* The Sleeping Woman and the Searching Man
Regularly hidden inside legends handed down by mankind, there is a searching man and a waiting woman.
chaos makes an utterance as if searching for KOS-MOS, but however, what he was talking about was not the KOS-MOS android. Sleeping in those depths, it is considered that there is something that points toward the existence of another. That is, after the Woglinde instantly sunk, when the escaped KOS-MOS and her companions were collected onboard the Elsa, it can be comprehended from the words of a fallen chaos turning to KOS-MOS in her maintenance bed.
"So we finally meet. The real you, where is it sleeping?"
["So we finally meet. Now, where does the real you exist?"-Localized English dialog]
Here, being addressed with the words, "the real you", what does this indicate? What is the so-called "other existence" that sleeps in the depths?
When the Elsa was at the brink of breaking into the atmosphere, KOS-MOS headed towards the outside of the ship for the sake of protecting the hull from frictional heat. In regard to that KOS-MOS, chaos called out the name of that personality. (not 100% on this next sentence (*see below)): As the hull was making creaking sounds from being in great fluctuation, his voice was completely drowned out, but there was remaining in the record the fact that it was an historically extremely famous woman's name. A 3-character name. That name, it is possible to guess that it refers to the woman who is sleeping in the depths of KOS-MOS.
However, KOS-MOS did not react to that voice. Was if for the sake of not knowing the existence that sleeps in the depths of herself? Or was the voice simply not heard? Before that, it is a known fact that KOS-MOS was retrieving data while staring intently at chaos. Also, that time, KOS-MOS did not say anything, but what kind of information was confirmed is unknown.
* The Possibility that there is a Special Existence
chaos's special characteristics do not stop with the strange utterance in regard to KOS-MOS; his abilities, such as to disrupt and disperse Gnosis, become apparent in the entirety of his speech and conduct. In addition, with a connection to Nephilim, it is discovered, as part of his specialty, the possibility of exceeding the real number domain.
For him, the assumed situation is that his existence is not locked in the real number domain. Doubt remains about the presence or absence of imaginary number domain-like ability on par with Nephilim. This is because the abilities he showed in combat, when examined and compared with a person who should be locked in the real number domain, is standard. If his existence is not locked in the real number domain, that power should not become something that can be compared to anything like from Shion or Ziggy. At that place, does he not have imaginary number domain-like ability on par with Nephilim? Or again, is he "challenged to not use" it, or something? --all this is being considered.
Really, when not bound by temporal-spatial restraints, perhaps it is possible to know the whereabouts of KOS-MOS's "real form".
The special existence, the "real form" of KOS-MOS that chaos searches for, is it something that can be revived? That is, does it refer to the personification of the concept of "methodical subordinate strategic multi-purpose control system" (KOS-MOS Obey Strategical Multiple Operation System)? Does it refer to the KOS-MOS archetype? Or Is it some kind of unreal existence? There is also no doubt of the special characteristics of chaos. Beyond that, it is something to consider that the special existence of KOS-MOS, too, is assumed to have an intimate, distinctive connection to the special chaos.
Probability of corresponding phenomenon stability... 95.55869%
(large image): "Your pain-- please give it to me--" ["Relinquish your pain...unto me..."-English dialog]
(smaller image): "the real you, where is it sleeping?" ["Now, where does the real you exist?"-English dialog]
p.044 chaos (people)
p.041 KOS-MOS (people)
p.124 Archetype (development of KOS-MOS)
[Page 149 - Translated by jinxhaas]
KOS-MOS and Shion
Shion is a developer, KOS-MOS is a development thing
* Developer and Product
The two of them share a connection like that of an author to his opus. The former is someone who holds significance, and the latter is an object that differs from a human.
A maker views the work he has built up with his own hands as if it were his own child. This is because it is an existence that came to embody the theory and imagination that was borne from within himself. This leads to a life that is sprouted from inside the body in the same sense as a mother who gave birth after enduring temporary biological risk. That's why Shion made use of the expression, "That child," when referring to the object of her creation. Although she is a person who uses the expression like "that child," and whatnot, it also cannot be denied that there is the possibility that Shion is such a possessive and strongly self-righteous person.
* The Creator's authority and control
A creator retains strong influence over the thing which he himself has produced.
