Thursday, February 27, 2025

Rejoice, all ye! The time for feasting has come!

The Xenosaga Episode I -Official Design Materials- book translations are back, in a new section here on the Study Guide. This section will include all of the translations, including those by Gwendal and Spherix that were never preserved on the old XenoTensei project page. Now they will be made available again, for old and new Xenosaga fans to feast on when delving deeper into this detailed universe. Currently not all the translations are up since the whole thing requires a bit of work, but you can check the "Last updated" date to know when new pages have been added. (I won't mention new updates to it on this front page until the thing is completed.)

Also, the Study Guide now has jump links again. Jump links galore! You may have noticed this if you have been a regular visitor the last week or so in the History of Xenogears and Xenosaga section or the Xenogears' Guide to translation errors pages. But if you have not you can try them out now.

Having figured out how to do jump links on the blog there are now many possibilities for improving various sections on the site and what I had planned. I might even try to put up the Xenosaga III Perfect Guide translations eventually using a similar approach to the ODM. For more information on my plans along with previews, follow me on Patreon.