The genes that produced a humanbeing hold strong influence over his human lifespan; just as a potter, because he is displeased, smashes to tiny pieces the pottery that he baked; just as a writer tears up a sentence that he wrote down. A consciousness that does not recognize independence in its own completed self gives absolute power to the maker. The dictatorial absolute controlling power of a parent who kills his child. The Transcendental influence that God exerts on man. Shion is harboring a sense that resembled this towards KOS-MOS.
Towards Realians, Shion brandishes logic from a standpoint of protecting their human rights, but towards KOS-MOS, whom she is trying to build up by herself, the fact that she may wield great controlling power is a phenomenon that makes a person feel a strong tendency towards possessiveness.
* Control and co-prosperity
If there is also the case where she tells another person how she feels about KOS-MOS with the words, "a daughter, or maybe a friend," then there is also the use of the expression, "[equipment] recall". Shion's thoughts towards KOS-MOS are truly complex.
Like her emotions towards Realians, Shion prefers the attitude that desires co-existence with others. It is unknown whether it's a desire from the bottom of her heart, or if it's just her public attitude, but she is not someone who desires one-sided control. However, it can be seen that she has an unchecked controlling attitude towards KOS-MOS.
Her heart is also made to harbor a separate emotion-- the fear of the danger towards KOS-MOS starting up in autonomous mode-- and also, because Shion is the manufacturer, she becomes irritated that functions and efficiencies exist in her own KOS-MOS that she doesn't know. This also drives her to actions that include the function that only she herself can control the startup switch which is kept private even from her fellow developers.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.78954%
p.041. KOS-MOS (people)
p.040. Shion Uzuki (people)
Realian and Shion
She is hoping to understand Realian and to control Realian
* Regulations
It can be guessed from conversations that Shion, who performs mentalcare at the Realian adjustment room onboard the Woglinde, has been performing adjustments of Realians many times since long ago. The development and adjustment of Realians are the duties of 3rd Division, and because she belongs to 1st Division, Shion's conduct is equivalent to a violation of regulations.
The tendency for Shion to make self-righteous explanations about the regulations is seen. When there is something that she strongly wishes to perform even though it's a violation, she violates the rules anyway. Realian adjustment, etc, corresponds to this.
However, for matters when there is not a wish as strong as this, the reason that there are regulations is to determine one's own behavior. In this case, one uses the regulations as an excuse for one's own behavior.
Speech and conduct such as this is something that is easily seen in many humans. For things that he seems to not care either way what must be done or what must not be done, if he determines the substance of his behavior to follow pre-set rules, it becomes possible for action without thought. For things that don't matter to him either way, he avoids having to expend energy towards thinking deeply. This, the economics of the mind, is overly extremely convenient. There are also humans who refuse to think deeply on anything-- it is for the sake that they retain in essence their directionality.
* Mentalcare and the Control Code
Wishing to perform mental care, Shion hopes to transfer to 3rd Division, but she is passive about the removal of the override code that can control at the root level the behavior of Realians.
Shion's thoughts towards Realians are being affected by that issue. Shion wishes to understand Realians. Mentalcare and that other development {KOS-MOS} helps to satisfy that wish. However, the removal of the control code is not consistent with that wish.
On Miltia of 14 years ago, Shion had a terrifying personal experience that was influenced by Realians. It can be considered that her desire to understand Realians is for the sake of controlling Realians who are the object of terror. Or, through understanding, she recognizes the differences between Realians of long ago and Realians of the present, and so the possibility that she is considering to want to open her heart towards Realians of the present also cannot be negated.
The latter case is the desire for reconciliation before understanding. If there is the desire for reconciliation, then becoming proactive regarding the removal of the control code does not contradict her wish. According to the question of whichever attitude is indicated regarding the removal of the control code, it may become possible to estimate the type of wish Shion harbored towards Realians.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.33697%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (people)
p.102. Realian (Realian)
[Page 150 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Shion and Kevin
The possibility that he is using her
* The Possibility of a Romantic Relationship
In a romantic relationship between adult men and women, it is a natural development that, along with a night life, they greet the morning together. Based on this, the meaning of the words that Shion and Kevin exchanged during the KOS-MOS Archetype startup experiment can be understood.
When Kevin said he was at a loss over what he should say to the awakened KOS-MOS, Shion said, "When you get up in the morning, you say 'Good morning', after all". To those words, Kevin emphatically responded, "I see. 'That's how it was'." Supposing there is a past, where two people had once greeted the morning, exchanged the words, "Good morning," and felt embarrassed by those words, then it is considered that this conversation signifies a strong bond that joins the two people.
* The Person who uses and the Person being used
If the connection to others is limited by profitable things, it can be understood as a connection of mutual use between the user and usee.
With the "hypothesis" that Kevin was affiliated with the Mizrahi Cerebral Science Research Institute after graduating from Borromeo University, Shion's and Kevin's connection becomes something so deep that it is astonishing. The facility where Shion's mother was being hospitalized was Mizrahi's, and it generates the possibility that the two people previously met by chance 14 years ago. Plus, Kevin entered Vector Industries with the knowledge of Realian development and adjustment that he acquired from Mizrahi's research, followed by Shion afterwards. KOS-MOS and Shion appear in the protection of the Y-data that is within the 100-series Observational Realian Momo whom information from the era of Mizrahi's research had advanced, and Kevin's presence holds great meaning as the motive for that. The Y-data belonged to Professor Mizrahi, and it has no connection with either KOS-MOS or Shion. However, here is where the influence of Kevin's existence connects both parties.
In this case, if Kevin and Shion's connection is not something that depends on mere affection, then it is considered that Kevin drew near to Shion with some kind of intention. Shion keeps the crystal necklace as a memento of Kevin; what kind of meaning is within the black object of that crystal's interior?
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.78144%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.049. Kevin Winnicot (People)
Shion and Allen
She who doesn't notice his emotion
* Allen's Heart
Even he, himself, realizes that if he were to challenge to a fight, he has no chance. But still, himself being alive, he believes that there still remains the possibility that the situation could be changed, so he does not sever and throw away that fleeting wish.
Such is Allen's thoughts. With regard to Shion, his motive to completely take up a halfway attitude is because, while he does not hold strong assertiveness, he also cannot give up his passivity. Allen knows of Kevin. Therefore, he thinks that he could never measure up to Kevin. But there is no reason for Allen to be "considering" whatever it could be that makes him not measure up. It's only just a vague "thinking".
Therefore, whatever kind of behavior he should exhibit is not able to derive from logic, it's only just his own thoughts on the situation that are being displayed.
Wishing to be united with Shion's surface emotions, while Shion does not give him a confession of what is inside of herself, Allen reveals dissatisfaction. From his own attitude when complaining when Shion said "It's nothing," he doesn't realize the fact that it completely gives the impression that it isn't worth opening a heart to another person more and more. Because of this, being a human who doesn't realize, he is not able to speak his own mind.
* Shion's Feelings
Shion, who does not recognize that Allen is gathering favor towards her, sees Allen as only a subordinate. Even though she is his junior, he is nothing but a childish subordinate.
Then again, when she starts to vaguely notice that Allen is harboring favor towards herself, she ignores it. It is because she considers there to be trouble about Allen's passionate emotion. Shion, holding interest in many various things, has no choice but to put Allen's connection on an extremely low priority.
* Increasing Priority
For the sake of raising priority of oneself for being in a companionship, a person schemes many various actions. To boost oneself as if to catch a companion, a healthy direction is one, like when Allen addressed chaos at the Durandal's Park Area, where there is the act of raising the worth of oneself to a companion. An unhealthy direction is one where there is the conduct of acting as if being given attention to oneself, shocking the companion.
Allen, taking what kind of directionality, could he eventually open a future relationship with Shion? Again, this too, there are various possibilities of this single phenomenon.
Possibility of unchanging corresponding phenomenon... 90.64578%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (people)
p.046. Allen Ridgely (people)
[Page 151 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Shion and Febronia
The REALIAN who hopes for a her sister's release
* Flashback
During the encephalon dive into KOS-MOS's mainframe, Febronia's church was being constructed. Inside that space, 3 statues had been established; overhead of the center statue, a Cross was hanging. In front of that altar, kneeled Febronia.
The encephalon was a reconstruction based on Shion's memory. When she saw the figure of Febronia existing in that place, Shion flashbacked to 14 years ago in her mind. A gloomy interior. A woman whose abdomen was being devoured by 4 old-style combat realians. Her neck bending unnaturally, her opened eyes were sunken in, but they were seeing nothing. That face-- it was Febronia's.
The combat realians who appeared in the flashback differ only in shape from the realians that are in use presently.
They were realians from the time before the Miltian conflict of 14 years ago. It was Febronia who became the tragic figure that was attacked by them. And it was Shion who was an eyewitness to the event.
* Febronia's request
Febronia, who talked to Shion in the encephalon, is not an existence that was reconstructed based merely on Shion's memory.
During the encephalon dive, the characters of inner memory that were reconstructed -- including the URTVs and Professor Joachim Mizrahi -- only repeated speech and conduct from what was inside memory, but they did not make direct communication with the characters who are diving. It is because they did not go beyond being a mirage of a real, solid body. However, Febronia had a conversation with the people who are diving. Similarly to Nephilim, who also was seen as an apparition, Febronia's existence is one that resides in the imaginary number domain, and she addressed everybody. Both she and Nephilim drew close to each other toward Shion in her memory. Then, they announced something that was important for the sake of the whole of humanity.
After that, in front of Shion & the group, there appeared a vision of a fertile world. And then, a desolate world. In either case, two little-girl-model realians, who were called Febronia's little sisters, were being imprisoned. Febronia's request was to release the little girls. That was her plea.
The little girls named Cecily and Cathe, beyond being Realians, are not blood-relative sisters with Febronia. They may be sisters of a higher manufacturing process or ideology. The little girls were existences that were created for purpose of controlling the Zohar. Therefore, with the release of the sisters comes a release of the control of the Zohar. The Zohar is on Old Miltia. And Old Miltia is sealed in the Abyss.
Because of this situation, it can be guessed that Febronia wishes for Shion to go to Old Miltia, for the destruction of the Zohar control system.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomenon... 90.88974%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.057. Febronia (People)
Virgil and Febronia
The bracelet of his right arm and his past with her
* Bracelet
Virgil wore a bracelet on his right arm. It is a trinket of recollections concerning his past. Being a soldier, he is not permitted to equip an unnecessary ornamental piece. But again, because of his personality, he disregards the regulations and does not consider it to be decorative. Thus, by wearing the article even to the point of breaking the rules, we can guess that there is a big reason for this which is something that has to do with his past.
In that bracelet, there is the possibility of a connection with Febronia. When he was shot by KOS-MOS onboard the Woglinde, on the very brink of death, he saw an illusion of the appearance of a person's silhouette-- it was Febronia. It was a scene from his past that he sees at the moment of death. Being that it was something profoundly etched into memory, there is a high possibility that it is a memory that is extremely important. With the combination of these two things-- that there is only a single ornamental piece that he wears even to the point of breaking the rules, and that there is a character that appears to him just at the brink of death-- there is no doubt that the nature of a relationship may be correct.
* Connection between Virgil and Febronia
Virgil is considered to harbor emotions similar to hatred towards Realians. His speech against Realians while onboard the Woglinde gives an example for that reason.
As for the reason that Virgil sees Febronia, who is a Realian, at the verge of his death... [I don't understand this sentence so I left it with a "...". There's nothing untranslated; I just don't get it. Any help would be appreciated.]
In describing the personality of the Virgil of the present, a personal experience from Miltia 14 years ago is said to have changed him. That is considered to have also changed his attitude towards Realians.
From the Miltia of 14 years ago, in the matter that ought to have special mention about the connection between Virgil and Realians, there is Virgil's DME addiction. DME addiction occurs in a human who ingested Realian body tissue, mainly neural[?] tissue. 14 years ago, Virgil brought about this condition.
Also, in front of Shion, he talks of dissecting Realians for both their hardware and software. That is, he indicates understanding both sides by assimilation; observational understanding due to physical dissection, and affected health level due to ingesting the resulting body tissue.
From that fact, how is Febronia connected? Virgil dismantled and ate Realians, but what of Febronia? [Another iffy sentence:] Or, according to Febronia's speech and conduct or otherwise the question of the nature of the connection, did it extend to the act of Virgil eating Realians? [I think this is saying: Was Virgil's connection with Febronia directly related to his DME addition?]
At any rate, Virgil hated and even ate Realians, but when he was dying, he harbored no hatred towards Febronia.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomenon... 90.82563%
p.048. First Lieutenant Virgil (people)
p.057. Febronia (people)
[Page 152 - Translated by jinxhaas and Gwendal]
Jr. and M.O.M.O.
She fell in love to him
* The power of outward appearances
Jr is performing growth suppression by means of his own URTV ability, and so he maintains a 12-year-old body. However, his inner self is something on the order of 26-years-old. This is guessed because 14 years ago, the other URTVs each had bodies that were roughly 12-years-old, and so the assumption is that the URTVS' year of manufacture was 26 years ago. Momo was produced 14 years ago, but because she is a Realian that does not age, she has an outward appearance that is roughly 12-years-old.
They are both existences where age cannot be guessed from their outward appearances. However, the influence that outward appearance gives to others is great. Long ago, a subject of study existed, called "physiognomy". It is the study that tries to comprehend the inner-person based on facial features. Nowadays, this is said to not have an objective basis, but it does not change the fact that the human heart reacts according to the image. There is data that states when a person speaks to a baby, their voice raises 1~2 octaves. This is a phenomenon that is generated from the cooperation of two primary factors: that a baby's face arouses a desire to protect in the person who sees it, and that a baby prefers a higher tone.
People like Jr and MOMO, who possess bodies that are very young, therefore give to those around them a sense of helplessness. If action is not taken to overturn it, they prolong that impression. Conversely, if they succeed in behavior that overturns it, because it is such an extreme reversal of the image, their actions can leave an even stronger impression.
* The sense of being the same generation from outward appearances
That Jr harbors a desire to protect MOMO, and that MOMO harbors a sense of being the same generation towards Jr, are both impressions due to outward appearance. On the exterior, it is seen as a man-woman relationship of a same generation, but the true nature is vastly different.
Based on this fact, it should also be considered that there might be [other], hidden reasons why Jr. is concerned about MOMO and why Albedo feels such excitement at touching her, apart from their simple personal feelings.
It is the Miltian conflict of 14 years ago in the past that greatly influenced Jr's current behavior. Jr's attitude towards MOMO is considered to be deeply connected to this past as well. But the details are unknown.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.45698%
p.045. Jr. (People)
p.043. MOMO (People)
The Brother who is in destiny to fight
* Relatives divided between warring factions
There are cases of brothers who are divided between the U-TIC Organization and the Galactic Federation military.
Blood relatives are [sometimes] affiliated with opposing organizations. They will both act in accordance with their own ideology. At times when these ideologies differ greatly, those who are bound together by the same blood divide into warring factions.
In humans, the genetic bond is powerful. Above and beyond the fundamental desire of living beings to preserve their kind, those who share the same genetic characteristics also share a strong awareness of their identity as brethren. The strongest form of this kind of fellowship is [the immediate] family. This is the foundation upon which human beings construct their societies. In the nation states that once existed on Earth, people bound together by blood also formed associations and had firm rules in place to protect their lives and property, and to avoid being tangled in conflict with those others [they knew as] "society".
In smaller-scale societies, such as a village, the entire community might be bound together by faint bonds of blood, and this could be seen as the basis for their fellowship. Also, in the case of nation states, something akin to a genetic bond underlies the original fellowship that formed the basis for their founding. Naturally, just as the official claim of a nation state consisting of a single unified people is a fantasy, a genetic bond is not a simple root of [all] fellowship. A sense of fellowship born from the logical bond of a [shared] set of principles or ideology can be more powerful than the genetic bond of blood.
In the case of our original brothers, they can be seen as aligning themselves with opposed organizations as a result of their respective ideologies being on a course towards confrontation. However, it cannot be ruled out that this is a kind of secret maneuvering to help these blood relatives, with one brother deciding to join an ideology and the other affiliating himself to an organization with the opposite goal. [For example], an older brother serving in the Galactic Federaton military might help carry out an attack on a Kukai Foundation colony, which would be seen as a positive development by his younger brother in the U-TIC Organization. The possibility remains that in this hypothetical case, the brothers would emphasize their blood relation over ideology.
When it comes to this kind of human activity, one should consider all possibilities, rather than relying on simple answers such as "trust". In reality, all organizations plan against each other, exchange and manufacture interal information and scheme to gain the upper hand.
Because of this, the bond of blood and family that makes sibilings able to understand each other easily is ill-suited for this kind of secretive maneuvering, and this means that the possibility that their ideological leanings are genuine should also be considered.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 85.12547%
P.066 U-TIC Organization (Organizations)
P.064 Government, politics (Organizations)
[Page 153 - Translated by jinxhaas]
Shion and Jin
The brother and sister who have been missing each other
* Siblings [Older Brother & Younger Sister]
The feelings of a little sister who confronts her big brother who left home when she was very young. The thought that confronts her brother who fled away to another world, forcing upon herself a burning memory of her parents. While on the other hand, the feeling that she seems to be proud of her brother who took part in a war. Because her position is that of a sister who harbors ambivalent thoughts, it is difficult for her to be a companion whose heart is open to her brother of the present. But still, she is not a companion who rejects.
From her brother's point-of-view, seeing nothing but the surface things that are a part of his little sister, he thinks she is needlessly inviting anguish. With regard to her practical side, he acknowledges her logical position, but except for that, there is nothing else to his infant sister.
* The Phone Call
According to the impression from the phone call, sometimes this information matches the situation. However, at times like this, there is no exchange from the heart. It is just a superficial conversation that is somewhere cold and distant.
After the call, Shion always grumbles about her brother's lack of sympathy, saying, "Consider my feelings, too." Jin and Shion's relationship is one that repeats that type of said disagreement over and over again. That is, it is not just the heart, but their behavior that causes them to come to disagree even up to important matters.
* Relevance
Jin's past and Shion's present are bound together by the various phenomena associated with the Miltian Conflict and the U-TIC Organization. Furthermore, the future of them both may be profoundly influenced by the Zohar Emulator. Memory, thoughts, and information cradled within the two of them-- it is not the sharing of those things, but it is just the connection that is bound by only those called "brother and sister". Will the time come when they can talk from the heart? Because it is a connection that was only fleetingly tied due to the fact that they share nothing besides being born brother and sister, will they be able to refine the relationship that exists between them for the sake of the future? Communication holds the key. A person who doesn't communicate is not able to reach an understanding. If feelings are not successfully communicated, constructive circumstances are not forged in the relationship between both parties. That is, in the history of humanity, it is a proven fact that tragedy came to be repeated over and over again because of errors in communication.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomenon... 90.11625%
Image: "(It's that he's) always holding a katana and grinning."
[English dialog: "He's always carrying a sword around with a weird grin on his face."]
p.040. Shion Uzuki (People)
p.060. Jin Uzuki (People)
Shion and her Parents
The influence which the death of her parents
* Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility
On Old Miltia, there existed a medical facility; it was the place where Shion's mother, who had become a human vegetable, was hospitalized. Also, because it was the same facility that was under the jurisdiction of the Mizrahi Cerebral Sciences Research Center, it was not just a mere medical treatment facility, but it should be considered that it was a facility where that sort of experimental medical treatment was being conducted. In fact, from the room in which Shion's mother was hospitalized, the generator of the "Song of Nephilim", which was buried beneath the hospital's inner courtyard, was seen. The top surface of the generator of the Song became the courtyard itself.
* The Song of Nephilim
14 years ago, the activation of the Song of Nephilim is considered to have caused the events called the "Miltian Conflict", including U-DO's unleashing, and moreover, the mayhem and frenzy of the URTVs; and the Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility, which was built on top of the generator of that song, can be considered to be the center of the madness and chaos.
* The Death of her Parents
Shion's age at the time she visited her mother in the hospital during the Miltian Conflict was 8 years old. Being very young, the experience of having lost her parents to a death that wasn't from a usual illness was something so shocking that the memory of it, like an aberrant nightmare, was completely suppressed. Though not able to forget the fact that her parents died, she forgot the scene of the death. For that reason, Shion keeps at a distance the trigger that would recall her parents. At the times when she thinks about her parents, she inevitably must not consider their death, because it is dangerous to approach the memory that was sealed away. In essence, Shion, for the purpose of forgetting the death of her parents, closes her eyes to the very existence itself of her parents.
* Flashback
Sometimes Shion is overcome by a flashback of the appearance of her mother's hospital room. Her collapsed father and a silhouette of a person are seen inside the room that was smeared with blood. And then, in the bed inside that same room, there is a prone silhouette of a person that is considered to be her mother, but the life-support systems, and such, are not connected to the body. With no visible equipment while being in a vegetative state, was it a Nano-type medical treatment, or was it some other kind of treatment that was being conducted? The reason why the medical treatment record was not saved is unknown.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomenon... 90.00021%
p.040. Shion Uzuki (people)
p.060. Shion's parents (people)
[Page 154 - Translated by jinxhaas]
M.O.M.O., Juli, and Joachim
M.O.M.O. wants to be loved as a human being
* Parent and Child
If we call a "parent" to be someone who performed the act directly responsible for a life to be brought into the world, then Joachim is unmistakably MOMO's parent. Joachim created MOMO so that he could save his beloved daughter Sakura who was suffering from an illness. However, she was nothing more than a medical apparatus meant to treat Sakura.
But MOMO had no memory that she was meant to be that way. Her memory was of Joachim, creating her as an individual. Because she is a Realian, it is possible that her memory was falsely implanted. But even a human memory is a terribly unreliable database that is repeatedly self-corrupted. A Realian's memory isn't nearly so unreliable.
Nonetheless, MOMO clings to the memory, and sustains herself with it. That memory is the only bond that connects her to the one who brought her into the world. And MOMO considers that bond important.
* Father and Mother
After he had died, Joachim was remembered by history as a lunatic. MOMO anguished over her reason for existence, and worried that her creation was a mistake. Due precisely to the fact that she couldn't talk directly with her father, her own inner-image of him wavered when others provided information.
The existence of her mother, who was still alive, was special to MOMO. This is because she could converse and share physical contact with her. Juli herself yearned to be a mother, but she didn't see MOMO has her own child. MOMO didn't know why. MOMO never knew she was meant to be Sakura's substitute body, so Juli's cold demeanor was something she couldn't understand at all.
* Wanting to be a Child
MOMO wanted to be a beloved daughter. That was her only wish. But she wondered if she wouldn't be loved because she wasn't human. She clung to the words her father said to her in her memory: if you do good deeds, you can become human. She believed it, and held on to the faint hope that she may be loved if she was human.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 85.99512%
Image: "But at the least, I can entrust this to you..."
p.043. M.O.M.O. (People)
p.050. Juli Mizrahi (People)
p.050. Joachim Mizrahi (People)
Joachim and Juli
A difference in the way of treating their daughter
* Split over the Child
There was no difference between father and mother in the feelings for their suffering daughter. Using the technology cultivated by all his research on the Zohar and neurophysics, Joachim created MOMO to aid in his daughter's recovery. It was an action he was prepared to risk his position in U-TIC on, even at the risk of his own life.
As for Juli, she focused solely on the care for her beloved daughter, as if to throw away everything she had worked for up to then. By devoting her whole being, it was an action that proved her desire for her daughter's recovery.
Together, both were actions that paid no heed to their own lives, taken for the love for their daughter. However, neither had any understanding of the content of the other's actions.
In Joachim's eyes, every existence, including Juli's, became nothing to him. His daughter would recover only if MOMO's development were finished. He was ruled soley by that feeling. In Juli's eyes, Joachim had become completely absorbed in his research, and he seemed to be a cold-hearted figure who had lost sight of his daughter. Although both Joachim and Juli loved the same person-- Sakura-- their lives progressed down completely separate paths.
* Separation
Their separation came about through death. Due to the suicide of their beloved daughter, what little bond remained between them was lost. Their only bond was that they loved the same little girl. The loss of that bond completely dissolved their relationship. It also meant that the purpose of their actions-- the dream that they had given up everything for-- was completely gone. Afterwards, Joachim committed suicide by throwing himself off the U-TIC central tower, Labyrinthos.
There were many theories regarding Joachim's death. One said that he had gone insane and sparked the Miltian Conflict. Another said he must have been made a scapegoat for the fruits of his research by someone who manipulated information. However, such allegations weren't particularly important to Juli. What mattered to her was that her daughter was dead, her ex-husband had been made into a lunatic, and the Realian who had been created as her daughter's substitute body was now yearning for Juli to be her mother. She simply had no desire to see anything left behind by the one whom she had completely emotionally separated from.
Invariant probability of relevant phenomena... 85.24569%
Image: "...a madman who lost his humanity by immersing himself in science."
p.050. Juli Mizrahi (People)
p.050. Joachim Mizrahi (People)
[Page 155 - Translated by Rox-e]
Virgil and The Man in the Red Robe
The upper and lower classes are not between them
* The ones who wear the cloak
There are people called "cloaks." There is the man in the red cloak who serves
at Wilhelm's side and Virgil who, after dying on the Woglinde, was revived as
the one who wears the blue cloak.
There are a few pieces of information
recorded about their abilities. By using their space transference ability, they
are not susceptible to the restrictions of space that occur in the real number
domain. Due to sense story (this might mean something like mental communication
or telepathy but I can't figure it out), there is little danger of an
occurrence of discord in communication. By incarnating one's own mental power,
it is possible to preserve a high offensive ability. Using this ability, they
are undertaking activities in a systematic way.
* Organization
Nothing specific is known about the objectives of the "cloaks." However, their existence is public to specific people.
Sometimes they even work together with Albedo, who is connected to the U-TIC Organization. Also, they have made comments to chaos as if they know his real identity.
* Red and blue
While calling it systematic, superior-inferior relations are not so powerful and they have gotten together as a consequence of those with power being equals, and they are taking on the form of a group that one could call an allied organization in which they act individually for a common objective.
In regards to each other's actions, as long as they aren't deviating from the final objective it is left up to the individual's discretion. Therefore, depending on the individual's ideas and preferences, a variety of activities can unfold in particular ways. However, by using sense story (telepathic?) communication, each other's activities become a common one and a central figure steers all of their actions. One can think that the man in the red cloak is in the central position of the "cloaks." The man in the red cloak is collecting information behind the scenes more than acting as a real mobile unit, and it seems that he is in a position of evaluating the current situation.
The single thing that shows superior-inferior relations is the difference in their abilities as "cloaks" and the information that they are preserving. Whether or not they are superior in regards to their objective. Only that decides their position. They are an existence that asks only for merit.
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.77756%
P.048 First Lieutenant Virgil (People)
P.061 Man in the Red Cloak (People)
Wilhelm and The Man in the Red Robe
The man who is in their leading position
* The existences called the cloaks
An existence that has surpassed the boundaries of life and death. The example
of Virgil tells us this. Only someone who has died can attain the status of
"Cloak," an existence that has achieved the power to pass back and forth
between the imaginary number and real number domains.
* System of command
One can think of the leader of Vector Industries, Wilhelm, as the person who controls the "Cloaks." There is one reason for this. The man in the red mantle who can be thought of as the central figure amongst the "Cloaks" acts together with Wilhelm and seems to be obeying him.
Wilhelm uses the "Compass of Order" to predict the future and makes plans to realize the ideals he is hoping for. One can think of the "Cloaks" as being his arms and legs. In reality, there is a conversation between Wilhelm and the man in the red mantle like the one below.
"Wilhelm-sama, I have confirmed the transference. Is this acceptable?" says the man in the red mantle.
"Yes, that's fine. He is the only one who can open the door to Abel's Ark."
"There is still the possibility that he could link with U-DO again."
"That isn't possible. He doesn't have that much power. He only has the role of the key. Well, we must be resigned to the fact that he can cause some local phenomena alterations, but that is why you are here... However...his will shines with a wondrous light. It is a waste to relegate him to such a minor role...don't you think?"
From Wilhelm's statement we can see that he is the one in command of everything. Also, we must heed the fact that the man in the red mantle uses the honorific title "sama" when addressing Wilhelm.
* Honorific title
The "Cloaks" are free from the various organizations and groups of human society so perhaps the one who they address with "sama" attached is an existence that they have recognized individually. Who else besides Wilhelm could be someone that they address with an honorific title? Also, what kind of values form the basis of attaching this title?
Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena...90.54897%
P.058 Wilhelm (People)
P.061 Man in the Red Cloak (People)
[Page 156]
An analysis about all the matters (close)